If I use `module("somelib")` in typescript, it can't be running in browser - require

I'm trying to use typescript with angularjs in the client-side.
I found if I use external modules, the generated js won't be run in browser.
/// <reference path="./libs/underscore.d.ts"/>
import _ = module("underscore");
module test {
export class Ctrl {
constructor($scope:any) {
$scope.name = "Freewind";
_.each($scope.name, function(item) {});
The generated js will be:
var _ = require("underscore")
var test;
(function (test) {
var Ctrl = (function () {
function Ctrl($scope) {
$scope.name = "Freewind";
_.each($scope.name, function (item) {
return Ctrl;
test.Ctrl = Ctrl;
})(test || (test = {}));
Which can't run correctly. But if I remove the module("underscore") part, it will be OK.
Since I have add underscore.js in the HTML, I think it should be something wrong with the require() method. How to fix it?

There are two ways to load stuff in your HTML pages.
The first one is to manually include all the script files in your page. You might run some kind of pre-release step to merge and minify your code - but you're taking responsibility for that instead of leaving it to the code to do. This is generally called bundling.
In the case on bundling, you only use references in your TypeScript code (not imports), like this:
/// <reference path="./libs/underscore.d.ts"/>
module test {
export class Ctrl {
constructor($scope:any) {
$scope.name = "Freewind";
_.each($scope.name, function(item) {});
Module loading
If you want to use a module loader, which for The Web is typically RequireJS, you can load External Modules using the import statement. Normally you wouldn't need the reference in this case...
import _ = module("./libs/underscore");
module test {
export class Ctrl {
constructor($scope:any) {
$scope.name = "Freewind";
_.each($scope.name, function(item) {});
RequireJS with non-modules
There is a third scenario, which is quite common. If you intend to import something that isn't an External Module (such as jQuery, but underscore may also fit this pattern), you are better off using a reference and a manual call to RequireJS.
RequireJS will load the dependency for you, so you would wrap your main program with it (which would probably be in a separate file such as app.ts.
///<reference path="./libs/require.d.ts" />
///<reference path="./libs/underscore.d.ts" />
module test {
export class Ctrl {
constructor($scope:any) {
$scope.name = "Freewind";
_.each($scope.name, function(item) {});
require(['underscore'], function (_) {
var ctrl = new test.Crtl({});
You can also use require.config to specify the path to underscore in your application.
paths: {
"underscore": "libs/underscore"

When you use require, you asserting that underscore is exported as a loadable module. This further assumes that you are using some sort of module loader system (TypeScript currently supports AMD and CommonJS modules). Since you aren't using a module system, and underscore is simply available in global scope, you can use a /// reference to tell TypeScript that Underscore is available in global scope. Put the following at the top of your file:
/// <reference path="./libs/underscore.d.ts">
And you should be good to go!


How does jest allow mutation of modules?

