very slow (~1000ms) response time. Heroku. node.js. mongolab. doing almost nothing - node.js

With the free account on Heroku and the free account on MongoLab (not with the Heroku plug-in) I get response time of ~1000ms per request (single user, it is just me still, relevant to all requests, not only first one after a long idle time).
I've checked from my own computer + the same free MongoLab account and I get ~168ms per the same type of requests.
While it is still high, I want to ask regarding Heroku. Is it reasonable to have such poor response time, even with the free account.
Will the response time go significantly better when I pay them?
Mongoose, MongoDB (node.js) Native Driver.
Do you have any idea for me what to check?

MongoLab helped me realize my database is defined in Europe, while the server (Heroku) is in the US. They also told me how to clone the existing database to a new one in us-east-1 (from their web console).


Obtain server count for Discord bot

Right now I have a Discord bot that is in approximately 575 servers, and on the website I made it lists the current server count of the bot. Right now, my method is to log the bot in every 5 minutes on the express app for the webpage and save the current server count to be served to the client. This causes memory usage spikes whenever I have to log in though, and using a whole discord.js application for one function seems inefficient.
I tried using the Discord API endpoint, but that was extremely laggy because there is only an endpoint for listing all the servers, not just the count. The endpoint also can only send info on 100 servers at a time, so I'd have to make a lot of different requests.
I'm hoping that there's a way to do this that would use less memory but still be fast. I tried looking into discord.js's source code to see if I could just isolate the functionality I needed, but I wasn't able to even find where in the code the data is requested from Discord. If anyone is able to figure how I could do this, it would be greatly appreciated.
You can try using free online database as a way to "communicate" data between your bot and your express app.
For example, you can use Cloud Firestore. Every 15 minutes (or whatever frequency you want) you can have your bot save server count information (and update time too if you want) into Cloud Firestore. Every time a client loads up your webpage, it'll retrieve the data from Cloud Firestore and be able to display server count and last updated time. (Alternatively you could have your express app retrieve that data every 15 minutes and cache it to send to the client)
You can use this method to share other data from your bot to your express app too.
The solution I ended up needing was a Discord websocket connection. That keeps everything updated live without having to deal with the memory and caching issues that come with discord.js. I've had a few other questions after this one on that topic, check those out if you want to see more on Discord websocket connections.

Express/NodeJS + Mongoose App server response slow

I have an Express (Node.JS) + MongoDB app with a server response load time of 4 - 7 seconds on average (slow).
I understand that the average server response time is under 200ms as per google pagespeed tools.
This app is fetching data from a mongoDB asynchronously but the roundtrip times to the database is extremely slow with each call averaging about 500ms - 1s. These calls are simple findAll calls to retrieve data of less than < 100 records.
Mongoose version: 4.13.14
DB server's MongoDB version is 3.4.16
DB server is hosted on MongoDB Atlas M10 in AWS / Oregon (us-west-1)
Web server is hosted with in SFO1 (us-west-1)
Have performed recommended indexes as advised by MongoDB Atlas's performance advisor
Data fetching perfectly fine in local environment (local server + local db) as data is queried in a matter of few ms
Mongoose logs for the affected page can be found in this gist
Mongo Server configuration
Mongo Atlas M10
2GB Ram
10 GB Storage
100 IOPS
Auto-expand storage
Attempted solutions:
I have checked my DB metrics, they looked fine. There are also no slow queries. These are simple findAll queries. Performance advisor on mongo atlas reports nothing unusual.
The production application and database are both hosted in the same region.
I have already tried optimising the application layer of the query (mongoose) by running .lean()
Where else should i look to improve the database latency? How can a simple query take so long? Otherwise, why is my server response time taking up to 4s when the expected is about 200ms?
Hey you can try hosting your server and database in the same region. I think the network is creating a overhead in this case. If the server and the database are in the same region, They are on the same network which will reduce the latency significantly. there is a diagram on aws for this
I add some problem like yours with an app that i developed in my master degree. I add to put a node.js api running online to present it in class room.And i realized that every time i wanted to make a call in the api the response was taking allot of time. I realized that one of the problems was the school network because of the firewalls. Also the place where i put the server was giving some delay as well. What i did was use Redis ( ) to improve the performance, also heroku was giving me some problems because of the requests being http and not https.
Make a test running the app and data on your localhost and see the performance. if you donĀ“t have any issue try to check if nothing is messing with your request like the place where you host your node server.
Let me know if this helps or if you still have issues so i can try to help you out better.
I had the same issue once with my nodejs code using the same development stack(mongodb,nodejs), I got into trouble of late response from api, and after spending a lot of time I found my server the real culprit I then changed from heroku to amazon aws EC2 instance and things started working fast and amazingly fast, so probably
your web server is culprit
to make sure mongodb is not culprit, write an api endpoint where you can just return some json response without making any query to database.

