Access session scoped JSF managed bean in web filter - jsf

I have SessionScoped bean called userSession to keep track of the user ( username, ifLogged, etc). I want to filter some pages and therefore I need to access the bean from the webFilter I created. How do I do that? I looks like its even impossible to import the bean to be potenitally visible.

Under the covers, JSF stores session scoped managed beans as an attribute of the HttpSession with the managed bean name as key.
So, provided that you've a #ManagedBean #SessionScoped public class User {}, just this should do inside the doFilter() method:
HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession(false);
User user = (session != null) ? (User) session.getAttribute("user") : null;
if (user != null && user.isLoggedIn()) {
// Logged in.
Or, if you're actually using CDI instead of JSF to manage beans, then just use #Inject directly in the filter.
See also:
Get JSF managed bean by name in any Servlet related class
Prevent accessing restricted page without login in Jsf2

As an alternative you can use CDI-beans and inject your sessionbean normally.


Invalidate specific jsf bean session [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Removing specific CDI managed beans from session
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
How I invalidate a specific bean in a session?
I have this example code.
I test with ExternalContext.invalidateSession(); but it destroy all beans in the session in the application since it destroys the full session.
class Managed implements Serializable {
public void invalidate (){
// lines //
but, with invalidateSession all beans in the session are destroyed, I want to invalidate only the one specific "Managed" bean, how I do that?
Ignoring the fact that you're not clear on how you want to implement this solution, to start
Inject the BeanManager into wherever you plan to execute the logic. It has to be a managed component
BeanManager beanManager;
The bean manager is the component that will grant you access to all the CDI beans (and other stuff) within your context.
You then use the BeanManager to get a contextual reference to the bean you're interested in
Bean<Managed> bean = (Bean<Managed>) beanManager.resolve(beanManager.getBeans(Managed.class));
Managed managedBean= (Managed) beanManager.getReference(bean, bean.getBeanClass(), beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean)
managedBean = null; //or whatever you want to do with it
This solution should destroy the active instance of that session bean; if another attempt is made to use that same bean, CDI will most likely create a brand new instance on-demand
While the approach with BeanManager is viable, I would suggest slightly different approach.
You should be able to #Inject HttpSession into your managed #SessionScoped bean and then invoke invalidate() on that session.
Something along these lines:
class Managed implements Serializable {
HttpSession session;
public void invalidate (){
session.invalidate(); //invalidates current session
Yet another way to achieve this is to make use of FacesContext. You were on the right track but you need to take one extra step:
((HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(true)).invalidate();

Re-create session scoped JSF managed bean programmatically

I'm using Mojarra 2.1.29 and have a session scoped JSF managed bean
public class UserContext{
and a spring bean:
public class UserReproducer{
private User user;
public void reporoduce(){
if(user == null){
//Here I need to recreate the userContext managed bean
//do some other staff
In fact, I need some kind of custom scope in JSF, i.e. to re-create the userContext bean from scratch when the condition is satisfied. Is it possible to do in some way? By recreating, I mean cleaning all its properties down as it was created for the first time.
Invalidate the session, to destroy a session scoped bean:
Another option to log out from Spring Security is to clear the context:

how is the #RequestScoped bean instance provided to #SessionScoped bean in runtime here?

