Mongoose renaming _id to id - node.js

I'm creating an API that is using data from Mongoose. The front end (Backbone) expects id, instead of _id. I cannot seem to find an easy solution to such a simple problem. Is anyone aware of a way to rename _id to id. I want this to be default behavior across every schema.

Did you think of setting model.idAttribute to _id on the front end (Backbone). This would allow Backbone to 'transparently map that key to id'.

You can set up a schema method getItem which returns the desired fields and id = _id, if you really need that :)


mongoose schema model _id

I'm using mongoose 5.0.9. My question is about the _id of document.
I'd like to get `_id generated from mongodb when new document inserted. In this way, I could not define the _id in my mongoose schema/model. If I do, the mongoose will fail since I don't provide the value for _id.
However, I want to use the _id in my page. If I don't define it in my schema/model, I could not get it when querying.
One solution I thought is to define two schemas: one for inserting document without _id, and the other is for querying, updating, etc, with _id.
I don't want to make things to complex, so I don't think this is good idea.
what is the best practice for this _id?
Thanks in advance.

MongoDB, Mongoose - what is the best way for adding non-persistent data field to the schema?

I have Mongoose schema and I need to add a non-persistent field to it. The point of this field is to store some status, related to persistent data fields, but without need to store it to the database. I see that some Mongoose alternatives provide such a feature e.g., however I am not able to find similar one inside Mongoose.
Any tip would be greatly appreciated!
In mongoose you have the concept of virtual fields. See doc (
See also related topic at Adding 'virtual' variables to a mongoose schema?

Mongoose - create model from existing db data

Using Mongoose, I have a document that was previously pulled from the database, complete with an _id property, in raw Object format (IE, without all of the document methods, just straight from the db).
How can I use that data to create an instance of mongoose.Model without the system assigning the model a new _id? I want to then eventually save that model and have it update the existing document in the database.
Update: using a combination of #Jack Newcombe's method, and subsequently setting model.isNew to false, I get the following error: "Mod on _id not allowed". So now it knows to update, but Mongoose is not removing the _id field from the update request. There has to be one more system property on the Model that tells Mongoose whether or not to remove the _id during an update request. Any ideas?
I've figured it out, but I'm sure there is a better way. I'm surprised there isn't a way to do this easily with Mongoose's API.
Anyway, you need to the following:
Create the model like this: var model = new Model(data,
Manually set model.isNew to false
Manually tell Mongoose that the _id field hasn't been modified, like this: delete model.$__.activePaths.states.modify._id
The reason I'm not so fond of this is because I'm taking advantage of the fact that JavaScript doesn't have true protected methods, and I'm basically hacking Mongoose in order to get it to work. So I'd love to hear other answers if anyone has.
You can prevent the schema for the model from automatically generating an _id by passing in an option that sets the _id to false:
var schema = new Schema({ name: String }, { _id: false });

Mongoose create custom _id from other fields

I know that Mongoose populates the _id field automatically with an ObjectID if none is given and that you can overwrite the _id when constructing and instance of the model.
What I want: create the _id from other fields in a transparent way. I want to omit the _id field when creating an instance of the model and then have a function called which fills it. This function should be declared on a Schema level and whoever uses the model does not know that _id was filled by the function instead of Mongoose.
Is there a hook or a parameter of the Schema constructor I missed?
Mongoose 3.0.x
Let's make this more concrete. Imagine a BlogPost and I want to create nice URLs by slugging the title. In order to map the slug to a Mongo Object I hash the slug and turn it into a ObjectID to leverage it's benefits. Now what I'm looking for is a transparent method which allows me to create an instance of BlogPost by only passing in title and have the slug and _id property automatically generated.
use a setter on title which slugifies and idifies for you:
If you want to make sure your code is only executed once the object is created, check for this.isNew inside the setter.
Is this what you are looking for?
You could define a function to create the _id before the model is saved, as in:
If this middleware is called after Mongoose creates the _id by default (my guess is it's not), you could tell Mongoose to not create an _id, with the _id option.

Mongoose.js: is it possible to change name of ObjectId?

Some question about mongo ObjectId in mongoose
1) Can be ObjectId field by named not as _id? And How to do that? When I do in my code:
MySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
id : mongoose.Schema.ObjectId
it changes nothing.
2) If I have objectId field called _id is it possible to return from request another name for this field (for example just "id" - to send it on the in web response);
3) And question just for understanding: why is the ObjectId _id field accessible through "id" property not "_id"?
Thanks, Alex
The "_id" element is part of the mongodb architecture which guarantee that every document in a collection can be uniquely identified. This is especially important if you use sharding to allow unique identifier across disparate machine. Therefore this is a design choice so there is no way to get ride of it :)
The default value for _id are generated as follows:
hash of the machine hostname
pid of the generating process
but you can use whatever value you want as long is unique.
If it's easier for you think about the _id of something which has to be there, but you really don't care about :) Just leave the system to auto generate it and use your own identifier.
So if you still wanna create your own "id" execute something like that:
db.mySchema.ensureIndex({"id": 1}, {"unique" : true})
but make sure that is really unique and it doesn't conflict with the API you use.
2) Rename it on the application side, just before sending it as the web response.
3) I think this is because of the API you use. Maybe the author found it more logical to return the id instead of _id ? Honestly never tried mongoose :)
