Strange situation to get a Segmentation Fault - linux

A friend of mine gave me a project in c to work on a project in Linux with sockets.(tic tac toe)
The project has already the executable files and the program works nice.
When I delete the executable files and compile the program myself I get no errors, but there is a certain situation on the program (when I challenge other player to a game) where I get a segmentation fault, and with the original executable files I get no error in this situation.
I didn't change anything on the program, just removed the previous executable files and compiled the program myself, I have no idea why this is happening.
Theoretically there is any explanation?

It is a usual case when you use different versions of compilers, libraries, utilities etc etc.. No wonder that big projects (as Linux Kernel) explicitly define what version of tools you should use to get the expected results. Firstly, try to recompile again using the same compiler as you friend does, if that does not help, dig deeper - libraries, utilities..


Linux: How to find out which (sub) dependency of my library needs a specific library?

The title may seem complicated.
I made a library to be loaded within a Tcl script. Now I need to transfer it to Ubuntu 12.04.
Tclsh gives the following error:
couldn't load file "/apollo/applications/Linux-PORT/i586/lib/":
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
while executing "load $::env(ACCLIB)/libapmntwraptcl[info sharedlibextension]"
The library libgeos doesn't have the version 3.4.2 under Ubuntu 12.04. So I need to know which (sub) dependency of my library needs the famous, so that I can rebuild it or find an alternative.
Many thanks in advance.
Thank you for your USEFUL answers. I already did ldd -v or -r. I have 200+ dependencies when I do ldd -r. The worst is, in the result list I see => /usr/lib/ (0xb3ea9000) (version I have), but when I execute, Tclsh says missing.
That's why I need something able to tell me the complete dependency tree of my library.
Could anyone give me a hint (not some useless showoff)?
Thank you so much.
You've accidentally (probably through no fault of your own) wandered into “DLL Hell”; the problem is that something that depends on, possibly indirectly, does not have its dependencies satisfied. This sort of thing can be very difficult to solve precisely because the tools that know what went wrong (in particular, the system dynamic linker library) produce such little informative output by default.
What's even worse is that you have apparently multiple versions about. That's where DLL Hell reaches its worst incarnation. You need to be a detective to solve this; it's too hard to sensibly do remotely as many of the things that you poke your fingers at are determined by what previous steps said.
You need to identify exactly what versions you're loading, with ldd (in your shell, not in Tcl). You also need to double check what your environment variables are immediately before the offending load command, as several of them can affect the loading process. The easiest way to do that is to put parray env just before the offending load, which will produce a dump of everything in the context where things could be failing; reading the manual page for will tell you a lot more about each of the possible candidates for trouble (there's many!).
You might also need to go through the list of libraries identified by the ldd program above and check whether each of those also has all their dependencies satisfied and in a way that you expect, and you should also bear in mind that failing to locate with ldd might not mean that the code actually fails. (That would be too easy.)
You can also try setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable to all before doing the load. That will produce quite a lot of information on standard out; maybe it will give you enough to figure out what is going wrong?
Finally, on Linux you need to bear in mind that there can be an RPATH set for a particular library (which can affect where it is found) and there's a system library cache which can also affect things.
I'm really sorry the error message isn't better. All I can really say is that it's exactly as much as Tcl is told about what went wrong, and its hardly anything.

