How to force a page to be displayed inside an ext:Panel? -

This is about
I have a link in West section, by clicking which, a webpage should be displayed in the Center section in a tab. But how to prevent the page from being rendered in a new browser window or tab (by shift click, or right click, then pick open in a new tab)?

I can suggest to use a LinkButton (if you really need your link to look as a link).
Handle its Click event and load any URL to the Center region.
App.PanelCenter.load({ url: "some URL" });
PanelCenter should be configured with a respective Loader.
Hope this helps.


How to open a hyperlink in separate browser tab in Coded UI

I have three different Hyperlinks on a web page
Contact Us.
I want to open them in separate browser tab one by one using codedUI.
i have written the above code to obtain the list of Hyperlink
HtmlControl Hyperlink = new HtmlControl(browser);
UITestControlCollection controls = Hyperlink.FindMatchingControls();
foreach(UITestControl control in controls)
if (control is HtmlHyperlink)
HtmlHyperlink link = (HtmlHyperlink)control;
if(link.InnerText=="Planning"|| link.InnerText== "Solutions")
//separate Tab logic goes here
I need the help related to opening a hyperlink in new browser tab. Is it possible in CodedUI ?
By default if you click the mouse middle button (or click the scroll wheel), it opens a link in new tab. I would modify your code as below in this case,
if(link.InnerText=="Planning"|| link.InnerText== "Solutions")
//Open Link in New tab, by clicking middle button
Mouse.Click(link, MouseButtons.Middle);
You can do this a couple different ways. I would use #Prageeth-Saravan 's approach first to see if it works because it's easier and actually tests your UI. You could also:
Get the URL from the found link control
Send the "New tab" keyboard shortcut
Reinstantiate your browser window object to be sure it's pointing to the new tab
Navigate to that URL
The reason why I bolded step 3 is regardless of approach, if you intend to assert or interact with anything in a new tab you're going to have to remember that the CodedUI software will still be "Looking" at the old tab until you reinitialize it.

how to customize rightclick on chrome devtools elements panel

devtools elements panel right click
look at the image above. right clicking on any node displays menu of options like 'add attribute' and 'edit attribute' etc...
I want to be able to extend the right click menu to add my custom events.
for example, I need to get the xpath of the node.
I know I can extend the right click on actual page instead of extending right click on the source of the page.
API's only supports selection change.
Unfortunately, the Extending DevTools API doesn't expose the context menu from the internal DevTools source code. Sometimes the API documentation omits some available functions/properties, so I confirmed this with:
It returned onSelectionChanged,createSidebarPane only, which matches the documentation.
The WebInspector object in the DevTools source code has a populateNodeContextMenu function on WebInspector.ElementsTreeElement.prototype, but this cannot be accessed through the Extending DevTools API. It is completely separate.

Selecting Browser Action for Current Tab in Chrome Extension

I'm working on a chrome extension that manipulates certain cookies. Most of the manipulation takes place in the background service, but I need to update the icon and pass data to the browser action for the current tab.
I'm looking for an action similar to the AdBlock extension. AdBlock loads a small number in the bottom right of the icon for the number of ads blocked, so it varies from tab to tab.
When I perform this action from the background service, it seems to change across all browsing tabs. Can someone with experience in extensions point me in the right direction for this one?
This should get you started.
setInterval(function(){//every second
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null,function(tab) {//on the current tab,
chrome.browserAction.getBadgeText({}, function(badgeText){//get the tab's badge text
badgeText="0";//set the text if its empty
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({,text:badgeText/1+1+""});//and add one.
make sure you don't run this in the console, because chrome will get the developer tool window id, and since no valid tab has that id, it will change every single tab's badgeText.
You just need to include the tab id when you set it, such as:
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: "5", tabId: })

Chrome extension to search a website?

I'm trying to create a google chrome extension (I'm almost a newb at programming, although I understand the basics, somewhat) that will search a video streaming site for the title that you enter. The site is somewhat slow, and going through a page or two to get to the sites' search bar can be a pain. I would (for now) like this extension to tie into the sites' existing search url. Here is part of the URL. When you leave the search field blank and search, this is the resulting URL
When you actually search for something, it simply inserts the search term as follows:
anisrch_title=(SEARCH TERM HERE WITHOUT PARENTHESES)&op=srch&anisrch_cat=
As I mentioned before, I am a programming newbie, and am unfamiliar with all sorts of programming techniques. How would I go about making an extension that redirects you to the URL + the search term inserted into the appropriate place?
For example, upon clicking the extension Icon, a pop-up appears with a text field and a "Go" button.
Textfield input = SearchTitle
And upon clicking the "Go" button, the extension redirects you to the full link of:
Please be patient with me, as I am a newbie at coding and I am still learning. The site I am making this for is strained by heavy load, and insufficient server resources. Could someone please walk me through this?
For example, upon clicking the extension Icon, a pop-up appears with a
text field and a "Go" button. Textfield input = SearchTitle
Use a browser action ( The popup of a browser action can be a html page. Just put your text field, go button, etc in popup.html.
And upon clicking the "Go" button, the extension redirects you to the
full link of: anisrch_title=(SearchTitle)&op=srch&anisrch_cat=
redirect? Did you mean opening the search page in the current tab? If that is the case, use chrome.tabs.update ( in your handler of onclick for the button (say your button id is go and text field id is query). Because of CSP (, you must place your JavaScript code in a separate popup.js and refer to it in your popup.html.
document.getElementById('go').addEventListener('click', function() {
chrome.tabs.update({url: '' + document.getElementById('query')'&op=srch&anisrch_cat='});
If you prefer opening a new tab, use chrome.tabs.create instead.
If you're not familiar with basics of Chrome extensions, the Getting Started tutorial will help you much:

<a4j:include> content doesn't get change

This is what i want to achieve. I have navigation panel on left and content panel on right.
when user click links on left navigation panel , ajax calls made and content panel got rendered. With current implementation, content got change based on the link i clicked.
however i found content still don't get change when perform following steps:
1. click "display user", user list got display
2. click "add user" to add one user
3. click "display user", user list got display but content is same as the one in step 1.
i am sure data has been inserted into db.
looks like this view got cached on server. is there anyway to solve this issue?
following are my code and screenshot.
thank you,
i found answer from this link.
basically, use following line to destroy backing-bean, then problem solved.
