Properly handle Azure MessagingCommunicationException? - azure

I've got several long-running processes that listen on the same azure servicebus topic. After an extended time of running (usually a few days), I get one of these exceptions in one of the processes (and they all seem to stop working). The message itself and the documentation suggest that the answer is to re-try the connection. At first I was just trying to create a new TopicClient, but then found out the actual connection was held by the MessagingFactory. I have now tried creating a whole new MessagingFactory as well, but that doesn't seem to be working either.
What is the proper way to handle this exception? An example (even pseudocode) would be great.


ActiveMQ threads

How long does the threads take to stop and exit for ActiveMQConsumer? I get a segmentation fault on closing my application. Which I figured out was due to the ActiveMQ threads. If I comment the consumer the issue is no longer present. Currently I am using cms::MessageConsumer in activemq-cpp-library-3.9.4.
I see that the activemq::core::ActiveMQConsumer has isClosed() function that I can use to confirm if the consumer is closed and then move forward with deleting the objects thereby avoiding the segmentation fault. I am assuming this will solve my issue. But I wanted to know what is the correct approach with these ActiveMQ objects to avoid the issues with threads?
I was using the same session with consumer and producer, but when the broker is stopped and started the ActiveMQ reconnect was adding threads. I am not using failover.
So I have separated the session to send and receive and have instantiated connection factory, connection, and session for each separately. This design has no issues until the applications memory was not getting cleaned up due to above segmentation fault.
That's why I wanted to know when should I use cms::MessageConsumer vs ActiveMQConsumer?
The ActiveMQ Website has documentation with examples for the CMS client. I'd suggest reading those and following the example code in how it shuts down the connection and the library resources prior to application shutdown to ensure that resources are cleaned up appropriately.
As with JMS the CMS consumer instance is linked with the thread in the session that created it so if you are closing down a good rule to follow is to close the session to ensure that message deliveries get stopped before you delete anything consumer instances.

Time triggered Azure Function and queue processing

I have a Function called once a day processing all messages in a queue. But I would like to also have the retries and poison messages logic as with the Queue Trigger. Is this somehow possible?
So at that point you function is purely a timer triggered function and from there you are no different than a console app in terms of how you would have to process messages from a queue with your own client connection, message loop, retrying and dead lettering (poison) logic. It's honestly just not the right tool for that job.
One approach I suppose you could consider if you wanted to be creative so that you could benefit from using an Azure Function's built in queue trigger behavior while still controlling what time the queue is processed is actually starting and stopping the function instance itself via something like Azure Scheduler. Scheduling the starting of the function is pretty straightforward and, once started, it will immediately begin draining the queue. The challenge is knowing how to stop it. The Azure Function runtime with the queue binding won't ever stop on its own as it's reading off the queue using a pull model so it's just gonna sit there waiting for new messages to arrive, right? So stopping it is really a question of understanding the need of the business. Do you stop once there's no more messages left for that day? Do you stop at a specific time of day? Etc. There's no correct answer here, it's totally domain specific, but whatever that answer is will dictate the exact approach taken.
Honestly, as I said earlier on, I'm not sure this is the right tool for the job. Yeah, it's nice that you get the retry and poison handling, but you're really going against the grain of the runtime. I would personally suggest you look into scheduling this simple console executable, executed in a task-like fashion using Azure Container Instances (some docs on that approach here). If you were counting on the auto-scale of Azure Functions, that's totally something you can get from Azure Container Instances as well.

Azure Service Bus queues close after 24 hours automatically

We are developing a Azure Service Bus based Cloud Service, but after 24 hours the queue clients seem to get closed automatically.
Can someone confirm this behavior or give advise how to fix it?
At the moment we close the clients after 24 hours manually and recreate them to avoid this effect, but this can't be the only solution.
Sessions dropping intermittently is a normal occurrence. The AMQP protocol and stack in the client is newer and generally more resilient against this. The only reason not to use AMQP is if you are using transactions. Also, unless you have a good reason to run your own receive loop, use OnMessage.
You are getting ‘OperationCanceledException’ when the link fails for any reason and any in-flight requests will fail with this exception. However, this is transient, so you should be able to reuse the same QueueClient to issue receives and those should (eventually) work as the client recovers. OnMessage will hide all of that from you.