I am reading through this example in JBoss where a #RequestScoped bean backing up JSF page is used to pass the user credential information which is then saved in a #sessionScoped bean.
Here is the example take from JBoss docs.
#Named #RequestScoped
public class Credentials {
private String username;
private String password;
#NotNull #Length(min=3, max=25)
public String getUsername() { return username; }
public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; }
#NotNull #Length(min=6, max=20)
public String getPassword() { return password; }
public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
JSF form:
<h:panelGrid columns="2" rendered="#{!login.loggedIn}">
<h:outputLabel for="username">Username:</h:outputLabel>
<h:inputText id="username" value="#{credentials.username}"/>
<h:outputLabel for="password">Password:</h:outputLabel>
<h:inputSecret id="password" value="#{credentials.password}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Login" action="#{login.login}" rendered="#{!login.loggedIn}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Logout" action="#{login.logout}" rendered="#{login.loggedIn}"/>
User Entity:
public class User {
private #NotNull #Length(min=3, max=25) #Id String username;
private #NotNull #Length(min=6, max=20) String password;
public String getUsername() { return username; }
public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; }
public String setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
SessionScoped bean
#SessionScoped #Named
public class Login implements Serializable {
#Inject Credentials credentials;
#Inject #UserDatabase EntityManager userDatabase;
private User user;
public void login() {
List<User> results = userDatabase.createQuery(
"select u from User u where u.username = :username and u.password = :password")
.setParameter("username", credentials.getUsername())
.setParameter("password", credentials.getPassword())
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
user = results.get(0);
else {
// perhaps add code here to report a failed login
public void logout() {
user = null;
public boolean isLoggedIn() {
return user != null;
#Produces #LoggedIn User getCurrentUser() {
return user;
My questions are
1) The #RequestScoped bean gets injected into #SessionScoped bean. What is the guarantee that the credential information set on one instance of RequestScoped is the same that is injected into #SessionScopedbean. why not a different #RequestScoped from pool gets injected or even a new instance?
2)why is the bean given #SessionScoped but not #Stateful. I guess #Stateful will work here.
3)how is the lifecycle of #sessionScoped bean managed? That is when does it gets destroyed ?. If I navigate to a different JSF page in which if I pull the information such as currentUser.userName, will I retrieve the same information I set on my first JSF page used to log in. (step 1 above)
4) If I don't specify #RequestScoped, then the Credentials bean get the #Dependent scope which is the defualt scope. It is mentioned in the docs that setting any instance variables of a #Dependent gets lost immediately. But I don't understand why? In fact, this prompts me the question of what use of #Dependent scope will be ?
Thanks kolossus for detailed and excellent answer. I need a little more clarifications on some of your points for better understanding
For a #requestScoped bean, there are is a pool of instances available which gets handed over to clients. Now if I have two clients accessing a JSF which is backed by a #RequestScoped bean, each client gets to work on one instance of #RequestScoped bean from the pool. In fact, both the clients do not actually work on the direct instance, but an indirect reference to the that single instance which is the proxy here. clients do all method calls or transactions using this proxy. so how long does the proxy holds this indirect reference? That is, in my example above, instance variables of #RequestScoped bean (Credentials) are set in JSF. but the true fact is that, this setting of instance variables happen to one instance of #RequestScoped bean indirectly through proxy. But when this instance is injected into SessionScoped bean, is it the proxy that gets injected? Since the lifecycle of SessionScoped is for a session established between client and application, does the proxy also live during this lifetime. Does that mean this single instance of #RequestScoped bean is bound to SessionScoped and the lifecycle of #RequestScoped bean instance or its proxy is determined by the lifecycle of SessionScoped bean?
The #RequestScoped bean gets injected into #SessionScoped bean. What is the guarantee that the credential information set on one instance of RequestScoped is the same that is injected into #SessionScopedbean. why not a different #RequestScoped from pool gets injected or even a new instance?
This is legal, thanks to the means by which CDI actually obtains references to a requested bean: client proxies. From the CDI spec
An injected reference, or reference obtained by programmatic lookup, is usually a contextual reference.A contextual reference to a bean with a normal scope[...], is not a direct reference to a contextual instance of the bean[...].Instead, the contextual reference is a client proxy object
A client proxy implements/extends some or all of the bean types of the bean and delegates all method calls to the current instance of the bean...
There are a number of reasons for this indirection:
The container must guarantee that when any valid injected reference to a bean of normal scope is invoked, the invocation is always processed by the current instance of the injected bean. In certain scenarios, for example if a request scoped bean is injected into a session scoped bean, or into a servlet, this rule requires an indirect reference
Also from this DZone CDI article:
CDI handles the injection of beans with mismatched scopes through the use of proxies. Because of this you can inject a request scoped bean into a session scoped bean and the reference will still be valid on each request because for each request, the proxy re-connects to a live instance of the request scoped bean
What this means is that, a proxy is substituted for the real thing at each injection point. The proxy mimics the type declared at the injection point by extending/implementing the ancestor tree of the type it's supposed to be mimicking. At the time you now actually require use of the object, the proxy performs a context-based lookup for an existing instance of the requested bean within the current conversation. This being a request-scoped object, you're guaranteed to have exactly one instance within the current conversation/context.
why is the bean given #SessionScoped but not #Stateful. I guess #Stateful will work here.
#Stateful would not work here, like I stated here, they are not cheap; unless you really need to, stick with vanilla HttpSession. Not to mention the fact that once the client of the SFSB releases the bean it's destroyed, i.e. the SFSB is not tied to the current session,#SessionScoped is.
how is the lifecycle of #sessionScoped bean managed? That is when does it gets destroyed ?. If I navigate to a different JSF page in which if I pull the information such as currentUser.userName, will I retrieve the same information I set on my first JSF page used to log in. (step 1 above)
Depends on which #SessionScoped you're referring to: javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped is tied directly to the current HttpSession/browser session, so it's terminated whenever that dies; JBoss however implies that javax.enterprise.context.* scoped beans don't actually go anywhere until the "context" dies
There's actually no way to remove a bean from a context until the entire context is destroyed
Think of #Dependent as you would any method-local variable: it's only useful as long as it's parent construct is around. That being said, it's best use is not for backing a JSF view. It's most useful application is overriding the scope that's specified on a bean, ad-hoc. Using your current example, I can have the following somewhere else in my application:
#Inject #New Login aDependentLoginBean; //implicit #Dependent scope applied
#Inject Login aSessionScopedLoginBean; //standard Login bean's scope applied
Together with #New, you could repurpose any other bean to be #Dependent
Is it possible to #Inject a #RequestScoped bean into a #Stateless EJB?