How to inspect Haskell bytecode

I am trying to figure out a bug (a serious performance downgrade). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to figure out why by going back many different versions of my code.
I am suspecting it could be some modifications to libraries that I've updated, not to mention in the meanwhile I've updated to GHC 7.6 from 7.4 (and if anybody knows if some laziness behavior has changed I would greatly appreciate it!).
I have an older executable of this code that does not have this bug and thus I wonder if there are any tools to tell me the library versions I was linking to from before? Like if it can figure out the symbols, etc.
GHC creates executables, which are notoriously hard to understand... On my Linux box I can view the assembly code by typing in
objdump -d <executable filename>
but I get back over 100K lines of code from just a simple "Hello, World!" program written in Haskell.
If you happen to have the GHC .hi files, you can get some information about the executable by typing in
ghc --show-iface <hi filename>
This won't give you the assembly code, but you can get some extra information that may prove useful.
As I mentioned in the comment above, on Linux you can use "ldd" to see what C-system libraries you used in the compile, but that is also probably less than useful.
You can try to use a disassembler, but those are generally written to disassemble to C, not anything higher level and certainly not Haskell. That being said, GHC compiles to C as an intermediary (at least it used to; has that changed?), so you might be able to learn something.
Personally I often find view system calls in action much more interesting than viewing pure assembly. On my Linux box, I can view all system calls by running using strace (use Wireshark for the network traffic equivalent):
strace <program executable>
This also will generate a lot of data, so it might only be useful if you know of some specific place where direct real world communication (i.e., changes to a file on the hard disk drive) goes wrong.
In all honesty, you are probably better off just debugging the problem from source, although, depending on the actual problem, some of these techniques may help you pinpoint something.
Most of these tools have Mac and Windows equivalents.
Since much has changed in the last 9 years, and apparently this is still the first result a search engine gives on this question (like for me, again), an updated answer is in order:
First of all, yes, while Haskell does not specify a bytecode format, bytecode is also just a kind of machine code, for a virtual machine. So for the rest of the answer I will treat them as the same thing. The “Core“ as well as the LLVM intermediate language, or even WASM could be considered equivalent too.
Secondly, if your old binary is statically linked, then of course, no matter the format your program is in, no symbols will be available to check out. Because that is what linking does. Even with bytecode, and even with just classic static #include in simple languages. So your old binary will be no good, no matter what. And given the optimisations compilers do, a classic decompiler will very likely never be able to figure out what optimised bits used to be partially what libraries. Especially with stream fusion and such “magic”.
Third, you can do the things you asked with a modern Haskell program. But you need to have your binaries compiled with -dynamic and -rdynamic, So not only the C-calling-convention libraries (e.g. .so), and the Haskell libraries, but also the runtime itself is dynamically loaded. That way you end up with a very small binary, consisting of only your actual code, dynamic linking instructions, and the exact data about what libraries and runtime were used to build it. And since the runtime is compiler-dependent, you will know the compiler too. So it would give you everything you need, but only if you compiled it right. (I recommend using such dynamic linking by default in any case as it saves memory.)
The last factor that one might forget, is that even the exact same compiler version might behave vastly differently, depending on what IT was compiled with. (E.g. if somebody put a backdoor in the very first version of GHC, and all GHCs after that were compiled with that first GHC, and nobody ever checked, then that backdoor could still be in the code today, with no traces in any source or libraries whatsoever. … Or for a less extreme case, that version of GHC your old binary was built with might have been compiled with different architecture options, leading to it putting more optimised instructions into the binaries it compiles for unless told to cross-compile.)
Finally, of course, you can profile even compiled binaries, by profiling their system calls. This will give you clues about which part of the code acted differently and how. (E.g. if you notice that your new binary floods the system with some slow system calls where the old one just used a single fast one. A classic OpenGL example would be using fast display lists versus slow direct calls to draw triangles. Or using a different sorting algorithm, or having switched to a different kind of data structure that fits your work load badly and thrashes a lot of memory.)

