Where is Umbraco.config stored in Azure cloud services? - azure

I've got an existing Umbraco install on Azure cloud services (not Azure web sites), and although the web.config tells me that it should be found at ~/App_Data/umbraco.config, it isn't there.
Does anyone know where this would be stored? Is there a chance it is writing to a db table perhaps?
I need to edit some nodes as I suspect that at least one is owned by a user which no longer exists, hence no nodes at that level are visible in the admin system (JS error).
The site was set up with Umbraco Azure Accelerator, if that offers any clues.

It is worth noting that Umbraco hasn't needed the Umbraco Accelerator for Azure in the latest versions due to the use of Azure Web Sites. I am wondering which version of Umbraco you are running? The Accelerator projects are being deprecated and have ceased updates, as you can see here by the lack of recent updates. You can read more about the reasoning behind this, and about how the Accelerator's functionality is now a part of the Azure core itself, over here.
So - assuming that your site is an old one and you cannot just reinstall it as an Azure Web Site, can you firstly please confirm that you have the config enabled through the following setting in /config/umbracoSettings.config?
If this is false (as is best during all hosting environments except live) then we know that Umbraco will not use the cache. Can you please also check that the following section doesn't list any other machine IP addresses in umbracoSettings.config? Note that this is only relevant if the enabled attribute is true as in the example below.
<distributedCall enabled="true">
Next, we need to check that Umbraco is still set to use the location /App_Data/umbraco.config through the web.config file.
<add key="umbracoContentXML" value="~/App_Data/umbraco.config" />
We should consider the way that Umbraco works on Azure and whether it could have any effect on your site. The Umbraco Accelerator used to be necessary to synchronise the umbraco.config file between Azure instances. With each instance running a separate Umbraco website, there has to be a way that they can talk to each other. The accelerator mirrors that cache file between instances.
Assuming that your code is a default install, and not having been worked on by someone else before you, then it could be an idea to reduce your site to a single instance. Now see if it generates the cache after restarting the website. Finally, you can upgrade the site to see if it regenerates the cache.
These issues are usually always caused by some kind of configuration issue. I also remember that you can simulate Azure deployment using the Windows Azure SDK which you can use to examine for signs of the cache. Good luck.

I'm not sure about the Umbraco Accelerator or a non Web Site project, but we currently are running Umbraco on an Azure web site and App_Data\umbraco.config comes and goes when it pleases and the website unexplainably works. I would like to find the reason behind this if anyone has an answer??


VS2012 Web Deploy Package to create application pool

I have a web application project in VS2012 which I'm publishing using a "Web Deploy Package". I want this package to include app-pool settings, specifically creating an IIS app-pool and assigning the newly created application to it.
I'm familiar with the option "Include application pool settings used by this Web project" available when the project is configured to use an IIS instance (not IIS Express), but IIS configuration is not part of the project file, and thus not source controlled. What happens when somebody builds a deployment package on a machine that hasn't had IIS meticulously configured? Not ideal.
How else then, can I go about getting AppPool settings into my web deploy package? I understand that the appPoolConfig provider is IIS7+ only, I'm fine with that limitation. I've banged my head against this issue in the past and never found a solution. 18 months later, we've got a new VisualStudio version, and a new web-publishing-pipeline, are there new options to address this? Or maybe something I missed when I first tackled this problem?
OK, I'm seeing the following as options:
Configure my project to sync settings from an IIS instance. As mentioned, I'm not a fan of this given that it puts settings outside of the project, meaning the environment has to be meticulously configured to build + publish. Plus it drags along other IIS settings I don't want included.
Inject something into the web-publishing-pipeline (WPP) to modify the archive.xml. I've toyed with this in the past and had limited success. One problem is the pipeline isn't exactly co-operative with working directly on the archive.xml file, another problem is some of the more cryptic attributes involved, like MSDeploy.MSDeployProviderOptions which appears to have some Base64 encoded binary? No idea what to put in there.
Find an existing "provider" that can do what I want. I might be out of luck here, the appPoolConfig provider only seems to want to read / write IIS, not, say, an XML file of settings. Does anybody know otherwise?
Write my own "provider" to produce manifest output entries. I'm not sure, is it possible to write a custom provider that writes to a manifest using the name of an existing provider? As in, MyCustomPoolProvider writes appPoolConfig sections into a manifest? This sounds like a potentially painful exercise that may or may not work. Would I still need to figure out the encoding of whatever is going into MSDeploy.MSDeployProviderOptions?
I get the feeling that the fundamental obstacle with Web Deploy for what I'm trying to accomplish, is how strictly it leans on "providers". The pre-existing providers are largely designed for IIS synchronisation, not primary development and publication. It so happens that some of these providers can be relatively easily hooked into via MSBuild, but the majority insist on pulling data from IIS, and that's that.
You are correct in your understanding of the appPoolConfig provider, in that it can only sync between App Pools and can't be provided with the configuration directly. What you could potentially do is keep a copy of the appPool in question in package form (ie. msdeploy -verb:sync -source:appPoolConfig=PoolName -dest:package=apppool.zip) and attempt to hijack the pipeline so that the MSDeploy call adds the application content into the package, leaving the existing content there.
Alternatively, you could always keep the packages separate and deploy them with different calls to MSDeploy.
FYI, MSDeploy.MSDeployProviderOptions is simply an encoded version of the parameters supplied to the provider when it was packaged. For example, -source:dirPath=c:\,ignoreErrors=0x10293847 -dest:package=package.zip would package the ignoreErrors value.

