Disable animation in Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

When I hit Ctrl-Tab, the "Active Tool Window/Files" pop-up animates into place. Its doing my head in. Unlike VS2005, there is no "Disable Animations" under Tools/Options/Environment, which is the only reference googling turns up.
Is there are way to disable this behavior?
So it turns out this has nothing to do with Visual Studio or Windows. It was a Parallels thing - I'm running VS2012 on a Mac.

Open Tools->Options->General
Uncheck "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance"
Uncheck "Enable rich client visual experience"
This toggles the Animations property value in C:\Users\myname\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings to false

It is no longer accessible but the setting still exists in the VS settings file. Close VS2012 first. Locate your settings file, mine is stored in C:\Users\myname\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Settings\CurrentSettings.vssettings
Open the file with a text editor and search for "anim". There's an "AnimationSpeed" setting, mine is 5. And an "Animations" setting, mine is true. Try changing it to false, save and start VS again. Or tinker with the speed, my setting of "5" doesn't do anything that does my head in. So I don't really know how to test if changing these settings has any effect, but you'll quickly find out.
If you see no effect at all then tinker with the Windows animation settings.


Maddening auto-format behavior with Visual Studio 2019 / Resharper that I cannot disable

This started happening for me in Visual Studio 2019 but does not happen in 2017. I cannot figure out how to stop it.
Something I do all the time is make use of Resharper's reformatting. Suppose I have little block of code like this:
Scan = scan;
Target = target;
IsDone = true;
ShouldAlign = false;
I want to align it up to look all nice and neat. So I select my block of code and I either use the menu or a keyboard shortcut to invoke Resharper's autoformat to line up the equals signs. Voila! Looks great, Here is the reformatted code, exactly as it appears, right after I've reformatted. Note the code is still selected:
But then all I have to do is I click anywhere else in the whitespace of that document, and Boom! Everything gets undone
It is as if VS2019 runs its own "Format Selection" command when I click away But I never did that. (but if I manually do, it has the same effect)
However if instead of just clicking away on the whitespace I, click the menu area of Visual Studio and then click the document whitespace, no problem. No reformat.
Just now I've just finished comparing Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 editing settings side-by-side next to each other. I've compared every single edit/formatting/spacing setting I can possibly find. Both Visual Studio's and Resharper's. They are identical except in those few cases where VS 2019 has some new setting that 2017 did not.
This still happens even when all of VS2019's "automatically format" settings are off
I'm asking the same question of the Resharper folks but I think it has to do with the interaction of the two.
Is anyone else seeing anything like this? It's driving me nuts.
After several hours of this, I have finally discovered that that problem was neither Visual Studio nor Resharper. It was actually a THIRD extension I use (also very common) for C++ files called Visual Assist".
VA has its own "format after paste" option. I am guessing that it must detect the reformat/click away as a "paste" operation and it reformats it according to Visual Studio's settings.
Once I disabled that in single, Visual Assist option VS2019 (as I apparently already had in 2017) everything worked well.

Android Studio Resetting Changes to Default Code Style

I'm here today because I'm having an issue with Android Studio. I don't know if it existed on previous versions (I don't remember this being an issue, so I doubt it was a problem on a previous version), but currently I am using the Android Studio V2.1 Stable release.
My issue is that if I launch Android Studio (I happen to be on Windows, 64-bit Android Studio) and at the Start Screen/Page, I click Configure>Settings>Editor>Code Styles, and change the default parameters on any of the languages (XML, Java, HTML, etc.), the Default profile is copied to a new profile (Default(1)) and the new settings get applied to each profile.
If I Apply these changes and exit Android Studio, and launch back up and follow the same method...the settings have completely gone back to what they were before I changed them, with the exception of the Default(1) copy profile. But from my experience, Android Studio doesn't build new projects based on this Default(1) copy profile, it builds them on the Default profile. Which means all of my adjustments to using indents and not spaces, keeping indents on empty lines, etc. all do not get carried through to the actual project files, leaving me to have to go back into the settings with the project loaded up and change all of these parameters again. That's just asinine. Please tell me I'm missing something here and that there's a simpler way of achieving the ability to keep a code style template that I can use on all of my projects!
Perhaps it would be better to report or consult on this using the Android Studio feedback site. If that's the better option, I'm willing to do that too.
Thanks everyone!
What I do in that case is
Go to Preferences
Code Style
Select scheme you want
Click Settings cog
Click copy to project
Some OKs and then it works.
After selecting the code style that i want, opened the gradle.properties file in root folder of the project and deleted the following line
deleting the above line, prevents the code style resetting to default.
Go to Preferences
Code Style
Set Scheme to Default [IDE]
Click restore defaults
The simplest way I found to reset the default settings is as follows:
In Android Studio, click on File.
Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S)
Under Editor in settings
Select Code Style
Next to Scheme: select the three dots to access the scheme options ()
Select Restore Defaults
A Confirmation Dialog Box will be displayed to confirm if you want to revert back to
the default settings.

