Perl gtk2 window update - linux

Recently when i was writing gtk2 program in perl I've runned into a little problem. I've got a main window which uses variables in labels and buttons to display user some data.
my $label1 = Gtk2::Label->new ("IP ".$target_ip);
my $label2 = Gtk2::Label->new ("Port ".$target_port);
my $label3 = Gtk2::Label->new ("Threads ".$thread_number);
And after updating $target_ip variable (by pop up window) or any other variable used in my main window for that matter by user nothing happens, so my question is how can i update window in Gtk2 i've tried re drawing it by calling window function again but for some reasons the old one still stays up even after issuing Gtk2->main_quit. Also i'm aware this may be a lame question but i'm using Gtk2 library for the first time to write a major project and I'm not really expert in it yet.
Here's my code so far ($ok variable represents ok button in pop up window which updates other variables in main window)
$ok->signal_connect (clicked => sub {
$target_ip = $text_area->get_text;
Gtk2->main_quit; #Pop-up window
#Rebuild Attack window with given parameters / variables

use strict;
use warnings;
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;
use Gtk2 '-init';
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new('toplevel');
$window->signal_connect('delete_event' => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; });
$window->set_default_size(300, 200);
my $target_ip = '';
my $label1 = Gtk2::Label->new ("IP ".$target_ip);
my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(FALSE, 3);
$vbox->pack_start($label1, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
my $button = Gtk2::Button->new("Ok");
$vbox->pack_end($button, FALSE, FALSE, 4);
$button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
$target_ip = '';
$label1->set_label("IP ".$target_ip); # That's what you need!!!


Can this code be changed to support a preview in the print dialog?

I am not sure if this is an issue that can be resolved with coding or is by design. I am running the latest version of Windows 11 with all updates. And my application is a MFC dialog application built with Visual Studio 2022.
My application uses a CHtmlView control and the user can trigger a Print Preview. This event will trigger the following code:
void CChristianLifeMinistryHtmlView::DoPrintPreview()
HWND HWND_PP = nullptr ;
const auto t1 = ::GetTickCount64();
auto t2 = ::GetTickCount64(); // Extra line required for 'while' rearrangement.
while (HWND_PP == nullptr && t2 - t1 <= 6000) // if found or Timeout reached...
HWND HWND_FG = ::GetForegroundWindow(); // Get the ForeGroundWindow
if (HWND_FG != nullptr)
TCHAR szClassName[256]{} ;
::GetClassName(HWND_FG, &szClassName[0], 256);
if (lstrcmp(&szClassName[0], IE_PPREVIEWCLASS) == 0) // Check for Print Preview Dialog
t2 = ::GetTickCount64();
if (HWND_PP != nullptr)
RECT workArea{};
::SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &workArea, 0 );
::MoveWindow(HWND_PP, workArea.left,,
workArea.right - workArea.left, workArea.bottom -, TRUE);
This code works fine, and I get a good print preview, resized to the display. For example:
Now, if I hit Print from here it displays:
Opting to print to PDF looks the same:
Prior to the recent Windows 11 Updates these latter "print dialogs" looked different with no preview anyway. But since this updated version of the system "print dialog" can cope with a preview, is there no way to get our existing CHtmlView preview displayed there?
This is only a cosmetic thing because I have a standard preview for the user to see anyway (snap 1). But it would be the icing on the cake if that preview could someone be fed into this popup print window.
Is this something we can do by code or is it a "system / by design issue"?

