Working with Sessions in Express.js - node.js

I need help understanding the concept of sessions for a web application. I am running a Node.js server with Express 3.0.
My goals are to:
Create a session for each user that logs in
Store this session and use it for validating if the user is already logged in (prevent two devices using the same user at the same time) and to limit access to certain pages (by matching session ID to some other data)
I will be using MemoryStore to save the sessions (seems easiest). If the above goals make sense can you provide a thorough explanation of how to achieve them?

Express has nice examples in the github repo. One of them deals with authentication and shows how to attach the user to the req.session object. This is done inside the'/login') route.
To limit access to certain pages add a simple middleware to those routes
function restrict(req, res, next) {
if (req.session.user) {
} else {
req.session.error = 'Access denied!';
app.get('/restricted', restrict, function(req, res){
res.send('Wahoo! restricted area, click to logout');
As Brandon already mentioned you shouldn't use the MemoryStore in production. Redis is a good alternative. Use connect-redis to access the db. An example config looks like this
var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(express);
// add this to your app.configure
secret: "kqsdjfmlksdhfhzirzeoibrzecrbzuzefcuercazeafxzeokwdfzeijfxcerig",
store: new RedisStore({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000, client: redis })

Use MemoryStore in express ONLY if you are not creating multiple instances (such as with the cluster module). If you are load balancing across machines, your load balancer will need to use sticky / persistent sessions.
If you meet those requirements, then all you need to do is upon login, once the credentials are validated, set a session variable to indicate logged in, for example:
req.session.loggedIn = true;
If you want to check if a user is logged in, simply check that variable.
if (req.session.loggedIn) {
// user is logged in.
else {
// user is not logged in.
You mentioned preventing a single user from having sessions more than one session at a time. To achieve that, you may need to store something in a database indicating that the user is logged in. I warn you, this can be dangerous because of stale sessions. For example, what if a user logs in, but never logs out? What if they close their browser window so the session is gone forever?
Express has no concept of an idle session expiration. I have implemented such a thing by storing all sessions in the database along with a last accessed timestamp and then periodically clean up the session data based on the time. But then you need to update your list of who is logged in as well.


passport-local cookie and session database handling

I am currently trying to setup an oauth service for my current project. Being new to all this, I have read many articles on the subject, but I am still missing some pieces.
My environment is:
servers: node, express, passport
authentication: local strategy (using my own accounts / passwords)
I have a database with user/password ( passwords run through bcrypt)
web interface: react, server accesses through superagent
On my nodejs server, I am using these modules:
Different parts of the solutions are working: I can create new users, create new sessions, see their content in the express-mysql-session database.
However I am quite confused on the following:
when my web client tries to access protected routes, I don't seem to be getting any cookie in the request. Is it that superagent will not send my passport cookie by default? I read somewhere that in single page apps, jwt might be more appropriate, is that linked to this problem?
despite all I read, I am still confused about deserializeUser. My understanding is that with the passport-local solution, upon access, the web client will send the session cookie, which contains the session Id. Passport will fetch further information concerning this session from database, and then continue to handle the request. Does this session info retrieval happen automatically (in express-mysql-session?)? Or do you have to "manually" do it in deserializeUser (many examples show a User.findById call in there)? If you have to do it "manually", it means that you have to access the express-mysql-session db using another connection than the one this module is using?
to log out, is req.logout() enough to ensure the session is erased from the session db entirely?
Answers I found so far:
One has to add the withCredential method to superagent, to get it to send authentication cookies:
res = await superagent
On the CORS side of things, on the server, the 'credentials' option is required if using the 'cors' npm module, for instance:
origin: ['http://localhost:3003'],
credentials: true,
All session information is automatically retrieved by these modules. However, many example show this call going back to the user database to get more information (rights, other info). The goal is to avoid having the same information in two locations (sessions db, and user profiles db), and having these getting out of sync (when an account gets closed etc...)
req.logout() disconnects the session, but the session information sticks around in the database.
The following question put me on the right track: how to delete cookie on logout in express + passport js?. You need to use req.logout, res.session.destroy, and while you're at it res.clearCookie to delete the client cookie:'/logout/',
(req, res) => {
res.status(200).clearCookie('connect.sid', {
path: '/',
secure: false,
httpOnly: false,
domain: '',
sameSite: true,
Session is disconnected, database cleaned, cookie gone.