C++ hello world on Linux

Under Windows I installed MinGW and Eclipse, and created a new C++ project with the inspiring name of foo, using the MinGW GCC toolchain, and this compiles, runs and even debugs. Wonderful.
Still under Windows, I installed Cygwin, an epic undertaking that stressed my internet connection. Eventually I specified Cygwin GCC toolchain and a projectname of bar. This compiles and runs but can't do step through debugging (claims it can't find source).
Under Linux, mint13 specifically, I installed the all-singing all-dancing C++ edition of Eclipse with all the trimmings and created a new C++ project, with the even more inspiring name of baz and the Linux GCC toolchain selected. Eclipse complains that it cannot find iostream.
I am rather confused by this. If I launch a terminal window and run g++ it is found, so clearly I have at least some of the GNU C++ stuff. I don't know what is missing. Linux is a new world for me. Can anyone offer guidance?
For the record, the generated code is in a file called foo.cpp (or bar.cpp according to project name) and looks like this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello World" << endl; // prints Hello World
return 0;
#bmargulies - I know your comment was tongue in cheek but I wouldn't use emacs in a pink fit. I'd set up SAMBA and use Textpad on a Windows workstation because I have enough to learn without unnecessarily learning to use a new text editor. The reason I chose Eclipse was a vain hope that it might provide a working baseline with an integrated debugger from which to explore the brave new world of C++ on Linux. Combined with MinGW it did provide that on Windows.
I know the big problem here is not the tools, it is my ignorance and a set of expectations from a different world. This is compounded by a lack of experience with C++ - my sole experience with C++ was using TurboC fifteen years ago.
A source of great confusion is the mechanism used to resolve library references.
A lot of projects seem to use make, which as far as I can tell is a sort of script file for compiling and linking a project or set of projects. Make seems to come in a variety of flavours and there also seem to be alternatives that use makefile as well as alternatives that don't.
[expletive] what a mess.
#Basile - I am not wedded to the use of Eclipse, and I am well aware of the benefits of scripts over point and click use of IDE configuration (not least among which is that you can source-control the build process). I thank you for your reading list. Perhaps this is a silly (or premature) question but I have to ask: without an IDE like Eclipse that integrates an editor with a build tool, is it possible to do step-through debugging?
#bmargulies - I agree with you that there's probably something wrong with the toolchain definition but I lack the background and experience to conduct a meaningful investigation of that. As mentioned above, I had varying levels of success with different toolchains under Windows, so it is reasonable to conclude that the toolchain is a significant factor in the problem. Alas, I can't choose a MinGW toolchain under Linux.
Following Norm's advice I was able to compile foo.cpp from a command line. The hello world program executes with the desired behaviour, but I still don't know how g++ knew how to resolve iostream when the fancy IDE tool didn't.
Added a few more lines of code to foo and compiled it, to try out gdb. It works! Whoever would have imagined you could do step-through debugging with a teminal window! It's a bit clumsy though.
While Basile is clearly correct that a fancy IDE is not necessary, that's a bit like saying that I don't need my motorcycle because I can walk. I'll have a look at the other IDEs mentioned, but I suspect they will all make use of the same toolchains and therefore all be similarly afflicted by whatever I have misconfigured.
Basile, forgive me for moving the goalposts. My original goal was indeed "compile and run hello.cpp" but gdb was inevitably the next step. It works, and if this were the early 80s using a teletype at uni I would probably be pretty happy right now. But it's not the early eighties and I've spent the last decade with syntax-colouring, autocompletion, variable sniffing edit-and-continue debugging so (ungrateful sod that I am) now I want, well, everything!
I've used eclipse c/C++ version before and had a lot of the same problems. For me, eclipse was very difficult to work with. I would recommend using the command line to compile c/c++ programs to start with. Its easier and important to understand how executable are created, in my opinion.
g++ -Wall -g Hello.cpp -o Hello
will produce an executable Hello. -Wall is a option that gives you more warnings when you are compiling your programs. Some warnings will crash your program if you don't fix them so its nice to see them up front. -g gives you the debugging symbols so that gdb will be able to step through the program step by step.
When you do get into gdb by using gdb Hello you can check out this gdb cheatsheet.
Once you start writing programs with more than one source file you're going to need to understand the two main steps in compilation. The first step turns each individual source file into an object file. The next step links all the object files together to make an executable. This link might explain compiling and linking, obviously wikipedia is also a good source for that info.
You don't need a fancy IDE like Eclipse. The usual way of developing under Linux is to use several tools.
Use an editor like emacs or gedit to edit your helloworld.cpp file. Type emacs or gedit in your terminal to start the editor (possibly followed by helloworld.cpp i.e. the name of the edited file[s]).
Then, compile with the following command
g++ -Wall -g helloworld.cpp -o helloworld
that you type in your terminal. Improve your code till no warning is given. You might add -O after -g above if you want GCC to optimize (and -O2 or -O3 to optimize even more). You should ask GCC to optimize if you want to benchmark or release your binary executable program. Notice that g++ knows how to link the standard C++ library (, and the headers are located in a standard location known to g++ (you could add a -v argument to g++ to make it show what is happenning). You'll need more arguments if you want to use additional libraries.
the order of arguments to g++ is important, particularly for -I options (include directories) and -l (libraries).
If you want to debug your program (avoid asking optimizations to GCC), type
gdb helloworld
which will run the debugger. Learn more about gdb (of course you can do step by step with gdb; you'll use the next, step, break, backtrace commands of gdb at first, and others -e.g. watch is very useful sometimes.)
If you want to run your program without a debugger, just type
Later, you'll want to develop a program in several compilation units. Learn to use a bulder like make for that. There are other builder programs, like omake and many others.
Read more about GCC (providing g++), Gnu Make, GDB (the gnu debugger), Emacs, GIT version control
I have configured my emacs to run make inside it by pressing the F12 key. You can compile under emacs if you want to.
For graphical user interface applications coded in C++, learn to use Qt.
PS. Linux is much more command line oriented that other systems. Believe us, this has incredible strengths. But it is a different way of working that on other systems, such as those sold by Microsoft.
PS. If you are fond of IDE, you could consider geany, anjuta, kate. However, few free software - coded in C or C++ - in a typical Linux distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, ...) are built using these (or with Eclipse, which on Linux is often related to Java development). IMHO, this is significant.

