Linux stack resident memory not reclaimed after stack unwind - linux

Linux doesn't reclaim memory when it's not used anymore, if allocated on stack.
I dynamically allocate (malloc/mmap) 1GB on heap.
Before the allocation:
$ top
virtual memory 1GB
resident memory ~ 0
memset 1GB
$ top
virtual memory 1GB
resident memory 1GB
deallocate (free/munmap) of 1GB - reclaimed as expected
$ top
virtual memory 1GB
resident memory ~ 0
I dynamically allocate 1GB on stack.
$ top
virtual memory 1GB
resident memory ~ 0
memset 1GB
$ top
virtual memory 1GB
resident memory 1GB
deallocate (stack unwind) of 1GB - resident memory is still 1GB, even after deallocating! Why?
$ top
virtual memory 1GB
resident memory 1GB
Why, when the stack unwind the resident memory (physical pages are still in use)?
The heap segment allocation is done with mmap and the stack segment allocation is done with mmap - so why there is difference in the behavior of reclaim?

Because the OS thinks that once you have use that much stack, you probably will do that again. The OS can't really know [from outside your application] what your application is about to do in the future. It would be rather difficult to figure out when it's OK to free some of the stack, and you get all sorts of interesting race-conditions in the OS where you have to stop the application from running simply to reduce it's stack - and then it suddenly needs it again, so it needs to be allocated.
Using mmap, on the other hand, there is a distinct munmap to tell the OS "I have no interest in this memory". So it gets freed then and there [as part of the munmap call itself - specifically, in zap_pte_range the pages themselves are freed and given back to the OS.
It shouldn't really be a big issue, unless the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. You are running on an embedded system that doesn't have swap.
2. Your application runs for a long period of time after it has returned for using a lot of stack (assuming you actually do need this much memory as stack, you will have to have that memory available WHEN it's needed, so it's obviously only a problem if the application then doesn't need the stack later on and that period is long - whatever your definition of long is).
3. Your system doesn't have enough RAM to fulful other RAM needs in other applications.
The reason I say that is that although the stack is using that much memory, if the application isn't using the ram for a long time, and the system is running low on memory, it will swap it out to disk - to be swapped in at a later stage IF it's needed.
I would also say that using such large amounts of stackspace is generally considered a bad idea. Running out of space on stack [either hitting the limit or "there just isn't enough memory available"] is nearly always fatal.
So whilst I often suggest using stack-space to store temporary variables, I think 1GB of stack is quite excessive. A few megabytes should be acceptable, but hundreds of megabytes or more is probably a sign of "you should probably store things in another way".


Will Linux programs crash if there is enough ram but not enough virtual memory?

For example, I run the top command and see that my application uses 1MB RES and 1000MB VIRT. Will this program crash if my system just has 128MB RAM and 512MB virtual memory?
If you have enough ram, you don't actually need any virtual memory. The only time virtual memory is used is... when you run out of actual memory.The system writes some ram to virtual memory(disk), and then uses that memory for something else... loading that virtual memory back into actual memory only when it is needed (and that may require writing some other memory to virtual memory to free some memory up for that).Depending on how the system is configured, it can tell you that it allocated memory for you... but if you never touched it, it never really allocated that memory for you (real or virtual).
So... if your program is actually using 1MB RES + 1000MB VIRT it could not fit into less than 1001MB memory (virtual or real), but if the system over-promised the memory and never really allocated for you.. then your program could run until it actually uses enough memory to run out of memory.