EditorFileDialog or FileDialog popup from EditorScript

hello Godot's comunity !
I try to integrate in a project a way to import custom json file to generate Tilemap. So I use a EditorScript to generate it but now I want to open a file dialog popup to choose specific file in my disk. So i tried something like this :
extends EditorScript
func _run():
var fileDialog =
fileDialog.mode = EditorFileDialog.MODE_OPEN_FILE
fileDialog.access = EditorFileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM
but nothing happened. Only this in debugger :
scene/gui/control.cpp:2154 - Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true.
scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp:469 - Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true. Returned: get_transform()
scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp:939 - Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true. Returned: Rect2()
scene/gui/control.cpp:2128 - Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true.
scene/gui/control.cpp:2128 - Condition "!is_inside_tree()" is true.
./scene/main/node.h:269 - Condition "!data.tree" is true. Returned: nullptr
Any idea to do that ?
You need to give the FileDialog a viewport to be shown in.
You do so by getting the viewport of the editor:
var viewport = get_editor_interface().get_editor_viewport()
this will show the dialog, but to ensure you do not run into followup problems:
The editor script is freed soon after running the run function, so connected signals will be not fired after choosing a file. (See here)
In the issue is the solution to secure the connected functions in the script are fired, by keeping the instance in the dialog. After you finished you should free the dialog to make sure you can run the script again, without closing the whole editor.
Complete code would look something like this:
extends EditorScript
var fileDialog : EditorFileDialog = null
func _run():
fileDialog =
fileDialog.mode = EditorFileDialog.MODE_OPEN_FILE
fileDialog.access = EditorFileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM
fileDialog.connect("file_selected", self, "on_file_selected")
var viewport = get_editor_interface().get_editor_viewport()
fileDialog.set_meta("_created_by", self) # needed so the script is not directly freed after the run function. Would disconnect all signals otherwise
fileDialog.popup(Rect2(0,0, 700, 500)) # Giving the dialog a predefined size
func on_file_selected(filename : String) :
if (fileDialog != null):
fileDialog.queue_free() # Dialog has to be freed in order for the script to be called again.

PixiJS - Not all touchend events triggering (outside of displayObject)

Pixijs (3.0.8) supports multi-touch as shown in their demos, and I've set up start, move and end listeners for touches on my mobile device.
The touches are registered on a square within the canvas which I'll call the interactiveArea, but the touchend events trigger when let go outside of the area as well. This is behavior that works fine with a single mouse cursor.
However, when using more fingers, having touches with the identifiers 0,1 and 2, only the first touchEnd is triggered outside of the area.
So I press and hold 3 fingers inside the interactiveArea and move them all outside of it. Then I let go of 1, and then the others. I won't be notified of touchEnds for event 0 and 2, and I'd have to re-register 3 touches and let go properly just to get a touchend for 2 triggered!
Any tips on how I can detect all touchends, rather than have it stop on the first touchend? I've tried working with a setTimeout hack as well, but that really doesn't suit my use case.
Edit I've made a basic codepen to demonstrate how touchendoutside is only triggered once. Do visit the pen on mobile, as it is about touches rather than mouse interactivity.
Holding two fingers on the red square and then moving them out and letting go will only trigger one touchendoutside event.
Looking at the PIXI source code, there is indeed a bug in the Interaction Manager. Here is the method that processes touch end events:
InteractionManager.prototype.processTouchEnd = function ( displayObject, hit )
this.dispatchEvent( displayObject, 'touchend', this.eventData );
if( displayObject._touchDown )
displayObject._touchDown = false;
this.dispatchEvent( displayObject, 'tap', this.eventData );
if( displayObject._touchDown )
displayObject._touchDown = false;
this.dispatchEvent( displayObject, 'touchendoutside', this.eventData );
You can see in the else statement that a touchendoutside event gets dispatched when displayObject._touchDown is true. But after you release your first finger, it sets the flag to false. That is why you only receive that event once.
I've opened an issue here:
And provided a fix here:
This solution removes the flag and uses a counter instead. I haven't tested it yet, so please let me know if it works.

