I'm trying to map some infoboxes from Wikipedia to the DBpedia ontology.
According to http://mappings.dbpedia.org/index.php/How_to_edit_the_DBpedia_Ontology
But I don't have permission to edit the ontology, nor the wiki pages, although I created an account.
How to get permissions?
You need editor rights, next to your user account.
The procedure to get to start mapping is on the Main page of the Mappings wiki:
If you would like to edit the mappings or ontology schema this is what you need:
a user account on this wiki (login/sign up)
editor rights
they will be given to you within a couple of days
if not, please ask for editor rights at dbpedia-discussion#lists.sourceforge.net. Include your user name in the message.
once you got editor rights, please provide some information about yourself on your user wiki page
a namespace for the language you want to write mappings for
if the namespace does not exist already (see the left side bar) please request it at dbpedia-discussion#lists.sourceforge.net
(Edit: added core point to answer.)
HereĀ“s my question: Is there a simple way to configure liferay so that newly created JournalArticles get a certain permission (like : "All new articles are not viewable by guests" or "All new articles are viewable by guests") ?
Thanks for your efforts !!
When you create a new journal article under permissions you will be seeing view able by option.
You can give permission there for particular article.
Is your expectation is to give permission one time common for all articles?So that whenever you create it will not be viewed by guest.
Can you please tell whether it will be viewed by guest in future.For ex:After some approval process through workflow.
We are facing issue with non- admin user of sitecore.The admin user of sitecore can see all language which is there in Sitecore->System->Language, we have total 12 language there.
When we create user who is Sitecore client author and publisher and acess any content item then we only see 4 languages(i.e. en,en-gb,RU,ar-AE).
In Accessviewer we have given "Read,Write,Language:Read and Language:Write" permission on all the language except two but as I said I can see only four language after clicking on language button in popup and even for publishing also from non admin user I can see only these four languages. Let me know if I am missing any thing in configuration for content editor
I was reading this blog article and it said the following:
If you do not apply any permissions to a language then all members have write access.
My users have now write access to one language only (or several languages if they a members of more than one language role). But they do not have write access to any content. This is done using trivial Sitecore security on the content. I use the Editor role for setting up read/write access to the content itself:
In his article his users have permissions the same roles, and similarly language restrictions. However it seems you need to explicitly go through content they should be able to edit also and give them permissions for that content.
Worth trying.
I have a specific requirement where-in I want only the uploader of the document and a specific team to be able to view it in list / library. 1) is it possible? 2) If yes, how...?
Ok. So I was able to resolve my issue with the steps mentioned below. Soon will be documenting it in form of a blog and share it:
Created the document library and modified the default view to only show documents that were created by/modified by [Me].
Added a new web page to the library and gave exclusive rights to access that to a certain set of users.
Restricted all users from creating a view with the help of creating special permission level where user only had access to upload or delete a document but not creating/updating/deleting lists/views. Also disabled private view creation.
Hope this may be helpful to others too who are looking for restricted views / disabling view creation.
You need to set item level permission through event handler:
#Ashish, in SharePoint 2007 GUI you cannot make a query that will show documents that belongs to a specific group, however CAML specification supports it (Membership tag), it wasn't documented until SP2010, but it works on SP2007 (i'm using it)
However this involves custom coding and this doesn't assign permissions automatically, it just enables you to filter documents by groups.
For a solution without custom coding you could consider making a seperate folder/list for every person/group and set permissions to folder/list accordingly. This will also help performance - it's better to have permissions set on high-level container than having fine grained permissions (i'm just assuming that, because i read everywhere that mass fine-grained permissions are bad for performance)
You may use current user filter web part to filter the document by whom logged in into the sharepoint site by passing the value Dispaly Name
I have modified my MOSS 2007 configuration to query a given target AD successfully. I would like to show some custom LDAP fields (such as country) in the PeopleEditor control and allow users to search against these fields. Can someone point me towards useful resources/tutorials showing how to do this?
