HyperV Network Adapter not shown by lspci - linux

I'm currently trying to set up a debian virtual machine on HyperV (the final goal is running this machine in azure, which uses a HyperV virtualization under the hood), but I can't get the network up.
The Machine was originally created in VirtualBox and exported as a VHD image, and then re-imported in a hyperV Server. Any VirtualBox guest additions have been removed and the hyperV linux integration tools have been installed.
The server is configured to provide an external virtual network for one of the network adapters of the host, and I've added a natwork adapter for this virtual network to my VM.
However, when I run lspci on the guest, I see:
root#debian:-# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 44013X/2X/DX - 824438X/2X/DX Host bridge ( AGP disabled) (rev 03)
00:07.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 01)
00:07.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01)
00:07.3 Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 02)
00:08.0 VGA compatible controller: Microsoft Corporation Hyper-V virtual VGA
I've read here that the emulated network device sits on 1011:0009, but lspci -d 1011:0009 shows nothing.
I don't really know where to go from here, any help will be appreciated :)

While adding the Network Adapter you must use a Legacy Network Adapter and then set it to connect.
There is a tutorial about HyperV and Debian at Running Debian in Windows Server's Hyper-V

There is no line shown for the (non-legacy) network adapter.
Just load the kernel module (hv_netvsc) and use ifconfig -a to see, if the interface is there...
To build this kernel module take a look at http://dietrichschroff.blogspot.de/2013/03/hyper-v-compile-linux-kernel-with.html

I've been able to use the Hyper-V network adapter (non-legacy) by defining the mac address both in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and in the vm hardware configuration in Virtual Machine Manager 2012.

It seems you are already using some of the Hyper-v modules (Microsoft Corporation Hyper-V virtual VGA), you can lsmod | grep hv and see the Hyper-V modules loaded (hv_vmbus, hv_netvsc, hv_blkvsc, hv_storvsc)
Also you can see the actual interfaces by running ip link show.
I suggest instead of compiling a new kernel just do a distro upgrade:
If you are running Debian 6 (Squeeze), you can upgrade to 7 (Wheezy), it’s so simple: just answer Y every time.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
nano /etc/apt/sources.list replace every squeeze with wheezy, ctrl+x, Y,enter.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
Your new kernel will be selected, login, then you can lsmod | grep hv and see the Hyper-V modules loaded (hv_vmbus, hv_netvsc, hv_blkvsc, hv_storvsc), connect your non-legacy network adapter and do ip link show then you’ll see it (you can be sure by checking the MAC).
But why stay there? Now you can go to Debian 8.2 (jessie) by following the same instructions but this time use “jessie” on your sourcelist.
I wasn’t able to go directly from 6 to 8.
If you have trouble with “public key is not available” then follow instructions from here.


Dummy Soundcard for Amazon linux server

I need to use an application which needs a soundcard in an amazon ec2 instance with the default ubuntu 16.04 installed on it. Problem is that there's no soundcard available. I've tried everything on google on how to create a dummy soundcard so the program runs with no problem, but nothing helped because it was outdated. This is what lspcireturns:
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma] (rev 02)
00:01.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]
00:01.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]
00:01.3 Bridge: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 01)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Cirrus Logic GD 5446
00:03.0 Unassigned class [ff80]: XenSource, Inc. Xen Platform Device (rev 01)
lsmod | grep snd does not return ANYTHING which makes me think that I might me missing all modules, and not just snd-dummy.
I've been trying to setup a dummy by using the command sudo modprobe snd-dummy which returns the following error:
modprobe: FATAL: Module snd-dummy not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-1013-aws
Any clues?
If anyone still has the same issue:
You are probably using an AMI that comes with a kernel compiled without the snd-dummy module. The ALSA wiki suggests building this module from source (alsa-driver) but this is out of date.
I was able to run an application that needs a soundcard on EC2 by installing pulseaudio
sudo apt install pulseaudio
pulseaudio --start
After which I get:
$ aplay test.wav
Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 22257 Hz, Mono
And the soundcard-needing application runs normally. If this is not enough for you, you might need to enable the default sink:
pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=auto_null
pactl set-default-sink auto_null
More details here Linux application fails with "Invalid CTL" and "Unknown PCM"