Enterprise Web Library web.config not currently compatible with Azure?

I am trying to use Enterprise Web Library with Windows Azure. It appears that the web.config file for the EWL project works fine locally, but when I deploy to Azure the application cannot initialize. After logging in and viewing the site locally on Azure, it appears there are several web.config elements EWL requires that are locked on Azure. I've had to edit the following in order to have the application initialize on Azure:
Remove <serverRuntime uploadReadAheadSize="8388608" />.
Remove everything nested inside of the modules element.
The application seems to run fine on Azure after removing these parts.
The Web.config elements you removed are important to ensure that EWL works properly: uploadReadAheadSize fixes a problem with client certificate authentication, and using <clear/> in the <modules> section makes the behavior of EWL applications consistent across different servers by keeping the same set of modules in the pipeline regardless of what IIS features are installed on the machine.
There has to be a way to unlock these config sections in an Azure web role. Assuming they are locked in the web role's applicationHost.config file, maybe you can modify this file using a startup script as described in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10140024/35349.
I am not very familiar with Enterprise Library. If William’s suggestions do not help, please check your web.config to see if you’re missing any configuration sections. On your local machine, when you install Enterprise Library, it may modify machine.config to add certain configurations. But they may not exist in the cloud. So please search your local machine.config to see if there’re any Enterprise Library specific sections, and then add them to your web.config.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.

Force update Diagnostic Configuration file under wad-control-container for Azure

I would like to update the Diagnostic configuration file for the azure roles whenever I upgrade my deployment. How can I do this automatically?
From time to time, we do change our diagnostic (using code) - and upgrade the service. But whenever we upgrade the service, it is still using the old diagnostic configuration and we do not see any new logs we have configured using new code.
How can I achieve this so that whenever I upgrade my deployment, it upgrades the diagnostic configuration as well.
I wonder if you have a bug in your diagnostics updating code. If each role ran code in OnStart or Run to configure diagnostics on startup, there would be no reason that your instances wouldn't be properly configured. I tend to think that imperative code that configures diagnostics is inherently a bad idea in the long run, but it should still work. If you share the code, maybe I can spot an issue.
The best** way I have found to update and enforce configuration is to use the diagnostics.wadcfg file and update it. When you upgrade your deployment, it will use those settings if you have not overridden it in code somewhere. Contrary to Microsoft's guidance at that link, it should be the preferred method as opposed to code which must be maintained and is orthogonal to your application's purpose. Said another way - a declarative configuration file that your ops team can maintain over writing code is usually a better idea. To use this, just include it in your deployment as content and delete any existing files in wad-control-container (and remove any code that configured diagnostics). It will just configure itself from that file then when you next upgrade.
** you can also using a 3rd party SaaS monitoring to set and maintain your diagnostics config. I work on one such one, but I am guessing you want to know how to do it yourself. :)

