Messages not displayed on modal panel - jsf

I got a Problem displaying messages on a modal panel using Spring Webflow and Richfaces. The Messages a published to the Message Context in my action, without a component-id. This works fine on my main page, but if I open a rich:modalPanel and click a button there the Message is not displayed.
Can anybody give me a hint why this happens? Do modal panels not support <rich:messages global="true"/>
My button looks like:
My messages-tag like:
<rich:messages globalOnly="true"/>

Add attributes to your message tag such as showSummary and ShowDetail and set them as true.


Primefaces UI issue with Gallery Film strip

I am implementing a gallery using PrimeFaces with the component p:galleria, everything works as expected but the footer (Film Strip) is shown twice.
By the way, if I close and then reopen the modal dialog which contains the gallery the Film Strip displays correctly.
More Information:
The gallery is contained in a modal dialog
PrimeFaces version: 5.3
Browsers: Chrome and IE
Any help is appreciated
I have resolved this behavior with the next workaround...
I had to open the external dialog using onclick() event instead of oncomplete()
I already have onclick but the filmstrip still gets doubled.
A working workaround for me is to update the galleria when the dialog is shown, e.g.
<p:commandLink onclick="PF('popup').show();" update="galleria"/>
<p:dialog id="popup">
<p:galleria id="galleria"/>

Open dialog to register vehicle on the register of notes

Personally I have a registration page of notes, it got a selectOneMenu vehicle. But I want to offer the user the ability to click a button to open a dialog where he registers a vehicle if you do not already in the registry. And this is set back in the notes page to close the dialog. I know it sounds very simple. But would an example of how I can do this.I use JSF, Primefaces, JEE7 Thank you
Here's the most important, the buttons:
In main page, surrounded by form mainForm:
<p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-plus"
In bean.prepareCreate you create the new entity for binding into.
In dialog, which has its own form formInDialog inside it:
<p:commandButton actionListener="#{bean.create}"
update=":mainForm:listOfEntities, formInDialog, :growl"
oncomplete="if(args && !args.validationFailed {PF('dialogWidgetVar').hide()}" />
formInDialog and growl needs to be updated in case of errors.

Pop up Window in spring web flow

i am still new to spring.I need to make a popup window when the button is clicked in spring web flow.
Let say in html file
<h:commandLink value="Sick Leave" action="sickleave" id="sickleave" /></div>
When the action command link is clicked I have to populate the page with some value on-entry itself.
In my flow.xml
<transition on="sickleave" to="sickLeave"></transition>
<view-state id="sickLeave" view="sickLeave.xhtml" popup="true"></view-state>
i have added popup=true.But still i am not able to get a popup window.
I think you need a to use a sf:commandLink component instead of the h:commandLink setting the reRender tag as follows:
<sf:commandLink value="Sick Leave" action="sickleave" reRender="#{flowRenderFragments}" processIds="*" id="sickleave" />
I'm not sure if the "processIds" tag is needed, so try it with and without it.

How to show a personalized error/warning/info message in a popup window?

Hi I want to show a popup message about errors or warnings in my app, for example if a user try to enter a registry that is already in the data base. I'm working with JSF and my app doesn't add a registry that is already in the data base but I need to show a message that informs the user about that.
This answer is specifically for icefaces (since I read in comments that the #Mel is working with icefaces.
To open a popup in icefaces:
<ace:dialog widgetWar="mydialog">
<h:outputText value="This is a dialog" />
Then call this popup in your xhtml code like this:
E.g. I am using a command link that when clicked opens the popup.
<h:commandLink onlick="" action="#{myBean.doSomething()}" />
To show messages in dialog:
<h:form id="myform">
<ace:dialog id="mydialog" widgetWar="mydialog">
<h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100%">
<ace:messages id="allMsgsAdd" initEffect="highlight" for="myform:mydialog" />
<h:outputText value="This is a dialog" />
Then you can use this code to push messages to the ace:message you just created.
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(SEVERITY_INFO, "My Message", null));
Please note that SEVERITY_INFO is a FacesMessage defined constant. You will need to import it. Depending on whether you need to show warning or error to user, you can import these
import static javax.faces.application.FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR;
import static javax.faces.application.FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO;
Also note the first parameter of addMessage() method. You will notice that I am passing null as the first paramter. See here, and you will find that the first paramter is the client id, which basically means that which client do you want to send this message to. If clientId is null, this FacesMessage is assumed to not be associated with any specific component instance. So all of the message dialogs in your page will receive this error/warning. If you wish to ONLY show the message on the dialog, you need to pass your dialog client id here like this:
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("myform:mydialog", new FacesMessage(SEVERITY_INFO, "My Message", null));
You can try to use some existing open source JSF component library .Many of them already provide the pop-up UI . For example ,Richfaces provides it by . You can refer to this official link to see how to use :
Check my asnwer in another question, maybe it will be useful for you
How do I get a richfaces modal window to display without an onclick event?
This will show your exception messages (or another message added by you in middle of the code) in a <rich:modalPanel>.

Opening a Rich Modal Panel on Button Click

I m trying to open a rich modal panel with populated data on a button click
<h:commandButton id="btn_search" value="#{text['button.add']}"
<h:commandButton id="btn_search" value="#{text['button.add']}"
action="#{}" immediate="true">
<rich:componentControl for="dlg_results" attachTo="btn_search" operation="show" event="onclick"/>
This code opens the model panel on button click but when response is sent back from the server the whole page gets refreshed
can some one suggest a way to handle this ???
Use <a4j:commandButton> instead of h:commandButton.
Thanks, this was helpful information.
I used showWhenRendered tag in rich:modalpanel to solve my problem. I added a variable in my bean and set its value to true on click of button if records are found.
