How to get req and res object of Expreejs in .ejs file - node.js

I am trying to use Express js with .ejs views.
I want to redirect my page to some another page on any event let say "onCancelEvent"
As per Express js documentation,I can do this by using res.redirect("/home");
But I am not able to get res object in my ejs file.
Can anyone Please tell me how to access req and res object in .ejs file
Please help.

Short Answer
If you want to access the "req/res" in the EJS templates, you can either pass the req/res object to the res.render() in your controller function (the middleware specific for this request):
res.render(viewName, { req : req, res : res /* other models */};
Or set the res.locals in some middleware serving all the requests (including this one):
res.locals.req = req;
res.locals.res = res;
Then you will be able to access the "req/res" in EJS:
<% res.redirect(""); %>
Further Discussion
However, do you really want to use res in the view template to redirect?
If the event initiates some request to the server side, it should go through the controller before the view. So you must be able to detect the condition and send redirect within the controller.
If the event only occurs at client side (browser side) without sending request to server, the redirect can be done by the client side javascript:
window.location = "";

In my opinion: You don't.
It is better to create the logic that determines the need to redirect inside some middleware that happens long before you call res.render()
It is my argument that your EJS file should contain as little logic as possible. Loops and conditionals are ok as long as they are limited. But all other logic should be placed in middleware.
function myFn( req, res, next) {
// Redirect if something has happened
if (something) {
// Otherwise move on to the next middleware
function myFn( req, res, next) {
var options = {
// Fill this in with your needed options
// Redirect if something has happened
if (something) {
} else {
// Otherwise render the page
res.render('myPage', options);


Is there anyway to stored res.send() into variable

How can store a json result of res.send() in express js into a variable so that we can archive result without display it into html page?'/profile', (req, res, next) => {
let a = somefunction();
How can store a json result of res.send() in express js into a variable
Just assign it to a variable like usual:
const myResObject = res.status(200).send(a);
(...) without display it into html page?
Not possible. You have no control over what res does internally without monkey patching the prototype.
You can modify your view to not display anything at all when res.send is called.

Node.JS run routes synchronously

In this example, I have two routes - the first is a Get route and the second is a Post route. I want the information gathered in the get route to be included in the post route. I tried using .then and some basic boolean if logic but I cannot get these routes to run synchronously.
leadFormObj = {};
$.get("/getID/"+leadFormObj.parentEmail, function(event){
console.log("getting an ID");
leadFormObj.parentID = event[0].id;
$.post("/addChild", leadFormObj, function(data) {
In the example above, I have a standard object (i've shown it blank in this example). The first get route will run and pass in a new key value pair to the object. I then want to pass this updated object to the post route but I'm not sure how to do this.
Would I use nested routes to do this?
Why don't you put the post request inside the callback of the get request
$.get("/getID/"+leadFormObj.parentEmail, function(data){
$.post("/addChild", {parentID: data[0].id}, function(data) {

How to modify request to include new url parameter

I want to add a new url parameter to the req.params before sending the response back . I tried the below way . But it's not working
router.get('/customers', function(req, res) {
req.params.customerId = someval ;
// proceed my implementation
Is there any specific way to do this or is this impossible to do ?
If you want to add a parameter in the request send to the server, you just have to :
router.get('/customers/:customerId', function(req, res) {
If you want to add a parameter in the request to send back, so I don't know why you want to do that, but you can perhaps do this with setting the new parameters in req and call a res.redirect on the good route, or play with the res.location function.

multiple routes with differents params, calling the same ressource

Is it possible with expressjs to have multiple routes calling the same resource, something like that:
app.get('/users/:user_id', users.getOne)
app.get('/users/:username', users.getOne)
I would like to be able to call users.getOne whichever params (:user_id or :username) is used in the get request.
In the users.getOne function, how can I determine wich one was used and build my query according to it?
exports.getOne = function(req, res){
var queryParams = ? // I need help here
Possibly related: express.js - single routing handler for multiple routes in a single line
From express's view, both of those routes will match the same set of request URLs. You only need one of them and you can name it to make more sense:
app.get('/users/:key', users.getOne);
var OBJECT_ID_RE = /^[a-f\d]{24}$/i;
exports.getOne = function(req, res) {
var conditions = {_id: req.params.key};
if (!OBJECT_ID_RE.test(req.params.key)) {
conditions = {username: req.params.key};
If you end up wanting this pattern in many routes throughout your code base, you can extract it into a /users/:user param and use app.param as per #alex's answer, but encapsulate the code to locate the user and stick it on to req.user so the actual route handler can just assume the user has been properly found and loaded by the time it executes, and 404 handling can be centralized as well.
Those are in fact, from express's view, the same route.
No, they are not. One route has :user_id parameter, another one has :username.
This would be a proper solution:
var OBJECT_ID_RE = /^[a-f\d]{24}$/i;
app.param('user_id', function(req, res, next, value, name) {
if (OBJECT_ID_RE.test(value)) {
} else {
app.get('/users/:user_id', users.getOne)
app.get('/users/:username', users.getOne)
app.param set the prerequisite for the route to be called. This way when user_id matches a pattern, first route gets called, otherwise second one.

How to save Backbone JSONP model to MongoDB using Node/Express?

I need a way to parse my JSONP object on server side to save it, due to cross domain origin issue I have shifted my way of communication from JSON to JSONP but not finding any suitable way to parse JSONP on server side to save it to the database.
Following is the Model,
'use strict';
return Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
sync: function(method, collections, options) {
options.dataType = "jsonp";
return Backbone.sync(method, collections, options);
Express Server,
var express = require('/root/node_modules/express');
var page = require('./routes/page.js');
var app = express();
app.configure(function () {
app.set("jsonp callback", true);
app.get('/page', page.updatePage);
exports.updatePage = function(req, res) {
// Here how I can parse the req is my problem
// so I can save object to database?
URL is generating like,
and I am able to receive,
{ callback: 'jQuery203010156283635587138_1384408493698',
'{"text":{"en":"Text"},"type":"text","position":0,"align":"left","color":"': '' }
Now how can I parse this ? I can get callback from callback parameter, but how to get actual data ?
You can't parse the result because it's not valid JSON. Your problem is probably in this line:
app.set("jsonp callback", true);
This is where you set the JSONP callback variable, for example changing it from the default of callback to instead be callbackVariable.
Just comment out that line, and the JSONP you get back will hopefully be parseable. Or, you might also have to fix how Backbone is constructing the JSONP URL. If you instead used a URL like http://crossdomain:9847/page?callback=jQuery203010156283635587138_1384408493698&type=text&position=0&align=left&color=%23000&weight=normal&size=14px&font=Verdana&pageid=askdkasdkgaskdgks I believe it would work. Backbone seems to be adding additional encoding into the values in the URL, which makes parsing harder.
Finally, if you need help easily picking specific values out of a (valid) JSON string that has been parsed into a Javascript object, take a look at the many useful function in lodash.
