I followed these instructions to deploy to Azure:
And it actually worked, but I get a Guid for a Website URL. How can I hook it up to an Azure website? Something like patrickinmpls.azure.com ?
Adding to #mfanto's comment, you would need to publish your application to production slot and then you'll get a yourservicename.cloudapp.net URL which you can then map to your custom domain name. See this link for more details: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/common-tasks/custom-dns/.
I've tried following this:
But the setup has changed, because you need some more properties now:
see more here: https://www.poppastring.com/blog/azure-lets-encrypt-dashboardconnectionstring-field-is-required
The property names does not fit the names in Azure either, so more confusion for me.
Is it possible to just do this from the certify client? I managed to do this for Godaddy, but the DNS Update Method "Azure DNS API" is also confusing..
Sorry I can only find old guides for this..
Both of these should be set to your Azure Storage Account connection string, e.g. DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[myaccount];AccountKey=[mykey];
Please see Scott's post here for complete instructions on using the Let's encrypt extension with Azure Web Apps.:
I am following this project and instructions https://github.com/microsoft/azure-boards-automate-state-transitions
Everything is clear except the part where I need to enter URL when creating webhook in service hooks:
How to generate that URL?
When I test the link I get this error or 404
Is there anything that I missed. Should I create something on Azure platform, webhook event or something?
You need to deploy this to something (IIS, Azure App Service, etc)
Once deployed, put the URL from your deployed API as the webhook URL.
Azure endpointName.azureedge.net created successfully but while accessing Endpoint url it show error
You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
Did I need to add Custom domain to work it out.
Please guide me.
Which endpoint do you add in Azure CDN profile? If adding Azure web app as its endpoint, which language do you use to develop your web app? From my experience, Please try to input detailed path in your url, for example https://endpointName.azureedge.net/default. We can also set default page at Azure web app Application settings like below screenshot:
Build your solution in release mode
Try to publish it with using publish option of project then check
I have an Azure Function app running on dynamic pricing and am trying to set up a custom domain.
I have added and verified the domain and setup the CNAME record accordingly. The custom domain shows up correctly as the "URL" when I view the App Service settings in the Azure portal. If I try to use this domain, however (to access an HTTP trigger function), I am returned with "Error 404 - Web app not found."
When I look at the Function URL in the portal, it still shows the x.azurewebsites.net domain, not the custom domain I have added. Is there anything additional I need to do to get Functions working with a custom domain?
Copying from my answer on MSDN forum:
Indeed, custom domains are not yet supported for Dynamic Function plans. This support will come a bit later (no clear ETA to share at this point).
Thanks to #David Ebbo I figured out how to do this for a Function App running in a consumption plan (e.g. Y1). Here is the MSFT docs article:
It seems that it cannot currently be done via the Azure Portal GUI and instead you must use Azure CLI to run the commands. It's easy to do directly from that article page using the "Try It" link to the embedded azCLI.
I have an Azure WebApp and have activated the "Active Directory Authentication" in the Azure Preview Potal. Let's call it https://mysite.azurewebsites.net (not a real URL) Whis works as expected. However, when we add a deployment slot, we can't get authentication to work properly. When accessing the staged WebApp, e.g. https://mysite-staging.azurewebsites.net (not a real URL), we get redirected to
But the login portal gives us an error message:
AADSTS50011: The reply address 'https://mysite-staging.azurewebsites.net/<our-appliction-guid>/login' does not match the reply addresses configured for the application: .
The problem is, the WebApp does not show up as an application in our directory, so we can't set up alternate reploy URLs for it.
Is there any way to specify alternate addresses for WebApps, so that Azure AD login will work for deployment slots?
When you create the deployment slot, you need to re-setup the authentication for it, as if it's a new application. (From an app-service perspective, it is.)
The steps are roughly:
In the portal, go to your deployment slot under your app-service.
go to authentication/authorization
Go through all the steps to setup your authentication/authorization the same as for your production app. (Authenticate via AzureAD, Choose the provider, etc.)
Under "Manage App" in the staging environment, go to settings, and add new reply URL's for your staging environment. You should have your regular reply URL, and then the staging version:
You should then be able to get in.
One weird thing that happened to me, is this didn't work, then I went into the staging authentication, and turned it off. That made everything work, and it correctly authenticated and didn't let me in if I wasn't signed in.
(I realize I'm posting this answer years after the original question, but after spending the better part of a week figuring it out, and this question repeatedly came up on searched, I wanted to document what I ended up doing in case someone else has a problem.)
I sure this will not fix the deployment slot is still pointing to live app but this fix this error as it is very silly.
AADSTS50011: The reply address 'https://mysite-staging.azurewebsites.net//login' does not match the reply addresses configured for the application: .
When you configure your URL under the application settings in Azure AD, you forgot… a trailing slash! That’s it! Can you believe that?
In other words, change this:
to this:
Done! You’re welcome.
From http://www.matvelloso.com/2015/01/30/troubleshooting-common-azure-active-directory-errors/
Unfortunately it looks like you ran into some bugs in that version of the preview portal.
The Reply URL issue is likely because you created the staging slot after you configured auth on the production slot. In that version, we cloned the auth settings so your staging slot ended up pointing to the existing AAD application without adding the new Reply URL. This issue has been fixed by not auto-cloning auth settings when a new slot is created.
In any case, you should be able to find your application in the AAD management portal. If you're not able to see it, it could be because you need to change the "Show" dropdown filter from "Applications my company uses" to "Applications my company owns". Locating it and adding the staging Reply URL would have also worked around the issue mentioned above.
The error message you saw when trying to re-configure auth on your staging slot was likely another bug in the management portal if you were only seeing it on that staging slot.
The Authentication / Authorization blade has been radically updated since your question was asked, and all of these issues should be fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you were able to make progress in spite of these issues.