Ive written a macro that takes some source data and writes it onto several sheets, which id like to remain hidden before and after the macro has run. Having written the Macro, when I run it it only updates a few records on each sheet (for instance on the first hidden sheet it updates 21 rows out of over 1000. What is the reason for this happening? Surely it should update them all or none of them? Im not getting any errors either. Ive tried
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Worksheets("FT Raw").Visible = True
Worksheets("L1").Visible = True
Worksheets("L2").Visible = True
Worksheets("L3").Visible = True
Worksheets("L4").Visible = True
But still only 21 rows get updated.
Update: This is the code that is running on each sheet
endval = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To endval
If Not Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(i, "A") = "" Then
splitted = Split(Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(i, "A"), ",")
Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(i, "B") = splitted(0)
Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(i, "C") = splitted(1)
Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(i, "D") = splitted(2)
If Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(i, "D") = "1" Then
Sheets("L1").Cells(j, "A") = Trim(splitted(0))
Sheets("L1").Cells(j, "B") = Trim(splitted(3))
j = j + 1
End If
End If
Next i
Ok Edit. You need to specify the Sheet("FT Raw") in your endval calc.
Try this set endval = Sheets("FT Raw").Cells(Sheets("FT Raw").Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row and proceed with the remainder of your code.
(You could also use endval = Sheets("FT Raw").UsedRange.Rows.Count only if you don't have blank cells at the top of the column)
Lucky last, you don't have to unhide these sheets at all to run the code. By all means do so to debug but when running in anger it's not necessary.
This has nothing to do with the hiding of sheets - even if a sheet is hidden, you can still modify it with VBA. (Only if it is protected, you need to unprotect it.)
Lookig at your code, I do not see, where j is initialized - and under which circumstances column D in your sheet FT rawis equal to "1".
I suggest you initialize j in the top, e.g. if you want to add the rows using
j = Sheets("L1").Range(Rows.Count, 1).End.(xlUp).Row + 1
Then, after running the macro (for a check), filter column D in your raw sheet with an Autofilter for the value 1 and see if that matches the number of entries in sheet L1.
Here I go again, another simple Function that I cannot seem to find anywhere.
instead, i see other related discussions/codes but they are more complex that how i need it.
I have Three Pivot tables, they are connected via a slicer so when i select one Item, all of them will be filtered in the same parameter.
I would only want to hide the blank rows between a two Pivot table that are blank, excluding 1 rows for each to allow for viewing separation. I tried to use a Recording macro but seems like there's no way i can expect the relative Reference mode to help on this when i use xlUp and xlDown.
in the attached image is sample of what are the blank rows that will be hidden.
Thank you so much in advance!
Sub HideBlanks()
Dim nRow
' First, show all rows
Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
' Then go from the last row to the third one,
For nRow = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row To 3 Step -1
' check that several columns of that row are blank (Cells(nRow, 1) = "" And Cells(nRow, 2) = "" And Cells(nRow, 3) = "" )
' and also check that the row above is blank also (And Cells(nRow - 1, 1) )
If Cells(nRow, 1) = "" And Cells(nRow, 2) = "" And Cells(nRow, 3) = "" And Cells(nRow - 1, 1) = "" Then
' If so, hide the row
Cells(nRow, 1).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next nRow
End Sub
I am new to macros in Excel, and I’m trying to speed up a process. I need to add a varying number of blank rows, if certain text is present in the cell above it. Not equal, but containing.
For example if A1 contains 'Apples', add two blank rows beneath. If A6 has 'Plums', add four blank rows beneath, etc.
What I have now is this:
For a=1 To ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count,1).End(x1Up).Row
If ActiveSheet.Cells(a,1).Value = “Apples” Then
a = a+1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(a,1).Value = “Plums” Then
a = a+1
End If
End Sub
So far I've gotten a Compile Error, stating "Block If without End If" though I believe I closed them both. I'm not sure if I'm correctly comparing or searching for a string as well (referring to my use of ="Apples"), but cannot get it to run at all to test that part.
For a = 1 To ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If TypeName(ActiveSheet.Cells(a, 1)) = "String" Then
If ActiveSheet.Cells(a, 1).Value = "Apples" Then
a = a + 1
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Cells(a, 1).Value = "Plums" Then 'One error here
a = a + 1
End If
End If
Next 'And here too
I am working with a VB macro. Essentially what I am trying to do is for the macros to read the input and first determine whether or not a cells ID number matches the one in the row. Example: If row 1 has an ID of 1122 and rows 2,3,4 and 5 all match, I want the macro to read that and create a count in the NbrOfA cell. Once it realizes that there is not an ID match it moves on to the next ID and looks for matches of that ID number and continues to create a count. While it is doing this, I also need it to read from another column that has specific strings such as "open", "closed" ect. read that input, and create a separate row titled NbrofOpenA. Once it runs out of data, I then want to have a singular cell that shows the number of actions (NbrOfA) that match the ID number as well as the number of open actions (NbrOfOpenA).
