manipulating audio input buffer on Ubuntu Linux - linux

Suppose that I want to code an audio filter in C++ that is applied on every audio or to a specific microphone/source, where should I start with this on ubuntu ?
edit, to be clear I don't get how to do this and what is the role of Pulseaudio, ALSA and Gstreamer.

Alsa provides an API for accessing and controlling audio and MIDI hardware. One portion of ALSA is a series of kernel-mode device drivers, whilst the other is a user-space library that applications link against. Alsa is single-client.
PulseAudio is framework that facilitates multiple client applications accessing a single audio interface (alsa is single-client). It provides a daemon process which 'owns' the audio interface and provides a IPC transport for audio between the daemon and applications using it. This is used heavily in open source desktop environments. Use of Pulse is largely transparent to applications - they continue to access the audio input and output using the alsa API with audio transport and mixing. There is also Jack which is targeted more towards 'professional' audio applications - perhaps a bit of a misnomer, although what is meant here is low latency music production tools.
gStreamer is a general purpose multi-media framework based on the signal-graph pattern, in which components have a number of inputs and output pins and provide a transformation function. A Graph of these components is build to implement operations such as media decoding, with special nodes for audio and video input or output. It is similar in concept to CoreAudio and DirectShow. VLC and libAV are both open source alternatives that operate along similar lines. Your choice between these is a matter of API style, and implementation language. gStreamer, in particular, is an OO API implemented in C. VLC is C++.
The obvious way of implementing the problem you describe is to implement a gStreamer/libAV/VLC component. If you want to process the audio and then route it to another application, this can be achieved by looping it back through Pulse or Jack.
Alsa provides a plug-in mechanism, but I suspect that implementing this from the ALSA documentation will be tough going.
The de-facto architecture for building effects plug-ins of the type you describe is Steinberg's VST. There are plenty of open source hosts and examples of plug-ins that can be used on Linux, and crucially, there is decent documentation. As with a gStreamer/libAV/VLC, you be able to route audio in an out of this.
Out of these, VST is probably the easiest to pick up.


Is sound system in linux layered system as OSI model?

I'm new with linux and especially with sound system. I've read many articles about this subject but I'm still confused. I know that Alsa provides audio functionality to the rest of the system. This mean that Alsa is lowest "layer" on sound system (after hardware itself). I also know that ALSA by itself can only handle one application at a time. So here are my questions:
1)Is PulseAudio a bridge to provide usage of Alsa for multiple apps?
2)Are Gstreamer, Phonon and Xine same bridge programs as PulseAudio?
3)Is Alsa converting analog signal into digital signal?
My questions may seem stupid. Thank you.
The OSI model isn't really a good fit to ALSA, as it really only provides layer 1.
PulseAudio is an audio server and is the single client of a ALSA device interface. It provides something analogous to Layer 7 of the OSI model to applications. It mixes the audio output streams from each client application connection down to a single stream for output. It provides an alsa-compatible interface to audio client software (e.g. GStreamer and Xine) which acts as a proxy and connects to the audio server.
Analogue to digital (and digital to analogue) conversion takes place in hardware in what is referred to, rather confusingly, as a CoDec.

How to do audio stream processing in Linux(RPi) via C?

I would like to build an audio effect into a RPi. This effect should be programmed in C. I am not familiar with the software audio interfaces in Linux. The ALSA interface looks very complicated. Port Audio seems to be an alternative.
Any ideas(maybe with a tutorial)?
With some work you can also get OpenAL to stream and render audio using c language - then you could perform your processing in that context ...
Node.js is available on RPi which offers audio modules
PortAudio seems the best approach. A good tutorial can be found here:
Sometimes the Interface configuration needs to be done manually.

