How to implement Windows Azure or other cloud platform in my app? - azure

I've made a simple productivity app for Windows store 8 and the most requested feature by the reviewers was cloud syncing. I've tried finding some tutorials on how to implement that but haven't found anything useful.
Do I have to use Windows Azure for Windows store 8 apps, because from what I've read it only gives a 3-month trial and It's not worth paying because my app is free with no source of income.
Are there any other cloud computing platforms that are easy to integrate in an app and free ?

Eventually every cloud provider would charge you for using their services and even under free mode, they will provide services with certain caveats. For example, Windows Azure Websites are currently free for 1 year when running under shared mode. Amazon AWS provides a free usage tier ( but it also has some limitation and the moment you go above those, you will be charged.
Not knowing much about your application, there're three possible solution I could recommend (just thinking out loud :):
Keep a free version of the product with no cloud syncing (as you have currently).
Provide a ad supported free version of the product with cloud syncing(kind of freemium offering).
Provide a paid, ad-free version of the product with cloud syncing.

SkyDrive (officially Microsoft SkyDrive, previously Windows Live SkyDrive and Windows Live Folders) is a file hosting service that allows users to upload and sync files to a cloud storage.
It gives 7 GB of free cloud storage that's accessible from anywhere.


Azure Web Service Options that are "Legacy"

I am looking at possibly running some of our business on Azure.
I am trying to pick the services that would work best for my company, but I am getting mixed signals.
Because I am starting a new system, I want to pick the offerings that are not "legacy" (aka "current"). But there seems to be no way straight forward way to know that.
For example, this page of the Microsoft Documentation says
Cloud Services is similar to Service Fabric in degree of control versus ease of use, but it’s now a legacy service and Service Fabric is recommended for new development.
This page clearly states that Cloud Services is "legacy". However, you would never know this by going to the Cloud Services overview page. It has great marketing material that sells Cloud Services as a great option. But if I picked it, then I would be starting out on a platform that is in a legacy status.
Now I know that about Cloud Services vs Service Fabric. But there are tons offerings on Azure. I am trying to research them one by one to find out which ones are the most recent incarnation, but I feel like I am wasting my time.
Another example is storage. Lucky for me an Azure MVP answered my question on this one. Apparently, there is "older storage account" based disks and "managed" disks. Turns out managed disks are the new, easy way to do things. The storage account is harder. Still available, but not really what a new user should be picking. But again, this is very hard to find out unless someone who has been working with this stuff for a long time tells you.
I was about to start in on App Services and Web Apps, but I thought I would ask first to see if I am doing research that is already done and posted out there.
Is there somewhere that shows the current list of Azure services that you should look at if you are starting a new project?
I asked the similar question almost a year ago, and I even spoke with Azure Support Team after that. At that time, Microsoft did not officially state Cloud Service is legacy.
Does Azure App Service/Web App replace Azure Cloud Service?
We have been hosting our enterprise applications in Cloud Service since 2013, and a couple of them are in App Service. Here is my thought -
4 years ago we only have Cloud Service - Web Role and Worker Role,and App Service (formally named as Web App) is not fully ready for enterprise applications yet. Since App Service came up, Microsoft heavily promote App Service compare to Cloud Service. In addition, what I notice is Cloud Service did not get new features like App Service.
Service Fabric is quite new, and it doesn't have all the belts and whistles like App Service, so we might have to wait a bit for enterprise applications.
Only advantage of Cloud Service is you can remote desktop to a role instance, after the application is deployed.
If I host a new application in Azure today, I'll definitely use App Service.
Microsoft has published a list of Azure reference architectures. It was last updated in November 2016. You can browse it here, and there is some guidance given. But for example, you mentioned using Service Fabric (which is a great way to go for a robust app that really needs to scale), but Service Fabric isn't mentioned in the aforementioned resource.
I spend a lot of time running down Azure resources in relation to web applications (not to be confused with App Service Web Apps), and I have not found a definitive source of the type of info you're looking for personally.

Is Azure Compute Emulator deprecated or by third party only now?

I'm planning to write my own .NET app on my personal time so will take months. I google and found there are two Azure Emulator:
While Storage is not needed right now as I don't need blob, messaging and file services, Compute is what I need, so I can develop and debug app w/o connecting to Azure all the time, plus saving $$$.
However, MS site only has Storage for download at Azure SDK. Links for Compute are all not-found.
Is Compute Emulator dropped by MS? Or, it's now developed and supported by third party like this now?
BTW, is it safe to download this one?
Thanks for those provided all input.
Answer is: No need for any Emulator if building a Web App (or called site). Simply develop as you would using local IIS or IIS Express, of course Community is ok. Then when it's time to move to Azure, use "Web Deploy".
Details of What type of app/services you'd choose for Azure, refer to this:

