Android UI Best Practices for Display Field turning into Input Field - android-layout

I'm programming an android app with a list displaying images and some additional information like title, place, etc...
I'm new to the android ecosystem and wondering what are the best practices to implement a list element which normally displays the mentioned information and turns into input fields on a press on the listelement.
Do I have to draw the display elements (e.g. TextField) and the edit element on top of each other and set visible for either display or input? How to handle this generally? Or do I replace the layout responsible for the list element altogether?
I know that for the simple case of a text there is a simple solution for making the EditText field look like an uneditable TextField. I'm, however, looking for a general answer covering broader cases than just a TextField.

you can make the elements of the listview a view flipper having two you textview and other and edittext.
... />
... />
Then in the onItemClickListener of the list items you can call flipper.showNext();
So, flipper works like, it shows only the first view defined in it and on the subsequent call of showNext() it displays the next view defined in it.
So if you have 2 elements in it, it will behave as the coin with two sides.

So in your situation there are a few ways you can achieve this.
First way is to build a layout which contains TextView and EditText and in first initialization your edit text won't be visible. And in your OnItemClick you have to hide your textview and show editext with value of your current data and option to edit.
The second way which I think is more user friendly is that you can show an AlertDialog after OnItemClick with custom layout where you can change the values and update the listview after user press Yes or do nothing is he selects No.
It depends on you which way you will do that, but I think the second option is the better one.


How to transform a fragment in a new activity in android?

I have this activity, with a list of tokens/options in it. As of right now, i have a button that, using intents, opens a new activity based on the item selected (basically: a text to modify the settings and add extra info).
Now, i would like to make the first activity to show, in the below half of the screen,a preview of the new activity, but with fewer/diferent options and less information.
I know how to do that using fragments, but i don't know how to approach the creation of the new activity.
Is there a way to merge them both, to pass the first fragment to the second activity, or do i need to completely code (and thus, modify) "twice"?
Is there a better aproach that lets me do that easily?
If considered you are inflating options in recycler view in the activity, add a frame layout in the same as a container for a fragment to preview the new activity. Set the visibility to gone for the frame layout and when an option is selected set the fragment and display it. For a nice animation use android:animateLayoutChanges="true"
in the options activity xml at the root view. Hope I helped happy coding :)

reuse and extend PresenterWidget GWTP?

i am new to GWT and GWTP and the question sounds stupid.. Can I make an abstract PresenterWidget or similiar?
Like in normal Java extending the "class" and reuse / extend the logic. But not only the class, the whole thing of View and Presenter. I try to explain my initial situation and maybe you have another idea.
The image hopefully helps to explain it. The "Main-Tab" and every other tab consists of a collection of views which have the same base structure and the same logic.
the base structure consists of
border around EVERYTHING
an image (the wwitch)
a title
a textarea
a PresenterWidget which is added to a contentSlot of the parent (the menu left)
and below the base are view specific components like buttons, text or any other widget. So a main part of the view with logic is repeading. If the switch is "toggled" the view is hidden (the textarea and any childs / view specific components) like the lowest view in the picture. Furthermore the PresenterWidget left changes the color.
The logic is working, but now I am searching a proper way to solve this without repeading code and the possibility to add child elements which are hidden as well by toggling the switch. Can I add to a PresenterWidget child widgets and define where there should be added? like: Even if this is possible, it feels a bit inconvenient.
Thanks in advance.
I just want to post the solution:
I have now a simple Composite (KPICommonView) for the switch, title and the description. It got another FlowPanel below the description, where the specific components will be added later. For this the Composite implements "HasWidgets" and overrides the "add(Widget w)"-method which is called by UiBinder if the Widget is added and has child elements.
<own:KPICommonView title="First Header" description="I am a happy description :)" anchorToken="{nameAnchors.getFirst}">
<g:Label>child component</g:Label>
I am not sure if I do a PresenterWidget for every segment and every PresenterWidget has one of the KPICommonView added, or if I do one normal Presenter which adds more than one of the CommonViews.
The CommonView furhter creates the PresenterWidget for the menu item on the side. It gets the attributes from the constructor (anchorToken, title) and adds it to the slot (which happens ugly, because the View has hard coded the parent saved to call "addInSlot()". The repeading code for the switch is handled by the KPICommonView.

How to show header of ListView when its empty

I am developing the following screen
The fourboxes next to each other are buttons. On clicking of the buttons I am changing the adapter of the listview.
Since the content above the listview took up lot of space I made the whole thing as an header and added it via code.
myPollsList = (ListView) findViewById(;
myPollsList.addHeaderView(getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.profile_listview_header, null));
Now I want to show some view when the list is empty. But if I do that then the header also goes away.
I am using this in a Activity and not a ListActivity. Any suggestions or workarounds for showing the header even when the list is empty ?
EDIT: Refer to my earlier question here ListView not getting space to show content on smaller screens . This is where someone suggested me to solve the problem by putting it as a header
I found a simple solution for this problem. If there's no elements for list and you are not adding the adapter, just add this:
and the header will appear. It's easier than adding empty / fake item to the list.
So this is how I solved it. I had a custom adapter which was connected to the listview. When it found that it had zero items to display. It would add a fake empty view as an item to the list.
maybe you will like this Android addHeaderView disappears when no items in ListView
override/subclass your adapter to return false from isEmpty()
Don't use top layouts of button as header for list view.
So to adjust UI without using list header use weights.
Give parent Linear layout weight sum as 4 and 1, 1 to top Layouts and 2 for list view.

List view inside scroll view design

I have a UI design which should contain a text data and this can be dynamic so i need a scroll view after the TextView is over i need a list view, Now this list view onItemClick of a cell should expand and contract to show details, Any sample project or code from where i can achieve this UI design, Please help me with this one.
It is strongly not recommended to have Nested Views that scroll.
What you can do is have a TextView followed by the ListView. You can use expandable listView for your expansion requirement. All the examples are present in APIDemos shipped with Android SDK.
Try some of the stuff and get back for more help here.

Create Form in J2ME

I want to design one form that contains TextField and ListView in J2ME. But I don't know how to create this form. It is looked like Dictionary Form. Could anybody help me to do that?
You can't really do that with the basic UI controls in MIDP.
List can't contain TextField.
I would suggest looking at LWUIT since it has better controls.
Otherwise, if you don't need to display Images in your List, then you can use a Form containing both TextField and StringItem. Unfortunately, an ItemStateListener added to the Form will probably not give you as much information as a List.
Implementing the list yourself in a CustomItem means writing quite a bit of code but is doable.
If what you need is a TextField where you enter a search String and a List that displays the search result, I suggest using a TextBox first, then a List. Separate screens are by far the quickest solution here.
Edit: you can't use swing in j2me. what you can do is have just a textfield in a form, then add/remove StringItems to/from the Form when the user changes the content of the TextField. You should be able to rely on ItemStateListener to tell you when the textfield content changes.