Find exact physical memory usage in Ubuntu/Linux

(I'm new to Linux)
Say I've 1300 MB memory, on a Ubuntu machine. OS and other default programs consumes 300 MB memory and 1000 MB is free for my own applications.
I installed my application and I could configure it to use 700 MB memory, when the application starts.
However I couldn't verify its actual memory usage. Even I disabled swap space.
The "VIRT" value shows a huge value and "RES", "SHR", "%MEM" shows very less value.
It is difficult to find actual physical memory usage, similar to "Resource monitor" in Windows, which will say my application is using 700 MB memory.
Is there any way to find actual physical memory in Ubuntu/Linux ?
TL;DR - Virtual memory is complicated.
The best measure of a Linux processes current usage of physical memory is RES.
The RES value represents the sum of all of the processes pages that are currently resident in physical memory. It includes resident code pages and resident data pages. It also includes shared pages (SHR) that are currently RAM resident, though these pages cannot be exclusively ascribed to >>this<< process.
The VIRT value is actually the sum of all notionally allocated pages for the process, and it includes pages that are currently RAM resident, pages that are currently swapped to disk.
See for another explanation.
Note that RES is giving you (roughly) instantaneous RAM usage. That is what you asked about ...
The "actual" memory usage over time is more complicated because the OS's virtual memory subsystem is typically be swapping pages in and out according to demand. So, for example, some of your application's pages may not have been accesses recently, and the OS may then swap them out (to swap space) to free up RAM for other pages required by your application ... or something else.
The VIRT value while actually representing virtual address space, is a good approximation of total (virtual) memory usage. However, it may be an over-estimate:
Some pages in a processes address space are shared between multiple processes. This includes read-only code segments, pages shared between parent and child processes between vfork and exec, and shared memory segments created using mmap.
Some pages may be set to have illegal access (e.g. for stack red-zones) and may not be backed by either RAM or swap device pages.
Some pages of the address space in certain states may not have been committed to either RAM or disk yet ... depending on how the virtual memory system is implemented. (Consider the case where a process requests a huge memory segment and neither reads from it or writes to it. It is possible that the virtual memory implementation will not allocate RAM pages until the first read or write in the page. And if you use lazy swap reservation, swap pages not be committed either. But beware that you can get into trouble with lazy swap reservation.)
VIRT can also be under-estimate because the OS usually reserves swap space for all pages ... whether they are currently swapped in or swapped out. So if you count the RAM and swap versions of a given page as separate units of storage, VIRT usually underestimates the total storage used.
Finally, if your real goal is to limit your application to using at most
700 MB (of virtual address space) then you can use ulimit -v ... to do this. If the application tries to request memory beyond its limit, the request fails.

How garbage collector works with Xmx and Xms values

I have some doubts how the JVM garbage collector would work with different values of Xmx and Xms and machine memory size:
How would garbage collector would work in following scenarios:
1. Machine memory size = 7.5GB
Xmx = 1024Mb
Number of processes = 16
Xms = 512Mb
I know 16*512Mb already exceeds the machine memory size. How would the garbage collector would work in this scenario. I think the memory usage would be entire 7.5GB in this case. Will the processes would be able to do anything in this? Or they all will be stuck?
2. Machine memory size = 7.5GB
Xmx = 320MB
Xms is not defined.
Number of Processes = 16
In this, 16*320Mb should be less than 7.5GB. But in my case, memory usage is again reaching 7.5GB. Is it possible? Or I have probably have a memory leak in my application?
So, basically I want to understand when does garbage collector runs? Does it run whenever memory used by the application reached exactly Xmx value? Or they are not related at all?
There's a couple of things to understand here and then consider in your situation.
Each JVM process has its own virtual address space, which is protected from other processes by the operating system. The OS maps physical ranges of addresses (called pages) to the virtual address space of each process. When more physical pages are required than are available, pages that have not been used for a while will be written to disk (called paging) and can then be reused. When the data of these saved pages is required again they are read back to the same or different physical page. By doing this you can easily run 16 or more JVMs all with a heap of 1Gb on a machine with 8Gb of physical memory. The problem is that the more paging to disk that is required the more you are going to degrade the performance of your applications since disk IO is orders of magnitude slower than RAM access. This is also the reason that the heap space of a single JVM should not be bigger than physical memory.
The reason for having -Xms and -Xmx options is so you can specify the initial and maximum size of the heap. As your application runs and requires more heap space the JVM is able to increase the heap size within these bounds. A lot of time these values are set to be the same to eliminate the overhead of having to resize the heap while the application is running. Most operating systems only allocate physical pages when they're required so in your situation making -Xms small won't change the amount of paging that occurs.
The key point here is it's the virtual memory system of the operating system that makes it possible to appear to be using more memory than you physically have in your machine.