Distributing topics between worker instances with minimum overlap

I'm working on a Twitter project, using their streaming API, built on Heroku with Node.js.
I have a collection of topics that my app needs to process, which are pulled from MongoDB. I need to track each of these topics via the API, however it needs to be done such that each topic is tracked only once. As each worker process expires after approximately 1 hour, when a worker receives SIGTERM it needs to untrack each topic assigned, and release it back to the pool again.
I've been using RabbitMQ to communicate between app and worker processes, however with this I'm a little stuck. Are there any good examples, or advice you can offer on the correct way to do this?
Couldn't the worker just send a message via the messagequeue to the application when it receives a SIGTERM? According to the heroku docs on shutdown the process is allowed a couple of seconds (10) before it will be forecefully killed.
So you can do something like this:
// listen for SIGTERM sent by heroku
process.on('SIGTERM', function () {
// - notify app that this worker is shutting down
// - shutdown process (might need to wait for async completion
// of message delivery to not prevent it from being delivered)
Alternatively you could break up your work in much smaller chunks and have workers only 'take' work that will run for a couple of minutes or even seconds max. Your main application should be the bookkeeper and if a process doesn't complete its task within a specified time assume it has gone missing and make the task available for another process to handle. You can probably also implement this behavior using confirms in rabbitmq.
RabbitMQ won't do this for you.
It will allow you to distribute the work to another process and/or computer, but it won't provide the kind of mechanism you need to prevent more than one process / computer from working on a particular topic.
What you want is a semaphore - a way to control access to a particular "resource" from multiple processes... a way to ensure only one process is working on a particular resource at a given time. In your case the "resource" will be the topic... but it will still be the resource that you want to control access to.
FWIW, there has been discussion of using RabbitMQ to implement a distributed semaphore in the past:
but the general consensus is that this is a bad idea. there are too many edge cases and scenarios in which RabbitMQ will fail to work as proper semaphore.
There are some node.js semaphore libraries available. I would recommend looking at them, and using one of them. Have a single process manage the semaphore and decide which other process can / cannot work on which topic.

Something making NServiceBus lose messages

I have an NServiceBus configuration that is working great on developers machines and in my Development Environment.
However, when I move it to my Test Environment my messages just start getting tossed.
Here is the system:
An app gets a TCP message from a Mainframe system and sends it to a MSMQ (call it FromMainframe).
An application hosted in IIS has a "Handle" method for that MSMQ and processes the messages from the mainframe.
In my Test Environment, step two only half way happens. The message is popped off the MSMQ, but not processed by my application.
Effectively my data is LOST! NServiceBus removes them from the Queue but I never get to process them. They are not even in the error queue!
These are the things I have tried in an attempt to figure out what is happening:
Check the Config files
Attach a remote debugger to the process to see what the Handle method is doing
The Handle method is never called (but when I attach to the Development Environment my breakpoint in my Handle method is hit and it all works flawlessly).
Redeploy my Dev version to the Test Envioronment and try step 2 again (just in case the versions were not exactly the same.)
Check the Config files again
Check that the Error queue is not filling up
The error queue stays empty (I wish it would fill up, then my data would not be LOST).
Check for any other process that may be pulling stuff from my MSMQs
I Turned off my IIS website and the messages in the FromMainframe queue start to backup.
When I turn it back on, the messages disappear fairly fast (but still not all at once). The speed that they disappear is too fast for them to be processed by my Handle method.
Check Config files yet again.
Run the NServiceBusTools\MsmqUtils\Runner.exe \i
I ran it, rebooted, ran it again and again for good measure!
Check the Configs again (I must have missed SOMETHING right?)
Check the Development Environment Configs are not pointing to the Test Environment
I don't think it is possible to use another computer's MSMQ as your input queue, but it does not hurt to check.
Look for any catch blocks that could be silently killing my message.
One last check of the Config files.
Recreate my Test Environment on another machine (it worked flawlessly)
Run my stuff outside of IIS.
When I host outside of IIS (using NServiceBus.Host.exe) it all works fine. So it has to be an IIS thing right?
Go crazy and hope that stack overflow can offer any kind of insight.
So I know enough about what happened to throw out an "Answer".
When I setup my NServiceBus self hosting I had a call that loaded the message handlers.
(There are more configurations, but I omitted them for brevity)
When you call this, NServiceBus scans the assmeblies for a class that implements IHandleMessages<T>.
So, somehow, on my Test Environment Machine, the ServiceBus scan of the directory for a class that calls IHandleMessages was failing to find my class (even though the assembly was absolutely there).
Turns out that if NServiceBus does not find something that handles a message it will THROW IT AWAY!!!
This is a total design bug in my opinion. The whole idea of NServiceBus is to not lose your data, but in this case it does just that!
Now, once you know about this pitfall, there are several ways around it.
Expressly state what your handler(s) should be:
Even further protection is to add another handler that will handle "Everything else". IMessage is the base for all message payloads, so if you put a handler on it, it will pickup everything.
If you set IMessage to handle after your messages get handled, then it will handle everything that NServiceBus can't find a handler for. If you throw and exception in that Handle method that will cause NServiceBus to to move the message to the error queue. (What I think should be the default behavior.)