Serverless Framework Facebook Bot Slow (AWS Lambda)

I'm working on a facebook chat bot, and I'm developing it using the serverless framework (Node.js) and deploying it to aws lambda. For the first few weeks, I just ran a local serverless lambda simulator using the serverless offline plugin and everything was working great. Yesterday, I finally decided to deploy it to AWS lambda, and now I see a significant drop in performance and consistency. Sometimes the bot takes 10 seconds to respond and sometimes it is instantaneous. The weird part is, on the lambda cloud logs, it always says the function completes in around 150 ms, which seems super fast, but the facebook bot simply doesn't mirror that speed. I am hitting a database, but the queries are definitely not taking anywhere near 10 seconds to run.
I decided to try to test the bot my manually sending requests to the API endpoint using postman (which is basically curl). Every time the api responded instantly, even when I send the exact same request body that the messenger does. So it seems like the request is just taking a long time to reach the lambda api, but when it gets there it runs as it should. Any ideas of how to fix this?
If the API is responding quickly to your curl request, then the problem isn't on AWS end. Try matching when you send your request via Facebook to your app and when your app recieves it.
If it's getting held up on Facebooks end, Im afraid there isnt much you can do to solve it.
Another issue could be the datacenter your lambda is running in versus where facebook is. For example, using, you can see seems particularly slow from the Asia-Pacific datacenters.
As it turns out, Facebook was experiencing DNS issues and has since remedied the issue.

PouchDb on PAAS (Heroku, Bluemix, etc)

I've gotten some great feedback from Stackoverflow and wanted to check on one more idea.
Currently I've got a webapp that runs nodejs on a PAAS (Heroku and trying out bluemix). The server is being configured to talk to a Couchdb (hosted on cloudant). There are two types of data saved to the db, first, user data (each user will have it's own database), and second, app data itself (metrics, user account info (auth/admin stuff).
After some great feedback from here, the idea is that after the user logs in, they will sync there local (browser) pouchdb instance with Cloudant (probably proxied through my server as was recommended here).
Now the question is, for the app/admin data, maybe I run a couchdb instance on my server so i'm not making repeated network calls for things like user logins, metrics data, etc. The data would not be very big, and is already separated from the user data calls. The point is to have a faster/local instance for authentication mainly, changes/updates get synced outside of user requests.
The backend is in express web framework and it looks like my options are pouchdb.... to sync to the Cloudant instance?
If I want local db access (backed a Couchdb instance), on a node/express server running on a PAAS, is that the recommended setup?
Thanks vm for any feedback,
Not sure if you found a solution, but this is what I would try.
Because heroku clears any temp data, you wouldn't be able to run a default express-pouch database, you will need to change pouch db from using file system to using LevelDOWN adapter.(Link to Pouchdb adapters:
Some of these adapters would include:
You can easily get heroku mondo, mysql, or redis addon, and connect that to you express-pouchdb backend.
This way you will be able to keep your data.

Improving response time in AngularJS web app using mongolab, nodejs and express

I am developing an Angular Web App that receives its data from a nodejs/express API.
This API runs mongoose that connect to MongoLab (the free account).
When receiving data, I experience a response time > 500ms for small data sets (1.5kb) and > 1s for "large" data sets (hundreds of kb).
This is clearly already too much and I am affraid it will be even worse when my db will grow.
The current process is as follow:
Client goes to
Server send the Angular App
Client does an ajax request to
Server connects to MongoLab, receives data
Server send back data to client
This process is very fast in local development (local node, local MongoDB) (<20ms) but takes so much time when put online. I investigated what was taking so much time and I found two equal contributions:
API response time
MongoLab response time
The MongoDB query takes no time (<1ms).
The Question
What are my options to reduce this response time? Is it possible to store locally the data and use mongoLab as a "copy" (it would remove the MongoDB latency in most cases)? If so, would you suggest disk temporary storage, mongoDB replica, ...?
What I tried
I migrated my mongoLab DB to match the physical localization of my server (VM on digitalocean), it improve by a few 50ms, not much more.
Thanks a lot