NSSplitViewItem collapse animation and window setFrame conflicting

I am trying to make a (new in 10.10) NSSplitViewItem collapse and uncollapse whilst moving its containing window so as to keep the whole thing "in place".
The problem is that I am getting a twitch in the animation (as seen here).
The code where I'm doing the collapsing is this:
func togglePanel(panelID: Int) {
if let splitViewItem = self.splitViewItems[panelID] as? NSSplitViewItem {
// Toggle the collapsed state
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
// special case for the left panel
if panelID == 0 {
var windowFrame = self.view.window.frame
let panelWidth = splitViewItem.viewController.view.frame.width
if splitViewItem.collapsed {
windowFrame.origin.x -= panelWidth
windowFrame.size.width += panelWidth
} else {
windowFrame.origin.x += panelWidth
windowFrame.size.width -= panelWidth
self.view.window.animator().setFrame(windowFrame, display: true)
splitViewItem.animator().collapsed = !splitViewItem.collapsed
}, completionHandler: nil)
I am aware of the "Don't cross the streams" issue (from session 213, WWDC'13) where a window resizing animation running on the main thread and a core animation collapse animation running on a separate thread interfere with each other. Putting the splitViewItem collapse animation onto the main thread seems like the wrong approach and I've got a nagging feeling there's a much better way of doing this that I'm missing.
Since I am not finding any documentation on the NSSplitViewItems anywhere (yet) I would appreciate any insights on this.
I have the little test project on GitHub here if anyone wants a look.
Update The project mentioned has now been updated with the solution.
The problem is similar to the "don't cross the streams" issue in that there are two drivers to the animation you've created: (1) the split view item (2) the window, and they're not in sync.
In the example from the '13 Cocoa Animations talk, constraints were setup to result in the correct within-window animation as only the window's frame was animated.
Something similar could be tried here -- only animating the window's frame and not the split view item, but since the item manages the constraints used to (un)collapse, the app can't control exactly how within-window content animates:
Instead the split view item animation could completely drive the animation and use NSWindow's -anchorAttributeForOrientation: to describe how the window's frame is affected.
if let splitViewItem = self.splitViewItems[panelID] as? NSSplitViewItem {
let window = self.view.window
if panelID == 0 {
// The Trailing edge of the window is "anchored", alternatively it could be the Right edge
window.setAnchorAttribute(.Trailing, forOrientation:.Horizontal)
splitViewItem.animator().collapsed = !splitViewItem.collapsed
For anyone using Objective C and targeting 10.11 El Capitan.
This did the trick for me, didn't need to set AnchorAttributes.
splitViewItem.collapsed = YES;

How can I create a WebBrowser control (ActiveX / IWebBrowser2) without a UI?

I cannot figure out how to use the WebBrowser control without having it create a window in the taskbar.
I am using the IWebBrowser2 ActiveX control directly because I need to use some of the advanced features like blocking downloading JAVA/ActiveX/images etc. That apparently is not available in the WPF or winforms WebBrowser wrappers (but these wrappers do have the ability to create the control with no UI)
Here is my code for creating the control:
Type webbrowsertype = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Iid_Clsids.CLSID_WebBrowser, true);
m_WBWebBrowser2 = (IWebBrowser2)System.Activator.CreateInstance(webbrowsertype);
m_WBWebBrowser2.Visible = false;
m_WBOleObject = (IOleObject)m_WBWebBrowser2;
int iret = m_WBOleObject.SetClientSite(this);
iret = m_WBOleObject.SetHostNames("me", string.Empty);
tagRECT rect = new tagRECT(0, 0, 0, 0);
tagMSG nullMsg = new tagMSG();
m_WBOleInPlaceObject = (IOleInPlaceObject)m_WBWebBrowser2;
ref nullMsg, this, 0, IntPtr.Zero, ref rect);
IConnectionPointContainer cpCont = (IConnectionPointContainer)m_WBWebBrowser2;
Guid guid = typeof(DWebBrowserEvents2).GUID;
IConnectionPoint m_WBConnectionPoint = null;
cpCont.FindConnectionPoint(ref guid, out m_WBConnectionPoint);
m_WBConnectionPoint.Advise(this, out m_dwCookie);
This code works perfectly but it shows a window in the taskbar. If i omit the DoVerb(OLEDOVERB.OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE) call, then Navigating to a webpage is not working properly. Navigate() will not download everything on the page and it never fires the DocumentComplete event. If I add a DoVerb(OLEIVERB_HIDE) then I get the same behavior as if I omitted the DoVerb(OLEDOVERB.OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE) call.
This seems like a pretty basic question but I couldn't find any examples anywhere.
Check the wraparounds in BUG: DocumentComplete Does Not Fire When WebBrowser Is Not Visible