Audio hooking or a custom audio driver for audio processing and routing to the default audio device

I have developed a pretty complex audio software for my client with plugins for Winamp, Windows Media player and VST. Now the client is interested in some method to avoid maintaining the multitude of plugins, we have no way to support all the media players out there.
The client does not care for Unix/Mac yet, so I can look only at Windows XP and Vista/7/
Basically, what we need is a way to always reliably intercept as much audio stream protocols as possible (well, except maybe ASIO, that's another story, I guess), then pass this audio through our custom effects engine and then route back to the default audio device, whatever it is.
Now I am thinking, what options do I have (theoretically).
I could use hooks. I need to hook globally older vaweOut and also DirectSound.
But will this still work on Vista/7?
I could use a virtual driver, like the author of the Virtual Audio Cable did:
Seems a pretty daunting task. Anyway, the client will contact the author of VAC to see if he agrees to sell his source code for a reasonable price.
This driver could install itself as a default audio output device, intercept the audio stream from Windows, and pass it back to default device. Hmm, but what about various DirectSound audio buffers, do I have to mix them myself or is there any way I could tell Windows mixer to mix all for me and pass a single mixed audio stream?
It seems, this custom driver will of course kill all the hardware audio acceleration, but we can live with that, if we warn our customers about this issue.
As I understand, the most current Windows driver standard is WDF.
But maybe it does not work for audio on Windows Vista/7?
I know, Vista/7 has a different audio stack from XP.
If I can do it using WDF, what driver should I write - kernel mode or user mode?
Maybe I am missing more elegant and simple options to intercept, process and route audio on Windows?
Try Virtual Audio Streaming SDK. Also virutal sound card and let you read/process audio data in realtime.

Record audio from various internal devices in Android (via undocumented API)

I was wondering whether it is possible to capture audio data from other sources like the system out, FM radio, bluetooth headset, etc. I'm particularly interested in capturing audio from the FM radio and already investigated all possibilities including trying to sniff the raw bluetooth communication between the phone and the radio device with no luck. It's too bad Android only allows recording audio from the MIC.
I've looked at the Android source code and couldn't find a backdoor to allow me to do that without rooting the device. Do you, at least, have any idea how to use other devices (maybe access somehow /dev/audio) say via NDK or even better - Java (maybe Reflection?) to trick the system to capture the audio stream from say, the FM radio. (in my case I'm trying to develop the app for the HTC Desire)
PS. And for those of you who are against using undocumented APIs, please don't post here - I'm writing an app that will be for my personal use or even if I ever publish it I will warn the user of possible incompatibilities.
I've spent quite some time deciphering the audio stack, and I think you may try to hijack libaudio. You'll have trouble speaking directly to the hardware (/dev/*) because many devices use proprietary audio drivers. There's no rule in this regard.
However, the audio hardware abstraction layer (HAL) provided by /system/lib/ should expose the API described at
The Android system, and especially audioflinger, uses this libaudio HAL to find available devices, deal with routing, and of course to read/write PCM data.
So, you could hijack the interaction between audioflinger and libaudio, by renaming the later, and providing your own libaudio which decorates the real one. Doing so, you should be able to log what happens and very possibly intercept FM radio output, provided that this is not directly handled by the hardware.
Of course, all this requires rooting. Please comment if you manage to do this, that interests me.

Best cross-platform audio library for synchronizing audio playback

I'm writing a cross-platform program that involves scrolling a waveform along with uncompressed wav/aiff audio playback. Low latency and accuracy are pretty important. What is the best cross-platform audio library for audio playback when synchronizing to an external clock? By that I mean that I would like to be able to write the playback code so it sends events to a listener many times per second that includes the "hearing frame" at the moment of the notification.
That's all I need to do. No recording, no mixing, no 3d audio, nothing. Just playback with the best possible hearing frame notifications available.
Right now I am considering RTAudio and PortAudio, mostly the former since it uses ALSA.
The target platforms, in order of importance, are Mac OSX 10.5/6, Ubuntu 10.11, Windows XP/7.
C/C++ are both fine.
Thanks for your help!
The best performing cross platform library for this is jack. Properly configured, jack on Linux can outperform Windows asio easily (in terms of low latency processing without dropouts). But you cannot expect normal users to use jack (the demon should be started by the user before the app is started, and it can be a bit tricky to set up). If you are making an app specifically for pro-audio I would highly recommend looking in to jack.
Portaudio is not as high-performance, but is much simpler for the user (no special configuration should be needed on their end, unlike jack). Most open source cross platform audio programs that I have used use portaudio (much moreso than openal), but unlike jack I have not used it personally. It is callback based, and looks pretty straightforward though.
OpenAL maybe an option for you.
