I'm wondering if it's possible in Vim to create a mapping (for normal mode) that allows user input before the mapping executes.
I want to create a mapping for a shortcut for my most used grep command. I want the command to allow to to enter what I'm searching for then execute on enter.
This is sort of what I want:
nmap F :grep! "*user input*"<CR>:cw<CR>
I can't figure out how to pause and take user input. Am I even thinking about this the right way? Are there better ways to do what I'm trying to?
There is a function input(prompt [, text [, completion]]):
The result is a String, which is whatever the user typed on the
command-line. The {prompt} argument is either a prompt string, or a
blank string (for no prompt). A '\n' can be used in the prompt to
start a new line.
(from :help input()).
For things like :grep!, you'll probably have to build the command using a string expression and then :execute it.
An alternative would be create a custom command and use a mapping to call the new command.
command! -nargs=+ -complete=file -bar Grep grep! <args>|cw
Now you can create your mapping:
nnoremap <f2> :Grep<space>
You probably also want to stay away from mapping the F key as it a pretty handy mapping.
For more help see:
:h :command
see also this answer on vi.stackexchange by #EvergreenTree
in short: map an expression to make use of input():
nnoremap <expr> ;n "<ESC>Go<CR>" . input("Input your text here: ", "Prepend this string to my input by default -") . " <<- that was your input.<ESC>"
I have trouble remembering all the various keywords in vim. However, things like 'surround' from Tim Pope's surround.vim plugin are very useful.
Is it possible to set up a generic text command such that when I execute something like
:surround (.)
it will replace the current selection with
or if I execute
:surround preamble.somethingelse
It will replace the current selection with:
Alternatively you can use a custom "surrounding" which will prompt you for the text:
let g:surround_{char2nr('-')} = "\1start: \1\r\2end: \2"
Now you can visually select what you want to wrap and then press S- to tigger the - surrounding. It will then prompt you for a "start" and "ending" text.
For more help see:
:h surround-customizing
:h char2nr()
:h curly-brace-names
Almost, yes.
:command! -range -nargs=1 Surround normal gv"zc<args><Esc>F.v"zp
With this, you can create a visual selection, then use
:Surround (.)
:Surround preamble.somethingelse
Note that user-defined commands can never start with a lowercase letter, so :surround that you ask for is not possible. Also, this is a quick hack, so it's rather fragile.
However, as per comments, I would urge you to use more standard Vim methods (and well-vetted plugins like surround.vim) before cooking up custom ways to use it.
Here's another way, using surround plugin: define a custom replacement and perform it (then fix the plugin config to what it was before):
command! -range -nargs=1 Surround call ArbitrarySurround(<q-args>)
function! ArbitrarySurround(repl)
let backup = b:surround_45
let b:surround_45 = substitute(a:repl, "\\.", "\r", "")
norm gvS-
let b:surround_45 = backup
This is more robust than the previous one, allowing ad-hoc custom replacement pairs, but does require the surround plugin. It can be used with the same syntax as the above one.
In order to leverage the surround.vim plugin, you have to base your customization on what the plugin offers. For visual mode, it's basically this mapping (that by default is mapped to S):
vnoremap <silent> <Plug>VSurround :<C-U>call <SID>opfunc(visualmode(),visualmode() ==# 'V' ? 1 : 0)<CR>
The plugin does not expose any functions (the <SID>opfunc() it invokes is script-local), so you have to invoke the <Plug>-mapping; that can easily be done with :normal (without a [!]).
Also, the plugin only takes a single character (e.g. ( to surround with parens and whitespace, ) to surround with just parens); you can reference that in your custom command via <args>.
You create a custom command with :help :command; note that the command has to start with an uppercase letter:
command! -nargs=+ Surround execute "normal gv\<Plug>VSurround" . <q-args>
This re-enters visual mode (gv), then invokes the plugin, and finally supplies the passed argument. In order to directly invoke it from visual mode, just add a -range to the definition, so that the command takes (and ignores) the '<,'> range that Vim automatically supplies then.
