How to split lines in Zen Coding for vim - vim

Whenever I use Zen Coding for vim I usually have the same issue: When I want to wrap a paragraph with p the output would look like this:
However, I'd like it to output like this:
How do I tell the zencoding plugin to split the output onto several lines?

In official Zen Coding (your Vim plugin has unofficial implementation, but it tries to stick close to it), you need to apply xml filter to your abbreviation. It will apply XML profile with different formatting options.
So, in your case, you may try to wrap text with p|xml abbreviation.
For further information on output tweaking, you may want to read the following:


Tab number, instead of number of windows

Above is default tabline, I want that instead of number of windows I ll see there index of tab, in the above example '1 quickfix.txt | 2 tabpage.txt' to simply call [index]gt to go to target page. Is it possible to acquire default string for tab, for example '2 quicklix.txt' then swap first digit with tabnumber to get '1 quickfix.txt'?
I don't want to write scripts the way vim is suggesting, see :help tagline, in the sense, that there many features like cropping and showing if file is modified, which I like and don't want to write them from scratch. What I want is to get default string for tab and modify it the way I explained earlier.
P.s. I don't want to write scripts the way vim is suggesting, see :help tagline, in the sense, that there many features like cropping and showing if file is modified, which I like and don't want to write them from scratch.
As discussed earlier, your goal is impossible to achieve without at least a little bit of scripting.
You don't have to write anything "from scratch", though. The snippets generously provided to you under :help setting-tabline and :help setting-guitablabel cover a lot of ground so you only have to copy them to your vimrc and modify them to suit your needs.

vim/nvim line spacing when printing

I'm trying to use nvim for everything, including writing, and all is great but the text is too crammed when I print it out.
Is it possible to adjust the line spacing when printing with :hardcopy?
My idea of a kludge fix would be to insert a second newline character for every carriage return, including those automatically inserted by line wrapping. Is this possible?
One of the least frustrating ways to do it would be to use a tool like pandoc to convert the text (for example Markdown) to whatever format you need — preferably PDF. However, pandoc uses LaTeX to create the resulting PDF, so regarding the styling you would have to tinker with supplying it a template or other options.
You can do it even easier with (for example) a Node.js tool called mdpdf. After installation, just run
mdpdf --style styles.css
to supply it with a CSS stylesheet in which you can modify the resulting text output with every feature CSS permits. Using larger line spacing would be something like this:
body { line-spacing: 150%; }
This results in a 1.5x line spacing for everything in the document.
Of course, you can also set up a custom Vim command to automate this for you, putting something like the following into your .vimrc:
command MdToPDF !mdpdf %:t --style /full/path/to/styles.css
Calling :MdToPDF in Vim will then run that command for you.
Finally, if you're happy with the output, just print the PDF.

Vim: Is it possible to have a filtered view of a file?

In a given text file, I would like to work on a "filtered view" (hiding lines with a pattern), but still to be able to edit visible lines : the filtering would only affect the visibility of some lines, and as soon as I would reset the filter, the hidden lines would appear again.
The feature I describe could be compared to the & key in the less command (except, of course, that less can't edit the file's content) :
&some_pattern <RETURN> starts a new filter,
& <RETURN> reset the filter.
Does such a feature exist in vim, natively or as a plugin?
This usually is done with folding; you can easily define a 'foldexpr' that filters lines based on a regular expression match; see Folding with Regular Expression for implementations.
However, a single fold line will remain for each condensed block. To do away with those, I can only think of the NrrwRgn plugin, which transfers selected lines into a separate scratch buffer. It's usually only for a single block, but :help NR-multi-example suggests this works on ranges, too:
For example before editing your config file, you decide to strip all comments
for making big changes but when you write your changes back, these comments
will stay in your file. You would do it like this: >
It can be done with plain Vim, and it's named folding. Drew Neil has two screencasts about it that you might find informative.

Vim Surround: Create new tag but don't indent/new line

I would like to mimic Textmates CTRL+ALT+w, which creates a new pair of opening and closing HTML tags on the same line.
In VIM Surround I'm using CTRL+st in Edit mode for this, but it always indents and creates a new line after setting the tag, so that it looks like this (* = cursor position):
Is there a way to achieve this? :
I guess your problem is that the selected area is "line wise". For example, if you select a few lives with V and surround it with tags, the tags will be placed one line above and one bellow the selected lines.
You probably want to create a "character wise" selection, with v before surrounding it.
Anyway, please post the map you created, so we can help debugging this.
After some clarification in the comments, I would tell you that the surround plugin is not the best option. As its name describes, it was created to deal with surrounded content. So you may need content to surround.
In your case, I recommend taking a look in HTML AutoCloseTag. This plugin closes the html tag once you type the >. It is certainly more appropriated, and uses less keystrokes than surround.
<p <--- Now when you type ">", if becomes:
<p>|</p> <--- Where "|" is the cursor.
Obviously, you will get this behavior to every tag. But that may be handy if you like it.
From normal mode, type vstp> to enter visual mode and output an opening and closing <p> tag on the same line at the current cursor position. Use a capital S to maintain the current indent level.
This doesn't place the cursor in between the tags as you describe, but neither does Textmate's CtrlW shortcut (I think you meant CTRL+Shift+w, not CTRL+ALT+w, as the latter just outputs a diamond sign.)
My answer is probably coming to late, but I'll try to help.
I had similar problem with Vimsurround plugin. Every time I select sentence (one line) using ctrl+V and try to surround it with something I get this:
var myVar
instead of this:
{ var myVar } // what I wanted
I found easy solution: From a normal mode I choose a line with vis command and then I type capital C (my vim surround mapping ) and choose brackets to surround.Then I get one line nicely surrounded.
The question title is technically mislabeled based on what the author was actually looking for, but since I was actually looking for the answer to the question asked in the title, I figure I should provide an answer to it as well.
To create a new tag surrounding an element without the automatic indentation Vim Surround uses when using a block wise selection (ie: VysS), you can instead do something like:
This command will move your cursor to the first non-blank character of the line, issue the command that you want to utilize You Surround, and move to the end of the line. Then, simply start entering your tag.
The result is this:
<input type="email" name="email">
Could become something like this:
<li><input type="email" name="email"></li>
The command is repeatable as well with . and all the normal other Vim goodness.
Stumbled upon this question because I was wondering this as well - I believe the simplest way to do this is just:
(yss surrounds a line with something without indenting - see here:
You can accomplish this by selecting the relevant text object: :h text-objects
...and surrounding that instead of surrounding a Visual Line selection.
The most common example I found myself running into was when trying to surround one tag with another. In that situation, the it and at text objects are quite useful:
*v_at* *at*
at "a tag block", select [count] tag blocks, from the
[count]'th unmatched "<aaa>" backwards to the matching
"</aaa>", including the "<aaa>" and "</aaa>".
See |tag-blocks| about the details.
When used in Visual mode it is made characterwise.
*v_it* *it*
it "inner tag block", select [count] tag blocks, from the
[count]'th unmatched "<aaa>" backwards to the matching
"</aaa>", excluding the "<aaa>" and "</aaa>".
See |tag-blocks| about the details.
When used in Visual mode it is made characterwise.
For example, if you had your cursor in a paragraph and you wanted to surround it with a div on the same line, ysat<div> would accomplish that.

Book translation data format

I'm thinking of translating a book from English to my native language. I can translate just fine, and I'm happy with vim as a text editor. My problem is that I'd like to somehow preserve the semantics, i.e. which parts of my translation correspond to the original.
I could basically create a simple XML-based markup language, that'd look something like
<original>This is an example sentence.</original>
<translation lang="fi">Tämä on esimerkkilause.</translation>
Now, that would probably have its benefits but I don't think editing that would be very fun.
Another possibility that I can think of would be to keep the original and translation in separate files. If I add a newline after each translation chunk and keep line numbering consistent, editing would be easy and I'd be able to programmatically match the original and translation.
This is an example sentence.
In this format editing is easy.
Tämä on esimerkkilause.
Tässä muodossa muokkaaminen on helppoa.
However, this doesn't seem very robust. It would be easy to mess up. Probably someone has better ideas. Thus the question:
What would be the best data format for making a book translation with a text editor?
EDIT: added tag vim, since I'd prefer to do this with vim and believe that some vim guru might have ideas.
EDIT2: started a bounty on this. I'm currently leaning to the second idea I describe, but I hope to get something about as easy to edit (and quite easy to implement) but more robust.
One thought: if you keep each translatable chunk (one or more sentences) in its own line, vim's option scrollbind, cursorbind and a simple vertical split would help you keeping the chunks "synchronized". It looks very much like to what vimdiff does by default. The files should then have the same amount of lines and you don't even need to switch windows!
But, this isn't quite perfect because wrapped lines tend to mess up a little bit. If your translation wraps over two or three more virtual lines than the original text, the visual correlation fades as the lines aren't one-on-one anymore. I couldn't find a solution or a script for fixing that behavior.
Other suggestion I would propose is to interlace the translation into the original. This approaches the diff method of Benoit's suggestion. After the original is split up into chunks (one chunk per line), I would prepend a >> or similar on every line. A translation of one chunk would begin by o. The file would look like this:
>> This is an example sentence.
Tämä on esimerkkilause.
>> In this format editing is easy.
Tässä muodossa muokkaaminen on helppoa.
And I would enhance the readability by doing a :match Comment /^>>.*$/ or similar, whatever looks nice with your colorscheme. Probably it would be worthwhile to write a :syn region that disables spell checking for the original text. Finally, as a detail, I'd bind <C-j> to do 2j and <C-k> to 2k to allow easy jumping between the parts that matter.
Pros for this latter approach also include that you could wrap things in 80 columns if you feel like I do :) It would still be trivial to write <C-j/k> to jump between translations.
Cons: buffer-completion suffers as now it completes both original and translated words. English words don't hopefully occur in the translations that often! :) But this is as robust as it gets. A simple grep will peel the original text off after you are done.
Why not use a simplified diff format?
it is linewise which is suitable for whole sentences.
The first character is significant (space, special, + or -)
It will be quite compact
Maybe you needn't those ## parts
Vim will support it and color the English sentence and the Finnish sentence in distinct colors.
Assuming you want to keep the 1 - 1 relationship between the original text and the translated text, a database table makes the most sense.
You'd have one table with the following columns:
id - Integer - Autonum
original_text - Text - Not null
translated_text - Text - Nullable
You'd need a process to load the original text, and a process to show you one line of the original text and allow you to type the translated text. Perhaps the second process could show you 5 lines (2 before, the line you want to translate, and 2 after) to give you context.
