Joomla 1.7.2 Module configuration - joomla1.7

I am beginner with joomla. I have installed joomla1.7.2 successfully. After that I uploaded a module name MOD_MIXCLOUD_WIDGET. To enable the module I go the extention => plugin-manager and enable the module.
How can I see the module in home page please some one help me when I click the view-site link in top?


Shopware 6 Using fontawesome in custom theme

I need to use fontawesome in my custom theme.
Therefor I installed it by using yarn yarn add #fortawesome/fontawesome-free
When I'm trying to import it (#import "~#fortawesome" ) within the base.scss of my theme I get the following error:
In ThemeCompiler.php line 317:
Unable to compile the theme "CustomTheme". ~#fortawesome file not found for #import: custom/plugins/CustomTheme/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/base.scss on line 2, at column 1
Call Stack:
#0 import custom/plugins/CustomTheme/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/scss/base.scss (unknown file) on line 409
Can someone please tell me how to import fa correctly into my scss-file?
I installed fontawesome via npm inside my plugin under the following path plugin/src/Resources/app/storefront.
To import it in my base.scss I can't simply use ./#fortawesome/... like descirbed in the doc. I have to import the files like this ../../node_module/#fortawesome/... instead.
The other problem is that the system can't find/load the webfonts of fa. I know that a solution would be to copy the fonts manually into my public folder but is there a way to make shopware copy them and put them into the public folder throughout the compiling process?
It's working. Here is what I've done:
I installed fa via npm into the following folder src/Resources/app/storefront
I added the important paths to the theme.json (fontawesome, regular,solid, and brands to style and webfonts to assets)
Is this the way shopware wants fa to be implemented in a custom plugin?

Deployed website doesn't display in Internet explorer

I have deployed an app into IIS. It is node.js and angular app,deployed using iisnode. The deployed works as expected inside google chrome but not inside Internet explorer.
When I inspect using debug element I found the following issues. Do I need run angular PROd, specific to Internet explorer?
Here is the screenshot of the errors I get inside Internet explorer.
My current version of angular-cli is 7.3.9
By default, Angular is not supporting IE. In order to enable the support, you need to modify src\polyfills.ts file.
In this file look for /** IE9, IE10 and IE11 require all of the following polyfills. **/ and uncomment all the imports.
In addition to that, you need to enable import classlist.js
If classlist.js is not present then execute the command
npm install --save classlist.js
You need to modify the polyfill.ts to make Angular app supported in IE. Please open the polyfill.ts file and read the annotation, uncomment the import lines needed in IE. Then install some packages with npm:
npm install --save classlist.js
npm install --save web-animations-js
For further information, you could refer to this article.
If you have uncommented imports and it still doesn't work, you could try to add meta tag in the index.html: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />.

Opencart vqmod error Cannot redeclare modification()

I have opencart Version and installed vqmod-2.5.1-opencart.
I was installing a extension by extension installer by upload the zip file of extension.
I got the error:
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare modification() (previously declared in
in /home/username/public_html/ on line
And I couldn't finish my installer. Anyone had this problem and fixed it?
It is happening because your new module is trying to modify a file which is already modified by some other module.
In other words, this new module of your's is conflicting with some existing module n your store. Contact new module's developer to help you install this module. He will make changes accordingly.

ERROR: Can't set up Node.js core modules, when creating Node.js Express app on Webstorm

I am getting the following error when I try to create a Node.js Express app in Webstorm:
Can't set up Node.js v0.12.2 Core Modules Failed to create
See idea.log for details (on the main menu "Help | Show Log in ...")
Does anyone know why?
Thanks in advance!
The reason is that access to this file is denied.
Remove nodejs-v0.xx.x-src folder, its default location is:
In the settings dialog select Languages & Frameworks > Node.js and NPM
Click on Configure button
In the new dialog accept defaults which is Download from the Internet.
Click on Configure button
I was having the same problem whenever I tried to download the modules Although I didnt find the reason for this I found a solution. Try to download Node.js from their website and use the Get Modules from Directory Option in the cofig window.
Then point the path to c:/Programs and Files(x86)/Node/npm and you should be good to go ;)

Module wont create from cmd - Orchard

Using the Orchard tutorials from
I am attempting to build an orchard module from cmd prompt:
1)Navigate cmd to root folder,
2)cd Orchard.exe, cd bin,
4)codegen module BYUtv.CalendarWidget /IncludeInSolurion:true
Which should create the module in my project however cmd displays the error:
Anyone have any idea why?
opps...Problem was I hadn't 'code generation' enabled from the modules in the dash board.
