Extract decimal part in a string in C# - c#-4.0

I have a string in which the data is getting loaded in this format. "float;#123456.0300000" from which i need to extract only 123456.03 and trim all other starting and ending characters. May be it is very basic that i am missing, please let me know how can i do that. Thanks.

If the format is always float;# followed by the bit you want, then it's fairly simple:
// TODO: Validate that it actually starts with "float;#". What do you want
// to do if it doesn't?
string userText = originalText.Substring("float;#".Length);
// We wouldn't want to trim "300" to "3"
if (userText.Contains("."))
userText = userText.TrimEnd('0');
// Trim "123.000" to "123" instead of "123."
if (userText.EndsWith("."))
userText = userText.Substring(0, userText.Length - 1);
But you really need to be confident in the format - that there won't be anything else you need to remove, etc.
In particular:
What's the maximum number of decimal places you want to support?
Might there be thousands separators?
Will the decimal separator always be a period?
Can the value be negative?
Is an explicit leading + valid?
Do you need to handle scientific format (1.234e5 etc)?
Might there be trailing characters?
Might the trailing characters include digits?
Do you need to handle non-ASCII digits?
You may well want to use a regular expression if you need anything more complicated than the code above, but you'll really want to know as much as you can about your possible inputs before going much further. (I'd strongly recommend writing unit tests for every form of input you can think of.)

Why not just do:
String s = "float;#123456.0300000";
int i = int.Parse(s.Substring(s.IndexOf('#') + 1));
I haven't tested this, but it should be close.
Assuming the format doesn't change, just find the character after the '#' and turn it into an int, so you lose everything after the '.'.
If you need it as a string, then just call the ToString method.


Remove first space if string contains exactly 2 spaces

I'm having issues when trying to remove the first space of a string if that string has 2 spaces in it. For example it should be turning "Fully Functional Method" into "FullyFunctional Method", but "Functional Method" should not be changed because it only has 1 space. I can't really think of a way to remove first space if the string contains 2 spaces.
I don't know exactly what you want to do, but you may search into RegExp and String.replace() to replace some stuff in a String.
Here is another link to understand the Characters, metacharacters, and metasequences.
var myPattern1:RegExp = / /g;
var str1:String = "This is a string that contains double spaces.";
trace(str1.replace(myPattern1, " "));
//this replaces all " " by " "...
//outputs : This is a string that contains double spaces.
Or in your case (I suppose) something like this
var myPattern2:RegExp = / /;
var str2:String = "Fully Functional Method";
trace(str2.replace(myPattern2, ""));
//If you omit the g, only the first space will be replaced by ""
//outputs : FullyFunctional Method
There is so much things you can do by using RegExp, that I will not explain this here...
Just check on the Adobe website...
This is a quick and efficient way to work on Strings.
I hope this will help.
Since you check at those links, you will understand that my example is pure rough and should be modified to have a FullyFunctional Method. :D
Do a linear scan through the string. Count the number of spaces and record the index of the first space, if any. If there are two spaces, return a string that is the concatenation of the characters up to but not including the first space, and the characters after the first space.
Keep it simple. It is possible to solve your problem with regex, but keep in mind that the worst case time complexity of finding a particular character in an unsorted set is always going to be O(N), so it won't be faster.

Algorithms for "shortening" strings?

I am looking for elegant ways to "shorten" the (user provided) names of object. More precisely:
my users can enter free text (used as "name" of some object), they can use up to 64 chars (including whitespaces, punctuation marks, ...)
in addition to that "long" name; we also have a "reduced" name (exactly 8 characters); required for some legacy interface
Now I am looking for thoughts on how to generate these "reduced" names, based on the 64-char name.
With "elegant" I am wondering about any useful ideas that "might" allow the user to recognize something with value within the shortened string.
Like, if the name is "Production Test Item A5"; then maybe "PTIA5" might (or might not) tell the user something useful.
Apply a substring method to the long version, trim it, in case there are any whitespace characters at the end, optionally remove any special characters from the very end (such as dashes) and finally add a dot, in case you want to indicate your abbreviation that way.
Just a quick hack to get you started:
String longVersion = "Aswaghtde-5d";
// Get substring 0..8 characters
String shortVersion = longVersion.substring(0, (longVersion.length() < 8 ? longVersion.length() : 8));
// Remove whitespace characters from end of String
shortVersion = shortVersion.trim();
// Remove any non-characters from end of String
shortVersion = shortVersion.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]+$", "");
// Add dot to end
shortVersion = shortVersion.substring(0, (shortVersion.length() < 8 ? shortVersion.length() : shortVersion.length() - 1)) + ".";
I needed to shorten names to function as column names in a database. Ideally, the names should be recognizable for users. I set up a dictionary of patterns for commonly occuring words with corresponding "abbreviations". This was applied ONLY to those names which were over the limit of 30 characters.