Enable Bluetooth Adapter for BeagleBone Black

I recently bought a USB 2.0 Bluetooth Adapter. It claims to have support from Linux kernels of versions 3.4 and higher. I have a BeagleBone Black with Debian GNU/Linux 7 image and kernel 3.8. I am developing on BeagleBone Black by hosting it through USB with ssh.
I have tried both hot plugging and plugging in before boot and failed.
Then, I tried this tutorial. However, I cannot find the connman directory on my BeagleBone Black device. I looked up and assumed I needed to install the connman package, but my BeagleBone Black has no internet access.
I have also tried lsusb -v, as suggested by an answer of a similar question to this, with no luck. The weird thing is, while lsusb itself prints
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
lsusb -v only prints
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
then hangs. Information regarding bus 002, which I believe the device is connected to, is not printed. I have to restart the ssh connection to get back to work.
How should I approach to get the dongle to work on my BeagleBone Black? If the connman package is sufficient, how do I install it on my BeagleBone Black without internet access. Why does lsusb -v hang?
Any help is appreciated!
The actual problem turned out to be that my BeagleBone Black is flawed/damaged. I plugged the Bluetooth Adapter into a plain new BeagleBone Black before powering it, and the Bluetooth Adapter is recognized! Not only does lsusb prints out the adapter info, but also lsusb -v does not hang at all. The overall performance of the new board (boot time, compilation time, execution time) is also several times better. I suspect that it was due to the various improper power-off.
In case anyone is just as careless, the BeagleBone Black SHALL be powered off by:
Holding down the power button for about 8 seconds then releasing it.
Using halt or shutdown -h now command in the Userspace.
I have possible 4 solutions for you:
1) download the connman package and save it to a usb flashdrive. Connect the flashdrive to the beaglebone and install the package using the following command: dpkg -i {.deb package}.
2) download the connman package on your desktop computer and ssh into your beaglebone. once you ssh in you could copy the file trough ssh using scp. Note the syntax $ scp your_username#remotehost.edu:foobar.txt /some/local/directory. Then install the connman package using dpkg -i {.deb package}.
3) share your desktop computers internet connection with the beaglebone and ssh into the beaglebone. Download the package directly using apt-get or wget whatever tool you prefer.
4) connect your beaglebone to your router using rj-45 cable. Maybe this is not your preferred solution but it's easy and after port forwarding you will have access to your beaglebone from anywhere.
Hope this helps and note that I never used a bluetooth adapter with a BBB. I'm just giving generic instructions on your general problem.

Linux boot with usb 3G modem enabled as ttyACM0 device

im running Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (desktop), on an embedded device (Odroid U3) and
on boot, my 3G usb modem is seen as a ttyACM0 / ttyACM1 device, which is correct.
Post boot i am able to simply run wvdial..and from there I can get a connection...
I am running my system headless, and would ideally like to get the OS "converted" to more
of a server configuration(smaller) if possible. I have tried running the
the ubuntu server version here viewtopic.php?f=77&t=5123, along with
multiple versions of debian(7 / 7.4) but neither will detect the usb modem correctly on boot.
I am a newbie to linux, and the only thing that I have tried is
trying to force load some of the kernel modules on boot ( /etc/modules ) to try to
alter the detection of the device on boot. (cdc_acm, usbserial, ppp....etc), no luck.
On the ubuntu server version above I even updated the kernel to
version newer than the one currently on the working desktop version, still no luck,
Does anyone have experience with usb 3G modem detection on boot??,
Any ideas why it works on the 14.04.1 LTS desktop version , and not any others?,
thanks a ton...for any suggestions
Appears that there is a patch in 14.04 ubuntu boot that fixes the usb_modeswitch issues. After taking a raw ubuntu , adding usb_modeswitch , its now working just fine.
Did not even have to configure usb_modeswitch.

VT-X on windows 7 cannot be recognized by Guest OS(Ubuntu 12.04) with virtualbox

I have met with the following problem.
Hardware: DELL Laptop E6430(CPU: I7 3520M)
Host OS : Windows7 professional(64 bit)
Guest OS: Ubuntu 12.04(32 bit)
VMM: virtualbox 4.2.16
I need to do some development on KVM with a windows 7 environment. Things can be made sure are that VT-X are opened in BIOS and can be recognized by windows 7.(Passed securable test.)
I can't post screenshot for my low reputation, sorry for that :-(
VT-x| AMD-V option in virtualbox is also opened.
But when I typed cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmx, I found no related output.
I tried to close VT-D in BIOS and then reopened it as google told me, but in vain.
Note that after I closed VT-D in BIOS, virtualbox just told me that vt-x | AMD-V was not available anymore, which I suppose means virtualbox knows the existence of that CPU feature.
So I thought KVM can not be used by windows 7, am I right? If not, I hope that somebody can tell me why there is no VMX in my guest OS. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for answering, I finally installed Ubuntu 12.04 with windows7 on the same hard disk. As for my issue, virtualbox don't support full virtuallization, so I could not see any VMX feature in my Guest OS, but vmware do, which suits me well.

ethernet drivers not working on linaro version 3.1

Hi all
I am booting pandaboard with Linux linaro version 3.1.
Everything boots fine but Ethernet is not working.
How can I solve this?
When I boot here are some of the outputs so that we can explain the situation much better.
no modules are enabled.
#/etc/init.d/networking eth0
device eth0 not found
failed ro bring up eth0.
#ls /sys/class/net/
there is only lo but there is no eth0.
So this clearly shows that ethernet drivers are not being enabled.
Is there any chance that I can over come this issue?
What is the ethernet device?
Do you have the driver built into your kernel? (look in .config)
