How do I read data from a excel worksheet in DB2 - excel

I need to write a Stored Proc/ Function which reads data from a worksheet of Excel workbook. How do I do it in DB2 ? I am using AIX os.
Tried Read Excel from DB2 but wont work on my OS.
Also tried
Import from FileName.csv of DEL COMMITCOUNT 1000 insert into TableName
but invain.

You have several options, the cleanest is probably to write a Java Stored Procedure, utilising the Apache POI library, if you intend to read Excel workbooks (.xls or .xlsx) rather than plain CSV formatted text files.
Not as clean but just as effective you can write a Perl / Python / PHP script to read the file and return a line at a time, and invoke the script from a stored procedure, see: Making Operating System Calls from SQL

Its be better to convert your excel file to flat file like csv if possible. Because DB2 not natively know excel file. Its csv file that can processed natively using IMPORT, LOAD or INGEST tools from DB2


Qlikview - append data to Excel

I have qvw file with sql query
LOAD source, color, date;
select source, color, date
as Mytable;
STORE Data into [..\QV_Data\Data.qvd] (qvd);
Then I export data to excel and save.
I need something to do that automatically instead of me
I need to run query every day and automatically send data to excel but keep old data in excel and append new value.
Can qlikview to do that?
For that you need to create some crazy macro that runs after a reload task in on open-trigger. If you schedule a windows task that execute a bat file with path to qlikview.exe with the filepath as parameters and -r flag for reload(?) you can probably accomplish this... there are a lot of code of similar projects to be found on google.
I suggest adding this to the loadscript instead.
STORE Table into [..\QV_Data\Data.csv] (txt);
and then open that file in excel.
If you need to append data you could concatenate new data onto the previous data.. something like:
load * from Data.csv;
//add latest data
LOAD source, color, date from ...
STORE Data into [..\QV_Data\Data.csv] (txt);
I assume you have the desktop version so you don't have access to the Qlikview Management Console (if you do, this is obviously the best way).
So, without the Console, you should create a txt file with this command: "C:\Program Files\QlikView\Qv.exe" /r "\\thePathToYourFile\test.qvw". Save this file with .cmd file extension. After that you can schedule this command file with the windows task scheduler.

What .xlsx file format is this?

Using an existing SSIS package, I was trying to import .xlsx files we received from a client. I received the error message:
External table is not in the expected format
These files will open in XL
When I use XL (currently XL2010) to Save As... the file without making any changes:
The new file imports just fine
The new file is 330% the size of the original file
When changing .xlsx to .zip and investigating the contents with WinZip:
The original file only has 4 .xml files and a _rels folder (with 2 .rels files):
The new file has the expected .xlsx contents:
Does anyone know what kind of file this could be?
It would be nice to develop my SSIS package to work with these original files, without having to open and re-save each file. There are only 12 files, so if there are no other options, opening/saving each file is not that big of deal...and I could automate it with VBA going forward.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide,
There are many Excel file formats.
The file you are trying to import may have another excel format but the extension is changed to .xlsx (it could be edited by someone else) , or it could be created with a different Excel version.
There is a Third-Part application called TridNet File Identifier which is an utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures. you can use it to specify the real extension of the specified file.
Also after a simple search on External table is not in the expected format this error is thrown when the definition (or version) of the excel files supported in the connection string is different from the file selected. Check the connection string used in the excel connection manager. It might help to identify the version of the file.

matlab: Issue reading excel binary (.xlsb) file

I am trying to read in (MATLAB (R2012a), Ubuntu 12.04, filesize ~2MB) a binary excel file containing multiple sheets but get the following error:
[status,sheets,xlFormat] = xlsfinfo('633933_2014-07-04_11-34-27.xlsb')
status =
sheets =
Unreadable Excel file: File contains unexpected record length. Try
saving as Excel 98.
xlFormat =
I have a large number of these binary files so I don't want to have to resave them to another format if possible.
The documentation clearly states that the support for xlsb is limited to windows systems having excel installed.
You may try to find some 3rd party so, python or java library which can read xlsb but I am not aware of any. Otherwise you have to switch to a different format.

Load big Excel (xlsx) file into matlab

I use Windows 64bit with 8GB RAM and Matlab 64bit.
I tried to load a .xlsx file into matlab. The file size is around 700MB, containing a sheet with 673928 rows and 43 columns.
First I use the GUI tool 'uiimport'. After choosing the file path and name, the GUI tool needs around 3 minutes to read the .xlsx file, and then shows the data in a table. If I choose "cell array", it needs around 10 minutes to import the data into workspace.
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
NBPPdataV3YOS1 673928x43 3473588728 cell
It works very well, but I have many .xlsx files to import. It is impossible to import each file using GUI tool. So I use the GUI tool to generate function like this
function data = importfile(workbookFile, sheetName, range)
%% Import the data
[~, ~, data] = xlsread(workbookFile, sheetName, range);
data(cellfun(#(x) ~isempty(x) && isnumeric(x) && isnan(x),data)) = {''};
For simply, I ignore some irrelevant code. However, when I use this function to import the data, It does not work well. The used RAM by Matlab and Excel increases dramatically until almost all RAM is used. The data cannot be imported even after 30 minutes.
I also try to do it like this,
excelObj = actxserver('Excel.Application');
fileObj = excelObj.Workbooks.Open(filename);
sheetObj = fileObj.Worksheets.get('Item', 'sheet2');
%Read in ranges the same way as xlsread!
indata = sheetObj.Range('A1:AQ673928').Value;
The same problem occurs as xlsread().
My questions are:
1. Does the GUI import tool use xlsread() to read .xlsx file? If yes, why the generated function does not work? If no, which interface it uses?
2. Is there an efficient way to load Excel file into Matlab?
It sounds like you may be keeping the excel file in memory in Matlab. I would suggest looking into making sure you close the connection to each excel file after you have imported its data.
You may also find that the Matlab table class is more memory efficient than the cell class.
Good luck.

How to convert Paradox to Excel

I am trying to work with Paradox files and convert these to an Excel file.
Does anyone know how to achieve such conversion?
I wrote a small Python script to read Paradox .DB files.
But please be careful, it's not complete: some field types may not be converted (only memos AFAIK, but I'm not a Paradox expert).
You can either read a .DB file as Python objects using'your_file.DB') or convert it to a CSV file using paradox.to_csv('your_file.DB').