Convert String of words/letters into an Integer

Today I've finally decided to make an account, in hope for some aid in an issue I've spent the last few hours hunting. (I've spent the past couple hours hunting down a response, from Google to here to Unity Answers. Here's everything that I've found so far, which doesn't work.)
What I'm looking for, is to change a string of purely words/letters into an integer. Therefore "Hello World", would be translated into a string of numbers accordingly. This may be surprising, but this is a lot harder than it sounds. I've found a way to do essentially everything but, thus far.
Presumably the best way would be to get the ASCII value of each letter in the string, and put them all together into a single integer. (No sequences or need to separate them, but one single number.) I have no idea where to get started or how to do that, however. Really anything that you think would work, preferably as short-hand and un-bothersome as possible.
To be as clear as possible, I need to take the letter-only variable "example" and transmorph it to be a integer/only a sequence of numbers.
If you're just trying to convert an arbitrary string into a random seed, then why not try randomSeed.GetHashCode()? That will return an int value suitable for setting the seed, which would produce the same number each time the same string is entered.
You can iterate over all characters, get their charCode and chain them together. The first method splits the string into single chars and uses Array.reduce:
var str = 'qwertzuiop';
var num = parseInt(str.split('').reduce(function(a, b) {return a + b.charCodeAt(0);}, '');
The second calls Array.forEach on the string, because it has numerical indices and a length property.
var num = ''; [].forEach.call(str, function(c) {num += c.charCodeAt(0);});
num = parseInt(num);
In stoneaged browsers you have to use for-loops instead.

AS3 - "\u2605" NOT the same as "\\u"+"2605"?

Trying to make a textfield where people write the unicode without the backslash. I want to add the backslash after they typed it. So the user types u2605 and the code converts it to "\u2605", i then convert this to a unicode character and insert it in textflow.
My code:
this works:
span.text = publicFunctions.htmlUnescape(he.encode("\u2605"))
this doesn't work:
span.text = publicFunctions.htmlUnescape(he.encode("\\u"+"2605"))
how to make a string that acts as a unicode string?
Tried all sorts of things, escape(unescape()), convert to number, "\u", "\u" ... nothing helps.
trace("\u2605" == "\u"+"2605") ... will return false. So will
trace("\u2605" == "\u"+"2605")
"\u2605" is a string with a single character, the character with the code point 2605, while "\\u" + "2605" is a string with 6 characters (the backslash, the u and the four digit number).
If you want to construct a unicode character from just the four digits, you should be able to use String.fromCharCode. The thing is just that the escape sequence uses a hexadecimal number, while the method obviously takes a decimal number. So if the user enters a hexadecimal string, you will have to convert that first:
trace(String.fromCharCode(parseInt('2605', 16)) == '\u2605'));
That's an interesting issue! I don't think you can concatenate a string literal and achieve what you're trying to do. The relevant character escaping happens when the string literal is originally formed, which means that you need the whole sequence together in the first place.
But you should be able to take the user-supplied number and dynamically generate a Unicode string with String.fromCharCode(...).

as.numeric with comma decimal separators?

I have a large vector of strings of the form:
Input = c("1,223", "12,232", "23,0")
etc. That's to say, decimals separated by commas, instead of periods. I want to convert this vector into a numeric vector. Unfortunately, as.numeric(Input) just outputs NA.
My first instinct would be to go to strsplit, but it seems to me that this will likely be very slow. Does anyone have any idea of a faster option?
There's an existing question that suggests read.csv2, but the strings in question are not directly read in that way.
as.numeric(sub(",", ".", Input, fixed = TRUE))
should work.
The readr package has a function to parse numbers from strings. You can set many options via the locale argument.
For comma as decimal separator you can write:
readr::parse_number(Input, locale = readr::locale(decimal_mark = ","))
scan(text=Input, dec=",")
## [1] 1.223 12.232 23.000
But it depends on how long your vector is. I used rep(Input, 1e6) to make a long vector and my machine just hangs. 1e4 is fine, though. #adibender's solution is much faster. If we run on 1e4, a lot faster:
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
adibender() 6.777888 6.998243 7.119136 7.198374 8.149826 100
sebastianc() 504.987879 507.464611 508.757161 510.732661 517.422254 100
Also, if you are reading in the raw data, the read.table and all the associated functions have a dec argument. eg:
read.table("file.txt", dec=",")
When all else fails, gsub and sub are your friends.
Building on #adibender solution:
input = '23,67'
# ONLY for strings containing numerics, comma, numerics
# Substitute by the first part, dot, second part
I guess that is a safer match...
As stated by , it's way easier to do this while importing a file.
Thw recently released reads package has a very useful features, locale, well explained here, that allows the user to import numbers with comma decimal mark using locale = locale(decimal_mark = ",") as argument.
The answer by adibender does not work when there are multiple commas.
In that case the suggestion from use554546 and answer from Deena can be used.
Input = c("1,223,765", "122,325,000", "23,054")
as.numeric(gsub("," ,"", Input))
[1] 1223765 122325000 23054
The function gsub replaces all occurences. The function sub replaces only the first.
