run perl script on file I'm editing with vim (macvim) - vim

I have been using bluefish to edit text that are to be published in html. Bluefish has an external filter function that allows me to call on scripts that I have written in perl to "filter" the text I am editing and format them basically using regex.
Having started exploring vim and macvim, I find the program to be very powerful and worth learning. I just would like to be able to use those scripts I already have without having to rewrite them as vim plugins. I have spent the past 2 hours searching but answers seem to be only for running perl as an external command or incorporating perl inside vim scripts.
Just to be clear: I want to get perl scripts I already have to act on text that I am presently editing inside vim/macvim, either the whole text or (better) selected text only.

You can use
for example
to sort the whole file being edited.
If you have a range selected it will be added automatically and you complete the command


using Vim gd on project with multiple code folders

I am using vim to edit Fortran 90 code. The code is structured in the following manner:
./srcs - contains main code file
./libs - contains some module file
If I open the main file in vim and then find some interesting function and press "gD" vim cannot find this function since it does not know where to search. If I copy all the source files to one folder this option does work.
My questions are:
How do I tell vim where my code is.
Can you suggest for a quick manner on how to work with this kind of folder without repeating the use of solution (1).
In this case you might be better off using exuberant ctags.
After installing this program, run ctags -R in the top level directory of your project. Then use e.g. set tags=tags; in your .vimrc to tell vim where your tag file is.
Once this is set up, you can use tag searching.

How to associate specific files (NOT file types) with syntax highlighting in Sublime text 3?

I have build_config (and other *_config files), GdbRun and build.txt files which are basically bash shell scripts.
How could I associate these files with shell syntax ? To place a pattern like
'if filename is *_config or GdbRun or build.txt' somewhere.
BufferScroll plugin can remember most of view settings for a particular file including syntax.
Just install BufferScroll and change the syntax manually using the status bar or the command palette and it'll remember it next time you open that file.

How to trace a word back to where it was declared across multiple files in vim? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Jump to function definition
(11 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
When reading through a person's code, I may be looking through a program that comprises 10+ files. I would like the ability to search for where an object/struct/type def have been declared.
Does vim allow you to do this kind of search? If so how?
You can use the CTRL-] command to "Jump to the definition of the keyword under the cursor." (see :h ctrl-]).
For this to work, you will need to create a tags file, for example with a program like ctags. The manual has more on this, see :h tag.
Sounds like you could use lvim to grep a word across multiple files.
From the documentation :
to search for the words "house" or "home" in all .txt files in the
current directory, use:
:lvim /\<\(house\|home\)\>/gj *.txt
You can also integrate external programs, like grep or findstr into vim for faster searching, but those will depend on your OS:

Vim quickfix, using an existing file?

There is a lot of documentation about vim's quickfix but I would like to know:
How I can I use a text file (or copy+paste from a terminal), and put this into a quick-fix list in vim?
All the docs I found so far assume that you run make or vimgrep, but in this case I just want to use a text file created elsewhere.
You're looking for :cfile / :cgetfile:
:cf[ile][!] [errorfile] Read the error file and jump to the first error.
The file you're reading naturally must be in a format that can be parsed by the 'errorformat' option.
One way to do it is to change makeprog to cat from your text file, pretty sure there's a better way to do it though.

Use Vim to "colourize" files or input streams

This may be an odd question, but still. I use cat to display a file in bash (KDE Konsole),
cat foobar.rb
Now, I would like to use Vim to colourize that foobar.rb file according to what you would get when you start foobar.rb in Vim. Edit: But only for display purpose, on the terminal.
I am not sure this is possible, but I thought it would be neat if I could use Vim for that.
I really just want colourized keywords, and Vim has the perfect colour definitions.
So I thought combining this would be great.
Is this possible in Vim out of the box though?
One approach would be to use a library such as Pygments, which is a general purpose syntax highlighter. You could write a wrapper called ccat or something that would apply syntax highlighting to an input file and write to stdout.
If you want to page up and down in a highlighted file, you can use less with the -R switch, which passes control characters through to the terminal directly, preserving colours. So:
ccat file.rb | less -R
But at that point, you're pretty much at the capabilities of view.
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but if you are only looking for a command that will give you a read-only view of the input file (like cat) but with coloured keywords, use view. view is an alternative way to start vim in read-only mode, so you have all syntax highlighting possibilities. From the vim man page:
view Start in read-only mode. You will be protected from writing
the files. Can also be done with the "-R" argument.
gvim gview
The GUI version. Starts a new window. Can also be done with
the "-g" argument.
evim eview
The GUI version in easy mode. Starts a new window. Can also
be done with the "-y" argument.
rvim rview rgvim rgview
Like the above, but with restrictions. It will not be possi-
ble to start shell commands, or suspend Vim. Can also be
done with the "-Z" argument.
I have always seen view on systems that have vim installed.
Closest is the less script that comes with vim:
cat myfile | vim -u /usr/share/vim/vim72/macros/less.vim -
Note the - argument to vim. You may need to change the vim72 to your version (and the whole path if you have it installed elsewhere)
Now, this isn't exactly what you want, because its behaviour is less-like, in that you have to press keys to make it scroll down or complete. However, they are briefer than usual vim. For example, space to scroll down; and q to quit (not :q).
You want a cat-like version; me too. But there doesn't seem to be one.
EDIT uh, there's also a vimpager project, that includes vimcat - exactly what you want. But it doesn't come with vim, and I haven't tried it yet.
