How do Bluetooth profiles work? - bluetooth

I understand that Bluetooth profiles consist of other profiles and protocols. What I don't understand is exactly how Bluetooth devices interact with each other. For example, if you take any accessory that implements the A2DP profile and connect it to the iPad then the iPad will stream all audio output to it. This makes me believe that a profile is nothing more than a modular component in a well-defined eco-system. For instance, a web-browser can use any one of your choice of search-engines in the toolbar; would I be correct in saying that the iPad is the equivalent of the browser and the A2DP accessory is the equivalent of the search-engine? Would I also be correct in saying that the use of A2DP is entirely up to the device it's paired with? That is, Apple could have instead chosen (albeit unwisely) to make the iPad output only key-clicks and ring-tones to it, correct? So there's nothing inherent in the A2DP profile that says "All devices using the A2DP profile MUST output all audio to it" right?

I'm not 100% familiar with Bluetooth as a whole. I've been spending some time drafting a profile for BT Low-Energy, so someone might be able to provide insight on standard Bluetooth with a little more detail.
But, from what I understand, the profiles are essentially a large map of connected references. So the A2DP profile will have a list of attributes, or rather, a list of HEX values which point to attributes within the larger profile. These attribute are typically universally available to all profiles, but only implemented by the profile where they are needed. These attributes define some piece of information that is going to be transmitted. This profile needs to be on both device to communicate, because this allows to Bluetooth transmissions to be smaller by only referencing a commonly known definition of the data it is transmitting (rather than defining what the data is in every transmission like some communication types).
So for A2DP, the transmission might be something very simple like '0x1351458 0', which tails the device that whatever that profile attribute is, it's value is 0. So that attribute might be the "play" attribute, so setting to 0 might stop the music.
Again, this is how I understand Bluetooth profiles from the Low-Energy standpoint which tends to be more a transmission of state than actual data, so it might differ a bit with regular Bluetooth.

Bluetooth profiles are specifications of bluetooth protocols that are implemented on the host side in bluetooth protocol stack.
Following link by will provide basics about bluetooth profiles

Bluetooth Profiles are set of standard interoperable guidelines defined by, to ensure interoperability between different bluetooth devices.
Bluetooth devices claiming to support bluetooth profiles, should get Bluetooth Qualification Board[BQB] certified for interoperability.
You can buy any device supporting A2DP and test with any tablet/computers[which has bluetooth A2DP profile supported].
A2DP is not specific to iPad. It is a generic profile that stands for Advanced Audio Distribution Profile for exchanging Audio between two bluetooth devices.


What is the difference between a protocol and a profile in the Bluetooth stack?

I don't get how Bluetooth profiles and protocols and are distinguished.
In the Core_Specification of Bluetooth is written:
Application interoperability in the Bluetooth system is accomplished by Bluetooth profiles. Bluetooth profiles define the required functions and features of each layer in the Bluetooth system from the PHY to L2CAP and any other protocols outside of this specification. The profile defines the vertical interactions between the layers as well as the peer-to-peer interactions of specific layers between devices. (p. 277)
and in the book 'Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy Tools and Techniques for Low-Power Networking' by Kevin Townsend I found the following definitions:
Building blocks used by all devices conformant to the Bluetooth specification, protocols are the layers that implement the different packet formats, routing, multiplexing, encoding, and decoding that allow data to be sent effectively between peers.
“Vertical slices” of functionality covering either basic modes of operation required by all devices (Generic Access Profile, Generic Attribute Profile) or specific use cases (Proximity Profile, Glucose Profile), profiles essentially define how protocols should be used to achieve a particular goal, whether generic or specific.
But this did not really made it understandable for myself.
Are the Baseband & Link Manager protocols? They do not have the term 'protocol' in their name, what is weird to me. If they are not protocols, what are they?
Also I noticed that above the host part of the stack, right above the Host Controller Interface, the terms protocol can be found the most (SMP, ATT, L2CAP). Are only these really protocols? In the Controller part the term does not arise.
So the question is, what are protocols in the Bluetooth stack, what are profiles and what's the main difference?
Link to the BLE specification:
The Bluetooth specification defines a number of
protocols acting as a middle layer between profiles and lower-level Bluetooth packets. A protocol is usually employed by a limited number of profiles.
A Bluetooth profile, roughly speaking, corresponds to a specific use case. Profiles define the standard way of using the different protocols and their features.

Should a BLE device be paired or not ? or what are the conditions a device should have to be paired?

