WPF C# Unable to find subfolder image resource - resources

I have several images in an assembly that I have all marked as resource in their property setting.
For testing I put an image at the root of my project.
Img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyAssembly;component/image.png", UriKind.Absolute));
and it finds and loads the image just fine.
If I place the image in a subfolder no matter what folder or what level, it returns back that it is unable to find the resource.
The folder structure is Resources/Base/Weather/image.png
Img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MyAssembly;component/Resources/Base/Weather/image.png", UriKind.Absolute));
When I run the application and try to load that image I get this error
Cannot locate resource 'resources/base/weather/image.png'.
Notice the lowercase on the folder names. I am at a loss as to what to try next. I have tried many variations including using the # but that doesn't help. I really do not want to load up the root directory with images.
Thoughts Anyone???


Im am getting FileNotFoundError when trying to create a for in loop

I am making an image classifier. I have successfully created the folders and I manually placed the .txt files which has links to images from google inside each folder.
I am now trying to download the images from each .txt file either into a folder inside each folder category, or into each category folder that also has the .txt file, however i keep getting errors. please help.
I manually placed the .txt files in each of the folders as they was in the parent folder name as PLANTS but this has not made a difference.
I expected to get all the images downloaded in their respective folders from the .txt files with google image links but it is not working, whether the .txt is inside the main PLANTS FOLDER or inside each category folder which is inside the PLANTS folder
instead i get the below errors
please see attached screen shot
Long filenames or paths with spaces are supported by NTFS in Windows NT. However, these filenames or directory names require quotation marks around them when they are specified in a command prompt operation. Failure to use the quotation marks results in the error message.
for i in range(len(folders)):
path = "content/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/Flowers/PLANTS"
#for creating directory we need path class object so below this:
dest_for_creating_directory = path/folders[i]
#for searchi directory which have spaces we need doubleQuotations that
#why user below one in download image function instead of dest.
dest_for_searching_directory = path+"/"+folders[i]
Note: its better practice to write folder/file name without space more info

Autorenaming duplicate filename downloads in chrome/puppeteer/ubuntu

I'm downloading pdf files using headFULL chromium & puppeteer. I call a javascript function in the browser context and the download starts. The file name comes as is from the server. Issue: Many files I download in a directory are of same names coming from the server and Chrome instead of autosuffixing an index (1) to the file, overwrites the existing one.
Since the file is downloaded by calling a JS function and I have inspected the function as well, I don't have access to a the pdf url. It is triggered using the function call and thus I have no control over the file names.
I have a list of the file names but that in no way helps in changing the filename on the fly, if it it's duplicate name already exists on the machine.
Config: Ubuntu 18.04, Puppeteer 1.18.1
I know either it's a config issue with Nautilus file manager or with Chrome. Is it possible to configure any of these two?
I cannot foresee an option within nodejs where I can rename the file before it's downloaded. A workaround is to download each file in a temp folder, then move it to the required folder while doing a check if it already exists and rename if so. But it adds a lot of time complexity. It would be great to have chrome or nautilus do the task.
Function which triggers the download:
await page.evaluate( (doc_index,arg1,arg2) => openDocument(String(doc_index), String(arg1), String(arg2) ,'ABC','','','XYZ') , doc_index,arg1,arg2 )
Expected behaviour: When the above function is called and pdf starts downloading in the set folder, if a pdf of the same name exists, the new pdf should be renamed to something like pdf_name.pdf(1) or the like.

How do you move the contents of a randomly named folder to a new location when you dont know what the folder name will be?

I am using requests to download an image with python. That part works ok. When I download a file I provide a name: sitea.zip . When that file is decompressed it contains a folder with a random name, something like ZX234564563SDSD, that has a qcow2 image in it named gw-vm.qcow2.
I need to move the gw-vm.qcow2 to a specific folder for each site that I download an image for.
I can't figure out how to cd into that randomly named folder to get at the gw-vm.qcow2 file.
Right now I am using os.system('unzip sitea.zip') to decompress.
I don't know how to cd into the resulting folder to then perform the following: os.system('mv gw-vm.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/sc-branch-a-1.0/gw-vm.qcow2')
Any direction is appreciated.
It's going to be a function of os.walk() -- it performs a dirwalk on a directory. Check out the docs on it: https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html?#os.walk
Good luck, hope that helps!
(edited formatting)

Magento: "Image does not exist"

I'm importing a CSV file in Magento (version 1.9).
I receive the error: 'Image does not exist'.
I've tried to do everything I could find on the internet.
The template I'm using for upload is the default template taken from my export folder.
I've added the / before the image name and I've also saved the file as UTF-8 format.
Any advice would help.
Use advanced profiler
System > Import/Export > Dataflow – Profiles
You only need to include the attributes that are required, which is just the SKU. Plus the appropiate image attributes. Plus labels if you want to go all out.
When you are creating your new profile, enter the following settings:
Now you can hit save! With our Profile now complete, we just need to create the folder media/import. This is where you will be storing all your images awaiting import.
When uploading images, they need to be within a folder called media/import. Once saved to that folder you can then reference them relatively. By that I mean if your image is in media/import/test.jpg in your csv reference it as /test.jpg. It’s as easy as that.
Please check this link for more information
Import products using csv
in the Default Import
first move all the images in media/import folder and then use '/imagename' in csv and then import.
And give the 777 permission to the import folder.
Let me know if you have any query....
check 3 point before upload csv file in Magento
create media > import folder and place all images inside import
folder import folder should have 777 permission
the path of images should be /desert-002.jpg
It may issue with image path in CSV if a image path in CSV is abg/test.jpg then it path in Dir is ..media/import/abg/test.jpg.also check image extension letter issue. Suppose your image extension I'd JPG and you rewrite in CSV is jpg .then it show image not exits
Your file template must look like this:
This file must exist: yourdocroot/media/import/product_image.jpg
More detail please read this method:
You will see these lines:
$imageFile = trim($importData['_media_image']);
$imageFile = ltrim($imageFile, DS);
$imageFilePath = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . DS . $imageFile;
I hope this help!!!

How can I rename all the existing carrierwave uploaded files?

I have been using Carrierwave for file uploads for some time. I did not try to rename the files as they got uploaded. Now I want to give each file a random name and a file extension that's consistent with the content type. I read the wiki and other sites, and it was recommended that in the uploader, I could:
def filename
"#{secure_token}.#{file.extension}" if original_filename.present?
def secure_token
#implement the secure token
It worked fine on files uploaded after these additions to the uploader. But I got many files that were uploaded before this change. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to migrate the old files.
I tried adding a method to the uploader:
def rename_file!
model.update_attribute mounted_as, "#{secure_token}.#{file.extension}"
then in the rails console, I tried calling this on an model with attachment. However, I found that the mounted_as column of the model never got updated, though on the file system, various versions of the file were created with the new name. When I inspected the mounted_as field of the model, it did not get updated. The log actually said the column was updated with the old value.
How can I get the mounted_as column on the model updated?
In addition, it seemed like the old files with the old names were still on the file system. Is there a way to remove them? I tried adding a line:
file.move_to File.join("#{File.dirname file.path}, "#{secure_token}.#{file.extension}")
in the rename_file! method. It renamed the files, but did not update the mounted_as column on the model. So accessing its URL resulted in a 404.
I know this is a little old now, but perhaps useful for others.
After updating your Uploader with the filename method, like you have, you could run this from the Rails console;
Post.all.each do |p|
In the current version of CarrierWave, this will both rename the file and update the model record.
Post of course is the model name and avatar the column on which you are mounting the uploader, so change those as required.