You can then invoke the new custom command as :Surround ), for example, and it will surround the previous visual selection with (...).
It's not exactly what you asked, but since the problem is memorizing, how about putting this in your .vimrc:
vmap ( o<ESC>i(<ESC>gvo<ESC>a)<ESC>
vmap " o<ESC>i"<ESC>gvo<ESC>a"<ESC>
Make your selection, hit ( and it gets surrounded with ( ).
Make your selection, hit " and it gets surrounded with " ".
You could do the same with {, [ or '. For such a simple use-case there's no real need for a plugin.
Hi I use vimgrep to find text in the project.
However its a little slow because i have to write this each time:
vimgrep /text/ **/*.* | cwindow
Is there any way to map it in for example C-shift-F and show the text box.
After that when I hit enter it will execute the vimgrep commands.
That will save much time
Thank you
Vim is highly customizable (which is one big reason for its popularity), so there are several possibilities to provide a shortcut:
incomplete mapping
A mapping does not necessarily contain a complete command. You can just prepare the command-line and leave the cursor in a certain spot, so that you can fill out the rest and trigger the (Ex) command with Enter. For example:
:nnoremap <Leader>f :vimgrep // **/*.* <Bar> cwindow<Home><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right>
The trailing keys position the cursor in between the //, so you can fill in text, and then execute the command.
Note: Your suggested <C-S-f> mapping would be the same as <C-f> (an unfortunate limitation in the current implementation), and therefore override a useful built-in command. I've instead used <Leader>f (where the default for that key is \; cp. :help <Leader>).
custom command
This is already nice, but assuming we'll never have a need to edit the other parts of the command, we can shorten this to a custom command, e.g. :FindText:
command! -nargs=1 FindText vimgrep /<args>/ **/*.* | cwindow
With this, you can search via :FindText text. If you still prefer a mapping, this would become
:nnoremap <Leader>f :FindText<Space>
Other benefits of custom commands are that these are easier to recall from the command-line history (as they are different from other :vimgrep commands you might use), and you're building a library of higher-level editing commands, which over time can be reused to build even more higher-level commands, which makes your editing more efficient.
I am trying to create a mapping the allows me to execute my current node.js file when I press comma + n. I am trying to use the following:
:map <cn> :!node .
When I type this in it simply jumps my cursor to a random line in my current file. How do I create this mapping?
You've specified the mapping keys in the wrong format, see :help key-notation. To trigger the mapping via , followed by N, use this:
:nnoremap ,n :!node %<CR>
Additional notes:
You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
Likewise, you should be as specific in the modes, so :nmap instead of :map for normal mode only.
A mapping works as typed. As you invoke an Ex command from normal mode, you need to conclude command-line mode via <CR>, just as you would press Enter when typing this interactively.
You probably want to pass the current file to node; that's done by the special % identifier, not by .. See :help cmdline-special
What do you need to properly jump to a matched search result?
To reproduce, make a macro with a search in it after you've run vim -u NONE to ensure there's no vimrc interfering. You'll need to make a file with at least 2 lines and put the cursor on the line without the text TEST_TEXT.
map x :norm gg/TEST_TEXT^MIthis
My intention is that when I press x, it goes to the top of the file, looks for TEST_TEXT and then puts this at the start of the line that matches the search. The ^M is a literal newline, achieved with the CtrlQ+Enter keypress. What's happening instead is either nothing happens, or the text gets entered on the same line as when I called the macro.
If I just run the :norm gg/TEST_TEXT^MIthis command without mapping it to a key, the command executes successfully.
I had an initially longer command involving a separate file and the tcomment plugin, but I've gotten it narrowed down to this.
What is the correct sequence of keys to pull this off once I've mapped it to a key?
The problem is that the ^M concludes the :normal Ex command, so your search command is aborted instead of executed. The Ithis is then executed outside of :normal.
