Consuming SOAP service from Windows Azure Mobile Services - azure

I have a Windows Azure Mobile Service up and running, however, there is a need for that service to consume some data expose through an external SOAP service and store that information in the mobile service database.
I would like to set up a worker in the mobile service, so the calls to the external SOAP service are executed in a fixed period of time.
I've been looking for a solution to this problem, but haven't found anything yet. So any help that would get me in the right direction would be appreciated.

Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to talk to a SOAP service from your Mobile Service backend. The backend is based on Node.js, and even though there are some Node modules for talking to SOAP services, they are currently not supported in Mobile Services. We are working on a solution that will enable you to use any Node module in your service, but it is not out yet.
If you control the SOAP service and it is written using WCF, you may be able to easily add a REST endpoint to the service with just a few config changes and then consume it from your Mobile Service via plain HTTP requests by using the "request" module.


Can you tell if an API request hasn't come through Azure API Management?

I have an API that runs on an Azure app service which is exposed through Azure API Management. Is there a way to tell if any requests are hitting the app service URL directly without going through the API Management service?
In my opinion, apim can't record those requests which hitting the app service url directly because these requests have no relationship with apim. If you want to record these requests, you need to modify the api in your code.
For example, you can add a parameter with a specific value in api management and when your code recieve this parameter, you can check the value to know if it comes from apim.
I assume that you want to prevent calling the app service url directly. So I suggest you adding White list on your server so that only apim request can visit your server.
For adding access restriction, if you're using azure app service, you can learn about this ms document.
I believe if you were to enabled Application Insights on both the API Management and APP Service you can view the requests on Application Insights for the APP Service to tell which ones were direct calls and which ones came from API Management.

How to call SignalR Service method from web app service

Let's say, I have an enterprise application runs on Azure Web App Service. Among 100+ pages, I have 3-5 pages needs to be served real-time. to benefit from real-time capabilities of Azure SignalR Service, I want to make clients land on my SignalR application (which runs on RignalR Service). But I couldn't find any related example-article about it. How can I invoke a Hub method outside of the code? Any other approach to solve my problem is more than welcome. My main concern here is the performance of real-time pages.
If you have an ASP.NET Core SignalR Server (i.e. you have classes deriving from Hub in your application), you can't directly send messages to clients via the Azure SignalR Service. You'd have to provide an API in your ASP.NET Core application that does that.
Azure SignalR does also support a "serverless" mode in which you don't have a Hub on the server at all. In that model, clients connect directly to the service (instead of first connecting to your app) and then you can send messages to those clients using the REST API. This is a relatively new scenario so there isn't a lot of documentation. There are some blog posts and videos online on the subject, but not a lot of documentation.
If you already have an ASP.NET Core app, I'd suggest doing this by adding a REST API to your own application that allows other services in your application to send messages by calling this API. In the implementation of this API, you can use IHubContext<T> to send the messages.

How to bridge two SOAP services with node.js

I had a Soap service which was consumed by another service. Now, our architecture has changed and the consumer has no access to the source Soap service, so we have to adapt our public API, developed with node.js, in order to communicate both services. Something like a bridge between them.
This has to be this way because we can't move the consumer service into the private environment where the Soap service has been placed, and also we can't modify the consumer in order to be able to query REST services.
I've tried to make it work with different libraries, as:
rest-to-soap-mapper To make calls to the Soap service from the API. I've been able to call it but I can't see how the original consumer could call this API as a Soap service.
soapThis is supposed to be a client and a server, and should be able to help me to reach what I want, but when I try to configure it as server, as it is explained in this example, I get some errors...(I just have the wsdl url to configur it).
soap-server It seems that I need to build the service in the API...if I could point to the external Soap service I think it could work...
So do you know any way to 'build' this bridge with any of these tools or any other?

Azure Service Bus Relay and node.js

We've been writing services to access our on-premises databases through Azure Service Bus Relay for awhile now. That means that we've had to deploy them as WCF services. Our web site development is moving to node.js and I would like to begin deploying our API services on node as well. However, while the Azure NPM package has good support for queues/topics on Azure Service Bus, I can find no mention of the relaying capabilities. I've had a look at the code for the Azure SDK on github, but again, relay seems to be conspicuously absent.
Is it possible to use Azure Service Bus Relay with a node.js backend?
Now Azure support Node.js. You can find the infomration from here. This link is the samples for Node.js.
Right now, Relay only supports a WCF service. You can try to use Clemens Vasters' post on Port Bridge to get your scenario working. In his post, he describes creating a WCF client / service that will forward requests to a specific port.

Windows Azure: Consuming Third Party Web Service

I have searched a lot on this topic but didnt get any satifactory answer.
In Windows Azure how can we consume an external (third party) Web Service from the worker roles? Is it as simple as using a web reference in the solution or is it necessary to use Azure Service Bus?
It's as simple as calling the webservice using whatever method you need (REST, SOAP, etc.). For .NET developers using .asmx or WCF SOAP services, just generate the proxy like you normally would. In this model, there is no difference between what you do onpremises when the cloud is the client.
You would look at using the ServiceBus when you are hosting your own services (as opposed to consuming them), typically behind firewalls onpremises, and you want to give secure access to them or integrate them into cloud scenarios. There are other scenarios and capabilities of course, but that is a main one. If you simply want to consume another web service, the ServiceBus has nothing to do with that.
As long as the 3rd-party web service endpoint is reachable, use it the same way you'd use it from an on-premises server. If you need to connect to a service endpoint behind someone's firewall, then you'd want to consider AppFabric Service Bus.
Just remember that you'll be paying for bandwidth out of the data center (unless the 3rd-party web service is Windows Azure homed, and in the same data center).
