Read something from Azure SQL in Windows Phone Background Agent - azure

I'm writing Windows Phone 8 application and I've got problem with accessing my Azure Mobile Services database from Windows Phone 8 background agent.
I'm using that code:
public static MobileServiceClient MobileService = new MobileServiceClient("","secret!");
await ScheduledAgent
.Where(e =>
e.First == parameters[1]
&& e.Next == parameters[2]
&& e.Other == parameters[3]
&& e.Last == parameters[4])
And when I set breakpoint on line containing that code debugger stops, but after step over (F10) Visual Studio detaching debugger from Background Agent (app still working on emulator), so I can't catch an exception.
Is any possibility to access it from there?
Kind regards!


Using "node-windows" (coreybutler) How to check if nodejs app running as Windows service is stopped

I am using "node-windows" (coreybutler) as per the documented outline - here
It works well.
svc.exists will tell us if the service is added to the Windows OS services or not,
for example;
var svc: Service;
var isServiceInstalled = svc.exists;
If we execute:
and look at the Windows task manager - Services, our service will show - Status: Stopped
If we execute:
and look at the Windows task manager - Services, our service will show - Status: Running
Is there a way to check if the service is "Stopped" or "Running" on NodeJs app?
Something like:
var isServiceRunning = svc.isRunning;
var isServiceStopped = ! svc.isRunning;
Thank you.

Azure DevOps Hosted Build Controller - Is the Azure Storage Emulator supported?

I'd like to run unit / integration tests that utilise the Azure Storage Emulator rather than real storage from a Azure DevOps build.
The emulator is installed on the Hosted Build Controller as part of the Azure SDK in its usual place (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator\AzureStorageEmulator.exe).
However the emulator is in the uninitialised state on the Build Controller. When trying to run the command Init from the command line, I get the following error:
This operation requires an interactive window station
Is there an known workaround for this or plans to support the emulator in Azure DevOps builds?
Despite all the answers here to the contrary, I've been running the Azure Storage Emulator on a VS2017 hosted build agent for over a year.
The trick is to initialise SQL LocalDB first (the emulator uses it), and then start the emulator. You can do this with a command line task that runs:
sqllocaldb create MSSQLLocalDB
sqllocaldb start MSSQLLocalDB
sqllocaldb info MSSQLLocalDB
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator\AzureStorageEmulator.exe" start
As already stated you can't run the Azure Storage Emulator. What you can run though is Azurite an open source alternative.
Please note: Azurite can emulate blobs, tables and queues. However I have only used the blob storage emulation in this way.
At the start of your build configuration add a nuget step that runs a custom nuget command install Azurite -version 2.2.2. Then add a command line step that runs start /b $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\Azurite.2.2.2\tools\blob.exe.
It runs on the same port as the Azure Storage Emulator so you can use the standard connection strings.
No, the Hosted Build Controller does not run in Interactive Mode, so the emulator won't work under the environment. See Q&A in Hosted build controller for XAML builds for details.
Q: Do you need to run your build service in interactive mode?
A: No. Then you can use the hosted build controller.
I recommend you setup on-premises build controller and run the build server in Interactive Mode. Refer to Setup Build Server and Setup Build Controller for details.
Seems like the answer is maybe from the Visual Studio Online side. There's a User Voice entry if anyone has similar issues.
Not really sure why the emulator doesn't have a non-interactive mode, personally I don't use it's UI 99% of the time. There's a general User Voice entry for making Azure Storage more unit testable.
If you want to do start the Azure Storage Emulator right in your integration test code in C#, you can put this into your test initialization (startup) code (the example is for xUnit):
[Collection("Database collection")]
public sealed class IntegrationTests
public IntegrationTests(DatabaseFixture fixture)
this.fixture = fixture;
public async Task TestMethod1()
// use fixture.Table to run tests on the Azure Storage
private readonly DatabaseFixture fixture;
public class DatabaseFixture : IDisposable
public DatabaseFixture()
StartProcess("SqlLocalDB.exe", "create MSSQLLocalDB");
StartProcess("SqlLocalDB.exe", "start MSSQLLocalDB");
StartProcess("SqlLocalDB.exe", "info MSSQLLocalDB");
StartProcess(EXE_PATH, "start");
var client = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
Table = client.GetTableReference("tablename");
public void Dispose()
StartProcess(EXE_PATH, "stop");
private async Task InitAsync()
await Table.DeleteIfExistsAsync();
await Table.CreateAsync();
static void StartProcess(string path, string arguments, int waitTime = WAIT_FOR_EXIT) =>
Process.Start(path, arguments).WaitForExit(waitTime);
public CloudTable Table { get; }
private const string EXE_PATH =
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft SDKs\\Azure\\Storage Emulator\\AzureStorageEmulator.exe";
private const int WAIT_FOR_EXIT = 60_000;
[CollectionDefinition("Database collection")]
public class DatabaseCollection : ICollectionFixture<DatabaseFixture>
// This class has no code, and is never created. Its purpose is simply
// to be the place to apply [CollectionDefinition] and all the
// ICollectionFixture<> interfaces.