In fact, you don't need :normal here at all. And, it's easier and more readable to use the special key notation with mappings:
:map x gg/TEST_TEXT<CR>Ithis
If you really wanted to use :normal, you'd have to wrap this in :execute, like this:
:map x :exe "norm gg/TEST_TEXT\<lt>CR>Ithis"<CR>
Bonus tips
You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
Better restrict the mapping to normal mode, as in its current form, it won't behave as expected in visual and operator-pending mode: :nnoremap
This clobbers the last search pattern and its highlighting. Use of lower-level functions like search() is recommended instead.
There are many ways of doing this however this is my preferred method:
nnoremap x :0/TEST_TEXT/norm! Itest<esc>
:{range}norm! {cmd} - execute normal commands, {cmd}, on a range of lines,{range}.
! on :normal means the commands will not be remapped.
The range 0/TEST_TEXT start before the first line and then finds the first matching line.
I have a few issues with your current mapping:
You are not specifying noremap. You usually want to use noremap
It would be best to specifiy a mode like normal mode, e.g. nnoremap
It is usually best to use <cr> notation with mappings
You are using :normal when your command is already in normal mode but not using any of the ex command features, e.g. a range.
For more help see:
:h :map
:h :norm
:h range
try this mapping:
nnoremap x gg/TEST_TEXT<cr>Ithis<esc>
note that, if you map x on this operation, you lost the original x feature.
noremap :hsp :botright new
noremap :vsp :botright vnew
"Not an editor command: hsp"
I'm probably googling the wrong thing, but I can't find many results on aliasing vim commands. I can find tons of info about mapping keys to commands like my one for tabs:
noremap <C-t> :tabnew<CR>
But can't find commands mapped to other commands.
What you're doing is simulating a command with a mapping. You're saying that when you press the 4 keys :hsv in normal mode, it should type out the keys :botright new (which would need a <CR> to run, as others have said), but it's not actually making the command hsv. You could make an actual command with a user command (:h user-commands). These must start with a capital letter, though.
:command Hsp botright new
:command Vsp botright vnew
Now you can type :Hsp and hit enter to run the command botright new.
Did you try command abbreviation?
ca hsp botright new
ca vsp botright vnew
You will have to initialize the expansion of the abbreviation by hitting the space key afterwards. Depending on the global vim configuration, expansion also happens automatically just when enter is pressed.
with your same mapping, I cannot get the Not an editor command: hsp error message with my vim (v7.4).
Your mapping works fine, but you don't have <cr> at the end, so when you press :hsp in normal mode, your mapping will switch to commandline mode, and put the mapped command there, without executing it. You have to manually press Enter.
#XZS's answer works, but keep in mind that it is an abbreviation(ab), not a mapping. ab is not command aliases, it is not exactly same as mapping. For example, you have to press another key (like space) after hsp to trigger the ab. also, you cannot ab some special keys, this would be another limitation of ab.
There is c(nore)map for command mapping.
e.g. you could have:
cnoremap hsp botright new
with above line, as same as your original one, you have to manually press Enter, if you want it to be executed, you need add <CR> at the end of the line.
I think if I do this, I would create mapping.
Creating command alias can be tricky:
Using a simple cabbrev and/or cmap will cause expansions and mappings to fire in unexpected places like during searches with / and in the middle of filenames.
cmap's will have a visible delay in outputting to the screen which is why cabbrev is often used.
However there are a few ways to create a proper alias:
Create a command via :command.
e.g. command W w
command's first letter must be a uppercase letter
must supply -nargs, -bar, -complete, and -range options according to the needs of your alias
Expression :cabbrev to guard the abbreviation from expanding in in proper places.
expression mapping use the <expr> option
verify getcmdtype() is equal to :
verify the abbreviation is at the beginning of command line via getcmdline() or getcmdpos()
e.g. cnoreabbrev <expr> W getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() ==# 'W' ? 'w' : 'W'
Use :Alias via the cmdalias.vim plugin by Hari Krishna Dara
e.g. Alias W w
uses an expression cabbrev under the covers similar to the technique above