How to find numbers of specific format and filter out certain range of values? - linux

How can I find numbers in format 0.xzy where xzy are numbers and where x is 8-9 and write 5 lines before each match (including) to the outputfile.txt.

To find numbers in the format 0.xzy (using word boundaries not forcing whole line match) and print the 5 line preceding the match -B5 and redirect the output to outfile:
$ grep -B5 -Ew '0\.[0-9]{3}' file > outfile
# fix x to 8 or 9
$ grep -B5 -Ew '0\.[8-9][0-9]{2}' file > outfile
Note: the . needs escaping to mean a literal period otherwise 01234 will match. You will find man grep very helpful!

Find numbers in format 0.xzy (xzy are numbers)
grep "^0.[0-9][0-9][0-9]$" file
Find cases where x is 8-9
grep "^0.[89][0-9][0-9]$" file


Linux split a file in two columns

I have the following file that contains 2 columns :
A:B:IP:80 apples
C:D:IP2:82 oranges
E:F:IP3:84 grapes
How is possible to split the file in 2 other files, each column in a file like this:
awk '{print $1>"file1"; print $2>"file2"}' file
After runningl that command, we can verify that the desired files have been created:
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
How it works
print $1>"file1"
This tells awk to write the first column to file1.
print $2>"file2"
This tells awk to write the second column to file2.
Perl 1-liner using (abusing) the fact that print goes to STDOUT, i.e. file descriptor 1, and warn goes to STDERR, i.e. file descriptor 2:
# perl -n means loop over the lines of input automatically
# perl -e means execute the following code
# chomp means remove the trailing newline from the expression
perl -ne 'chomp(my #cols = split /\s+/); # Split each line on whitespace
print $cols[0] . "\n";
warn $cols[1] . "\n"' <input 1>col1 2>col2
You could, of course, just use cut -b with the appropriate columns, but then you would need to read the file twice.
Here's an awk solution that'll work with any number of columns:
awk '{for(n=1;n<=NF;n++)print $n>"File"n}' input.txt
This steps through each field on the line and prints the field to a different output file based on the column number.
Note that blank fields -- or rather, lines with fewer fields than other lines, will cause line numbers to mismatch. That is, if your input is:
A 1
C 3
Then File2 will contain:
If this is a concern, mention it in an update to your question.
You could of course do this in bash alone, in a number of ways. Here's one:
while read -r line; do
for m in "${!a[#]}"; do
printf '%s\n' "${a[$m]}" >> File$((m+1))
done < input.txt
This reads each line of input into $line, then word-splits $line into values in the $a[] array. It then steps through that array, printing each item to the appropriate file, named for the index of the array (plus one, since bash arrays start at zero).

Uniqing a delimited file based on a subset of fields

I have data such as below:
Due to the nature of the last two columns, their values change throughout the day and their values are repeated regularly. By grouping the way outlined in my desired output (below), I am able to view each time there was a change in their values (with the enoch time in the first column). Is there a way to achieve the desired output shown below:
So I consolidate the data by the second two columns. However, the consolidation is not completely unique (as can be seen by 207.55, 207.5 being repeated)
I have tried:
uniq -f 1
However the output gives only the first line and does not go on through the list
The awk solution below does not allow the occurrence which happened previously to be outputted again and so gives the output (below the awk code):
awk '!x[$2 $3]++'
I do not wish to sort the data by the second two columns. However, since the first is epoch time, it may be sorted by the first column.
You can't set delimiters with uniq, it has to be white space. With the help of tr you can
tr ',' ' ' <file | uniq -f1 | tr ' ' ','
You can use an Awk statement as below,
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} s != $2 && t != $3 {print} {s=$2;t=$3}' file
which produces the output as you need.
The idea is to store the second and third column values in variables s and t respectively and print the line contents only if the current line is unique.
I found an answer which is not as elegant as Inian but satisfies my purpose.
Since my first column is always enoch time in microseconds and does not increase or decrease in characters, I can use the following uniq command:
uniq -s 17
You can try to manually (with a loop) compare current line with previous line.
# start at first line
# suppress first column, that don't need to compare
sed 's#^[0-9][0-9]*,##' ./data_file > ./transform_data_file
# for all line within file without first column
for current_line in $(cat ./transform_data_file)
# if previous record line are same than current line
if [ "x$prev_line" == "x$current_line" ]
# record line number to supress after
echo $i >> ./line_to_be_suppress
# record current line as previous line
# increment current number line
i=$(( i + 1 ))
# suppress lines
for line_to_suppress in $(tac ./line_to_be_suppress) ; do sed -i $line_to_suppress'd' ./data_file ; done
rm line_to_be_suppress
rm transform_data_file
Since your first field seems to have a fixed length of 18 characters (including the , delimiter), you could use the -s option of uniq, which would be more optimal for larger files:
uniq -s 18 file
Gives this output:
From man uniq:
-f num
Ignore the first num fields in each input line when doing comparisons.
A field is a string of non-blank characters separated from adjacent fields by blanks.
Field numbers are one based, i.e., the first field is field one.
-s chars
Ignore the first chars characters in each input line when doing comparisons.
If specified in conjunction with the -f option, the first chars characters after
the first num fields will be ignored. Character numbers are one based,
i.e., the first character is character one.