Resharper 7.1 messing up Visual Studio 2012 preview feature

I've installed Resharper 7.1, and I'm getting some strange behaviour
When navigating through code using F12 (go to definition), VS 2012 was usually displaying the preview tab on the upper right hand side, to avoid lots of files being open and stacking up
However, I've noticed that now it behaves erratically
I've tried with resharper on and off, this is what happens
Resharper ON : when pressing F12 into a base class name (or any class definition), instead of previewing the file, VS just opens the file (same that happened in VS 2010).
Resharper OFF : when pressing F12 into a base class name (or any class definition), VS opens the preview tab, file doesn't stay open
So, I assume that Resharper is doing something with the shortcuts or some strange option that's messing the preview feature
More strange is that SOMETIMES it does work with resharper, but I couldn't find a distinctive pattern of when it's working and when it's not...
Any ideas?
It looks like this was a FEATURE! (can't believe it...)

Restore intellisense after ReSharper trial expires

I have a C# license for ReSharper, and a little while ago Jetbarins gave me a license key for a 30 day trial of ReSharper full. This has expired and I have gone back to ReSharper C#, and as a result have completely lost VB intellisense.
How do I restore normal VB.Net intellisense from within Visual Studio? Is there a way to do this without resetting all Visual Studio settings (I have changed a number of settings, don't want to have to go through and change them all again).
I had this same problem after my ReSharper trial expired.
The fix is to go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages.
Then under Statement completion, ensure 'Auto list members' and 'Parameter information' are checked (for me they were partially selected)
Just an update for VS2013, you can go into Tools>Options and find Resharper as it's own menu item there, then click suspend.
It seems to undo all the changes it made at this point and restore my original settings.
Also consider reenabling errors in about the same place: Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced
Under "Editor Help" section, recheck:
Underline errors in the editor
Show live semantic errors
Source: http://resharper-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206104078-Visual-Studio-IntelliSense-is-broken-after-uninstalling-suspending-ReSharper

Resharper 5 vs 6

Back when I had ReSharper 5 my files would have all kinds of syntax highlighting and a bar next to the scrollbar to the right. It was wonderful because it would highlight redundant imports and possible code smells, as well mark things in the bar next to the scroll bar.
With ReSharper 6 I don't have any of that. I have to actually have cursor on what I want to change and wait for the pencil or light bulb to show up. Is this how ReSharper 6 is by default or do I have to reinstall it?
First make sure ReSharper is acutally activated. If it is, there should be a ReSharper top level menu entry in Visual Studio at the top.
If it is, make sure "Enable Code Analysis" is turned on in the ReSharper settings.
If it is not, enable ReSharper in the Visual Studio settings (Tools->Options). There should be an extra entry "ReSharper" in the list on the left side. Click the "Resume" button.
If you don't have such an entry in your Visual Studio settings, ReSharper is either not or not correctly installed.
Maybe the settings were not taken from the version 5 folder to the version 6 one. Try the following:
Make sure you close Visual Studio.
Go to:
Note: this folder is from a Windows 7 machine, since you didn't provide information on which version of visual studio you are using I'm putting 'x'
"c:\Users*your user*\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\ReSharper\v5.x\vsxx.x"
In there you'll find a UserSettings.xml file open it for edit.
Look for the "SeverityTable" node. Select it and copy it.
Paste it on the same file that you'll find on the "c:\Users*your user*\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\Resharper\v6.0\vsxx.x" folder. I recommend making a backup of the file before doing that.
Reopen visual studio. Resharper should be indicating all the recommendations and smells as it did before you updated it.
Hope this helps.