When connection to a custom BLE device from an app (android and ios) I have two options
a) first pair the device on the phone (like a headset or other devices) and then use it from the app to read and write data
b) without pairing on the phone, go inside the app, search for a device with a specific name or address, and just connect to it and read and write data.
when is one preferred over the other one ?
Its just when it needs to interact in the background or am I missing something?
The devices you see in your phones Bluetooth settings are Bluetooth Classic devices. There are some devices using both BLE and Bluetooth Classic which show up in the settings too, but the settings page is only for the Bluetooth Classic part of the device. Headphones for example are streaming music trough the Bluetooth Classic profile A2DP but might offer BLE services for additional features.
You always have to use a special app to communicate with the BLE part of a device. This could be an app provided by a manufacturer or a generic BLE scanner app such as nRF Connect.
As alexander.cpp already told you in his answer pairing (the exchange of keys) and bonding (saving of said keys) is not required for the communication with BLE devices and only needed if the device requires a secured connection.
Bonding (technically correct term for BLE, often called Pairing in non-technical speech) is mostly for security, we can send sensitive information because the receiver is verified and data is transferred in encrypted form.
Prefer to use bonding if the data is sensitive (means users feel uncomfortable if somebody they don't know receive their data). For example, I consider "current temperature = 25" as NOT sensitive. For detailed explanation, find "Bonding with a BLE device" in BLE guide by PunchThrough.
Also this is a good answer to a similar question:
Your second question about background - no, bonding is not related to interaction in background.

Is it a good idea to advertise a Bluetooth GATT Service solely via the 'service data' data type?

We're designing a Bluetooth LE peripheral that implements some primary GATT service and needs to advertise the existence of the service as well as a few bytes of data related to the service. The device is intended to connect to arbitrary consumer smartphones (therefore mostly Android and iOS). We use a 16-bit service UUID and plan to advertise the related data via the advertising data type 0x16 (Service Data - 16 bit UUID). Due to the limited size of the advertising PDU, we'd like to avoid any additional advertising data, most notably we'd like to avoid advertising the same UUID also via data type 0x03 (Complete List of 16-bit UUIDs).
As the device should be used with consumer smartphones, compatibility is a major concern and therefore the compliance with relevant standards is as well. A critical aspect seems to be that the smartphone OSes should be able to do efficient filtering for devices advertising our service, so the app may run and listen in the background.
A safe approach would be to advertise both, 'service data' as well as 'complete list of UUIDs', because all OSes are certainly able to filter for UUIDs advertised in the latter, but this would exceed the size of the advertising PDU. We could also configure the mobile's BLE scanner to return all BLE devices nearby, without any filtering and do the filtering in our own code, but this wouldn't be efficient and wouldn't allow to run in the background.
We did some testing with different smartphones (Android and iPhones, older and newer ones) and at the first glance filtering for service UUIDs when only the service data type is advertised, seems to work just fine. However, we couldn't find any documentation (neither for Android nor for iOS) that definitely states that this is a supported scenario, so we can't be sure that it works on all phones and also in the future.
The Apple Accessory Design Guidelines section 36.4 refers to the Bluetooth Core Specification Supplement, Part A and states the following:
The advertising data sent by the accessory should contain at least the following information as described in the Bluetooth Core Specification Supplement, Part A:
TX Power Level
Local Name
The primary services should always be advertised in the advertising PDU.
However, this doesn't make clear which kind of advertising data type should be used and the same is true for the Android documentation.
With this context my questions are:
Is it a good idea to advertise the primary GATT service solely via the 'service data' data type?
Would this even comply to the Bluetooth Core Specification?
Is there any documentation for Android and iOS that makes clear, whether this is a supported scenario from the OS standpoint (I actually don't mean the OS source code)?
Are there any Android (>= 5.0) or iOS (>= 11) devices that would not be able to filter for service UUIDs advertised via the 'service data' data type?
What is the best practice in such a case, given the limited size of the advertising PDU?
Thank you for your thoughts!

Is it possible to scan a bluetooth device to find it's capabilities

I am looking for a way to scan a device I own and discover "what it can do".
In other words, I'd like to know if a device is able to describe the way you have to communicate with it in order to build some application around it.
In my case it is a simple Christmas light that I'd like to play with but this could be used in different situations.
For classic bluetooth (BR/EDR):
When scanning for bluetooth devices (Inquiry), the bluetooth device will send an inquiry response (if it wants to be discovered) and maybe also an extended inquiry response (EIR). This EIR may already contain a list of services, the devices supports. This is a very fast way to get a picture of a remote device.
Moreover, the service discovery protocol (SDP) gives more information on a device. This takes some more steps. In SDP two devices can exchange their capabilites in kind of ping pong process.
For BLE:
After connecting a BLE device usually a service discovery takes place. The BLE peripheral (e.g. headset or a light) reports its capabilities to the central (e.g. smart phone). Some of these services have predefines functionalities. Additionally, it is free to the manufacturer to add custom services.

Audio output with A2DP and audio input with HFP can be used at the same time?

I want to develop the application to input the voice from the microphone of the Bluetooth headset and to output into the Bluetooth speaker.
I think that use of HFP to input and A2DP to output.
The two profile can be used at the same time?
I'm interested in this as well. From what I can find, it sounds possible but I've yet to see many hardware vendors specifically market it as a feature.
Creative recently released their BT-W2 bluetooth dongle that supports what they're calling a "voice-back channel". Might be similar to what we're talking about but it's hard to find tech specs that confirm it.
Below is a link to some documentation I found on the Bluetooth SIG website that appears to support the fact that it's possible. Maybe it'll help you:
