How to pipe one readable stream into two writable streams at once in Node.js? - node.js

The goal is to:
Create a file read stream.
Pipe it to gzip (zlib.createGzip())
Then pipe the read stream of zlib output to:
1) HTTP response object
2) and writable file stream to save the gzipped output.
Now I can do down to 3.1:
var gzip = zlib.createGzip(),
sourceFileStream = fs.createReadStream(sourceFilePath),
targetFileStream = fs.createWriteStream(targetFilePath);
response.setHeader('Content-Encoding', 'gzip');
... which works fine, but I need to also save the gzipped data to a file so that I don't need to regzip every time and be able to directly stream the gzipped data as a response.
So how do I pipe one readable stream into two writable streams at once in Node?
Would sourceFileStream.pipe(gzip).pipe(response).pipe(targetFileStream); work in Node 0.8.x?

Pipe chaining/splitting doesn't work like you're trying to do here, sending the first to two different subsequent steps:
However, you can pipe the same readable stream into two writeable streams, eg:
var fs = require('fs');
var source = fs.createReadStream('source.txt');
var dest1 = fs.createWriteStream('dest1.txt');
var dest2 = fs.createWriteStream('dest2.txt');

I found that zlib returns a readable stream which can be later piped into multiple other streams. So I did the following to solve the above problem:
var sourceFileStream = fs.createReadStream(sourceFile);
// Even though we could chain like
// sourceFileStream.pipe(zlib.createGzip()).pipe(response);
// we need a stream with a gzipped data to pipe to two
// other streams.
var gzip = sourceFileStream.pipe(zlib.createGzip());
// This will pipe the gzipped data to response object
// and automatically close the response object.
// Then I can pipe the gzipped data to a file.

you can use "readable-stream-clone" package
const fs = require("fs");
const ReadableStreamClone = require("readable-stream-clone");
const readStream = fs.createReadStream('text.txt');
const readStream1 = new ReadableStreamClone(readStream);
const readStream2 = new ReadableStreamClone(readStream);
const writeStream1 = fs.createWriteStream('sample1.txt');
const writeStream2 = fs.createWriteStream('sample2.txt');


nodejs - log to console stdio and file using only core modules

My application is simple and I want to avoid using a logging library like Winston. I need to log the output to both the console, and to file. I found a few tutorials on how to do this using a child process, such as this, but I can't find anything that leverages the main process stdio, like process.stdout and process.stdin
The key to solving this was recognizing that process.stdio is a writable stream whereas a child process's stdio using the child_process module is a readable stream (thanks to this article). Therefore I needed to create both a readable and writable file stream, and pipe the readable stream out to process.stdio. You could probably simplify this even further with a duplex stream, but for noobs like myself, this is a straightforward and easy to read approach.
const { Console } = require("console")
, process = require("process")
, path = require("path")
, fs = require('fs');
// Define the file paths to log to
const outputFilePath = path.join(__dirname, './stdout.log');
const errorFilePath = path.join(__dirname, './stderr.log');
// Create the empty files synchronously to guarantee it exists prior to stream creation.
// Change flag to 'w' to overwrite rather than append.
fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(outputFilePath, 'a+'));
fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(errorFilePath, 'a+'));
// Create a writable file stream for both stdout and stderr
const fileWriterOut = fs.createWriteStream(outputFilePath);
const fileWriterErr = fs.createWriteStream(errorFilePath);
// Create a new Console object using the file writers
const Logger = new Console({ stdout: fileWriterOut, stderr: fileWriterErr });
// Create readable file streams for process.stdio to consume
const fileReaderOut = fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, './stdout.log'));
const fileReaderErr = fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, './stderr.log'));
// Pipe out the file reader into process stdio
// Test the new logger
Logger.log("Logger initialized");
// Export
module.exports = Logger;