How can I keep my Azure WebJob running without "Always On"

I have a continous webjob associated with a website and I am running that website on the Shared mode. I don't want to go to Always On option as there is no real need for my application. I only want to process the message when the calls are made to my website.
My issue is that the job keeps stopping after few minutes even though I am continuously calling a dummy keep alive method on my website at every 5 minute that posts a message to the queue that is monitored by that webjob.
My webjob is a simple console application built using the WebJob SDK that has a code like this
JobHost host = new JobHost(new JobHostConfiguration(storageConnictionSttring));
and the message processing function looks like below:
public static void ProcessKeepAliveMessages([QueueTrigger("keepalive")] KeepAliveTrigger message)
Console.WriteLine("Keep Alive message called on :{0}", message.MessageTime);
The message log for the job basically says says
[03/05/2015 18:51:02 > 4660f6: SYS INFO] WebJob is stopping due to website shutting down
I don't mind if that happen this way, but when the website starts with the next call to keep alive, the webjob is not started. All the messages are queued till I go to the management dashboard or the SCM portal as shown below
I can see the status like this:
[{"status":"Starting","detailed_status":"4660f6 - Starting\r\n","log_url":"","name":"WebJobs","run_command":"mysite.WebJobs.exe","url":"","extra_info_url":"","type":"continuous","error":null,"using_sdk":true,"settings":{}}]
I would really appreciate if someone can help me understand what is going wrong here.
I've run into a similar problem. I have a website (shared mode) and an associated webjob (continuous type). Looking at webjob logs, I found that the job enters stopped state after about 15 min. of inactivity and stops reacting to trigger messages. It seems contradictory to the concept of continuous job concept but, apparently, to get it running truly continuously you have to subscribe to a paid website. You get what you pay for...
That said, my website needs to be used only about every few days and running in a shared mode makes perfect sense. I don't mind that the site needs a bit extra time to get started - as long as it restarts automatically. The problem with the webjob is that once stopped it won't restart by itself. So, my goal was to restart it with the website.
I have noticed that a mere look at the webjob from Azure Management Portal starts it. Following this line of thinking, I have found that fetching webjob properties is enough to switch it to the running state. The only trick is how to fetch the properties programmatically, so that restarting the website will also restart the webjob.
Because the call to fetch webjob properties must be authenticated, the first step is to go to Azure Management Portal and download the website publishing profile. In the publishing profile you can find the authentication credentials: username (usually $<website_name>) and userPWD (hash of the password). Copy them down.
Here is a function that will get webjob properties and wake it up (if not yet running):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string websiteName = "<website_name>";
string webjobName = "<webjob_name>";
string userName = "<from_publishing_profile>";
string userPWD = "<from_publishing_profile>";
string webjobUrl = string.Format("https://{0}{1}", websiteName, webjobName);
var result = GetWebjobState(webjobUrl, userName, userPWD);
private static JObject GetWebjobState(string webjobUrl, string userName, string userPWD)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
string auth = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName + ':' + userPWD));
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("authorization", auth);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var data = client.GetStringAsync(webjobUrl).Result;
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(data) as JObject;
return result;
You can use a similar function to get all webjobs in your website (use endpoint https://<website_name> You may also look at the returned JObject to verify the actual state of the webjob and other properties.
If you want the WebJob to not stop you need to make sure your scm site is alive.
So the keep-alive requests should go to and these requests need to be authenticated (basic auth using your deployment credentials).

Windows phone 8 app is not running on device

Is it mandatory to switch on the pc or system to run windows phone 8 application on device, if I turned off the system or shut down my pc, the Windows 8 app is not running, I have added WCF service in Windows 8 app.
Please help me!
Here is my Java web serviceurl : "xxx//xxx/xxx?wsdl.
I have added service reference of that url, named ServiceReference1.
See my code below
ServiceReference1.CommonWsEndPointClient client = new ServiceReference1.CommonWsEndPointClient();
client.m98123Completed += client_m98123Completed;
void client_m98123Completed(object sender, m98123CompletedEventArgs e)

Intermittent IE timeouts and COMExceptions when running Watin tests with Nant and CruiseControl

We’ve been using Watin and for a few weeks now and most of the time they work together well. We have not had any problems running the tests on our developer machines. We are also able to run the tests interactively without problems when logged into the CI server.
Most of the time there are also no problems when the tests are executed under CruiseControl but this is not always the case as we’ve recently been seeing intermittent errors. The errors seem to come and go somewhat randomly but when an error does occur, it’s always one of the following:
WatiN.Core.Exceptions.TimeoutException: Timeout while Internet Explorer busy
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 800704a6
Our CI server environment is:
Windows Server 2008 R2
IIS 7.5
IE 8
Watin 2.0
CruiseControl 1.6.7981.1. This is running as a service which logs in as a user on our domain because the tests need to access resources on the domain.
The 'randomly' failing tests create their IE instances as follows:
public void SomeTest()
using (var browser = new IE())
// run tests here
I also tried creating the IE in a new process as follows:
public void SomeTest()
using (var browser = new IE( true))
// run tests here
But when I did that, all of our tests failed with a “WatiN.Core.Exceptions.BrowserNotFoundException: Could not find an IE window matching constraint: Timeout while waiting to attach to newly created instance of IE.. Search expired after '30' seconds”
So, I have two questions:
Can anyone tell me how I can stop the timeouts and com exceptions?
Can anyone explain why IE(true) didn’t work at all?
See this answer by Carl Hörberg:
Running Watin on TeamCity
CruiseControl.Net and TeamCity have the same problem when running as a service and the work-around should work for both environments.
By default, the ccservice runs as Local System, does not have access to interact with the desktop UI, and the Local System account privileges are limited and that's most probably what is causing the TimeoutException, COMException, and BrowserNotFoundException from being thrown.
