Why asterisk server updates the status of clients after one minute - voip

Can any body please tell me that when i unregistered my soft phone (xlite) client, i execute "sip show peers" command on asterisk server then why it shows its status (OK) .
When i execute same command after a minute then it shows (UNKNOWN) status.
It actually updates the status after a minute ? why

You xlite work not correctly,and not do any unregister action. Status become unknown when xlite not do re-registration in next re-register interval.
You can decrease time by moving out from xlite(very buggy software) to other softphone or by decreasing registration time to 20-30 sec.

While creating sip account in sip.conf add following attributes.
qualifyfreq=3 (time in seconds in which sip status will be updated)


MVC5 controller (POST) being called twice (once a week)

I have a C# WebApp MVC5. Everything usually works perfectly, users create invoices every minute, there are 10 users making invoices concurrently in different locations and different machines.
The issue happens once a week.
In the logs, I can see the post is called twice at the same time by the same user, I see some network lag on the client-side when this happens, but I'm not able to reproduce it, even using the network utility of chrome DevTools to simulate network lag.
Of course, I can add some business validation before persisting the data into the database in order to avoid duplicate data, but that's not the real issue.
I've read on the internet it would be because IIS Http2 is enabled and should be disabled, so I've done that a couple of weeks ago, but the error is still occurring.
This is not an issue of an "unintentional double click on a button", I'm pretty sure is not because I make sure to disable the button once it is clicked and enabled back once the server returns a response.
See the logs: the first one takes 9002ms to completes while the second one takes 444ms. That's the network lag I've identified so far because this post usually takes less than a second to completes.
2021-09-22 16:21:41 POST /Sales/Invoices/Save - 443 jnamicela Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/93.0.4577.82+Safari/537.36 https://xpertdynamics.com/Home/Index 200 0 1236 9002
2021-09-22 16:21:41 POST /Sales/Invoices/Save - 443 jnamicela Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.3;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/93.0.4577.82+Safari/537.36 https://xpertdynamics.com/Home/Index 200 0 0 444
It's solved. It was an issue on client-side. Basically they have unstable internet connection. When they click on the 'save' button and in the middle of the process they unspecteclly lose internet connection, the jquery.post will go directly to the post.fail, but the request was successfully sent to the server, it is just the browser that doesn't know it because internet connection was lost. So the user clicks on the 'save' button once again.
I just included a validation step before calling jquery.post. It is: check for internet connection using navigator.onLine, if yes, then check for the user session is still alive. if(true && true) then call jquery.post.
I've been monitoring since 3 weeks ago, and the error never happened again.

HTTP Web Server: Agent did not complete within configured time limit

I have a web application that builds web-pages using agent (it's written in LS and we use [print html] to output HTML) and from time to time I see an error as below.
02-11-2020 10:00:18 HTTP Web Server: Agent did not complete within configured time limit [/path-to-database.nsf/web?openagent] Anonymous
02-11-2020 10:00:18 HTTP Server: Execution time limit exceeded by Agent '(Web)|Web' in database '/path-to-database.nsf'. Agent signer 'signer name'.
As a result HTTP task stuck so I have to restart it, but that means I have to monitor it all the time.
It does not seems to be related to agent time execution, otherwise I would have this issue constantly.
The activity does not seems to be the issue as well, according to google analytics it's around ~50 active users.
I doubt [Server Tasks\Agent manager] will help, because agent runs under HTTP task.
Does anybody know how to figure out what is the reason of such issue and where I have to dig to fix it.
Domino version 11.0
The agent is triggered by anonymous visitor and does some relatively heavy computation to construct HTML response (loops and lookups are present, but I'm sure all loops ends properly, without infinitive run).
I guess settings for HTTP Agents are under this section (so 2 mins).
Web Agents and Web Services
Run web agents and web services concurrently? Enabled
Web agent and web services timeout: 120 seconds
In general request takes between 300ms-1 second, however there are some heavy pages with 1-5 seconds (but nothing like 10 seconds or more).
I notice the error only when we get more than 50 active users (who activity open new pages and thus trigger the agent).
I guess Richard is right and there must be some condition when agent stuck (maybe related to views update or some background process).
For now I simply restart HTTP to get this issue fixed (for some time).
So my question could be re-phrased to:
What can cause delay of the agent that build web page (taking into account it's related to 50-100 active users).
Thanks a lot :-)

Why my console application is buffering log and socket messages?