Regarding Kentico 9 site deployment on Azure

I want to deploy Kentico 9 site on Azure and want to use shared file system for my media content, can you please suggest which Azure configuration (Azure Cloud Services or Azure Web Apps) I should referred?
I'd highly recommend going with Web App over Cloud Services. Mainly because Web App is almost like running on a regular server where Cloud Services is quite a bit different and harder to work with in my opinion.
Check this article out regarding some issues with Kentico and Azure Blog storage as well as how to setup your storage provider to only store media files.
Could you describe what do you mean by shared file system for my media content?
From my experience - it`s (a little bit) easier to deploy (and maintain) Kentico to Azure Web Apps but they do not provide so many customizations - in my humble opinion - the biggest one is you are not able to connect via remote desktop (but this is supported by Azure Cloud Services).
Please note - if you are using Cloud Services you must use Azure Blob Storage - source - which could be in conflict with your requirements.
You can find more information about Web Apps vs Cloud Services vs Virtual Machines on the mentioned page.
TL;DR; - if you do not need customizations, remote desktop and startup tasks - go for WebApps. If not, try to specify more requirements.
You can also check comparinson of the technologies from the Microsoft`s point of view here.
It's not clear who you want to share the media with...
If you want to share the assets amongst more Kentico instances or with a 3rd party system, I'd probably use the Azure Blob Storage. Kentico comes with a dedicated file provider for this exact use out of the box. It's called CMS.AzureStorage.
Using the blob storage is not a limiting factor in terms of hosting your app. You can still use all available options: Web Apps, VM or Cloud Service. There are some technical implications, of course. But they're all described in the documentation.
I recommend checking the comparison matrix to find a hosting option that suits your need best. Kentico recommends using App Service (Web Apps) for most projects as it's easiest to maintain. However, you can't use certain features like Kentico Windows services, for instance. Question is, do you really need them?

Hosting TFS on Azure or AWS

We will be hosting TFS in a private cloud on VM(s). Are there technical differences to hosting TFS on Azure or AWS, or is it only a matter of pricing and which cloud a team prefers and has past knowledge of? I also think we won't go the Visual Studio Online route.
At InCycle, we have a full TFS 2015 installation hosted in Azure spread across something like 6-8 VMs. You'll need to take into account the standard considerations (virtual machine sizing and performance), especially on the data tier, which should have plenty of fast disks and lots of CPU and RAM.
You'll also need to consider Active Directory sync and how you'll get access to things like build drops on-premise from Azure.
Honestly, VSO will almost certainly be a lot cheaper for you, and you won't have to worry about the infrastructure requirements or upgrading TFS on a regular basis.
The ALM rangers have excellent guidance on this, as well:

Is azure for big applications only?

I've recently been asked to redevelop an .Net 2.0 WinForms application with a back end SQL Server Express DB.
One of the requirements is to allow remote users access to the application, so I've been considering hosted options to avoid VPN setup. The data is not sensitive and does not fall under data protection act, so a basic security approach for the web will cover me.
I like the idea of using Azure for a few reasons, but I'm not sure if a good fit for a users base of 5 or 6 with no real scope to grow. I've never used Azure and I plan to develop using MVC and a SQL backend as this is my main skillset.
A few points in favour of Azure in my mind are:
Tight integration with the TFS preview that I'm using for this project
Easy to setup a sandpit and a live version
Easy maintenance as I expect other hosted options will require more knowledge of underlying OS
Sticking to a full Microsoft stack should hopefully make things simpler
From what I find on the Azure site the message is all about scalability, which is great if you need it.
My question is simply, do you need a large user base, or plans to grow quickly, to use azure or is it how we should be hosting apps now?
What you're asking here is the perfect case for Windows Azure Web Sites:
You get 10 web sites for free (no custom DNS, but this is perfect for your 'sandpit'/test version). The shared mode supports custom DNS and is very cheap.
Tight integration with TFS preview and GitHub
You don't need to worry about the underlying OS, you simply publish from Visual Studio or with TFS Preview.
Sticking to the Microsoft stack is the easiest solution, but other technologies work great aswell. Since you're talking about MVC I'm assuming you are considering ASP.NET MVC, which is a perfect match with Windows Azure. Take a look at the training kit for some good examples.
The day you'll need a solution which more scalable (meaning you'll have more users and more income) you can easily upgrade to a reserved instance or to a Cloud Service (Web/Worker Role).
About your question: "My question is simply, do you need a large user base, or plans to grow quickly, to use azure or is it how we should be hosting apps now?"
Windows Azure is a cloud service platform (includes PaaS as Cloud Services, IaaS as Windows Azure Virtual Machines and also Websites suggest by Sandrino above), and with cloud services you have ability to start very small and grow as much and as quickly as your user requirement is, so you can use Azure with both cases. On the other hand there are some advantages using certain offering depend on your which service you are going to use to run your application.
I think article (Section: "What Should I Use? Making a Choice") will explain the strategy about how you make a selection among various services.
This SO discussion does talks about the difference between cloud Services and Azure WebSites as well.
