Azure to AWS migration - azure

What strategy you will recommend in order to move Linux VM deployed currently in Azure to AWS?
Assume that I will fit all the data in the OS disk, so only one disk has to be moved.
The VM is running Linux Ubuntu if that matters.
Naturally I will like to do that with as little network traffic as possible, since it is chargeable.
I read comments about the image making procedure described here, that it is not safe and some of the VMs are lost in the process ... Not sure if it is still the case, but I will hate very much to lose my VM. :)

You can Export VM from Azure using CloudXplorer and then Import the VM in EC2.


Factory reset Windows Server 2016 on Azure

I installed a few beta version of some apps and now the functionality of the Windows is broken.
Is there any way I can reset the windows to it's initial state from the portal or I have to remove it and create a new one?
If you have not backup this VM or take a snapshot of this VM, we should re-create a new VM.
As mentioned by Jason, if a backup or a snapshot was taken, you could use them to recover the VM.
You have mentioned, ‘now the functionality of the Windows is broken’, unsure if you are facing some boot issue or something else. Please do let me know if feasible, you could look at fixing the underlying issue. Or just recreate the problematic VM and not the entire Resource Group itself.
I would like to highlight the process of recovering the OS below:
Delete the VM encountering issues, keeping the virtual hard disks.
Attach and mount the virtual hard disk to another Windows VM for troubleshooting purposes.
Connect to the troubleshooting VM. Edit files or run any tools to fix issues on the original virtual hard disk.
Unmount and detach the virtual hard disk from the troubleshooting VM.
Create a VM using the original virtual hard disk.
Refer the document for more details on this process.

Is it possible to use Local SSD Storage with Google Managed VMs?

We're using Managed VMs, and can currently serve files from the local disk in the VM (which is a standard magnetic HD), as well as serving from Google Cloud Storage (which is also backed by magnetic HDs).
As we're working with large files (high-res geo images) in a latency-sensitive context, we'd like to be able to use Local SSDs with our Managed VMs app (it's okay that the data is not persistent, it just needs to be fast and work with large files). At some point, we may want to use other services that are fast and designed for working with large files (e.g. Blobstore?), but we have a workflow already set up to work with files so it should be easiest to set up a faster file system now. Is it possible to use Local SSD storage with Managed VMs?
Here's info on Local SSDs. They need to be created at instance creation time (for Google Compute instances, which Managed VMs are creating behind the scenes). It looks like Local SSDs can be created via command line, gcloud compute, or an API, but it's not clear where we'd configure any of these things since Managed VMs is doing the instance creation for us. Presumably we'd do this in app.yaml, Dockerfile, or in a gcloud command, but it's not obvious how this would work.
Apologies, this isn't currently available. We don't really let you customize the VM specs, aside from the disk size. If you max out the disk size, you will get the highest IOPS we support. We kicked around the idea of tmpfs, but it's not available just yet.

Migrate instance from EC2 to Google Cloud

I have a running Linux instance in Amazon EC2. I'd like to migrate this instance to a Google Cloud VM Instance. I'd like to have the minimum work on this operation, a kind of copy and paste solution. How can I do this?
You can import an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to Google Compute Engine but it's not just one operation. There is a section in the Google Compute Engine documentation that shows the steps you need to follow in order to achieve your goal.
I hope it helps.
With GCP you can use the import feature which forwards to Cloud Endure site, where you can migrate your existing server, virtual on Cloud or non Cloud or even physical machine, to GCP.
You can also import Amazon Linux AMI EC2 instances on AWS.
Cloud Endure provides also live migration, so it does continues replication, if you don't power on your migrated VM on GCP.
It can also be used for just one time migration.
Amazon Linux AMI can be updated on GCP Cloud as well, so no problems with that.
Migration takes few hours depending on size of the source machine. You might need to change the hard drive paths on /etc/fstab to reflect their names on GCP (dev/xvdf --> /dev/sdb, for example).
The easiest one step solution would be using a third party tool to do it for you. There are way many cloud migration vendors that would make this process nearly zero effort. I did that with cloud endure and it went ok, but obviously it involves costs so make sure to check them out.
Found the end to end video which will give an idea how to do migration from ec2 to google cloud.

Azure Virtual Machine Capture

I have a Windows Server running as a Virtual Machine on Azure that I have installed SQL Enterprise on. I installed SQL Server onto a new drive (E:) so that the C: drive would remain for the OS.
I followed the instructions on how to use sysprep and basically capture the image to use going forward for new instances. After following these steps and deploying a new vm with this image, nothing worked. It thought SQL was installed (it wasn't). It also didn't know anything about the additional drives or VHDs.
I came across this Blog post from the Azure team and it references a powershell command Save-AzureVMImage that may be what I'm looking for with the new "Virtual Machine Image".
Ultimately what I want is to have an image that I can use to deploy a new fully functional Windows Server instance with SQL Enterprise installed and the additional VHDs being used... Can someone point me in the right hemisphere on this please...
Save-AzureVMImage until the build 2014 only captures OS disk and not the data disk, since your SQL is installed on a separate mapped drive a data disk. That will not be part of the snapshot\sysprep process.
There is something called VMImages recently launched which captures data disks along side OS disks.You will have to update Azure Commandlets to find more options while capturing Image of a running VM, Refer to the blogs below for more detailed solution
Happy Coding !!

What happens to Azure virtual machines software, if vm size is updated?

I use MS azure virtual machine. IIS running, hosting different web sites. What happens ,when I update vm from extra small to small ? Should I take a backup or nothing is required?There are some IIS bindings, should I move those settings ?
I think it is similar to gave more memory in vmware machine . But since it is vital for us, I am asking this question .
The VM will be gracefully shutdown and brought back up (most likely on a completely different VM host), so you will see some downtime as that transition occurs. The actual data for your machine is stored in BLOB storage, not on the VM itself, so you don't specifically need to worry about a back up because you are making this change. That said, if this is a production machine you need to be thinking about backups anyway.