Currently I receive the error: “compile error: sub or function not defined” highlighting the Set Cell(Sheet2.Cells(FirstRowOfI, 23) = NbrOfA
Attached in the excel sheet attached it shows 2 cells deleted. They will not actually be deleted, just wanted to give an idea of what I was looking for
Sub ACount()
Dim FirstRowofI
Dim NbrOfA as Integer
Dim NbrOfOpenA as Integer
Row = 2
Set FirstRowofI = (Sheet2.Cells.Range(Row, 14))
NbrOfA = 0
NbrOfOpenA = 0
If (Sheet2.Cells(Row, 14).Value <> "") Then
NbrOfA = 1
If (Sheet2.Cells(Row, 22) <> "Closed") Then
NbrOfOpenA = 1
Set Row = FirstRowofI
Row = Row + 1
Do While (Sheet2.Cells(Row, 14) = (Sheet2.Cells(FirstRowofI, 14)))
NbrOfOpenA = NbrOfOpenA + 1
If (Sheet2.Cells(Row, 22) <> "Closed" Then
NbrOfOpenA = NbrOfOpenA + 1
End If
Set Cell(Sheet2.Cells(FirstRowofI, 23)) = NbrOfA
Set Cell(Sheet2.Cells(FirstRowofI, 24)) = NbrOfOpenA
End Sub
Do you need VBA? You can easily achieve what you're looking for with formulas, heck even a Pivot Table! Here's an example with formulas:
In the following code the else condition always happens, even if the two variables are different. If I remove it it works just as it should, but has empty spots where "No" should be written.
For i = 2 To lRowMas 'Loop through all rows in Master Sheet
For j = 2 To lRowCurrentSheet 'Loop through all rows in sheet to compare
If Sheets(masterSheet).Cells(i, 1) = Sheets(sheetNamesAsArray(x)).Cells(j, 1) Then
Sheets(masterSheet).Cells(i, x + 2).Value = "Yes" 'set value to Yes
Sheets(masterSheet).Cells(i, x + 2).Value = "No" 'set value to Yes
End If
Next j 'End inner loop, on sheet to compare
Next i 'End outer loop, on MasterSheet
I solved my problem. I forgot to add a End For, so once it found a match and wrote yes, it would overwrite it with no in the next iteration. Thank you all for your advice.
I am having a problem with finding duplicates in an excel column that is created via VBscript.
I currently am grabbing data from a DB opening an excel file, placing the data within and then sorting the data alphabetically ascending on column E (if this isn't needed it can easily be removed).
Now the problem that I am faced with is that I am trying to find any duplicates within that column E (Errors).
If there is a duplicate I would like to copy the duplicate and paste it into another sheet (column A) that I have created
Set oWS7 = oWB.Worksheets(7)
oWB.Sheets(7).Name = "Dups"
And in column B of oWS7 I would like to put all the corresponding column C's (accounts) from the original worksheet.
So that there would be a 1 Error to many account's ratio. If there are no duplicates I would like to have them left alone. I'm not sure how clear this is but any questions/help on this would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I'm going to make the following assumptions:
The content in the worksheet starts in the first row
The first row (and only the first row) is a header row.
There are no empty rows between header row and data rows.
The data is already sorted.
If these assumptions apply the following should work (once you put in the correct sheet number):
Set data = oWB.Sheets(...) '<-- insert correct sheet number here
j = 1
For i = 3 To data.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If data.Cells(i, 5).Value = data.Cells(i-1, 5).Value Then
oWS7.Cells(j, 1).Value = data.Cells(i, 5).Value
oWS7.Cells(j, 2).Value = data.Cells(i, 3).Value
j = j + 1
End If
'How To find Repeted Cell values from source excel sheet.
Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.application")
oXL.Visible = True
Set oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Open("ExcelFilePath")
Set oSheet = oWB.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'Source Sheet in workbook
r = oSheet.usedrange.rows.Count
c = oSheet.usedrange.columns.Count
inttotal = 0
For i = 1 To r
For j = 1 To c
If oSheet.Cells(i,j).Value = "aaaa" Then
inttotal = inttotal+1
End If
MsgBox inttotal