Add Css style to edited cell in slickgrid - styling

I'm just a beginner and I couldn't figure it out how to add a css class to edited cell in slickgrid. I've searched and didn't get the answer.
SlickGrid styling after cell edit
Assigning CSS Style to Slickgrid Cells
I've got these steps to do:
store in a variable the edited by using grid.onCellChange event
add css style using grid.setCssCellStyles or grid.addCellCssStyle.
(or) by building a custom formatter.
Could somebody provide the sample code for this?

I implemented this exactly as suggested in the first referenced link. The second argument passed to SlickGrid.setCellCssStyles() is a hash keyed by row numbers, with the value being another hash keyed by column id and its value being the css class.
The code as follows:
<style type="text/css">
.slick-cell-modified {
background-color: yellow;
var modifiedCells = {};
grid.onCellChange.subscribe(function (e, args) {
if (!modifiedCells[args.row]) {
modifiedCells[args.row] = {};
modifiedCells[args.row][this.getColumns()[args.cell].id] = "slick-cell-modified";
this.setCellCssStyles("modified", modifiedCells);
// ...update data view
Be sure to clear the cell css style after saving so the highlighted style don't stick around.
function saveChanges() {
// ...
modifiedCells = {};


How to use .contentDocument in a .hover variable path?

I have an SVG loading like this:
<object id="svg-object" type="image/svg+xml" width="1400px" height="900px" data="media/1.svg?"></object>
I then have a function that works calling out one element in this svg and apply a style to it just fine. Here is the onload event that is working for getting me the element properly:
window.onload=function() {
var svgObject = document.getElementById('svg-object').contentDocument;
var element = svgObject.getElementById('sprite1');
But how do I set a .hover even in for this same element? I've tried:
$('#${element}').hover(function(e) { }
But no luck.
Also, how can I apply the svgObject variable to a whole class like path or polygon? I use this on a local inline SVG and it works fine:
$("polygon, path").hover(function(e) { }
I would like this to work on the object embedded in the svg also.
Sorry, I am not able to put an external svg in snippet (or at least I don't know how) as external URL will not load in an object. And it needs to load as an object for you to see the issue.
Any help?
Also, here is code that works defining element color from script but mouseover not working either. (tried instead of hover)
window.onload=function() {
var svgObject = document.getElementById('svgEmb').contentDocument;
var element = svgObject.getElementById('left'); = "blue"; ="blue";
element.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { = "red"; ="red";

Google Earth Plugin, embedded in Blogger, producing 2 maps

Curious problem whilst embedding a Google Earth network link into Blogger.
The code I'm using is as shown below, but I'm getting two instances of GE on the same page, one above the other.
They must be getting generated seperately, as if I stick a border into the divs style on the page it only affects one instance.
<div id="map3d" style="border: 4px solid silver; height: 768px; width: 1024px;"></div>
However, if I remove this code from the page entirely. both instances vanish.
Other than that I've got it functioning as I'm wanting. (Eventually)
This is the code I've got in the head section
<!-- Earth -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ge;
google.load("earth", "1", {"other_params":"sensor=false"});
function init() {'map3d', initCB, failureCB);
function initCB(instance) {
ge = instance;
var href = 'http://urltomykmz';, href, function(kmlObject) {
if (kmlObject)
if (kmlObject.getAbstractView() !== null)
function failureCB(errorCode) {
<!-- Earth -->
Grateful to anyone who can point to what's causing the second instance. Thanks.
You have to remove either the call to init() in your onload handler or the call to google.setOnLoadCallback(init), otherwise a map will be added every time you call the init function.

