Add Lines To Google Earth Using KML - kml

So, basically, I'm trying to figure out a way that I can draw lines (say, representing the flight path of an RC plane or something) onto Google Earth using KML. Here's the kicker though: I want to give it an initial location, and then check somewhere to see where to continue drawing the line to, draw the line, and leave it be. Once it's done, I could then move it around.
Starts at a point A in google Earth
Checks File XYZ.kml on //someserver
XYZ.kml has updated coordinates to draw to
Google Earth pulls in those coordinates and extends the line
Repeat 2->4 until complete
View completed flight path from 3rd person.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? It seems like it can change the location of a model or something in this fashion, but you would have to watch it first person. I haven't been able to figure out how to get this particular functionality to come out right.

You have a few ways of doing this, here is just 2.
Create a LineString via a networkLink and then use the Update feature to update your LineString (ie replace with new version)
Create a LineString and then use .getCoordinates().pushLatLngAlt() to build upon it.
Edit: Sorry, as pointed out in comments, Option 2 is for GE Plug-in, not standalone version
See this SO question for some help on using option #1
See this SO question for more info on option #2


Anyway to deploy svg image online?

my question is really simple and I still didn't find the answer, maybe because I misspoke about it or didn't use the right keywords, anyways here is the topic:
I have an SVG script that contains some animation (like Bezier curves), I want to put it online, so I get back a link and whenever a user clicks on it, it's going to display my SVG file on the browser.
Is it possible?

Is it possible to add moving icon in google earth tour

I create a path in google earth and create the animation by google tour function.
But I also would like to add the icon (such as arrow or car) moving along the path during the tour.
Is there any simple way to achieve this?
The way to create an icon that moves along a path, and turns to face the direction it's currently moving, is to use a "KML Track". It's easy to create a Track from GPS data (gpx file or otherwise) via the GPS import tool in Google Earth Pro. Then you can add a custom icon if you wish. Once you have that track animating the way you want, you can add it to your Tour.

Pyautogui mouse click on different resolution

I'm writing a script for automatizing some tasks at my job. However, I need to make my script portable and try it on different screen resolution.
So far right now I've tried to multiply my coordinate with the ratio between the old and new resolutions, but this doesn't work properly.
Do you know how I can convert my X, Y coordinates for mouse's clicks make it works on different resolution?
Quick question: Are you trying to get it to click on certain buttons? (i.e. buttons that look the same on every computer you plug it into) And by portable, do you mean on a thumb drive (usb)?
You may be able to take an image of the button (i.e. cropping a screenshot), pass it on to the opencv module, one of the modules has an Image within Image searching ability. you can pass that image along with a screenshot (using pyautogui.screenshot()) and it will return the (x,y) coordinates of the button, pass that on to pyautogui.moveto(x,y) and, it might be able to work. you might have to describe the action you are trying to get Pyautogui to do a little better.

