Rename file by removing url parameter in linux - linux

I downloaded some files using wget and the files are in the following format:
Is there any way, to rename those files properly by removing the URL parameters. Also is there any way, to download such files, with proper name(without URL parameter) from wget.
I tried with mmv with the following command:
mmv "*.zip*" ""
But I can't find any way to install mmv. I am using CentOS 6. So, please suggest any way, other than this.

for file in *.zip\?*; do mv "$file" "${file%%\?*}"; done
As far as I can tell, there's no option to wget telling it not to include the query string in the local filename. You can use the -O option to specify an explicit filename, and fix the driver script to remove the query string itself.

for i in `ls *.zip?*`; do echo $i | cut -f 1 -d \? | xargs -n1 mv $i ; done
sorry to lazy to do checking for spaces in names right now. and unable to test. i don't have access to a bash based system at this moment in time.

If you have g++ >=4.9.2 then you can install rnm and do:
rnm -ns '/n/.zip' *.zip\?*
# /n/ expands to file name without extension.
rnm -rs '/\.zip\?.*/.zip/' *.zip\?*


Rename large folder of Jpegs

I have a large folder of jpegs, which I would like to rename sequentially to image01.jpg, image02.jpg...image533jpg etc.
I have tried using the following
find ‘/myImages/‘ -maxdepth 1 -name ‘*.jpg’ | sort -n | awk 'BEGIN{ x=1 }{printf "mv \"%s\" \”/myImages/image%04d.jpg\”\n”, $0, x++ }' | bash
which I got from here:
However, this is only returning
And then nothing happens, any suggestions would be great.
The easiest way to do that is with rename which you can install with homebrew using:
brew install rename
Then, you can go into your directory containing the images and run:
rename --dry-run -X -e '$_ = "$N"' *jpg
Sample Output
'a.jpg' would be renamed to '1.jpg'
'article.jpg' would be renamed to '2.jpg'
'blob-0.jpg' would be renamed to '3.jpg'
'blob-1.jpg' would be renamed to '4.jpg'
'blob-2.jpg' would be renamed to '5.jpg'
'blob-3.jpg' would be renamed to '6.jpg'
If that looks correct, you can run it again without the --dry-run to actually do it, rather than just telling you what it will do.
If you want your names zero-padded, the easiest is to let rename work out how much padding you need automatically like this:
rename --dry-run -X -N ...01 -e '$_ = "$N"' *jpg
The benefits of using rename are that:
it is simple and powerful
it will warn you before overwriting any files
it can do a dry run and tell you what would happen without actually doing anything
If you want an explanation of the command '$_ = "$N"' then read on...
The rename command is actually a Perl script, so the part I mention above is just a Perl script enclosed in single quotes. The $N is just a Perl variable that expands to be a sequentially increasing number. The Perl special variable $_ is filled with the name of the current file before your little Perl script is executed, and crucially, you are expected to set it to the name you want that input file renamed as.
You could do that with a bash script. Say you have the following in a file called rename_images.
declare -a FILESERIES
FILESERIES=(`ls $1`)
for (( i=0; i<$NUM ; i++))
To do what you need, run the script from within the folder with all the images as follows:
./rename_images '*.jpg' image .jpg
And you should be sorted.

rename all files in folder through regular expression

I have a folder with lots of files which name has the following structure:
01.artist_name - song_name.mp3
I want to go through all of them and rename them using the regexp:
so i get only :
artist_name - song_name.mp3
How can i do this in bash?
You can do this in BASH:
for f in [0-9]*.mp3; do
mv "$f" "${f#*.}"
Use the Perl rename utility utility. It might be installed on your version of Linux or easy to find.
rename 's/^\d+\.//' -n *.mp3
With the -n flag, it will be a dry run, printing what would be renamed, without actually renaming. If the output looks good, drop the -n flag.
Use 'sed' bash command to do so:
for f in *.mp3;
new_name="$(echo $f | sed 's/[^.]*.//')"
mv $f $new_name
done this case, regular expression [^.].* matches everything before first period of a string.

Bash loop to gunzip file and remove file extension and file prefixes

I have several .vcf.gz files:
I want to gunzip these file and rename them (remove subset_ and redudant .vcf extension in one go and get these files:
This is the script I have tried:
for i in $iFILES;
do gunzip -k $i > /get/in/this/dir/"${i##*/}"
Since you have to three operation at your output path name
1.remove the directory part
2.remove prefix subset_
3.remove redudant extension .vcf
It's hard to accomplish with only one command.
Following is a modification version. Be CAREFUL to try it. I didn't test it thorough in my computer.
for i in /file/path/*.gz;
# get the output file name
o=$(echo ${i##*/} | sed 's/.*_\(.*\)\(\.[a-z]\{3\}\)\{2\}.*/\1\2/g')
gunzip -k $i > /get/in/this/dir/$o

How to rename files without changing extension in Linux 102221.pdf to 102221_name.pdf

How to rename files without changing extension in Linux \
102221.pdf to 102221_name.pdf
This is what you want I think:
for x in *; do mv "$x" "${x%.*}_name.${x##*.}"; done
${x%.*} will give the name of the file without extention
${x##*.} will extract the extentions
ls * | sed -r 'p;s/\.pdf$/_name\.pdf/g' | xargs -n2 mv
list all the files with ls and pipe the output to sed. sed replaces .pdf with _name.pdf and outputs both the original file name and the new file name to xargs with will call mv with the 2 parameters.
you can also use the rename command which is simpler
rename 's/\.pdf$/_name\.pdf/g' ./*
The regex pattern remains the same though
well i am not so good in linux.. but still found a working answer for you.. hope it will solve ur purpose..
check the given link.. you might need a light weighted tool called as jhead mainly its to get the header information about the file link created date and time and other.. you can find the information which suits you..

Move files and rename - one-liner

I'm encountering many files with the same content and the same name on some of my servers. I need to quarantine these files for analysis so I can't just remove the duplicates. The OS is Linux (centos and ubuntu).
I enumerate the file names and locations and put them into a text file.
Then I do a for statement to move the files to quarantine.
for file in $(cat bad-stuff.txt); do mv $file /quarantine ;done
The problem is that they have the same file name and I just need to add something unique to the filename to get it to save properly. I'm sure it's something simple but I'm not good with regex. Thanks for the help.
Since you're using Linux, you can take advantage of GNU mv's --backup.
while read -r file
mv --backup=numbered "$file" "/quarantine"
done < "bad-stuff.txt"
Here's an example that shows how it works:
$ cat bad-stuff.txt
$ while read -r file; do mv --backup=numbered "$file" "./quarantine"; done < "bad-stuff.txt"
$ ls quarantine/
foo foo.~1~ foo.~2~ foo.~3~
I'd use this
for file in $(cat bad-stuff.txt); do mv $file /quarantine/$file.`date -u +%s%N`; done
You'll get everyfile with a timestamp appended (in nanoseconds).
You can create a new file name composed by the directory and the filename. Thus you can add one more argument in your original code:
for ...; do mv $file /quarantine/$(echo $file | sed 's:/:_:g') ; done
Please note that you should replace the _ with a proper character which is special enough.