MachineKey Azure SDK 1.5/1.6

I am using a custom Api Token implementation using WCF Web API on Azure. This uses FormsAuthentication.Decrypt in order to obtain a FormsAuthenticationTicket. To make sure that the decrpyt process works across multiple instances, I have provided a MachineKey in my web.config.
However, I've noticed that the MachineKey doesn't seem to be working on Azure because it looks like Azure is using a random machinekey and overwriting the one I specificed in the web.config I'm using the latest Azure SDK 1.5 (or 1.6?)
I am well aware of this issue with Azure SDK 1.3 and I believe this was rectified in 1.4. Is there a chance that this issue has since re-appeared on Azure SDK1.5/1.6?
I was having the same problem where my FormsAuthentication tickets were not validating across sub domains after the recent Microsoft .Net 4.0 Security upgrade KB2656351.
My FormsAuth tickets are generated from my dedicated servers and read on sub domains on Windows Azure.
In order to get all sub domains to decrypt the tickets I made sure all my dedicated servers were patched with the latest .Net updates via Windows Update. Then I upgraded my Azure project to version 1.6 and selected the latest Azure OS after deploying. This seemed to do the trick.
Here are some articles about the issue:
Windows Azure already synchronizes machine keys across the same role in a deployment. As such, you should be fine to completely ignore the MachineKey setting in web.config and just let Windows Azure handle it for you (the web farm scenario is well supported). Your scenario is supported on Windows Azure out of box with no modifications (just call Decrypt).
The issue that you might be talking about was a 1.3 issue where the web.config files were being modified directly to sync the machine keys. This failed when the file was read-only (i.e. TFS source control) and caused deployment failures. That was fixed some time ago.
I think I finally found the solution. This had nothing to do with Azure or MachineKeys but had more to do with the way the app was being tested. The encrypted key that was stored on my Phone App was encrypted on a different web server (however, the machine key used was the same). I just un-installed and re-installed my app thereby forcing the server to generate a new key.
It seems that decrypting this key on a different server was causing problems. I'm a little worried if this will cause problems in the future. Shouldn't using the same Machine Keys ensure that encrypt/decrypt works across boxes?
Anyways, I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We seem to have the same problem as well. We set machinekey set in the web.config file. Things were fine until a couple of days ago when Decrypt started returning null. The decryptionkey and validationkey are identical on all machines. Not sure what the problem is.
EDIT - Azure v1.6 does seem to respect the machinekey we set in the config file. We figured out how to solve our problem - Maybe this would help you - we were seeing that decrypt on the cookie does not work on our Windows 7 64 bit dev machines. Then we checked pending updates and there were a couple of .NET updates related to security. We ran the updates and voila things started to work again.
OK so I had the problem as described above in a 3-server NLB group.
It looks like the Windows Automatic Updates had installed KB2656352, KB2656358 and KB2657424 on two of the three servers.
I'd put money on the fact that it's because some of the servers are running with the patch and some aren't. I guess machines that have been patched don't like decoding things encoded by a non-patched machine (and/or vice-versa).
Anyway, I've installed all three patches on the remaining machine and put it back into the NLB group. It seems to all work fine.

SharePoint Solution Deployment: How do I prevent SP from resetting IIS when upgrading or retracting a globally deployed solutions?

So I figured out that by adding the ResetWebServer="FALSE" attribute to the solution manifest prevents SharePoint from recycling any app pools.
However, when upgrading a solution that originally did not specify ResetWebServer="FALSE" or when retracting a solution that does specify ResetWebServer="FALSE", the application pools are still being recycled. Is there a way to prevent any auto-recycling of app pools?
This does not seem possible given the document on MSDN (see below), note that I included Deploying a Solution over Upgrading a solution as underneath it is effectively doing a file replacement. I believe the restart/recycling is necessary as a result of how IIS functions. An option to explore if you wanted to manage when this occurs is to ensure that all deployments are done via timer jobs and execute when their impact will be minimized.
Deploying a solution
Initially, manifest and feature manifests are parsed to find assembly and _layouts files, which are copied to the appropriate locations. All other files contained within a feature directory are copied to the feature directory. After solution files are copied to the target computers, a configuration reset is scheduled for all front-end Web servers; the reset then deploys the files and restarts Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
Retracting a solution
On each front-end Web server, the following occurs:
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is disabled.
Files are removed from the system.
IIS is re-enabled and Windows SharePoint Services is reloaded when
a user browses to a page.
You might also take a look at the "-local" switch. Didn't try it yet but it seemed that it allowed deployment server per server when you are in a load balanced situation.
Might be a good lead.
