Excel Sophisticated Sort - Return low/high values - excel

I am trying to sort data imported from a csv file. The data comes in like such:
A | B
t1 | 1
t3 | 9
t1 | 2
t2 | 5
t1 | 1
t3 | 13
t1 | 3
t3 | 11
t2 | 4
t2 | 7
t3 | 10
t3 | 10
and i want output similar to this:
D | E | F
t1 | 1 | 3
t2 | 4 | 7
t3 | 9 | 13
Explanation: Basically what I need to do is find the lowest and highest values from column B for each different value in column A, and list them neatly as shown in the second example.
Ive worked with VBA before, so if this would have to be done via VBA thats fine. Im just at a loss as to how to accomplish this task. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, if would make the task simpler, its fine if i have to manually sort the data alphabetically based on col A (thus putting same values together)

I agree with #chrisneilsen that a Pivot Table is the best way to go. If you are set on using formulas, you can try using the following (both entered as arrays - Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
In cell E1, which will represent the minimum value:
And in cell F1, which will represent the maximum value:
The general idea is that check to see which values in column A are equal to your target value (column D). The result will be an array of 1's where there is a match, and using MIN as an example, the maximum of the column + 1. This is done because we want to set this equal to a value that can't possibly be attained in your current setup, so the maximum value + 1 will ensure that MIN will return a value that is legitimate.
Here is a Pivot Table using Excel 2007. To create, add column headers to your data, select your data and then in the Ribbon click Insert -> Pivot Table. In the dialog box, you decide where you want to put it (it is commonly put in a New Worksheet, so you can leave the default if you want - I left it in the same worksheet for illustration purposes). From there, you can arrange it by dragging each field so it matches the pictures. For the Max/Min fields, just drag the Value field into the Values section twice. Then, in the actual Pivot Table, you can right-click on one of the values in the column and select Summarize Data By -> Min to summarize by the minimum value for each key:


Countif criteria with IF/OR logic across multiple sheets and columns

I've been struggling between the SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS formulas as there are a lot of specific dependencies in my data. Wondering if anyone can shed a bit more light on this issue.
Have tried SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS which give me calculations based on 1 set, but I need to include additional if/or statements.
I have the following:
| ID | Size | Dead/Alive | Duration | Days | Pass/Fil | Reason |
| 1 | Full | Dead | Permanent | 125 | Pass | Comments |
| 2 | Partial | Alive | Permanent | 500 | Pass | |
| 3 | Other | Dead | Temporary | 180 | Fail | Comments |
| 4 | No | Dead | Temporary | 225 | Fail | Comments |
| 5 | Yes | Alive | Permanent | 200 | Pass | |
with the following rules:
Only Count the ID/ROW if:
1) Values in column A = Full, Partial or Other
2) Values in column A = No AND values in column B = Dead
3) If values in column C = Permanent AND values in column D = >=100 or <=200
4) If values in column C = Temporary AND values in column E = Pass, Fail AND column F=not blank
By my calculations, the total should be 5, but this is just a small sampling of my total data. Just not sure how to get that in Excel with either Sumproduct, Countifs or even someone suggested a Lookup function, although Ive never used that one.
Given that you have so many different conditions, I have to break it down one by one and create a few helper columns to account for each condition.
In my solution I created 10 helper columns as shown below, and I have added some sample data (ID 6 to 29) to test the solution.
I also named 7 conditions in my solution:
Cond_1 Values in column A = Full, Partial or Other
Cond_2 Values in column A = No AND values in column B = Dead
Cond_3A Values in column C = Permanent
Cond_3B Values in column D >=100
Cond_3C Values in column D <=200
Cond_3A, Cond_3B and Cond_3C must be TRUE at the same time
Cond_4 Values in column C = Temporary AND values in column E = Pass
Cond_5A Values in column C = Temporary AND values in column E = Fail
Cond_5B Column F is not blank (I did not give a name to this condition)
Cond_5A and Cond_5B must be TRUE at the same time
Please note my Cond_4, Cond_5A and Cond_5B are all related to your original condition 4), which reads a bit odd, and I am not 100% sure if my interpretation of the condition is correct. If not please re-state your last condition and I can amend my answer accordingly.
As shown in my screen-shot, the formulas in I2 to Q2 are listed in Column U. I only used MAX, AND, SUM, =, &, and/or <> to interpret each condition. Please note some of the formulas are Array Formula so you need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make it work.
The To Count column is simply asking whether the SUM of the previous 9 columns is greater than 1, which means at least one of the conditions is met. If so returns 1 otherwise 0.
Then you just need to work out the total of To Count column. In my example it is 22. I have highlighted the entries that did not meet any of the given condition.
You can use only one helper column to capture all conditions in one formula, but I would not recommend it as it would be too long to be easily understood and modified in future.
Ps. I would also wonder if there is a formula-based solution without using any helper column...? :)

