Is there a way to place a character at a specific line in vim, even if the line is short?
For example, I'm contributing to a project which has a comment block style which is 79 columns wide, with a comment character at either end e.g.
! Comment !
! More Comment !
but it's really annoying to space over to it, even with guessing large numbers (35i< SPACE>< ESC>)
Is there a simple command which will do this for me, or a macro or something I could write?
set ve=all
then you could move (h,j,k,l) to anywhere you want. no matter how short your line is.
there are 4 options block, all, insert, onemore for details:
check :h virtualedit
in this way, after you typed short comment, then type <ESC>080l to go to the right place to the tailing !
you can map it too, if it is often used
then it works like this:
Put this in your .vimrc file and restart vim:
inoremap <F1> <C-r>=repeat(' ', 79-virtcol('.'))<CR>!<CR>
With this just press F1 (or whatever key you map) in insert mode after entering comment text to automatically pad with spaces and insert a ! in column 79.
Another simple way is to keep an empty comment box of the correct size somewhere, yank/paste it where needed and just Replace the spaces in it with your comment each time.
If you want to reformat a box that is too short, one way is to start from the comment in your example, make a Visual Block (Ctrl+v) selecting the single column just to the left of its right-hand edge, yank it (y), then repeatedly paste it (p). This will successively move the entire right-hand side of the comment one step, extending the box rightward. Repeat until it has the desired length.
If you already entered the comment text, you can use a macro to add the right-hand ! mark at the correct place. For example, record a macro (qa) that appends more characters than are needed for any line (e.g. 80ASpaceEsc), then use the goto column (|) to go to the correct place (79|) and replace the excess characters from there (C!Esc), then move down one line (j), and stop recording (q). Repeating this macro (#a) then "fixes" each line in turn and moves to the next. In total: qa80A<space><esc>79|C!<esc>jq and then #a whenever needed. Sounds complex but is convenient once you have it.
There are certainly good answers here already, particularly the virtualedit answer. However, I don't see the method which seems most intuitive to me. I would create an empty line for the last row of the comment which is just surrounded by the exclamation points. Then I would yank and paste a new copy of the empty line, go to the old empty line and go to the point at which I want to edit and use overstrike mode (R) to add my text without affecting the placement of the ending exclamation point.
Sometimes the simplest methods, while slightly more clunky, are the easiest to use and remember.
I usually just copy and paste an existing line in the comment block (or copy one from another file) and then modify it. If the text you're replacing is about the same size as what you want to write (e.g., if you're changing the author's name), you probably only need to add or delete a few spaces to make everything line up. It's a lot less painful than spacing out to the desired width.
If you ever have a block that gets too long this way, a neat trick is to place the cursor on the 79th column and press dw. That will clear all spaces up to the ! at the end.
My AlignFromCursor plugin offers commands and mappings that align only the text to the right of the cursor, and keep the text to the left unmodified. So, with the cursor in the whitespace left of the trailing !, you can align it with <Leader>ri.
For example, I want to copy the line 5~15 and paste it in another place. I find several methods:
Move your cursor to the line 5, then 11yy, and p
Command: 5,15y and p
Ctrl + V, select the block within line 5~15, then go the place you want to paste in, leave enough blank lines for pasting(or it would be overlap with the current text), and p
I'm not satisfied with any of these methods, for method 1 and 2, I would have to bother to see the line number or count how many lines I want to copy, when the text covers many lines, it becomes quite tricky. For method 3, I would have to allow enough space ahead, which also acquires me to count the lines I want to paste. So is there any method that is just like method 3, only that I don't need to leave enough space beforehand?
EDIT: Method 2, the original 5,15yy is wrong. Has been corrected.
When you want to copy entire lines, use linewise visual mode, entered via V. With this, the register contents will shift existing lines automatically when pasted, unlike the blockwise selection you've used via <C-V>.
You can also use :put to paste as whole lines (even if you've (mistakenly) make a blockwise selection). For more such tricks and handy mappings, there's my UnconditionalPaste plugin.
A method similar to your 3. would be:
Go to Line-5, then V15Gy or V10jy or Vjjj...jy (V is Visual Mode linewise. You can see your selected lines without bodhering about the line numbers)
Go to Line-40(or somewhere else) and p. That would put the yanked lines after Line-40. Or use P to put it before Line-40.
Or you can use the Ex-command :t (the same as :copy but shorter)
:5,15t 40
I am trying to delete a range of lines into a register a. Is this the easiest way to achieve this?
:5,10d a
The definition of "easiest" depends on what do you have, and what do you want to do
if you have a start line number and end number, e.g.