Access ViewScoped ManagedBean from Servlet

Background information: I have a file upload applet in my jsf page. This applet expects an adress where it can send it's POST request. (I can't edit this post request to add more fields or something). The post method of my servlet then stores the file. This job can't be done by a managed bean because the servlet has to be annotated with #MultiPartConfig and I can't add this annotation to the jsf managed bean. In order to force the upload applet to use the same session I added an URL attribute named jsessionId to the post request according to this post. In my servlet I am now able to access session scoped beans.
Now I have a ViewScoped bean where I store some form input data which I want to use in the servlet, since adding those inputs to the post request doesn't work (Applet is a third party project (JUploadApplet) and for some reason it doesn't work to add additional form data).
Now is it possible to access the ViewScoped bean from within the servlet ? If I change the scope into SessionScope I am able to process the input but with ViewScoped I get a NullPointerException if I try to access the bean like this :
UploadBean uploadBean = (UploadBean)request.getSession().getAttribute("uploadBean");
This is not possible. Your best bet is to let the view scoped bean generate an unique key, store itself in the session scope by that key and pass that key as additional parameter to the applet and finally let the servlet access the session attribute by that key.
private String sessionKey;
public void init() {
sessionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put(sessionKey, this);
public void destroy() {
Let the applet pass the sessionKey as request parameter to the servlet, so that the servlet can do
String sessionKey = request.getParameter("sessionKey");
Bean bean = (Bean) request.getSession().getAttribute(sessionKey);
// ...
Note that instead of the bean itself, you can also just store an arbitrary bean/valueobject/etc.

How could I read a JSF session bean from a filter?

I'm searching but I can't find the answer, I need secure resources based on permissions, I can't use a filter because FacesContext is not initialized before and I need load the permissions in my session bean. Some solution avoiding use a filter? PhaseListener, ViewHandler and ResourceHandler can't capture an URL resource request, for example I need denied this direct access:
Thx in advance...
JSF stores session scoped managed beans as an attribute of the HttpSession, which in turn is just available in a Filter by HttpServletRequest#getSession().
HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession();
SessionBean sessionBean = session.getAttribute("sessionBean");
// ...
Update: as per the comment you seem to be actually using CDI:
my filter is triggered before than JSF, I always get a null value when I use getAttribute. I'm using CDI with 'Named' and 'SessionScoped' annotations on my Bean because I need use a interceptor to implement security
I understood that you were using JSF's own #ManagedBean and the initial answer only applies to that. If your bean is already managed by CDI's #Named, then just use CDI's own #Inject the usual way in the Filter.
private SessionBean sessionBean;
In case of JSF #ManagedBean you should just add a if (sessionBean != null) check. It's irrelevant whether the filter is invoked before JSF servlet or not. Once the session bean has been created by JSF, it won't be null in the filter.