How to sort a column based on exact matches with another column

I have an inventory table that looks like this (subset):
part number | price | quantity
10115 | 14.95 | 10
1050 | 5.95 | 12
1074 | 7.49 | 8
110-1353 | 13.99 | 22
and i also have another table in sheet 2 that looks like this (subset):
part number | quantity
10023 | 1
110-1353 | 3
10115 | 2
20112 | 1
I want to basically subtract the quantities in the second table from the ones in the first table. What is the best way of doing this? I have looked in to VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH but they are not quite right for this. Would this perhaps actually be better in say an Access DB ?
I have add another two columns next to sheet 1 last column. Let us assume that the second table range is A1:B5.
Column D:
Column E:
If you wanted to tackle this using MS Access, the SQL code might look like this:
t1.[part number],
t1.quantity - nz(t2.quantity, 0) as qty
inventory t1 left join table2 t2 on t1.[part number] = t2.[part number]
Here, I assume that you have a table called inventory and a table called table2 (change these to suit your database).
A left join is used to ensure that all records from inventory are returned, regardless of whether a match is found in table2, and the Nz function is used to return 0 for records for which there is no part number match in table2.

Compare two excel columns which the most frequently occur in specific date

I would like to compare between few columns, what where the top 5 most popular products in year 2015.
I have this kind of data flow to work with:
Client | Product | Date of buy
client1 | A | 15.06.2015
client3 | A | 04.12.2015
client5 | F | 15.06.2015
client9 | G | 15.01.2015
client2 | G | 15.01.2015
client1 | R | 05.07.2015
client3 | G | 15.06.2015
client1 | F | 05.07.2015
client3 | F | 15.06.2016
Results - which products client bought the most with (in same date) the top 5 products communities of them. E.g..
1. Product A + Product H 222 times
2. Product A + Product E 77 times
3. Product B + Product O 70 times
4. etc
5. ...
Making the assumption:
you can use helper columns.
Your Columns up above are A, B and C.
You have two header rows and data starts in row 3.
Your dates are stored in an excel date format and not string values.
In E2 I generated a list of unique product items using the following formula:
I copied it down to match the number of rows in the initial list. It starts spitting #N/A when all the unique items in the list have been listed. If you want to avoid this you could put the formula inside of:
=IFERROR(insert formula,"")
Now in column F I did a count based on your criteria of each item and within the year 2015. I used a multiple count if function called COUNTIFS:
I just reformatted that for easier reading. You will have to edit that slightly if you want to copy and paste. If you don't like seeing 0 when there is no product in the adjacent column you could wrap the equation in:
=IF(E3="","", insert formula )
I then skipped a column and sorted the list of counted items from largest to smallest and had it return the numbers in sequence. I only went down two rows, but you could technically do the whole list. The large function does this and the formula in H3 looks like:
I then went back 1 column and put the product name that corresponds to the count, and then took the next name in the list when products had equal count. I put that in column F as normally when I read I want to read the product name first then read the quantity. If you want it the other way around just swap the columns. The formula in G1 is:
Copy E3 and F3 down as far as you need. Copy G3 and H3 down one row and you will have top two. down two rows and you have top three etc.
This is how it looks...The dates are displayed according to my computers date format.

