Marionette fetch User on login from node.js - node.js

I have a tricky problem, i have got a Marionette Application based on a node.js backend which uses express-resource to access the database.
I use a middleware to ensure a logged-in user, if not the user is redirected to a login page which is served by node directly. After login the user has got a session cookie and is forwarded to the Marionette App.
The application doesnt know the user. In order to get the user i wil have to get it via an ajax call. The problem is, i don't know the users id because the session token doesnt contain this information.
My solution is: There are two resources in the api, one to get accounts in general and one to get only the current user. This is a kind of duplication of resources i want to avoid.
How to do this properly?

you can simply add the user id to the session cookie..
btw - make sure your backend accesses only the authenticated user's resources (according to the session) and that you don't have to provide the user id to AJAX calls. maybe you can actually avoid knowing the user id ?


React app using msal-react, how to automatically authenticate user

I'm working on a react app where the pages can be used both by authenticated and anonymous users. The pages show more features for the authenticated users.
If a user previously has signed in and revists the website, I want the user to be automatically authenticated, and am struggling to achieve this.
I'm using redirect methods because I don't believe popup is working well on phones (is that assumption correct?).
I have tried storing the homeAccountId in local storage and use that to get the account used and then calling login in the msal instance. I also set up a addEventCallback and listen for EventType.LOGIN_SUCCESS which I use to set some internal state about the logged in user.
I have tried using MsalAuthenticationTemplate but strangely this doesn't invoke a login. I have also tried to detect if this is a "first run" and then invoking the login, but that doesn't work all the time. Sometime I get a SSO error indicating I should provide a login_hint or sid which is not possible because I use B2C.
If I don't do anything the user can click the login button and if the user has a valid cookie with B2C the user is logged in without providing credentials which is a strange behavior for the user because my website indicate the user is not authenticated (and show no logout button).
So I can't really get this to work and are wondering if somebody has a concept for achieving this?
Please checkout the msal-react samples which all demonstrate the behavior you're looking for. The MsalAuthenticationTemplate would be the recommended way to do this and if you're still having issues getting this to work after reviewing the samples I would recommend opening an issue on our repo with code snippets so we can take a closer look at what's going on.
Also using localStorage, if you're not already, would help to maintain application state between browser sessions. sessionStorage is the default.
As for B2C not asking for credentials; server state is separate from client state. You can be signed in on the server without the application knowing about it. Until your application makes a request to the B2C server your application will show that a user is not signed in. If a session already exists on the server when you make a login request, the server may redirect you back to your application without asking for credentials again.

Retrieving user data securely when user authenticates

After spending some time reading about authentication and noticing it is pretty hard to do it well, I have decided to use firebase-authentication to authenticate my users in my vue app.
I'm listing the technologies and flow I use in this app to show each part interaction and clear things up:
I use Vue for my client javascript client
The client log-in users using firebase-authentication.
When user log-in, a call to a node.js rest api is done and a json is retrieved with its user data.
When the data is retrieved by the client, the app shows some parts and hides other depending on user privileges
So, in my Vue application I show a custom login form and use it to authenticate users through firebase. After the user log-in, I retrieve some data from my own server (just a json with different user config values) that defines how the user can interact with the app (For example, what he can or can't do in my app).
How can I retrieve this information and use it in my client app in a secure way?. I mean, as an example, say I have a piece of information in that JSON that defines if the user is a regular or admin user. How can I avoid users to modify the response from the server and elevate privileges?
There isn't anything you can do to prevent client side DOM manipulation. If it's accessible via JavaScript, it's accessible to the user. It's up to you to implement your application in such a way that sensitive information and/or functionality is not dependent on client side security (if such a thing truly exists).
What you can do is prevent unauthorized access on the server. This is the purpose of defining scopes, ACLs, etc. If a savvy user does modify the response data and, say, change their role from user to admin, your response should not contain anything meant for admin users only. Rather, that information should only be accessible after making a successful API call where your server code has authenticated/authorized the request.
Never trust the client when it comes to security. That must be done on the server.

Security implications of storing user ID in cookie

What are the security implications of storing a user's unique ID in a cookie?
Logging-in is managed separately. The presence or abscense of this cookie is simply used to determine:
Is this a returning user?
If so, who did this user last login as.
These are all merely hints, the user doesn't get any more rights (before login) than a first-time visitor to the site.
My web app front-end is implemented in Angular4 and backend is all APIs and stateless. JWTs obtained from Firebase Authentication are used for authentication. As such, when a user arrives on the home page, I have no way of knowing who the user (potentially) is and whether they are logged-in, till the time the user goes to the PWA (at /app).
When the user goes to the home page of my web app, I want the (stateless) server to be able to redirect them to the PWA if they have logged-in in the recent past (say 2 days). This can be achieved simply by the presence/ absence of a cookie, but I would also like to be able to show them a personalised greeting when /app page loads up.
Very open to suggestions for a better way to achieve this.

SAML2.0 Authentication with Node.js and SPA

I've been scratching my head for about 2 days on how to solve what seemed to be a simple task, but it's starting to drive me crazy.
I have an application where users will use SAML 2.0 to authenticate.
I have a react-application set up for the front-end, and was thinking I was gonna use JWT to secure the rest-api communication between front-end and backend.
When a user signs in, the flow is the following:
User accesses and gets served the static HTML with react-application
User clicks 'Sign in' and accesses
passport-saml redirects user to saml identity provider. User logs in.
User calls back to with a SamlResponse in the req.body which is decoded by passport-saml and put into req.user.
If the user doesn't already exist, I create the user in the database.
I create a JWT.
What should I do next? The problem is that the user is not in the react-application when calling back from the identity provider, so I've lost all state in the application, so whatever I reply with will get sent to the browser.
Is there any way I could force the browser to give me the SamlResponse which the identityprovider is calling back with? Then I could send it to the server as a http-request from the react-application.
After some thinking, I came up with the following solution which worked quite nicely for me.
SAML has something called RelayState which is a property that the Service Provider has to respond with. So now the process looks like this:
User accesses and gets server the static page with the React application (not signed in.).
User clicks 'Login' and gets redirected to which authenticates via passport-saml and redirects user to SP. So I pass the origin of the request in RelayState.
User calls back to with the SamlResponse, which includes the RelayState.
I create a token, and redirect the user to RelayState/#token.
I can then parse the url in the React application, and add the token as a header for any further requests.
This might've seemed like the obvious way to do it, but it took me quite a while to figure out that this would work.
I know this question is for Node backend, but I found an article of the implementation for a PHP/Apache webserver backend here and I think it can help someone trying to understand the flow of the process of how this type of thing works.

Servicestack authentication process on each request

I have been through much of the documentation and examples provided, but Im looking for some inputs for my setup from other users.
I have a some clients (website, iOs/Android apps). These only serves as a shelves and its content will be requested through servicestack, which makes servicestack a central point of my setup.
The client will login through servicestack and get a sessionid.
My question here is, how should i setup servicestack to make sure that the user is validated on each request?
I was thinking after login, i save the user in the cache and make sure this expires after some time (unless persisted). Then on each request based on the session id, i check the cache to see if the user exists. If the user exists, the request i authenticated, and if not the user have to login again.
Am i on the right track here, or is there an easier way in servicestack, to support this?
I was thinking after login, i save the user in the cache and make sure this expires after some time (unless persisted).
It sounds like you can just use the Authentication/Authorization plugin. Once a user is authenticated (using any of the 'Providers') the user's session is stored in the cache using the key 'urn:iauthsession:[sessionId]' and contains a bool property isAuthenticated. For any Service the requires Authentication you can use the Authenticate attribute.
