VS2012 pubxml and TransformWebConfigEnabled - visual-studio-2012

Maybe someone can advise me.
I am trying to publish a project using VS2012. I have setup a publish profile to publish it to a file system drive.
I have several environments/build configurations required and thusly am using Web.Config transformations.
At the moment, I have a web.config + 5 transforms (one for each build config). When the solution is published, it successfully deploys to the file system specified. However it also transforms the Web.Config into web.config.
I have modified the .pubxml to include the <TransformWebConfigEnabled>False</TransformWebConfigEnabled> element, but the publish process just seems to ignore it and transform the web.config regardless.
Followed via this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd465342(v=vs.100).aspx
Can anyone advise?
I have tried putting <TransformWebConfigEnabled>False</TransformWebConfigEnabled> element into both the pubxml and the proj file and both ways it get's completely ignored and the web.config is transformed regardless.

You are sticking it in the wrong file. You want to modify
instead of PublishProfile.pubxml.


Azure Web App deploy.cmd disappearing

I've created my own deploy.cmd for customizing my app's behavior when pulling new code but, unfortunately, I can't see it in the site\deployments\tools folder where it usually belongs.
Typically, the file is auto-generated and placed in the tools folder automatically and I've been successfully modifying it. I've been advised to simply place it in the root of my repository and it will be handled automatically. After doing that, I'm unable to find the deploy.cmd file in the expected place.
Where is it?
It is normal for it not to be there when you use a custom deployment script. It only ends up there when your script is generated.
Generally speaking, you should never modify this file when you see it in the tools folder. It is stored there as a cache for the system. You either use a custom deployment script, or you end up using the generated one.
It sounds like you forgot to add a .deployment file alongside deploy.cmd. Without it, it will be ignored. It should contain:
command = deploy.cmd
See this post for details.

Include referenced assembly's configuration in cspkg

I have an executable that I want to be deployed together with my Azure web role. The executable has a configuration file that needs to be included as well.
I tried adding a reference to the executable's project in my web role project, which made the exe file appear in the bin folder of the cspkg, but not the configuration file.
How can I get the configuration file to be included as well?
It seems wrong to include it directly as a content file in the web role project because this file is a build artifact (app.config gets renamed to .config.exe during build).
In an early SDK they added the concept of Role Content folders, or folders you could point to in the service definition file and say anything in this folder, add it to the package and deploy it with the role. If you look at the schema for the Service Definition you'll see these listed on the both the web and worker roles schemas. You can manually add this and point to any location on the local system and anything in that directory will be picked up and included.
<WebRole name="SimpleWeb" vmsize="Small">
<Content destination="ConsoleApp">
<SourceDirectory path="c:\src\SimpleWebContent\ConsoleApp\BuildOutput" />
For example, you could point to the output directory of the build for your executable so that anything that is generated by your build for that executable would be included. You can set the destination directory in relation to the app root, but the tricky part is the source directory. Note in my example above the full path is provided. The documentation says that you can use a relative path, but I tried many combinations and the behavior seemed very quirky. The complete path does work.
The VS SDK tools didn't expose this until SDK 1.7 and it's still not very good. Phil Hoff did a blog post on it called "Add Files to your Windows Azure Package using Role Content Folders". Note that when you use this method of adding the files you won't see the content elements appear in your service definition. They get auto injected at package time. If you are doing this as part of a build process that may not happen since VS tooling is doing the injection, but to be fair I didn't try calling cspack directly to see if having the content elements included in the service definition file actually packaged those or not. Also, I found that just adding a new folder and just having files under that folder didn't seem to work. I had to actually add the files by name there, which seemed wrong. I did hack the .ccproj file to use a wildcard on the folder include, which did work, but also seemed like a hack to me.