Increase of virtual memory without increse of VmSize

I searched for my problem in Google and at this site but i still don't understand the solution.
I have piece of MPI program which RECV some data. Program crashes on big arrays with error of insufficient virtual memory, and so i started to consider /proc/self/status file.
Before MPI_RECV it was:
Name: model.exe
VmPeak: 841640 kB
VmSize: 841640 kB
VmHWM: 15100 kB
VmRSS: 15100 kB
VmData: 760692 kB
And after:
Name: model.exe
VmPeak: 841640 kB
VmSize: 841640 kB
VmHWM: 719980 kB
VmRSS: 719980 kB
VmData: 760692 kB
I test it on Ubuntu and through System Monitor i saw this memory increasing. But i was confused that there are no changes in VmSize(and VmPeak) parameters.
And the question is - what is the indicator of real memory usage?
Does it mean, that true indicator is VmRSS? (and VmSize is only allocated but still not used memory)
(The possible solution to your problem is the last paragraph)
Memory allocation on most modern operating systems with virtual memory is a two-phase process. First, a portion of the virtual address space of the process is reserved and the virtual memory size of the process (VmSize) increases accordingly. This creates entries in the so-called process page table. Pages are initially not associated with phyiscal memory frames, i.e. no physical memory is actually used. Whenever some part of this allocated portion is actually read from or written to, a page fault occurs and the operating system installs (maps) a free page from the physical memory. This increases the resident set size of the process (VmRSS). When some other process needs memory, the OS might store the content of some infrequently used page (the definition of "infrequently used page" is highly implementation-dependent) to some persistent storage (hard drive in most cases, or generally to the swap device) and then unmap up. This process decreases the RSS but leaves VmSize intact. If this page is later accessed, a page fault would again occur and it will be brought back. The virutal memory size only decreases when virtual memory allocations are freed. Note that VmSize also counts for memory mapped files (i.e. the executable file and all shared libraries it links to or other explicitly mapped files) and shared memory blocks.
There are two generic types of memory in a process - statically allocated memory and heap memory. The statically allocated memory keeps all constants and global/static variables. It is part of the data segment, whose size is shown by the VmData metric. The data segment also hosts part of the program heap, where dynamic memory is being allocated. The data segment is continuous, i.e. it starts at a certain location and grows upwards towards the stack (which starts at a very high address and then grows downwards). The problem with the heap in the data segment is that it is managed by a special heap allocator that takes care of subdividing the contiguous data segment into smaller memory chunks. On the other side, in Linux dynamic memory can also be allocated by directly mapping virtual memory. This is usually done only for large allocations in order to conserve memory, since it only allows memory in multiples of the page size (usually 4 KiB) to be allocated.
The stack is also an important source of heavy memory usage, especially if big arrays are allocated in the automatic (stack) storage. The stack starts near the very top of the usable virtual address space and grows downwards. In some cases it could reach the top of the data segment or it could reach the end of some other virtual allocation. Bad things happen then. The stack size is accounted in the VmStack metric and also in the VmSize.
One can summarise it as so:
VmSize accounts for all virtual memory allocations (file mappings, shared memory, heap memory, whatever memory) and grows almost every time new memory is being allocated. Almost, because if the new heap memory allocation is made in the place of a freed old allocation in the data segment, no new virtual memory would be allocated. It decreses whenever virtual allocations are being freed. VmPeak tracks the max value of VmSize - it could only increase in time.
VmRSS grows as memory is being accessed and decreases as memory is paged out to the swap device.
VmData grows as the data segment part of the heap is being utilised. It almost never shrinks as current heap allocators keep the freed memory in case future allocations need it.
If you are running on a cluster with InfiniBand or other RDMA-based fabrics, another kind of memory comes into play - the locked (registered) memory (VmLck). This is memory which is not allowed to be paged out. How it grows and shrinks depends on the MPI implementation. Some never unregister an already registered block (the technical details about why are too complex to be described here), others do so in order to play better with the virtual memory manager.
In your case you say that you are running into a virtual memory size limit. This could mean that this limit is set too low or that you are running into an OS-imposed limits. First, Linux (and most Unixes) have means to impose artificial restrictions through the ulimit mechanism. Running ulimit -v in the shell would tell you what the limit on the virtual memory size is in KiB. You can set the limit using ulimit -v <value in KiB>. This only applies to processes spawned by the current shell and to their children, grandchilren and so on. You need to instruct mpiexec (or mpirun) to propagate this value to all other processes, if they are to be launched on remote nodes. if you are running your program under the control of some workload manager like LSF, Sun/Oracle Grid Engine, Torque/PBS, etc., there are job parameters which control the virtual memory size limit. And last but not least, 32-bit processes are usually restricted to 2 GiB of usable virtual memory.

How does the amount of memory for a process get determined?

From my understanding, when a process is under execution it has some amount of memory at it's disposal. As the stack increases in size it builds from one end of the process (disregarding global variables that come before the stack), while the heap builds from another end. If you keep adding to the stack or heap, eventually all the memory will be used up for this process.
How does the amount of memory the process is given get determined? I can only imagine it depends on a bunch of different variables, but an as-general-as-possible response would be great. If things have to get specific, I'm interested in linux processes written in C++.
On most platforms you will encounter, Linux runs with virtual memory enabled. This means that each process has its own virtual address space, the size of which is determined only by the hardware and the way the kernel has configured it.
For example, on the x86 architecture with a "3/1" split configuration, every userspace process has 3GB of address space available to it, within which the heap and stack are allocated. This is regardless of how much physical memory is available in the system. On the x86-64 architecture, 128TB of address space is typically available to each userspace process.
Physical memory is separately allocated to back that virtual memory. The amount of this available to a process depends upon the configuration of the system, but in general it's simply supplied "on-demand" - limited mostly how much physical memory and swap file space exists, and how much is currently in use for other purposes.
The stack does not magically grow. It's size is static and the size is determined at linking time. So when you take enough space from the stack, it overflows (stack overflow ;)
On the other hand, the heap area 'magically' grows. Meaning that when ever more memory is needed for heap, the program asks operating system for more memory.
EDIT: As Mat pointed out below, the stack actually can increase during runtime on modern operating systems.