Thanks, MagicAndi.
You need to inherit from the EntityEditor control (just as PeopleEditor does) and write your own queries and validation.
Some background (read community content):
Along with these links and carefully studying the PeopleEditor control with Reflector, another good resource is this blog post from Igor Kozlov. There's a less detailed but still useful example on MSDN here.
I'm working on a CodePlex project that queries any given Active Directory from a people picker. It's well documented and combines techniques from the various references out on the web (giving credit of course). Hope it helps someone as well!
A first step should be to map the fields form the AD to a attribute in the SharePoint user profile. You can do this in the configuration of the Share Service Provider (Central Administration > Shared Services > User Profiles and Properties).
There you add a new attribute and define which AD field should be mapped to it. You can also define which fields the users are allowed to override (but only in SharePoint, it's only a one ways synchronization) and which one are read only.
This blog post shows how to configure the SharePoint search to be able to search users by a custom attribute in the user profile.
I hope this will point you into the right direction.
Is there a way to limit the "edit item" permission in WSS 3.0 to only allow a user to edit his own documents or list items? We need the ability for a user to edit only documents/list items he creates - NOT items that someone else created. So, essentially we need a sub-set of the EDIT permission as well as ADD.
Is this possible in Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0? Is there a way to create custom permissions in code or a feature?
WSS has a basic UI for setting item-level permission on list items, but they hide that from the UI for document libraries. If you go into Settings->List Settings->Avanced settings for a list, you'll see the options to do pretty much what you're asking for. However, on document libraries, that UI is not available. The settings it drives, though are avaiable via the object model.
You could set those same properties for a document library like this:
SPDocumentLibrary onlyOwnLib = theWeb.Lists["DocLibName"]
onlyOwnLib.WriteSecurity = 2;
And that should about do it. However, apparently that doesn't really set permissions; it just controls what the user can do via the UI. If they had another interface to the library (like via WebDAV) or list (like via the web services), it wouldn't prevent them from editing items they didn't create. If you want true item-level permissions, I think you need to go the event handler route.
This post from Matt Morse explains it in more detail, and he even wrote a command line tool to set the property (plus the .ReadSecurity property) for lists and libraries.
If you added an event handler to the document list you should be able to limit edit rights on that item to the user that created the item.
I often have to copy documents from another system into a list in SharePoint, and in that case the edit rights will be assigned to the system user that transfered the document, unless you use the approach suggested by Kirk Liemohn here
Note that item level permissions on large numbers of documents increase the load on your SQL server quite a lot.
here is the solution for your request.
go to the list -> list settings -> Advanced Settings
you will see the section of
Read access: Specify which items users can read
All items
Only their own
Edit access: Specify which items users can edit
All items
Only their own
select the options based on requirement. that's it done..
wanna more click on http:// mastermoss.wordpress.com
This is an old question, however the problem still exists.
A way that has worked well for me in the past is to use a workflow to configure the permissions when the library item is added.
See http://www.sharepointusecases.com/index.php/2010/03/configure-item-level-permissions-for-document-libraries-part-2/ for details.
I believe that permissions like that can be created through the user interface. It depends on the scale and number of list items you have, but you could do one of two things. First (without having to create scripts) you could give everyone a custom "Read" permission access which would not allow them to do everything you can in in the Read permission but allow them to Add Items. Then on an item-by-item basis, click the item -> manage permissions -> (Give the specific user Contribute permissions on their document).
If you're creating a SharePoint list that this will not be practical, you can create a script to traverse through all items, and will verify the user has contribute permissions (otherwise it will set the contribute permission to that user).
Additionally, you could just give each person their own folder.
Give everyone read permissions on the SharePoint list/document library, but give each person full control privileges over their own folder. This will allow everyone to read everything in a list, but create/edit their own documents.
If you want the 'Only their own' permission on a document library, it isn't there out of the box. But I've created a solution at CodePlex that adds this for Document Libraries - check it out at http://moresharepoint.codeplex.com.