I have a Python (console) application which includes a socket server. This application receives messages from a 3rd party client (start and stop messages from certain Process A) to control a recording data task (like start and stop recording). You can think of it as receiving messages via sockets to start and stop recording data from the same Process A for about 5 minutes. The 3rd party client sends messages for nearly 2 hours and then stops, and at the end, the Python application will be producing a group of files per session.
This application is running 24/7 (unattended on a Windows 10 Desktop machine) and there is a logging console open as well, but I have noticed that sometimes (Haven't identified a pattern) after running for 4 or 5 days, I access the system remotely, using TeamViewer, and the console window is showing that the last message is of 1-2 days ago. But once I click on the console or press a key in that console, I receive a full batch of messages from the sessions missed during those last days, thus, start and stop messages are received "simultaneously" leading to rubbish data files.
The code:
This is the socket server part of the code. I know I'm setting a buffer of 1024, but in normal operation, this buffer should not be full to read the data
with conn:
#display client information
logger.info('Connected with ' + addr[0] + ':' + str(addr[1]))
while self.enable:
#now keep talking with the client
data = conn.recv(1024)
if data:
logger.debug("no data, closing connection." )
What is leading to this buffering behaviour?
Could it be...
the 3rd party client?
my Python application?
Something in Windows network stuff?
Has anyone had experienced something like this?
Any idea is really appreciated as I have no clue why is this happening? Thanks.
Edit - Additional info:
The application is running on a real desktop machine (no virtual machine)
The application has been able to work continuously for almost a month (just stopped for valid external reasons, power outage, version update, etc)
Last time I accessed through Teamviewer and noticed that the app wasn't receiving messages for a day (the app was running for 4 days at that time), BUT I assumed it was for another reason and planned to go to the site and check (Because something similar happened before). I accessed the next day, and it was the same. But on the third day, I click on the console and tried to review the messages and instantly the whole batch of messages from the previous 2 days appeared on the log.
The app has been running for 2 weeks and did not access the PC through TeamViewer during the last 4 days, in case that accessing it could prevent the issue to occur.
The selection feature of Command Prompt window prevents somehow the application from printing logging messages and/or reading data from the socket (both are in the same thread).
Well, I found the cause of this buffering behaviour but I am not sure if it is a known thing or not (It was not for me, so I will post later a specific question about that selection feature).
When I checked the system today I found that the console messages were frozen at 3 days before, so I clicked on the console window, and hit a key and all the messages for 3 days were shown at once. Then, I suspected of the selection feature of the console output.
I started the application as usual and followed these steps:
I selected a part of the content in the application console.
Using another console, I connected from a dummy client using ncat (At this point the expected client connected message didn't show up)
I sent dummy messages (didn't show up either)
I finished ncat connection (CTRL-C)
Clicked on the application console and hit any key
Voila! All the logging messages (regarding connection and data appeared), and all the messages that I sent using ncat were received as one big message.
EDIT: Didn't need to create a question, it's a known "feature". There are good questions here, here and here. The last one shows how to disable this "feature".

IIS applicaiton HTTP method stop running

I have Web application on IIS server.
I have POST method that take a long time to run (Around 30-40min).
After period time the application stop running (Without any exception).
I set Idle timeout to be 0 and It is not help for me.
What can I do to solve it?
Instead of doing all the work initiated by the request before responding at all:
Receive the request
Put the information in the request in a queue (which you could manage with a database table, ZeroMQ, or whatever else you like)
Respond with a "Request recieved" message.
That way you respond within seconds, which is acceptable for HTTP.
Then have a separate process monitor the queue and process the data on it (doing the 30-40 minute long job). When the job is complete, notify the user.
You could do this through the browser with a Notification or through a WebSocket or use a completely different mechanism (such as by sending an email to the user who made the request).

IBM Cognos Report Studio: "The connection closed before the request is processed."

We are consuming TM1 cubes with Report Studio through Framework Manager.
Quite often when I am trying to come up with new solutions to my challenges in Report Studio, I get an error when I run the report, and then the server goes down. Then I have to restart the dispatchers (Cognos Administration -> Status -> System -> Right Click on the server -> Test Dispatchers -> Right Click on the server -> Start Dispatchers).
The error message that I get is:
The connection closed before the request is processed. If you are
using WebSphere Application Server, to reduce the frequency of this
error, increase the Persistent Timeout parameter for the Web container
transport chains in the administrative console. Increase the time in
10-15 second intervals until the error no longer or rarely occurs.
We are not using WebSphere, but Tomcat (default with the installation).
-> Increasing connection timout interval on WebSphere thus not applicable
-> The timeout interval in the Tomcat config seems to be 60 seconds (60000 ms)
More importantly: The error message shows immediately (after 1 second) when I run the report
-> Indicates to me that this is regardless of any timeout interval setting
Additional info: The error message comes almost always when I manually and dynamically attempt to build MUNs. However, sometimes (dunno when and why) it shows the MUN that I've created and tells me that it is invalid. Which is WAY much better for debugging.
Any suggestions on why this is happening and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated!
Edit 1: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Product-Cognos-BI-1011-Cognos-3917273.S.143157206
This post states (almost at the bottom) that
When the Cognos BI report ask for a field that does not exist, the TM1
Application disconnects the connection. And the Cognos BI Report will
Is this true? If so; why am I sometimes told that my MUN is invalid, whereas other times the connection is closed and the server shut down? Is it because even Report Studio thinks that my MUN is valid and tries to get it from the TM1 Server?
And additionally: Is it possible to change this behavior for the TM1 server?
Edit 2: Or change the BI server behavior so that it does not shut down when the TM1 connection is disconnected, but rather show an error of some kind?
Thanks again!
Edit 3: Okay, so I did some checking with the TM1 top utility (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/ctm1/v9r5m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.swg.im.cognos.tm1_op.9.5.1.doc%2Ftm1_op_id6961UsingtheTM1TopUtility_N160F47.html).
When a normal report is run, a new thread is shown in the monitoring list. This thread then disappears when I stop the BI server dispatchers, or automatically after approximately 5 minutes of idle time without any reports being run (according to the TM1 Top log dump).
Likewise, when the error occurs, a new thread is shown in the list. However, it disappears after a short second (probably because the BI server dispatchers are shut down).
I have therefore concluded that it is safe to assume (?) that the request seems to reach the TM1 server, and that TM1 returns something back (or simply closes the connection as suggested in the linkedin-post that I referenced in my first edit) . And hence, that it is safe to assume that this is something that have to be fixed on the BI server side(?).
The question is therefore more likely: Is it possible to change the BI server behavior so that it does not shut down when the TM1 server returns something invalid or closes the connection, and rather show some kind of error message instead?
Thanks for any input!
