Linux: memory usage summary for program - linux

I need some command line utility able to run specified command and measure process group memory usage at peak and average (RSS, virtual and shared). As I understand that should be a combination of ptrace(2) and libprocps, but I can't find anything similar.
Any ideas?

/usr/bin/time -f "max RSS: %MKb" <command>
See man time for more details.


How to edit /proc/<pid>/limits file in linux?

I am trying to generate coredump for a particular pid.
I tried to change the core file size limit using ulimit, but it will change only in /proc/self/limits ( which is for shell).
So how do i edit it for particular pid?
Bascially i have to change "Max core file size=unlimited"
1)Our linux version dont have prlimit.
2)Even the below command didnt help
echo -n "Max core file size=unlimited:unlimited" > /proc/1/limits
if you want to modify core_file limit, you can type
prlimit --pid ${pid} --core=soft_limit:hard_limit
the help page of prlimit is :
prlimit [options] [-p PID]
prlimit [options] COMMAND
General Options:
-p, --pid <pid> process id
-o, --output <list> define which output columns to use
--noheadings don't print headings
--raw use the raw output format
--verbose verbose output
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
Resources Options:
-c, --core maximum size of core files created
-d, --data maximum size of a process's data segment
-e, --nice maximum nice priority allowed to raise
-f, --fsize maximum size of files written by the process
-i, --sigpending maximum number of pending signals
-l, --memlock maximum size a process may lock into memory
-m, --rss maximum resident set size
-n, --nofile maximum number of open files
-q, --msgqueue maximum bytes in POSIX message queues
-r, --rtprio maximum real-time scheduling priority
-s, --stack maximum stack size
-t, --cpu maximum amount of CPU time in seconds
-u, --nproc maximum number of user processes
-v, --as size of virtual memory
-x, --locks maximum number of file locks
-y, --rttime CPU time in microseconds a process scheduled
under real-time scheduling
Available columns (for --output):
DESCRIPTION resource description
RESOURCE resource name
SOFT soft limit
HARD hard limit (ceiling)
UNITS units
For more details see prlimit(1).
I always do this with ulimit command:
$ ulimit -c unlimited
On my Linux distro (ubuntu 16.04), core files are left on this directory:
If your distro is based on systemd, you can setup this directory by modifiying pattern on this file:
$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
Please, read this info:
$ man 5 core
Check information related with /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern.
As suggested previously, you can define the directory where all your core files are dumped, modifying the content of this file with "echo" command. For example:
$ echo "/var/log/dumps/core.%e.%p" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
This will dump all cores on /var/log/dumps/core.%e.%p, where %e is pattern for the executable filename, and %p pattern for pid of dumped process.
Hopefully you can play with this to customize your own needs.

Find out what is causing a memory leak in a application

I have a Linux (CentOS) server on which I run a game server on which recently started leaking memory after an update. How can I find out what is causing the memory leak in the server?
Memory profiling
Use Perf tool to check the leaks.
Run the last command for all the processes running in the application and tally the results to find out what is causing memory leak.
A sample usage of probes with perf could be to check libc's malloc() and free() calls:
$ perf probe -x /lib64/ malloc
$ perf probe -x /lib64/ free
Added new event:
probe_libc:malloc (on 0x7eac0)
A probe has been created. Now, let's record the global usage of malloc and free across all the system during 4 second:
$ perf record -e probe_libc:malloc -agR sleep 4
$ perf record -e probe_libc:free -agR sleep 4
Let's record the usage of malloc and free across all any process during 4 second:
$ perf stat -e probe_libc:free -e probe_libc:malloc -ag -p $(pgrep $process_name$) sleep 4
Performance counter stats for process id '1153':
11,312 probe_libc:free
11,644 probe_libc:malloc
4.001091828 seconds time elapsed
If there is increase in difference between malloc and free count for every time perf command is run, it is a hint of memory leak.
$ perf record -e probe_libc:free -e probe_libc:malloc -agR sleep 2
Run the above command to check for the whole application.
Later run,
$ perf report
to get the report of the above run.

How to get the information of a specific process given its process ID using the command 'ps' in Linux

How to get the information of a specific process given its process ID using the command 'ps' in Linux. I also want to get the proportion of memory the process occupies.
Is that 'ps processID' ?
You could use
pmap $PID
or perhaps
cat /proc/$PID/maps
cat /proc/$PID/status
See proc(5) for details.
ps -o pmem h -p processID
pmem: Ratio of the process's resident set size to the physical memory on the machine, expressed as a percentage.