Organizing placemarks in Google Earth Plugin/KML

I am looking for some insight on if / how I can better approach creating my KML in order to make my data more readable when loaded by via a custom app developed around the Google Earth Plugin.
My constraints are:
I have no ability to do anything with the custom app or the plugin,
I can only provide KML files and take advantage of any features
built into the Google Earth Plugin.
The side bar where you select data to display does not list the folders of the selected KML as a sub menu like I have seen in Google Earth.
My data looks like:
Hundreds of Data points sometimes quite close together, which I am
currently displaying as placemarks, with no names set (was too noisy
on the map). I supply additional details on the placemark in the
description bubble / balloon.
Placemarks are frequently related to one another (i.e. there may be
4 placemarks representing a distinct group (e.g. coffee shops)).
What I have found so far:
There is no way for me to group pins as I zoom in and out without access to the JavaScript API / ability to do some amount of front end programming (i.e. there is no way to specify in the KML that pins should be grouped based on zoom level. I have noted the zoom level visibility settings which I do not believe accomplish what I am looking to do).
When clicking on a placemark there is no way to identify the other placemarks which are in the same group (i.e. all coffee shops) such as by changing their style (again note that to work for me this would have to be native functionality whose behaviour can be pre-specified in the KML). I hoped the plugin might provide some default functionality around this with folders, but I haven't been able to find anything.
My questions:
Are my above assumptions correct?
Are there some aspects of the KML spec and how it is displayed by google-earth which might be a good place for me to spend additional time understanding given the nature of my data?
Any suggestions or insight would be very welcome.
Edit: Also considered creating KML Tours to adjust visibility / identify related Placemarks, but could not see how I might start / stop the tour from a given Placemark (e.g. by clicking a link in the description balloon?).
Firstly, a question for you.
Are you wishing to load your 'app' on a mobile device? or are you just trying to do something on a normal computer?
I ask because you mention 'app' - yet in this line
I have no ability to do anything with the custom app or the plugin, I
can only provide KML files and take advantage of any features built
into the Google Earth Plugin.
The Google Earth PLUGIN is not support by mobile devices (yet) so if you can take advantage of it you must be talking about a normal computer scenario. So either a webpage, or a webpage embedded inside another program.
As for
There is no way for me to group pins as I zoom in and out without
access to the JavaScript API / ability to do some amount of front end
programming (i.e. there is no way to specify in the KML that pins
should be grouped based on zoom level. I have noted the zoom level
visibility settings which I do not believe accomplish what I am
looking to do).
Have you looked into using Regions ? With them you can control at what 'zoom' (ie what POV) a placemark becomes visible.
As for
When clicking on a placemark there is no way to identify the other
placemarks which are in the same group (i.e. all coffee shops) such as
by changing their style (again note that to work for me this would
have to be native functionality whose behaviour can be pre-specified
in the KML). I hoped the plugin might provide some default
functionality around this with folders, but I haven't been able to
find anything.
This depends of if you are really using the plug-in (and thus JS) or not. With straight KML I don't think anything is possible. However if you are using the plugin (and some JS) you have number of options depending on how you set up your .kml.
You can 'walk' through your kml file and find all placemarks with the same <style>
You can assign all your placemark id's by - and then using Accessors like this var placemark = ge.getElementById('unique_id');
However it sounds like you are not using JS so I am probably wasting time with this.
Same goes for using tours, IF you are using the plugin and IF you are willing to do some JS coding then YES you can use tours to all kinds of things.
However, if you are talking about a mobile device app, then nothing is possible (except the Regions) and I suggest you edit your question to remove the 'google-earth-plugin' tag.

Building Nav Bars with rollovers in DreamWeaver CS3

I'm working with Dreamweaver CS3. The question here is what part of the code (listed below) do I need to replicate to have my secondary nav bar utilize the on-click action?
FYI...DW has two menu options or auto insert for roll over images and one for "navbar". DW will only allow you to use the 'navbar' item once per page
the nav bar option builds all the rollover actions for you (listed below)
the "rollover" option ONLY builds normal and over, but no click
I guess I really have two questions...the first is what part of the code do I need to insert manually, the second is what does the "MM_nbGroup" code mean?
"../photogallery.html" target="_top" onClick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','photoMainNav','../images/buttons/photography_down.gif',1)"
onMouseOver="MM_nbGroup('over','photoMainNav','../images/buttons/photography_over.gif','../images/buttons/photography_over.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="../images/buttons/photography.gif"
Thanks for any help on this in advance!
For anyone wondering the same thing, here's what I've found so far...
The 'insert' bar provided in DWCS3 doesn't allow for two 'inserted' menu bars on one page. However, the 'Behaviors' palette will allow you to add effective roll-overs with the "Set Nav Bar Image" option. Unfortunately (as far as I can tell) DWCS3 is not as smart as Adobe's GoLive was, in that it won't automatically fill in the appropriate items if you name your files correctly. Even still, you should name your images accordingly (xxx_over, xxx_down, etc) to keep it straight in your own head.
As for the MM_nbGroup question, best I can tell this is WYSIWYG code that ships with DWCS3 (the kind of stuff that really mifs some of you developers, sorry guys), as it names items by group # and doesn't seem to have any real relevance in the lexicon of html. I could be mistaken on this however, and am open to enlightenment on the topic if anyone can offer.