In this question that I asked here:
Why does mutating a module update the reference if calling that module from another module, but not if calling from itself?
I'm asking about the nature of module mutation.
However as it it turns out, ES6 modules can't actually be mutated - all of their properties are treated as constants. (See this answer)
But somehow - when Jest tests modules - they can be mutated, and that's how Jest allows for mocking.
How is this happening?
I imagine that it's a babel plugin that that's running - transpiling the module to CommonJS modules? Is there any documentation about this?
Is there a way to view the transpiled code?
ES6 modules can't actually be mutated - all of their properties are treated as constants.
Interesting. You're right, even something as simple as this:
import * as lib from "./lib"; // import an ES6 module
const spy = jest.spyOn(lib, 'someFunc'); // spy on someFunc
...technically shouldn't be allowed since jest.spyOn replaces the method on the object with a spy and lib.someFunc should be a binding to someFunc in the ES6 module.
But somehow - when Jest tests modules - they can be mutated, and that's how Jest allows for mocking.
How is this happening?
They can only be mutated because Jest isn't actually using ES6 modules.
(I guess for completeness it might be possible to run Jest using actual ES6 modules by using Node's experimental support for ES6 Modules but I haven't tried).
I imagine that it's a babel plugin that that's running - transpiling the module...Is there any documentation about this?
"babel-jest is automatically installed when installing Jest and will automatically transform files if a babel configuration exists in your project. To avoid this behavior, you can explicitly reset the transform configuration option".
So by default Jest will use babel-jest which transpiles the source code using babel (and does a few other things like hoisting calls to jest.mock).
Note that Jest can be also be configured using transform which maps "regular expressions to paths to transformers".
Is there a way to view the transpiled code?
Yes. Transformations are done in jest-runtime here and the output is saved to a cache here.
The easiest way to look at the transpiled code is to view the cache.
You can do that by running Jest with the --showConfig option which will output the config used when running Jest. The cache location can be found by looking at the value of "cacheDirectory".
Then run Jest with the --clearCache option to clear out the cache.
Finally, run Jest normally and the cache directory will contain the transpiled code for your project.
The latest Jest (v24) will transpile this code:
// lib.js
export const someFunc = () => 1;
// code.js
import { someFunc } from './lib';
export const func = () => someFunc() + 1;
// code.test.js
import { func } from './code';
import * as lib from './lib';
test('func', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(lib, 'someFunc');
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // SUCCESS
...to this:
// lib.js
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.someFunc = void 0;
const someFunc = () => 1;
exports.someFunc = someFunc;
// code.js
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.func = void 0;
var _lib = require("./lib");
const func = () => (0, _lib.someFunc)() + 1;
exports.func = func;
// code.test.js
"use strict";
var _code = require("./code");
var lib = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./lib"));
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : {}; if (desc.get || desc.set) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }
test('func', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(lib, 'someFunc');
(0, _code.func)();
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // SUCCESS
The import * as lib from 'lib'; line gets handled by _interopRequireWildcard which uses require under the hood.
Every call to require "will get exactly the same object returned, if it would resolve to the same file" so code.js and code.test.js are getting the same object from require('./lib').
someFunc is exported as exports.someFunc which allows it to be reassigned.
So yes, you're exactly right. Spying (or mocking) like this only works because the ES6 modules are getting transpiled by babel into Node modules in a way that allows them to be mutated.

Gulp + Browserify + TypeScript To Browser

My problem is the following:
I use gulp+browserify to compile my TypeScript to JavaScript that you can use on normal HTML pages, the problem is that my class is never available on the browser:
VM633:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Test is not defined
at <anonymous>:1:13
This is my TypeScript File:
class Test {
public test(): void {
This is my gulpfile
var gulp = require("gulp");
var browserify = require("browserify");
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
var tsify = require("tsify");
gulp.task("default", function () {
return browserify({
//basedir: '.',
debug: true,
entries: ['app/Resources/typescript/Test.ts'],
cache: {},
packageCache: {}
The file compiles without problem, and is included in my index.html (the compiled js file).
But when i try:
var t = new Test();
I get the following error:
VM633:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Test is not defined
at <anonymous>:1:13
I can't resolve it, I have read a lot and I haven't found anything clear, I tried all and nothing worked.
There are a few things missing here:
If you want your class to be accessible outside of your module, you have to export it:
export class Test {
// ...
Browserify creates functions on top of the classes you define. So it won't be accessible globally (which is a good thing). Normally you would import it in another file and use it:
// in any TS file that wants to use `Test` class. Make sure this is included in the gulp entries as well
import {Test} from "test";
var t = new Test();
Or if really want it to be accessible globally, you can attach it to window object:
// In Test.ts file:
(window as any).Test = Test; // This can be useful when debuging. But don't do this in production code.

How Do I create a NodeJS Module?

