How to avoid mac in rhel6 changes on every reboot? [closed] - rhel

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a NVIDIA Corporation MCP61 Ethernet which mac address changes eveytime I reboot my box.
[root#sun etc]# dmesg |grep eth0
forcedeth 0000:00:07.0: ifname eth0, PHY OUI 0x732 # 1, addr 66:b6:95:ea:3e:29
udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth3
udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1
This time it's 66:b6:95:ea:3e:29. How to avoid this?

This is offtopic for here, but its a known bug for a long time. See this extensive discussion at Ubuntu's bugtracker.
It also has a fix proposed some 10 years back.
I know its Ubuntu's bugtracker, but the problem is with the linux kernel drivers. The link there will lead you to some work arounds to solve the problem.


How to learn if a remote linux machine has booted? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a Windows development machine, and a Linux target on a company network. After booting the target board, how do i learn if it has booted up ? ping dig host nslookup utilities with target name do not resolve the IP address and hence do not reply. The board has Busy box utilities only.
I have seen this post, but the problem still stands.
do you know the IP address or the hostname for this target board ?
if yes,
does it respond to ssh host_name_or_ip_here command ?
if yes and if busybox utilities are installed, you can execute
ssh remote_target "/bin/busybox uptime"
and parse the output on your windows machine to see if the board is up for a short time, which means it rebooted recently.
I hope this is what you are looking for

predefined cell ID assignment for an ad-hoc wlan [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a debian/ubuntu boards that I connect them via an ad-hoc network with the following settings
board:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
wpa-driver nl80211
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
board:~# cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
# IBSS/ad-hoc network with WPA-None/TKIP.
These configurations creates an ad-hoc wlan, however, the nodes often gets different cell ID so that they cannot communicate with each other. To prevent it I added bssid=F8:D1:11:52:0C:4E line, however, no node get this predefined cell ID when they get the cell ID.
My question is that how can I prevent nodes to get different cell IDs? why bssid line does not work in the ad-hoc mode?
P.S. I tried these settings on ubuntu and debian dist. that have 3.2 and 3.4 kernels. wpa_supplicant versions that I used were 0.7, 1.0, and 2.0 all did not work. For the chipset, I am using Atheros AR9271 chipset for the wifi module.
Use ap_scan=2 and remove the bssid= line from the configuration.
the problem was that previous versions of wpa_supplicant does not support the bssid, installing wpa_Supplicant 2.0 solved the problem!
I answered same question at
Simple version: after ad-hoc configuration:
sudo iwconfig ath0 ap 11:22:33:44:55:66

Using prio qdisc for voip [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an Ooma VoIP device on my home network. I do not want it to act as the router to the internet as I already have a dual-nic linux box that is working just fine. I do want to start using a priority qdisc to make all traffic from the ooma device as high priority, torrents as low priority, and everything else as normal priority. I've tried a variety of settings and I must not be doing it quite right as everything I try dumps nearly all packets in the middle priority class. On my linux box (CentOS 6) eth1 is the internal network and eth0 goes to the internet.

MAC address randomly changes when bringing interface up [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Every time I start my network interface, I get a different MAC address! If I try to force the MAC address value using
ifconfig usb0 hw ether AA:BB:DD..:FF
it will be again different after issuing
ifconfig usb0 up
What make this MAC address change? How can I stop this to happen and stick to HW burned MAC address?
I am using a panda board (omap4/armv7) on a angtrom distribution. The inteface is a smsc95xx USB 2.0 Ethernet.
There is an issue with the smsc95xx driver.
[PATCH] smsc95xx: generate random MAC address once, not every ifup
There is also something in the work to get a 'repeatable' MAC generation going, but it didn't get much uptake:
Beagleboard xM smsc95xx MAC address from die id
Edit just searching for smsc95xx mac address gives a ton of competing patches, with some more explanations (the smc hub+NIC frequently doesn't have an EEPROM, so also no MAC)
MAC addresses are typically coded in the chipset, but mutable.
It might be that your distro is randomising it for security reasons.

Backtrack 4 Wireless Not Working [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm trying to connect to my wireless network on Backtrack 4. I have a Dell Studio 1558.
ifconfig and ifup show the wlan0 interface is up.
I ran
/etc/init.d/networking start
in a terminal, but when I open the network manager (menu > internet > wcid network manager), it says that no wireless networks are found.
Is this a driver issue? Does anyone know how to get wireless working?
You can go and check the wcid network manager for the name of the wireless device if you have wlan0.
Try over terminal with
ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig wlan0 up
There have been wireless issues in BT4, either upgrade to BT5 or have a look here in the Backtrack forums as there's loads of information there such as this link on wireless issues in BT5 -
What do you see in /cat var/log/wicd/wicd.log?
What does airmon-ng report?