How to find parent in an indented hierarchy?

I currently have a sheet in excel with an indented hierarchy of items as shown below. Each item is indented (four spaces per indent) to show how it fits into the overall hierarchy. I have been able to create a "Level" column that translates the indentation level into a number.
| Item | Level | Parent |
| P1 | 1 | N/A |
| P2 | 2 | P1 |
| P3 | 2 | P1 |
| P4 | 3 | P3 |
| P5 | 2 | P1 |
| P6 | 3 | P5 |
What I want to do is generate the "Parent" column above, which uses the "level" information to display each item's parent.I think that this would need to be done with a loop that would do this for each item X :
-Find level info for X
-Find (levelx-1) which would equal the parent item's level
-Search upward for the first row with a level equal to (levelx-1)
-Find the item number in that row
-Write item number in adjacent cell to X
Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to translate this idea into VBA.Thanks in advance for any assistance.
OK, assuming the above table starts in cell A1, useful data starts in row 2. This formula will do the trick:
Enter this in cell C2 as an array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter), then pull it down. The first one will obviously be an error (not #NA but #VALUE).
How it works:
This creates an array with the row numbers for values with one level lower than the actual value. To examine only the values above the current row, you need to use expanding ranges, hence the $B$2:$B2 style references.
The MAX function gets the maximum of these rows, which is the closest to our current cell. Now we have the row number. All we need now is a formula to extract the data from column A from the indicated row. This is what INDEX does.
It took me a while to understand how this formula works, so after figuring it out (ok, my wife helped me a bit) I'd like to share an idiot-proof explanations for other Excel-dummies like me. Here we go:
Among values in range $B$2:$B2 find all values that equal to
If you find them, list the row numbers with value equal to
B2-1. (ROW)
From the list of the row numbers, pick the highest
row number (lets call it number X). (MAX)
Return the value which is in the line number X in the range $A$1:$A$7
(Warning! Your range has to start in the row no. 1, so that the row number is the same as the line number in your range. Otherwise - you have to adapt the formula.)

How to compare two columns value in excel?

I have over 100k rows of data like below:
ALLA,ALLA,"Company1, Inc.","Company1, Inc.",PSA,PSA,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
BCCO,BCCO,"Company2, Inc.","Company2, Inc.",PSB,PSB,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
CTTP,CTTP,"Company3, Inc.","Company3, Inc.",PSC,PSC,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
CMMZ,CMMZ,"Company4, Inc.","Company4, Inc.",PSD,PSD,1,1,FALSE,FALSE
I want to know how to figure if data in column 1 is the same as column 2, column 3 as column 4 and so on. How could I do that in excel?
Following Cory's formula, I found that I can compare whole columns using:
=if(A:A=B:B, "yay", "aww")
Problem is I have a header in the file:
c - symbol, symbol, c - companyname, companyname, c - tradingvenue, tradingvenue, c - tierrank, tierrank, c - iscaveatemptor, iscaveatemptor
Shouldn't this cause A:A=B:B to be false?
Given this:
| A | B |
1 | X | X |
2 | Y | Y |
3 | Z | Z |
The formula =SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A3=B1:B3)) will tell you how many times the A value matches the B value.
You should get 3 as a result here. If, for example, you change B3 to Q then it will give you 2.
To do this on two columns without specifying the end of the range, try:
I've been using Excel since 1991, and unless you want to write a VB macro, I think the best way is to do the simple IF statement suggested in the comments. If you need to test several columns at once, which is what your question suggests, then I'd do
Fill that formula down the column and then you'll be able toinstantly count the number of rows that don't matchwith a data-filter, select all the rows which have a '1', so you'll be able to examine the rows that don't match