I have read the details on NodeJS site : https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html. I don't understand how modules work, and what are the minimal steps for creating a module, and how npm can help me.
How can I create a module?
How do I use a module?
What does putting it on npm mean?
Note: this is a self answered question, with the purpose of sharing knowledge as a canonical.
You can create a NodeJS module using one line of code:
module.exports = 3;
Then you can load the module, by using require:
I added './' because it is a module of one file. We will cover it later.
Now if you do for example:
var mymodule = require('./mymodule.js');
console.log(mymodule); // 3
You can replace the number 3, with a function, for example:
module.exports = function () {
console.log('function inside the module');
Then you can use it:
var mymodule = require('./mymodule.js');
Private variables:
Every variable you define inside A module will be defined only inside it:
var myPrivateVariable = 3;
publicVariable = 5; // Never user global variables in modules
//It's bad-pracrtice. Always add: var.
module.exports = function() {
// Every function of the module can use the private variables
return myPrivateVariable++
var mymodule = require('./mymodule.js');
console.log(mymodule()); // return 3
console.log(mymodule()); // return 4
Reuse modules:
One more thing you need to know about NodeJS modules, is that if you use the same module twice(require it), it will return the same instance, it will not run in twice.
for example:
var mymodule1 = require('./mymodule.js');
var mymodule2 = require('./mymodule.js');
console.log(mymodule1()); //return 3
console.log(mymodule2()); //return 4 (not 3)
console.log(mymodule1()); //return 5
As you see in the example below, that private variable is shared between all the instances of the module.
A module package
If your module contain more than one file, or you want to share the module with others, you have to create the module in separate folder, and create a package.json file for the module.
npm init will create package.json file for you.
For modules, there are 3 required parts:
"name" : "You module name",
"version" : "0.0.3"
Now, you can publish the module, using npm publish. I recommend you publish all your modules to github as well, then the module will be connected to your github page.
What you publish to NPM will be accessible by everyone. So never publish modules that contain private data. For that you can use private npm modules.
Next steps
Modules can return more than one function or one variable. See this samples in which we return an object.
module.exports.a = function() {
// ..
module.exports.b = function() {
// ..
// OR
myObj = {
b:function() {
return this.a;
module.exports = myObj;
More info:
Read about package.json files
Versioning in you modules best practice
More best practive for NodeJS modules
Private modules, using private npm
Related Questions:
What is the purpose of Node.js module.exports and how do you use it?
module.exports vs exports in Node.js
Creating module in node.js is pretty simple!!!
You may consider module as a set of functionalities you can use in other code by simply just requiring it.
for eg:Consider a file functional.js having the content:
function display(){
console.log('i am in a display function');
module.exports = display;
Now just require it in any other module like:
var display = require('./functional');
Output:i am in a display function
Similarly you can do:
var exports = module.exports = {};
exports.display = function(){
console.log('i am in the display function');
or you do the same for objects like:
var funObj = {
console.log('hello function');
console.log('display function');
module.exports = funObj;
There are two main ways for wiring modules. One of them is using hard coded dependencies, explicitly loading one module into another using a require call. The other method is to use a dependency injection pattern, where we pass the components as a parameter or we have a global container (known as IoC, or Inversion of Control container), which centralizes the management of the modules.
We can allow Node.js to manage the modules life cycle by using hard coded module loading. It organizes your packages in an intuitive way, which makes understanding and debugging easy.
Dependency Injection is rarely used in a Node.js environment, although it is a useful concept. The DI pattern can result in an improved decoupling of the modules. Instead of explicitly defining dependencies for a module, they are received from the outside. Therefore they can be easily replaced with modules having the same interfaces.
Let’s see an example for DI modules using the factory pattern:
class Car {
constructor (options) {
this.engine = options.engine
start () {
function create (options) {
return new Car(options)
module.exports = create

relationship between exports and requirejs

From my understanding, exports is only for nodejs, because I'ven seen it in node. Requirejs is only used at browser side.
Is this correct?
What is the relationship among require.js, exports?
Node.js modules are defined according to the CommonJS format. RequireJS allows you to wrap modules defined in a CommonJS format in callback passed to define. This Node.js module:
var foo = require("./foo");
function bar(whatever) {
exports.bar = bar;
could be used with RequireJS as:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
var foo = require("./foo");
function bar(whatever) {
exports.bar = bar;
This support is documented here.
RequireJS' "native" format of declaring modules is the AMD format. In this format you do not use exports but instead have the factory function you pass to define return the object you want to export:
define(["./foo"], function(foo) {
function bar(whatever) {
return { bar: bar };

TypeScript compile AMD modules with required defines

In AMD (as implemented in requirejs) one can defined modules to be included as dependencies, eg:
define(['require','exports'], function(require, exports) {
var externalDep = require('path/to/depModule');
// Use the module somewhere.
I have tried the --module amd and it outputs correctly an AMD module usable by requirejs.
Is it possible to define dependencies inside the source of TypeScript source file that translates to something like the example above?
You need to "export" your modules;
export module depModule {
export class A {
that will transalate into JavaScript code that looks like:
define(["require", "exports"], function(require, exports) {
(function (depModule) {
var A = (function () {
function A() { }
return A;
depModule.A = A;
})(exports.depModule || (exports.depModule = {}));
and then you consume them by using "import":
module otherModule {
import depModule = module('depModule');
var a = new depModule.depModule.A();
you will need to specify the type of your module code generation to the compiler using --module AMD.