Vuejs/Node/Express Session ID workflow with OpenID

I am having a tough time understanding how I'm supposed to implement sessions.
Currently I'm writing a Vuejs app and, somehow, have managed to evade implementing any kind of Oath2 "sign in with x" process, or at least have copy and pasted my way to success without understanding, I'm afraid.
Here's what I'm trying to do, and it actually works 90% of the way there.
I've implemented passport-steam and I can click through a Sign in to Steam button, login with my account, and get kicked back to my homepage. A sessionID cookie is set. This is how I have it all configured:
secret: 'topSecretKey!',
name: 'sessionID',
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: true
passport.use(new SteamStrategy({
returnURL: `${host}/auth/steam/return`,
realm: host,
profile: true, // enable profile exchange
apiKey: ApiSettings.apiKey
}, (identifier, profile, done) => {
process.nextTick(() => {
// ...
// fetch the user profile in the background, matching
// the steamID to the account
profile.identifier = identifier
return done(null, profile)
app.get('/auth/steam/return', passport.authenticate('steam', {
failureRedirect: '/'
}), (req, res) => {
console.log('sessionID=' + req.sessionID)
console.log(`User logged in w/ Steam ID #${steamID}`)
I run all of this, I sign in, and check my Node console and all is well!
Found existing account.
User logged in w/ Steam ID #xxxxxx
But here begins my questions. sessionID is stored in the request object, this is clear.
Is the sessionID supposed to be used as a token when querying an OpenID-enabled API? (Steam API doesn't require anything other than the Steam ID which is returned plain as day.
Is the sessionID supposed to ever make it to the frontend? Currently I static-serve a /dist directory (again, this is Vue) so Node doesn't actually do much except handle API calls out to the SteamAPI. Of course, this doesn't actually require a sessionID... just an APIkey and the users SteamID which I store in their user profile on the Mongo side.
What is the pattern here? Am I supposed to put the users' sessionID in their user record in Mongo and ... pass it around? Seems strange to me to do it that way.
What's the procedure to check if a user is logged in? Check the cookie sessionID and make a request to return that user object to the frontend (using Vuex layer for quick retrieval).
An extension of #2, but in theory, is the sessionID ever supposed to make it to the frontend? The only data manipulation is happening in my Vuex stores - for example, adding a game for a user. How is the sessionID supposed to be used?
Thanks in advance - I know these questions are all over the place but I've been pulling my hair out!
UPDATE August 2nd:
Thanks to anyone who read - I had some developments last night that were definitely very helpful in understand how this workflow is supposed to go. Couple things I learned:
The sessionID is not supposed to be referenced on the frontend - it is passed back and fourth automatically between frontend and back to Node via the request
Rather than relying on a cookie (which keeps resetting the sessionID every time Node restarts) I set up a Mongo store using connect-mongo. This way my sessionID never actually changes until it naturally expires.
As for #4, checking if a user is logged in, I am just setting a cookie called loggedIn. I honestly can't think of a better way to do this, as the sessionID cookie is HTTP only, and thus, unavailable to any frontend Javascript/Vue in this case.
I've come to the understanding that the sessionID is to be used in the backend only, but I still am wondering if I'm supposed to connect it to the user some way. This link was super helpful but I still feel as if my workflow is not perfect. When I do passport.serializeUser, what am I ideally supposed to pass to done() ? I am passing done(null, user.steamID) as the SteamAPI only requires the user SteamID to request their game list. Is this OK to do, or should I be passing the sessionID? Still confused!
Great source of information here, regarding the security and the why behind all of the little details.