What is the name of the web role .config file with SDK 2.2

I have a web role in which I have extended the RoleEntryPoint to do some work that is outside of the scope of the web site. As part of the RoleEntryPoint.Run() my code is required to read from the .config using ConfigurationManager.
While this is a little unusual, using SDK 1.8 I was able to make this work by ensuring that my package included a [The name of my project].dll.config file.
Now that I have upgraded to SDK 2.2 when I try to use .AppSettings or .GetSection() the values are always null, which leads me to believe it is unable to find my file.
I have tried deploying a Worker Role and the .config file still follows the same name pattern that I'm currently using.
I have also tried naming the file WaIISHost.exe.config.
I am aware that ideally this configuration should be included in the .csfg file, but my questions is does anyone know what I should be calling my config file?
With the help of this question, I now know that the name of the config file it is reading from is E:\base\x64\WaIISHost.exe.Config, but I don't know why this has changed or what I can to overide this.
After much investigation and trial an error I finally have a solution.
The name of the file is still required to be [The name of my project].dll.config, but you need to make sure that this file is in your approot\bin\ directory of your package.
I believe my initial problem was caused by the Copy to Output Directory property being changed to Do Not Copy, although I'm unsure how this happened. If you find yourself in a similar situation you can just add a file with the correct name to your project and set the Copy to Output Directory to be Copy Always.
Once I'd done that however I realised I had another problem. I needed the .config file to have had the config transformations run over it, which this didn't do. To fix this I updated the .ccproj file to have the following:
<!-- The first two of these targets are what is defined in the base SDK 2.2 targets file. When we upgrade we may need to look reassess this. -->
<Target Name="CopyWebConfigToBin">
<!-- We need to copy the transformed Web.config to the bin directory so that the RoleEntryPoint has access to the config settings.-->
<Message Text="Copy %(WebRoleReferences.OutputDir)Web.config tp %(WebRoleReferences.OutputDir)\bin\BackOffice.UI.dll.config" Importance="high" />
<Copy SourceFiles="%(WebRoleReferences.OutputDir)Web.config" DestinationFiles="%(WebRoleReferences.OutputDir)bin\[Name of project].dll.config" />
This adds an extra target which waits until all of the other files have been copied to the appropriate directory and then picks up the web.config and puts a copy in the bin directory with the correct name.
Are you able to put the config values into the Azure config file (the .cscfg) rather than using the .config file? You can read the values from the cscfg via the RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue static method.
This page explained why it's called WaIISHost.exe.Config and where you can put it in your project.
Like knightpfhor mentioned, you can also use [AssemblyName].dll.config to put these configuration too. It depends on the assembly name of your project, you can check property of your web role project.

Missing safe control entry

I've got a working hello-world like webpart for my SPS3.0
I can compile, pack and deploy it using VS2008, makecab.exe and stsadm. So I know the theory of deploying sharepoint webparts.
My problem:
After I inserted an additional .webpart file, an elements.xml and a feature.xml to deploy the .webpart file and get knowledge about adding features to my webpart, the deployed webpart is missing its safe control entry in the web.config.
But the dll can be found in the gac and my features are also deployed to the right folders.
I didn't change anything in my manifest.xml especially not in it's -tag, because it definitely worked before i added my additional feature files.
Can anybody help me? Should i provide you some code snippets?
Thanks Stefan
You can try WSPBuilder, it will automate and ease your deployment process.
As far as I can tell, you are trying to find out how to register your web part as a safe control without using any tools, etc. and also without admin rights. I think you will find this impossible since the safe control registration needs to happen in the web.config file and one way or another (WSP Builder, manually, script) this file needs to be modified. Only admins can do this as far as I know.
If you are deploying your solution package using stsadm -o deploysolution, be sure that you are either using the allcontenturls parameter or that the url parameter is pointing to the correct web application. Which parameter you use (and how) will determine which web.config file(s) will have the safe control settings from manifest.xml applied to them.

How do I add a project to CruiseControl.NET?

I am looking at the cruisecontrol web dashboard. I can see one farm and one server. However, I don't see any way to add a project?
Is this something I can do with the UI or do I need to edit the config file by hand?
You'll need to edit the ccnet.config file by hand (located within the CruiseControl directory) to add projects. There are some graphical tools to help you do this however you do get used to doing it by hand fairly quickly - just have the documentation near by!
Update: An example of one such tool is http://www.codeplex.com/ccnetconfig
You can use CCNETConfig to edit the config file through an UI although it doesn't support higher version > CruiseControl.NET 1.4.
You have to basically edit the configuration file by hand, however I have it setup so that the raw config file is split into different include files, each of which is setup in my source control system. Then I created a project for the configuration, and then for the whole config. So when something changes in the config, CC.NET itself pulls out the changes, recreates it's config files and the refreshes the system configuration.
This means that anyone can edit the config (if they can access the files in sourcecontrol), and no-one has to go into the program files directory of the CC.NET machine itself.
Not sure whether this answers the question you asked, but this is how our setup works