GCC/G++: building without GNU unique object symbols for older Linux kernels

I am currently working on updating the build system for a large pile of code, which happens to include a Linux C++ project. It would be nice if all of the developers here could run a build when hacking around with their own ideas, so I was examining if it would be possible to build this on vaguely modern Linux systems despite the target system being 2.6.18.
By 'vaguely modern' I am estimating something like GCC 4.5+, something that a distribution in the past year or two might come with. Currently I solve the libstdc++ issue by compiling that in statically, and any glibc issues are neatly worked around by remapping to old versions of the memcpy symbols (and so on) with a quick bit of wrapper code. So far so good.
The one problem I can't seem to completely figure out is that certain symbols built into the executable from the .o files are of type 'u', which is a GNU unique object, an extension to the ELF standard that 2.6.18 doesn't seem to recognise at all. This means the executable won't run because it can't find the symbols, though they are in fact present (just of type '?' on the target, from 'nm').
One can disable the use of GNU unique objects when compiling G++ but it's not exactly the most convenient solution. I can't see any way to just disable it when compiling code (distro gcc/g++ invariably has this option on), and I imagine the only way to get the target system to recognise it would be to update ld-linux and the kernel. That's almost certainly not going to happen.
Is there an option I haven't found to disable these symbol types? Or perhaps is there some neat way around this, or something that I'm missing? I am beginning to suspect it will just have to be compiled on G++ 4.1.x, which will mean an old Linux installation or building that from source.
I was trying to deal with the same problem (which led me to finding this question) and after a bunch of research came to the definitive conclusion that no, you are not missing anything, there is no way around this besides compiling your own g++. See this recent question on the gcc-help mailing list:
I compared gcc sources and found that you can go as high as stock 4.4, as unique symbols were added in 4.5. However on RHEL/CentOS 6 they default to 4.4 but patched unique symbol support into it, so as usual one must beware of distribution-specific gcc versions. For me this is a huge bummer as it means that things compiled on RHEL 6 can't be run on RHEL 5, even with a copy of libstdc++ made just for gcc 4.4 + RHEL 5.
Here's the message where unique symbol support was first proposed, by the way:
If you search around you'll find that people have complained about it on other lists for various reasons, but I guess it's here to stay.

Where did the first make binary come from?

I'm having to build gnu make from source for reasons too complicated to explain here.
I noticed to build it I require the make command itself, in the traditional fashion:
make install
So what if I didn't have the make binary already? Where did the first ever make binary come from?
From the same place the first gcc binary came from.
The first make was created probably using a shell script to do the build. After that, make would "make" itself.
It's a notable achievement in systems development when the platform becomes "self-hosting". That is the platform can build itself.
Things like "make make" and "gcc gcc.c".
Many language writers will create their language in another language (say, C) and when they have moved it far enough along, they will use that original bootstrap compiler to write a new compiler in the original language. Finally, they discard the original.
Back in the day, a friend was working on a debugger for OS/2, notable for being a multi-tasking operating system at the time. And he would regale about the times when they would be debugging the debugger, and find a bug. So, they would debug the debugger debugging the debugger. It's a novel concept and goes to the heart of computing and abstraction.
Inevitably, it all boils back to when someone keyed in something through a hardwire key pad or some other switches to get an initial program loaded. Then they leveraged that program to do other work, and it all just grows from there.
Stuart Feldman, then at AT&T, wrote the source code for make around the time of 7th Edition UNIX™, and used manual compilation (or maybe a shell script) until make was working well enough to be used to build itself. You can find the UNIX Programmer's Manual for 7th Edition online, and in particular, the original paper describing the original version of make, dated August 1978.
make is just one convenience tool. It is still possible to invoke cc, ld, etc. manually or via other scripting tools.
If you're building GNU make, have a look at in the source tree after running configure:
# Shell script to build GNU Make in the absence of any `make' program.
# Generated from by configure.
Compiling C programs is not the only way to produce an executable file. The first make executable (or more notably the C compiler itself) could for example be an assembly program, or it could be hand coded in machine code. It could also be cross compiled on a completely different system.
The essence of make is that it is a simplified way of running some commands.
To make the first make, the author had to manually act as make, and run gcc or whatever toolset was available, rather than having it run automatically.
