Setting labels for rowstacked histgram bars - gnuplot

anybody able to tell me how to add labels to gnuplot rowstacked histogram? I want to add a label to one specific read column.
Data looks like this:
Date, Online_Percent, Offline_percent, Maintance_percent
01.01.2013, 96.000, 2.000, 2,000
i would like to add another column with "offline_time" and label the bar with it (on top or right into the bar, i don't care about that)
Hope anybody can help me.

Thanks for trying to help me, but found a solution on an asian site.
Solution :
'' using 0:($2+50):3 with labels notitle
3=Value from data to be used as label....
You are also able to apply the style settings like this:
'' using 0:(\$2-10):2 with labels notitle "'font "1" rotate by -90'
Hope it will help others having this question.


Plot coloured region X axis in PyQtgrpah

I need to plot a graph in PyQt5 with PyQtgraph with custom plot like this in QtChart:
enter image description here
Linkt to the cutom QtChart example:
I think in QtChart/C++ is pretty clear how to do it in the link above. But I haven't found anything in the documentation to do this in pyqtgraph.
Could anyone give me a hint in a documentation or simple example, please? Or maybe can't do this in pyqtgraph.
Thanks a lot.

Italicize and color legend manually for different graphs using same labels and colors

I am trying to create multiple graphs that share the same legend.
I have found many ways to combine multiple graphs and it seems that ggarrange has the ability to create one shared legend for all that is supposed to be unique.
However I am having some problems when graphing since a few of the graphs do not have the same phyla (what defines the legend colors) present, but I would like them all to be the same colors throughout all of the graphs so the combined legend will have the correct colors.
For just one graph I would assign a color to the label manually like below
and plot with the addition of scale_fill_manual(values=labs) and this seems to work
then I modified it so I could have portions of them italicized.
labsPhylum <-c('expression(paste(italic("Arthropoda")))'="#CC0000"
,'expression(paste(italic("Cercozoa")))'= "#FF6000"
,'expression (paste("unknown", ~italic("Eukaryota")))'= "#990000")`
However when I create a plot using ggplot and scale_color_manual() using the labsPhylum that I think should be italicized and colored I plot an empty graph with this warning so there is something vital I am not understanding here.
ggplot(data=sigtab_dil, aes(x=Species, y=log2FoldChange, color=Phylum))+
geom_point(size=2) +
Warning message:
Removed 9 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
Could someone please help me figure out where I am going wrong?
Thank you
Answered my own question
I realized I had to make separate vectors for breaks, labels, and values rather than combining them.
In short
colsPhylum <-c("Arthropoda"="#CC0000"
,"Cercozoa"= "#FF6000"
,"Chlorophyta"= "#CC9900"
labsPhylum <-c(expression(paste(italic("Arthropoda")))
,expression(paste(italic("Chlorophyta ")))
breaksPhylum <-c("Arthropoda", "Cercozoa","Chlorophyta", "Choanozoa"

Python Seaborn: How to add mean into boxplot visualization?

I was able to visualize my data in a boxplot using Seaborn.
sns.boxplot( x=df['Score'].astype('float'), y=df['Group'] )
The visualization shows me: all four quartiles, lower and upper whisker, and some outliers. How can I also add the Mean line into the boxplots? See current visualization (without mean).
I just figured it out. The code works like this:
sns.boxplot(x=df['Score'].astype('float'), y=df['Group'],showmeans=True )

in Gnuplot, how to set the origin point still using 0 except using costume format like 0x10^0?

I am googling this problem but not sure whether I am using the right key words to describe the problem.
The problem is this:
I want to plot the x-ticks with the format 1.0 x 10^6 and some thing like that, so I use the following code:
set format x "%1.1t {/Symbol \264} 10^{%T}"
And the result is like this:
The code works pretty fine except at origin point, which I want it still keeps 0 there, because you can see that 0x10^0 is still 0.
So is there anything I can do to solve this problem, or any web page or documents help solve this problem?
To be more specific, I want the plot look like this:
Thank you!
With the help of MichaelO. and Christoph, I solved the problem.
In Gnuplot, just using
set xtics add('0.0' 0
can overwrite the original one with the new format of tics.
Here is the reference:
excluding a tic number in scientific format

gnuplot: how to remove colorbox with splot

I am trying to plot the following only without the colorbox
As you can see I have tweaked it a bit, removed x/y axes, the title, some borders, but I can't figure out how to remove the colorbox. I would be grateful if someone could take a look and let me know if they have a hint/idea. Thank you all in advance.
Assuming that, by z-axis, you mean that you want to remove the colorbox, then adding the line
unset colorbox
will remove it from your plot. For future reference, you can find a lot of helpful information on these options by typing help unset into the Gnuplot terminal, or for more general support, just help.
