What is the impact of deprecated Google Maps JavaScript API V2? - google-maps-api-2

I have a client that has Google Maps using JavaScript API v2 on their websites, which will eventually be deprecated (discontinued/not supported) until May 19, 2013 according to
I just like to know what are the impacts on the website if I do not yet upgrade my code to JavaScript API v3 by May 19? e.g. Will my Google Map API v2 stop working (because Google has taken v2 API offline)
I ask this question because I have 6 websites that needs to be upgraded to API v3 and may not meet the deadline by May 19.

One possible implication is Google Web Toolkit, which is not (and will not) be supported in Google Maps v3. If you have a complex, large site built with GWT, using v2 and you haven't already rewritten your site.. you may be up the creek.


Manifest V3 and using WebRequest with Enterprise Policy

We have an extension developed for internal use that uses WebRequest API. The extension is installed using "ExtensionInstallForcelist." Based on various documentation, it seems like we would be able to continue to use WebRequest API but there are parts that are still unclear.
The timeline on https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv2-sunset/ states that "January 2024 - Manifest V2 enterprise policy expires."
Does this mean that starting January 2024, Chrome will stop running Manifest V2 extensions, even the one that is installed using "ExtensionInstallForcelist"?
This article says "public" extension is one that is published to the webstore. Does that definition also apply to "unlisted" extensions? Right now, we perform initial install from our server using "ExtensionInstallForcelist" but update from the webstore having the extension unlisted.
The reason why we update from webstore was because updates used to be only allowed from the webstore. (We may have missed something) But it looks like starting from version 89, there was an option introduced that would allow updates from outside of the webstore. The option is "override_update_url" in ExtensionSettings. Does anyone have experience with this option?

switch to the AdSense API version 2

After October 12, the existing AdSense API version 1.4 is not supported, and I tried to switch to the AdSense API version 2, so it is difficult. We would appreciate it if you could provide more details about the update process.
You can check the release notes to get a sense of everything that is different in v2.
If you're using a Google client library, there are updated examples for v2 here.

Is there any Python-3.x library or example to connect to OData 4.0 url with login and password?

I have the OData url and login/password and I want to connect using Python 3.5.The previous posts in stackoverflow (using Pyslet) do not help as all are Python 2.7 specific.
OData-py is “OData provider for Google App Engine Datastore”. Unfortunately, it can be used only in google app engine, has several limitations, and is not maintained since 2011.
The Pyslet master on GitHub does now work with Python 3.5 but it doesn't support OData 4 yet. There is a project underway to add v4 support, you can track progress here https://github.com/swl10/pyslet/projects
As the author of Pyslet, I estimate that client support would be available around late 2017-Q3.

Paypal Express checkout - which one should I use Classic API Vs Rest API

Is paypal express checkout supported or not. While downloading the merchannt SDK samples I found this
"This Classic SDK is not actively supported and will be deprecated in the future. For full support on new integrations, please use the PayPal REST API SDK for .NET"
I need the express check out option. Which one should I use?
I am kind of confused. Can I use merchant SDK the classic one or go with the REST API?
The message about deprecation for the SDK is a bit misleading. PayPal have new REST APIs and also the Braintree v.zero SDKs, and these are the products that should be used for integrations going forward for the vast majority of merchants.
However, for enterprise merchants, and especially customers with specific product features that are not currently supported on the new platforms, Express Checkout is still the best solution, and it will continue to be for some time. So the deprecation message is intended to guide to the new APIs, rather than indicate a lack of support or functionality.
PaySharp.NET is an open source .NET SDK, and should meet your requirements, given that it is specifically designed to support Express Checkout. Here is an in-depth tutorial on the subject.

Can I use Yandex Maps in a Nokiax app?

I need to use Yandex Maps in an app instead of Here Maps. Could this be possible? Any hints or tricks to help me?
Basically the rules of using APIs is very simple. If the API is not requiring any parts that are not available in the platform, then it works.
Thus if the API is using parts that are supported in AOSP 4.1.2 API level 16, and using any Google services, then it is likely to work just fine.
And you can always check the compatibility with free online tools very easily. First go to Online Analyser drag and drop the APK there, and let the tool check the compatibility issues.
Then you can also use a real device for testing, just visit Remote Device Access, and reserve a device for testing your app.
Both steps should onlky take you couple of minutes to complete.
For Yandex maps, you would need to visit their developer site to see how the maps API can be used, and what restrictions they would pose on utilizing the API.