Grep Next Line Only If Two Lines Above Match String Consecutively

I'm using the following command to match the following line in a file:
cat file.txt | grep -A 1 'match' > output.txt
This allows me to get the line after 'match' is found in the following file:
random text line 1
random text line 2
random text line 3
random text line 4
random text line 5
random text line 6
random text line 7
random text line 8
random text line 9
However, I need to return only the lines after 2 or more consecutive 'match' lines. In this case the output would be:
random text line 2
random text line 4
random text line 9
I have tried using a combination of grep -A 2 'match' | grep -A 1 'match' but it doesn't work as it's redundant. I'm stuck on how to match only if there are two consecutive lines. I'm open to using awk or sed for matching too if it's more efficient. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
grep stands for g/re/p i.e. it's for Globally finding a Regular Expression and Printing the result, that is all. That is not all that you are trying to do so therefore grep would be the wrong tool to try to use. For general purpose text manipulation the standard tool to use is awk:
$ awk '/match/{c++;next} c>1; {c=0}' file
random text line 2
random text line 4
random text line 9

Grep find lines that have 4,5,6,7 and 9 in zip code column

I'm using grep to display all lines that have ONLY 4,5,6,7 and 9 in the zipcode column.
How do i display only the lines of the file that contain the numbers 4,5,6,7 and 9 in the zipcode field?
A sample row is:
15 m jagger mick 41 4th 95115
I am going to assume you meant "How do I use grep to..."
If all of the lines in the file have a 5 digit zip at the end of each line, then:
egrep "[45679]{5}$" filename
Should give you what you want.
If there might be whitespace between the zip and the end of the line, then:
egrep "[45679]{5}[[:space:]]*$" filename
would be more robust.
If the problem is more general than that, please describe it more accurately.
Following regex should fetch you desired result:
egrep "[45679]+$" file
If by "grep" you mean, "the correct tool", then the solution you seek is:
awk '$7 ~ /^[45679]*$/' input
This will print all lines of input in which the 7th field consists only of the characters 4,5,6,7, and 9. If you want to specify 'the last column' rather than the 7th, try
awk '$NF ~ /^[45679]*$/' input

Extract certain text from each line of text file using UNIX or perl

I have a text file with lines like this:
Sequences (1:4) Aligned. Score: 4
Sequences (100:3011) Aligned. Score: 77
Sequences (12:345) Aligned. Score: 100
I want to be able to extract the values into a new tab delimited text file:
1 4 4
100 3011 77
12 345 100
(like this but with tabs instead of spaces)
Can anyone suggest anything? Some combination of sed or cut maybe?
You can use Perl:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+):(\d+).*?(\d+)/$1\t$2\t$3/'
Or, to save to file:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 's/.*?(\d+):(\d+).*?(\d+)/$1\t$2\t$3/' > data2.txt
Little explanation:
Regex here is in the form:
How to match = .*?(\d+):(\d+).*?(\d+)
How to replace = $1\t$2\t$3
In our case, we used the following tokens to declare how we want to match the string:
.*? - match any character ('.') as many times as possible ('*') as long as this character is not matching the next token in regex (which is \d in our case).
\d+:\d+ - match at least one digit followed by colon and another number
.*? - same as above
\d+ - match at least one digit
Additionally, if some token in regex is in parentheses, it means "save it so I can reference it later". First parenthese will be known as '$1', second as '$2' etc. In our case:
$1 $2 $3
Finally, we're taking $1, $2, $3 and printing them out separated by tab (\t):
You could use sed:
sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)/\1\t/g' infile
Here's a BSD sed compatible version:
sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)/\1'$'\t''/g' infile
The above solutions leave a trailing tab in the output, append s/\t$// or s/'$'\t''$// respectively to remove it.
If you know there will always be 3 numbers per line, you could go with grep:
<infile grep -o '[0-9]\+' | paste - - -
Output in all cases:
1 4 4
100 3011 77
12 345 100
My solution using sed:
sed 's/\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*\([0-9]\)*/\1 \2 \3/g' file.txt