:2349,5344d a
is the easiest way.
You don't have to consider the questions like
"where is my cursor?"
"how many lines would be removed?"
If you are about to remove a small amount of lines, particularly they are on same screen. (You could use relative-linenumber.) for example: "a5dd but you have to move your cursor to the first line you want to delete. And this could be done by option 1 too: 5:d a<CR> (vim will automatically translate it into .,.+5d a<CR>)
If you just know the 1st line of deletion, and find the last line you want to delete by reading your text, (of course, small amount of lines) you could press V, and press j by reading, when it reaches the deletion ending border, press "ad
If the "range" in your question is the "range" concept in vim, The first option would be better. since it could be 234,540, it could be 1;/foo, /foo/,/bar/... :h range see detail
so back to the first sentence in my answer, There is no absolutely easiest way. It all depends on what do you have, and what do you want to do.
The other way to achieve this would be to highlight the range of lines in visual line mode. (Shift-V)
Then type "ad while in visual line mode. This will put the deleted lines into the a register.
" followed by a register puts the next delete, yank or put into that register.
Below is the documentation for " (quote)
"{a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"} Use register {a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"} for next delete, yank
or put (use uppercase character to append with
delete and yank) ({.%#:} only work with put).
Another example of deleting multiple lines and putting it in a register. To delete 6 lines and put them in a register you can got to the line and type "a6dd. This puts the 6 deleted lines into register a.
Emacs has a function called open-rectangle, which allows you to select a rectangular region (i.e. Vim's visual block mode), then hit a key combination to fill that rectangle with spaces, pushing any existing content out to the right:
This is really useful when working with vertically-aligned columns of text. I feel like I should be able to do this easily in Vim too, using visual block + a search & replace. But I can't seem to figure out why my search & replace isn't bound to my rectangle when I try it.
:'<,'>s/\^/ /
This actually indents the whole line, instead of opening up this selected region. I've tried replacing:
:'<,'>s/\v(.*)/ \1/
But that has the same effect. How can I get my pattern to understand that I only want to replace each line in the selected block with spaces + the selected area? Simple replacements like just changing letters work, but using ^ or .* doesn't work the way I'd expect.
I am aware of the ability to hit "I" and insert some spaces the drop back into normal mode, but that is harder to judge when you're indenting by a large amount, over many lines.
How about:
This yanks the block and pastes it to duplicate it, then re-selects the original block and replaces it with spaces.
Another way:
Visual-block select only one column.
Hit nI<Space><Esc> with n being the number of blank columns you want.
As a variation on romainl's answer, I have this:
vnoremap <C-Space> I<Space><Esc>gv
It allows both insertion of n spaces at once via a prepended count, and iterative adding of columns by repeated application of the mapping.
Suppose I have the piece of text below with the cursor staying at the first A currently,
How can I add spaces in front of each line to make it like, and it would be great if the number of columns of spaces can be specified on-the-fly, e.g., two here.
I would imagine there is a way to do it quickly in visual mode, but any ideas?
Currently I'm copying the first column of text in visual mode twice, and replace the entire two column to spaces, which involves > 5 keystrokes, too cumbersome.
Sorry that I didn't state the question clearly and might create some confusions.
The target is only part of a larger file, so it would be great if the number of rows and columns starting from the first A can be specified.
Thank both #DeepYellow and #Johnsyweb, apparently >} and >ap are all great tips that I was not aware of, and they both could be valid answers before I clarified on the specific requirement for the answer to my question, but in any case, #luser droog 's answer stands out as the only viable answer. Thank you everyone!
I'd use :%s/^/ /
You could also specify a range of lines :10,15s/^/ /
Or a relative range :.,+5s/^/ /
Or use regular expressions for the locations :/A/,/D/>.
For copying code to paste on SO, I usually use sed from the terminal sed 's/^/ /' filename
I just learned a new trick for this. You enter visual mode v, select the region (with regular movement commands), then hit : which gives you this:
ready for you to type just the command part of the above commands, the marks '< and '> being automatically set to the bounds of the visual selection.
To select and indent the current paragraph:
followed by enter.
As requested in the comments, you can also add spaces to the middle of a line using a regex quantifier \{n} on the any meta-character ..
:%s/^.\{14}/& /
This adds a space 14 chars from the left on each line. Of course % could be replaced by any of the above options for specifying the range of an ex command.
When on the first A, I'd go in block visual mode ctrl-v, select the lines you want to modify, press I (insert mode with capital i), and apply any changes I want for the first line. Leaving visual mode esc will apply all changes on the first line to all lines.