Write multiple files to http response with streams in nodejs

I have an array of files that I have to pack into a gzip archive and send them through http response on the fly. That means I can't store the whole file in the memory yet I have to synchronously pipe them into tar.entry or everything is going to break.
const tar = require('tar-stream'); //lib for tar stream
const { createGzip } = require('zlib'); //lib for gzip stream
//large list of huge files.
const files = [ 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', ..., 'file99999' ];
//http request handler:
const pack = tar.pack(); //tar stream, creates .tar
const gzipStream = createGzip(); //gzip stream so we could reduce the size
//pipe archive data trough gzip stream
//and send it to the client on the fly
//The issue comes here, when I need to pass multiple files to pack.entry
files.forEach(name => {
const src = fs.createReadStream(name); //create stream from file
const size = fs.statSync(name).size; //determine it's size
const entry = pack.entry({ name, size }); //create tar entry
//and this ruins everything because if two different streams
//writes smth into entry, it'll fail and throw an error
Basically I need for the pipe to complete sending data (smth like await src.pipe(entry);), but pipes in nodejs don't do that. So is there any way I could get around it?
Nevermind, just don't use forEach in this case

How to convert a node gd image to a stream that I can pipe?

I'm using node-gd to process images, but I'd like to do a few things before saving them to the disk. Right now I save the file with the .savePng() and .saveJpeg() functions.
I'd like to convert it to a stream which can be piped to an FS stream.
I tried the module streamifier because it sounds like it would do what I need, but when running the code below, the exported image is unreadable (though the same size as exporting via node-gd).
Here is what I attempted to do:
var gd = require("node-gd");
var fs = require("fs");
const streamifier = require('streamifier');
var inputImage = gd.createFromPng('input.png');
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.png');
var pngstream = inputImage.pngPtr();
Is there something I'm missing?
The png pointer needs to first be converted to a buffer like so
var pngstream = Buffer.from(inputImage.pngPtr(), 'binary');

Writing long strings to file (node js)

I have a string which is 169 million chars long, which I need to write to a file and then read from another process.
I have read about WriteStream and ReadStream, but how do I write the string to a file when it has no method 'pipe'?
Create a write stream is a good idea. You can use it like this:
var fs = require('fs');
var wstream = fs.createWriteStream('myOutput.txt');
wstream.write('Hello world!\n');
wstream.write('Another line\n');
You can call to write as many time as you need, with parts of that 16 million chars string. Once you have finished writing the file, you can create a read stream to read chunks of the file.
However, 16 million chars are not that much, I would say you could read and write it at once and keep in memory the whole file.
Update: As requested in comment, I update with an example to pipe the stream to zip on-the-fly:
var zlib = require('zlib');
var gzip = zlib.createGzip();
var fs = require('fs');
var out = fs.createWriteStream('input.txt.gz');
gzip.write('Hello world!\n');
gzip.write('Another line\n');
This will create a gz file, and inside, only one file with same name (without the .gz at the end).
This might solve your problem
var fs = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
var stream = request('');
var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('./testimg.jpg');
Follow the link for more details
If you're looking to write what's called a blocking process, eg something that will prevent you from doing something else, approaching that process asynchronously is the best solution (and why node.js is good at solving these types of problems). With that said, avoid methods that have fs.*Sync as that will be a synchronous method. fs.writeFile is what I believe you're looking for. Read the Docs

Node.js piping gzipped streams in CSV module

I have a gzipped CSV file that I would like to read, perform some transformations, and write back somewhere gzipped. I am using the node-csv module for CSV transformations.
An simplified version of the code looks like this:
// dependencies
var fs = require('fs'),
zlib = require('zlib'),
csv = require('csv'); //
// filenames
var sourceFileName = process.argv[2] || 'foo.csv.gz';
targetFileName = process.argv[3] || 'bar.csv.gz';
// streams
var reader = fs.createReadStream(sourceFileName),
writer = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '\\' + targetFileName),
gunzip = zlib.createGunzip(),
gzip = zlib.createGzip();
csv() reader.pipe(gunzip) ) gzip.pipe(writer) ) // <-- the output stream
.transform( function(row) {
// some operation here
return row;
The problem is that this codes effectively writes a file with the specified name, although not gzipped, i.e. if the file gets the .gz removed, it can be opened as a regular CSV.
The question then is, how can the csv() be passed an output stream that gzips the data and pipes it to a writer?
You're pipeing the csv to the writer because .pipe returns it's argument for chaining.
You need to change: gzip.pipe(writer) ) // <-- the output stream
To: gzip ) // <-- the output stream
. . .