Express JS routing based authentication

I have created node js app using express framework.
I have created middleware for restricting access to some routes.
Middleware actually works fine. but i have difficulties in displaying data.
Suppose In My app i have created route for display list of countries('/country/master')i.e html page which is using internally different/default route ('/country/') to get data from mongoDB.
In this case user will not able to see data cause i have not given permission to "/" routes. but i want to display data but not allow him to make use of "/" route to check data.
How can i deal with this case ????
The answer depends on your authentication strategy i.e. are you using session identifiers, access tokens, etc.
In either case I suggest that you break out the credential exchange (aka login) from the authentication. They should be separate middleware functions. Below is an example of what this looks like.
While this answers your question, specific to ExpressJS, it does leave out a lot of other details that matter when you are building an authentication system (like how to securely store passwords). I work at Stormpath, we provide user management as an API so that you don't have to worry about all the security details! It's very easy to integrate our API into your application, using the express-stormpath module. You'll have a fully featured user database in minutes, without having to setup mongo or a user table.
All that said, here's the example:
/* pseudo example of building your own authentication middleware */
function usernamePasswordExchange(req,res,next){
var username = req.body.username;
var password = req.body.password;
next(err); // bad password, user doesn’t exist, etc
this part depends on your application. do you use
sessions or access tokens? you need to send the user
something that they can use for authentication on
subsequent requests
res.end(/* send something */);
function authenticate(req,res,next){
read the cookie, access token, etc.
verify that it is legit and then find
the user that it’s associated with
next(err); // session expired, tampered, revoked
req.user = user;
If we are here we know the user is authenticated and we
can know who the user is by referencing req.user
You can positioning of middleware in you app.for example:-
your middle ware for providing authentication
// other routes where authentication should be enabled
app.get('other urls')

Node+Passport.js + Sessions + multiple servers

Passport is great. I now discovered that I have some problem with how it handles sessions.
I must be using it wrong.
All works well for me with login + sessions + user data I store in my database.
However I find that when I move to production environment (cloud on EC2 with multiple servers), I lose the login session each time.
This is now clear to me - probably happens since the session is unique to each server.
So my question is - how do I get around this..
I guess I will need to store my own cookie on the user's browser?
Does this mean that I cannot use express.session at all?
So basically what I was looking for (not sure it would be the same answer for everyone else) was a way to store session data between loadbalanced instances without making a DB call for every page view, which seems excessive to me, since I just need to keep the user signed in to Google/FB.
It seems that the answer I was looking for was the cookie-session middleware
This needs to replace the default express.session mechanism which uses MemoryStore. BTW MemoryStore itself gives you a warning when run that it will not scale past a single process, and also that it may cause a memory leak.
Which if I understand correctly is serializing the session data itself into the session cookie (encrypted) instead of just using a session ID in the session cookie.
This seems perfect to me. Obviously I don't expect it to work if you have a lot of session data, since a cookie is limited in size. In my case, I just needed the name, ID and avatar url, so I think this will suffice.
Thanks for everyone who helped.
You need to store your session data in a 'global' area, that is accessible to all your servers. This could be redis or another DB.
Take the example from MEAN.JS. Here they use express-session with a MongoDB storage container (since they are a MEAN stack ; ), via connect-mongo. Their project is super easy to set up, if just for an example.
Code while setting up express is like this:
//top of file
var session = require( 'express-session' )
mongoStore = require( 'connect-mongo' )( {
session: session
} );
//...later in setup
// Express MongoDB session storage
app.use( session( {
saveUninitialized: true,
resave: true,
secret: config.sessionSecret,
store: new mongoStore( {
db: db.connection.db,
collection: config.sessionCollection
} )
} ) );
// use passport session
app.use( passport.initialize() );
app.use( passport.session() );

Session variables not being set in expressjs

I've tried many ways of setting the session variables but have been unsuccessful in finding a solution. The problem more precisely is that the session (custome) variables are not being passed to other routes (so they aren't being stored in the default MemoryStore presumably).
All of the code is available at
This is the portion of code for assigning the session variable (
// Store the user's primary key
// in the session store to be retrieved,
// or in this case the entire user object
req.session.user = "some user";
req.session.auth = true;
I'm aware of the fact that this is async and the proceeding code will be executed while this does but making it synchronous doesn't solve the problem.
As an example, I'm trying to retrieve the custom "req.session.user" in the root dir route (
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
So can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
You should not set secure: true if you are using http because cookies with secure: true will only be sent for https requests. If you want to keep secure: true, you will need to start an https server instead. If you are doing this only for development purposes, then you can just temporarily remove secure: true until you put your code into production (where you use https).
Also on an unrelated note, you can avoid regenerate() and the session fixation problem by only starting a session after a successful authentication and for authenticated routes. This will also help decrease the number of sessions in your session store from visitors who never sign in or crawlers (unless of course you need to store session data for unauthenticated users).