Probably not the most efficient on number of key-strokes, but gives you all the freedom you want before leaving visual mode. I don't like it when I have to specify by hand the line and column range in a regex command.
I'd use >}.
>: Shifts right and
}: means until the end of the paragraph
Hope this helps.
Ctrl + v (to enter in visual mode)
Use the arrow keys to select the lines
Shift + i (takes you to insert mode)
Hit space keys or whatever you want to type in front of the selected lines.
Save the changes (Use :w) and now you will see the changes in all the selected lines.
I would do like Nigu. Another solution is to use :normal:
<S-v> to enter VISUAL-LINE mode
3j or jjj or /D<CR> to select the lines
:norm I<Space><Space>, the correct range ('<,'>) being inserted automatically
:normal is probably a bit overkill for this specific case but sometimes you may want to perform a bunch of complex operations on a range of lines.
You can select the lines in visual mode, and type >. This assumes that you've set your tabs up to insert spaces, e.g.:
setl expandtab
setl shiftwidth=4
setl tabstop=4
(replace 4 with your preference in indentation)
If the lines form a paragraph, >ap in normal mode will shift the whole paragraph above and below the current position.
Let's assume you want to shift a block of code:
setup the count of spaces used by each shift command, :set shiftwidth=1, default is 8.
press Ctrl+v in appropriate place and move cursor up k or down j to select some area.
press > to shift the block and . to repeat the action until desired position (if cursor is missed, turn back with h or b).
Another thing you could try is a macro. If you do not know already, you start a macro with q and select the register to save the macro... so to save your macro in register a you would type qa in normal mode.
At the bottom there should be something that says recording. Now just do your movement as you would like.
So in this case you wanted 2 spaces in front of every line, so with your cursor already at the beginning of the first line, go into insert mode, and hit space twice. Now hit escape to go to normal mode, then down to the next line, then to the beginning of that line, and press q. This ends and saves the macro
(so that it is all in one place, this is the full list of key combinations you would do, where <esc> is when you press the escape key, and <space> is where you hit the space bar: qai<space><space><esc>j0q This saves the macro in register a )
Now to play the macro back you do # followed by the register you saved it in... so in this example #a. Now the second line will also have 2 spaces in front of them.
Macros can also run multiple times, so if I did 3#a the macro would run 3 times, and you would be done with this.
I like using macros for this like this because it is more intuitive to me, because I can do exactly what I want it to do, and just replay it multiple times.
I was looking for similar solution, and use this variation
N = numbers of spaces to insert.
*** Notice *** put space immediate after I.
What's the easiest way to delete the first 2 spaces for each line using VIM? Basically it's repeating "2x" for each line.
Clarification: here the assumption is the first 2 characters are spaces. So the question is about doing indentation for multiple lines together.
Enter visual block mode with Ctrl-V (or Ctrl-Q if you use Ctrl-V for paste);
Select the area to delete with the arrows;
Then press d to delete the selected area.
Press Esc
Some more options. You can decided which is the "easiest way".
Remove the first 2 characters of every line:
:%normal 2x
Remove first 2 characters of every line, only if they're spaces:
:%s/^ /
Note that the last slash is optional, and is only here so that you can see the two spaces. Without the slash, it's only 7 characters, including the :.
Move indentation to left for every line:
:%normal <<
You could also use a search and replace (in the ex editor, accessed via the : character):
Remove first two characters no matter what:
Remove first two white space characters (must be at the beginning and both must be whitespace... any line not matching that criteria will be skipped):
Assuming a shiftwidth=2, then using shift with a range of %
Two spaces, or two characters? (2x does the latter.)
:[range]s/^ //
deletes two blanks at the beginning of each line; use % (equivalent to 1,$) as [range] do to this for the entire file.
deletes the first two characters of each line, whatever they are. (Note that it deletes two characters, not necessarily two columns; a tab character counts as one character).
If what you're really doing is changing indentation, you can use the < command to decrease it, or the > command to increase it. Set shiftwidth to control how far it shifts, e.g.
:set shiftwidth=2
I'd try one of two approaches:
Do column editing on the block to delete using Ctrl+V (often mapped to Ctrl+Q).
Record a macro on the first row using q1 (or any other number/letter you want to denote the recording register), then replay that macro multiple times using #1 (to use my previous example. Even better, use a preceding number to tell it how many times to run - 10#1 to run that macro 10 times, for example. It does, however, depends on what you recorded - make sure to rewind the cursor 0 or drop one line j, if that's relevant.
I'd also add: learn how to configure indentation for vim. Then a simple gg=G will do the trick.