Wordpress Technical Terms

I'm working on designing a site in WP, but I'm at a loss for the right words to google. What I'm looking for is a "text container that can be toggled". I have a syntax highlighting plugin for posting code, but I don't want the code to be visible in large blocks considering it may be a little distracting. I was wondering if anyone could link me to a plugin or give me the technical term for what I'm thinking of, where you can put the text in a group and then be able to toggle whether it is visible or not within the page.
It sounds like what you are looking for is simply applying a CSS class to the element and then using jQuery or some other JS library to toggle its visibility. Example below (code is not optimized in order to explain some of the concepts. This can, read "should", be cleaned up):
// This is HTML/CSS
<p>Here is some normal text.</p>
Show/hide source code for displayText method
<div class="source_code" id="source_code_for_displayText_method">
// Groovy code
public void displayText(String message) {
Show/hide source code for download method
<div class="source_code" id="source_code_for_download_method">
// Groovy code
GParsPool.withPool(threads) {
sessionDownloadedFiles = localUrlQueue.collectParallel { URL url ->
Show/hide all source code sections
You can default all source code sections to hidden:
// This is CSS
.source_code {
display: hidden;
Then you would use JS to provide the toggle ability:
// This is JavaScript
// This toggles a specific section by using an id ("#") selector
$('#source_code_displayText_method_toggle_link').onClick(function() {
// This toggles all source code sections by using a class (".") selector
$('#source_code_all_toggle_link').onClick(function() {
Some thoughts:
If you toggle all sections, you need to determine what the current state is -- if some are currently shown and others hidden, this will invert each. If you want "hide all" and "show all", then use .hide() and .show() respectively.
If you are manually adding the source code sections and want semantic selectors, the above is fine. If you are building some kind of automation/tool to allow you to repeat this, you'll probably want to use generated ids and helper links, in which case it would look like:
// This is HTML/CSS
<p>Here is some normal text.</p>
Show/hide source code for displayText method
<div class="source_code" id="source_code_1">
// Groovy code
public void displayText(String message) {
Show/hide source code for download method
<div class="source_code" id="source_code_2">
// Groovy code
GParsPool.withPool(threads) {
sessionDownloadedFiles = localUrlQueue.collectParallel { URL url ->
Show/hide all source code sections
With the JavaScript to handle id parsing:
// This is JavaScript
// This toggles a specific section by using a dynamic id ("#") selector
$('.source_code_toggle_link').onClick(function(elem) {
var id = $(elem).attr("id");
// Split on the _ and take the last element in the resulting array
var idNumber = id.split("_")[-1];
var codeBlock = $('#source_code_' + idNumber);

Sharepoint 2013 JSLink TaskList custom item rendering with out of the box options

I was not able to find the way to customize SP2013 Task List item rendering with JSLink in order to completely change the way that list item is rendered BUT also keeping all out of the box functionalities provided by default.
I mean, I'd like to display list elements as colored boxes, but also keeping sorting options, "..." (Open Menu) icon etc.
How can I achieve it? Is there any documentation where I can find lists of all internal fields like PercentComplete etc. which rendering can be overriden?
Any code snippets would be really appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
Take a look here
In a nutshell, what you want to do is, on the Templates object in the override context object add an object that is called Fields. In this object attributes named the same as the static name of a column(field) are used for rendering the value using the 'View' attribute. So, the example from the link is:
var overrideCtx = {};
overrideCtx.Templates = {};
// Override field data
overrideCtx.Templates.Fields = {
// PercentComplate = internal name of the % Complete
// View = you want to change the field rendering of a view
// <div ... = here we define what the output of the field will be.
'PercentComplete': { 'View' : '<div style="background: #F3F3F3; display:block; height: 20px; width: 100px;"><div style="background: #0072C6; height: 100%; width: <#=ctx.CurrentItem.PercentComplete.replace(" %", "")#>%;"></div></div>' }
// Register the override of the field
Using this method you will retain the default functionality in the other fields. Just make sure the column is visible in the current view.