How to measure IOPS for a command in linux?

I'm working on a simulation model, where I want to determine when the storage IOPS capacity becomes a bottleneck (e.g. and HDD has ~150 IOPS, while an SSD can have 150,000). So I'm trying to come up with a way to benchmark IOPS in a command (git) for some of it's different operations (push, pull, merge, clone).
So far, I have found tools like iostat, however, I am not sure how to limit the report to what a single command does.
The best idea I can come up with is to determine my HDD IOPS capacity, use time on the actual command, see how long it lasts, multiply that by IOPS and those are my IOPS:
HDD ->150 IOPS
time df -h
real 0m0.032s
150 * .032 = 4.8 IOPS
But, this is of course very stupid, because the duration of the execution may have been related to CPU usage rather than HDD usage, so unless usage of HDD was 100% for that time, it makes no sense to measure things like that.
So, how can I measure the IOPS for a command?
There are multiple time(1) commands on a typical Linux system; the default is a bash(1) builtin which is somewhat basic. There is also /usr/bin/time which you can run by either calling it exactly like that, or telling bash(1) to not use aliases and builtins by prefixing it with a backslash thus: \time. Debian has it in the "time" package which is installed by default, Ubuntu is likely identical, and other distributions will be quite similar.
Invoking it in a similar fashion to the shell builtin is already more verbose and informative, albeit perhaps more opaque unless you're already familiar with what the numbers really mean:
$ \time df
[output elided]
0.00user 0.00system 0:00.01elapsed 66%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 864maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+261minor)pagefaults 0swaps
However, I'd like to draw your attention to the man page which lists the -f option to customise the output format, and in particular the %w format which counts the number of times the process gave up its CPU timeslice for I/O:
$ \time -f 'ios=%w' du Maildir >/dev/null
$ \time -f 'ios=%w' du Maildir >/dev/null
Note that the first run stopped for I/O 184 times, but the second run stopped just once. The first figure is credible, as there are 124 directories in my ~/Maildir: the reading of the directory and the inode gives roughly two IOPS per directory, less a bit because some inodes were likely next to each other and read in one operation, plus some extra again for mapping in the du(1) binary, shared libraries, and so on.
The second figure is of course lower due to Linux's disk cache. So the final piece is to flush the cache. sync(1) is a familiar command which flushes dirty writes to disk, but doesn't flush the read cache. You can flush that one by writing 3 to /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches. (Other values are also occasionally useful, but you want 3 here.) As a non-root user, the simplest way to do this is:
echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Combining that with /usr/bin/time should allow you to build the scripts you need to benchmark the commands you're interested in.
As a minor aside, tee(1) is used because this won't work:
sudo echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
The reason? Although the echo(1) runs as root, the redirection is as your normal user account, which doesn't have write permissions to drop_caches. tee(1) effectively does the redirection as root.
The iotop command collects I/O usage information about processes on Linux. By default, it is an interactive command but you can run it in batch mode with -b / --batch. Also, you can a list of processes with -p / --pid. Thus, you can monitor the activity of a git command with:
$ sudo iotop -p $(pidof git) -b
You can change the delay with -d / --delay.
You can use pidstat:
pidstat -d 2
More specifically pidstat -d 2 | grep COMMAND or pidstat -C COMMANDNAME -d 2
The pidstat command is used for monitoring individual tasks currently being managed by the Linux kernel. It writes to standard output activities for every task selected with option -p or for every task managed by the Linux kernel if option -p ALL has been used. Not selecting any tasks is equivalent to specifying -p ALL but only active tasks (tasks with non-zero statistics values) will appear in the report.
The pidstat command can also be used for monitoring the child processes of selected tasks.
-C commDisplay only tasks whose command name includes the stringcomm. This string can be a regular expression.

Garbage collection in bash

Does bash run a garbage collector? Can it be controlled via some command line options? I can't find anything on the net about this.
I have a bash script that runs and over a few days its memory usage increases. I want to know where the memory is going.
Bash does not run a garbage collector as such. Since it has no concept of references, there is no need to find data without references. It does free memory no longer in use, though.
Here's a simple demonstration of memory usage before and after declaring and overwriting a large variable. Memory usage goes up then down again:
ps -o rss -p $$
var=$(printf "%s\n" {1..100000})
ps -o rss -p $$
ps -o rss -p $$
