how to open a itunes link in uiwebview - uiwebview

Is it possible to load a app store link in uiwebview. I have tried to open it in uiwebview but it doesnt load in there. I dont want users to leave my app when they click on the url from my app. Is it possible?

iTunes content does not have an "iTunes Preview" page on mobile - iOS automatically recognizes links and opens the store.
If you want to keep the user within your app, use SKStoreProductViewController to open the store to a specific piece of content. After the user dismisses the sheet, they are still within your app.


google play transfering data via link to app

[context part] I am currently on vacation in austria, and decided to buy some tickets for the zoo in insbruck. After typing in my data... a link to their app in the google play store. And after downloading it, google play didnt show the usual open button, to open the app, rather it showed a button saying "continue" and after clicking it, the app opened with my data already in place
so here is my question: how may they have done it, and how can i implement it in my own app / website
thanks a lot in advance, would be nice if there was a easy way of doing this
EDIT: idk, may they have shared the session-token somehow, used the ip of my mobile?
You can achieve this using Firebase Dynamic Links
this is done by Add an intent filter for deep links
As with plain deep links, you must add a new intent filter to the activity that handles deep links for your app. The intent filter should catch deep links of your domain, since the Dynamic Link will redirect to your domain if your app is installed. This is required for your app to receive the Dynamic Link data after it is installed/updated from the Play Store and one taps on Continue button. In AndroidManifest.xml:

How to make spotify url prompt to open the Spotify app, not open the web-app?

I'm making my own smart link page:
(only part way through - ignore the horrible styling)
and can get the Spotify link (top green button) to open the song in the Spotify web app, but how is a service like this...
able to prompt to open the Spotify app after the Spotify link is clicked please? When I click theirs, I see the "Open Spotify - wants to open this application." prompt.
Thank you
One way to open the link directly in the app is to use the URI instead of the URL, e.g. in your case link to spotify:track:2bmgv7q8RgC0NgF9SlGlpe instead of
<a href="spotify:track:2bmgv7q8RgC0NgF9SlGlpe" target="_blank">

Share via FBSDKShareDialog ignores applink defined on target page

This has been driving me nuts all day:
I have an iOS app with a custom URL scheme defined, and am trying to share a link on FB which points to a page that has this scheme in its applink meta tags, so that tapping it should fire up my app.
Every little piece of it is working just fine. I can enter my URL scheme in safari on the phone and the browser launches my app. I have tested my webpage with the FB debug tool and there are no errors or warnings - it correctly identifies all the meta tags.
If I share the link using FB on the phone or on my laptop, all works fine.
HOWEVER, if I share the exact same link using FBSDKShareDialog, it does not work. It just opens the web page with the meta tags as if it was any regular web page.
Anyone has any idea why these two ways of sharing would be different? They look exactly the same otherwise.
If anyone else runs into this problem, here's the reply from FB:
When you share with mode automatic, the app does a fast app switch over to the FB app to show the native share dialog
The post is cached locally on the device, and it does not know about app links (since only Facebook server side knows about it)
When the user opens the FB, the user sees their cached story (with no app links behavior),
This doesn't manifest with the Web mode since the Facebook app needs
to pull from the server to get the post, in which case it has all the
app links info.
This is unlikely something that we'll fix. However, after a while, the
cache will expire, and Facebook app will re-pull the posts from the
servers, in which case the app link data will be available.
In order to test this, you can share the post on one device, and then
try clicking on the post from another device. The app links should
work at that point.
Which is kind of a lame response IMO - they parse the target page to build the preview, how hard would it be to remember the applink and use it?
There could be two possible issues:
Either the one told by #NJ, i.e. you are just trying to open the link in Facebook app, using the same device from which you posted the link.'
Solution - either open link in other device or cose and re-open your facebook app and do multiple refresh
Or You have some error in your meta tags. There is one important thing though, that Facebook never mentions, i.e. they cache the URL you provide.
So any one used the web link with meta tags the first time in Facebook, Whole meta tags will be cached, and you updated meta tags won't be parsed by facebook.
To get over with the issue, use below link
Facebook debug tool
Input your meta data included web page URL and
-click on show existing scrape information to find any error
Click on Fetch new scrape information for refreshing your URL on facebook. it will clear the cache for that URL in facebook server.

How to open a new tab in a chrome extension and show data

I have a chrome extension which allows the user to perform actions and build up data. How can I get my chrome extension to open a new tab to allow my user to interact with the data they've accumulated? I could build a separate web app service where I pass the users data to. I currently persist the users data in local storage but I want a way for them to view/edit that data.
Not sure what exactly to google to get a chrome extensions to launch a new page under it's url...
Ideally I'd like for my user to press a button from the popup.html popup to open up the new tab, if possible.
I got it to work, basically from the popup.html page I can make this javascript call,
chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('dashboard.html')})
where 'dashboard.html' is file belonging to my chrome extension.

How to open a webpage within a BlackBerry application?

I need to open a webpage from a BlackBerry application. I don't want to use a hyperlink so that users have to navigate to the blackberry browser application.
So, I basically need a full screen where the content of that particular page can be loaded just like a browser.
Is weblinks the answer to what I need or do I need to just invoke a browser session?
For BlackBerry applications you can use
BrowserSession session = Browser.getDefaultSession();
It will automatically open the browser with the given url. It's basically invoking the browser in your application context, so pressing the back button will take the user back to your application.