How to extend Orchard navigation module to add images to menu items

UPDATE: I've changed the original question drastically based on Bertrand's suggestions and my own findings. Now it provides an incomplete solution in its text instead of my own blind meanderings and commentary on Orchard, which were completely WRONG!
I need to display a menu using images instead of text, one standard, and another for when hovered/selected. The requirements for the site states that the end-user should be able to manage the menu item images. The standard navigation module now provides an HTML menu item, which is not what the end user wants. The customer wants a very simple, intuitive interface for configuring the sites many menus, and all menus are image-based.
Based on Bertrand's advice, and after realizing that Content Menu Item IS A CONTENT TYPE, I've created a new Content Part in the Admin Interface (not by code, I only want to write code for parts and content types when ultimately needed... I really want to see how far I can go with Orchard just by using the admin interface and templating/CSSing).
So, I've created a Menu Image Part, with two Content Picker fields added to it: Image and Hover Image. Then I've added this part to the Content Menu Item in the Manage Content Items admin interface.
Since I didn't write a Driver for it, the Model passed to the menu item template does not have an easily accessible property like #Model.Href... I've overriden the MenuItemLink-ContentMenuItem.cshtml with the following code so far:
#using Orchard.Core.Common.Models
#using Orchard.ContentManagement
var contentManager = WorkContext.Resolve<IContentManager>();
var itemId = Model.Content.ContentItem.ContentMenuItemPart.Id;
ContentItem contentItem = contentManager.Get(itemId);
ContentField temp = null;
var menuImagePart = contentItem.Parts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PartDefinition.Name == "MenuImagePart");
if (menuImagePart != null)
temp = menuImagePart.Fields.First();
This yields the expected title for the Menu in a link, with a span before it with the following text:
So all the above code (get the current content manager and the id of the ContentItem representing the ContentMenuItemPart, then use the content manager to get ContentItem itself, then linqing over its Parts to find the MenuImagePart (I can't use Get to get it because it requires a type and the MenuImagePart is not a type, it was created in the admin interface), then finally getting the first field for debugging purposes (this should be the Image field of the MenuImagePart I've created...)... all the above code actually got me to the Media Picker Field on my Meny Image Part...
What I'm not being able to do, and what makes me certainly a lot obtuse and stupid, is to find a way to read the MediaPickerField URL property! I've tried casting it to MediaPickerField, but I can't access its namespace from inside my template code above. I don't even know which reference to add to my theme to be able to add the following directive to it:
#using Orchard.Fields.Fields
I've finally succeeded in this task (thanks to Bertrand's direction).
UPDATE: And thanks again to Bertrand I've polished the solution which was running in circles, querying content items from the content manager when they were already available on the Model... now I'm leveraging the dynamic nature of content item, etc. And I'm finally satisfied with this solution.
It was necessary to create a new Content Part called Menu Image, then add this to the Content Type named Content Item Menu, and finally overriding the Content Item Menu template. This last part was the really tricky one. If it was not for Bertrand's directions the code bellow would have been smelly and daunting. The template ended up as follow:
#using Orchard.Utility.Extensions;
#using System.Dynamic
/* Getting the menu content item
var menu = Model.Content.ContentItem;
/* Creating a unique CSS class name based on the menu item
// !!! for some reason the following code throws: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'HtmlClassify'
//string test = menu.ContentType.HtmlClassify();
string cssPrefix = Orchard.Utility.Extensions.StringExtensions.HtmlClassify(menu.ContentType);
var uniqueCSSClassName = cssPrefix + '-' + Model.Menu.MenuName;
/* Adds the normal and hovered styles to the html if any
if (menu.MenuImagePart != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(menu.MenuImagePart.Image.Url))
.#uniqueCSSClassName {
background-image: url('#Href(menu.MenuImagePart.Image.Url)');
width: #{#menu.MenuImagePart.Image.Width}px;
height: #{#menu.MenuImagePart.Image.Height}px;
display: block;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(menu.MenuImagePart.HoverImage.Url))
.#uniqueCSSClassName:hover {
background-image: url('#Href(menu.MenuImagePart.HoverImage.Url)');
width: #{#menu.MenuImagePart.HoverImage.Width}px;
height: #{#menu.MenuImagePart.HoverImage.Height}px;
<a class="#uniqueCSSClassName" href="#Model.Href">#Model.Text</a>
The only thing that I didn't understand is why I can't use HtmlClassify as an extension method with menu.ContentItem.HtmlClassify() and have to resort to calling the method as a standard static method (see the line with the comment `// !!! for some reason the following code throws´...)
Thanks again Bertrand!
