Analytics for nodejs + extjs webkit application - node.js

I am developing nodejs webkit application. I am using extjs for UI. Application will be installed by anyone, we would like to track application usage using some analytics system, may be google analytics or any opensource tracker.I know google analytics does not support usage tracking for desktop apps. Since app is developed on nodejs webkit it will run on tablets and smart phone too.
Please guide on possible solutions.

We created pages on server and requested same from app. We used piwik to track pages.
It worked.


How to know web app framework by looking at the source code

I am more towards to infrastructure but want to learn web app.
I have been given access to Windows server + IIS, how do I know what web framework or even just what language of this web app? Thanks
install "Wappalyzer" browser extension
The extension automatically checks pages you visit and reveals the technologies the website is built with.

Set up Google Analytics to track a command line Node app

I'd like to use Google Analytics to track usage of a command line Node app. Tracking will be strictly opt-in. I'd like to track basic usage, plus which operating system and version of Node was used.
I've found the Measurement Protocol, but I'm wondering whats the best way to set up Google Analytics.
You can choose from Web or App - App seems the best fit, but then I'm sent to Firebase to set up an iOS, Android or Web app. None of these are correct. So is 'Web' the best way to track my app usage? Or is Google Analytics not the right approach?
Seems like the best approach is Google Measurement Protocol. There's a Node library for it.
Really Google Analytics is completely designed around web apps and more recently mobile apps, it has concepts like "page views" which don't make sense for CLIs, and Firebase Analytics is only for Android and iOS.
You might be able to shoehorn he CLI use case for some purposes. Alternatively, you could consider using a cloud database like Firebase real-time DB to capture your own events.
Google analytics really isnt designed for something like this. You have only two options web app where everything is page based. vs using a mobile app where everything is screen based. Home, about, help.
I have done this before with several console applications, a custom SSIS task (dll) and an arduino project. I chose mobile application mainly because i thought it was closer. I know of someone who did the same with an actions on google project.
In the end what you use will be up to you. Just consider what it is you want to track exactly and lay it out before you start.
If you choose mobile make sure you send Screen views and not page views. The Google analytics website is split you cant mix and match the hit type.
Workaround for createing moble account without firebase.
create a new web property on Google analytics type Web
create a new view under that web property type mobile.
We made Console Cat for this exact purpose! It's built from the ground up to track telemetry / analytics for CLIs including things like flags, command duration, version, etc.

Which will be the best way to adapt an web app running in Express to mobile?

I have make a simple web application in express (Node.js) with ejs as a template/view system.
Very simple. For some reasons I need to make that app working on mobile devices just to have some push notifications: chrome notifications works great but some devices (android) have this feature blocked by default also IOS blocks chrome notifications
So the only way is by converting this simple web app into some kind of mobile app. Ionic look's great but you need to adapt your view tags and code..also I don't know if you can combine it with express.
Which will be the best way to adapt an web app running in express to mobile?
I was currently solving the same problem for my new problem you can Convert your Web App to a Mobile App with Apache Cordova , specifically using the Ionic framework, you won't change much on Server side(node.js), however few change as to be made on angular js and very little on view to adapt on ionic design view which very similar to bootstrap tags

API for Mobile web app development

I am trying to build a mobile web app using worklight .I checked the IBM website but they have limited documentation on it.I wanted to know is there any inbuilt API provided by IBM in order to develop the mobile web app?
I am specifically looking for API to to control the refresh button and the back button in mobile web browser
Why limited? Where did you look? There is comprehensive user documentation and training modules in the following websites:
IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules
IBM Worklight user documentation: client-side JavaScript API reference
Regardless, there is no such thing as "controlling a browser's Back and Refresh buttons".
These buttons are provided by the mobile browser and are out of scope for whatever is running within.
It would be more beneficial for you to edit the question and explain your specific scenario - what it is that you are actually trying to accomplish.
In Worklight, you have WL.Client.reloadApp, for example, which can be used to refresh the web resources displayed. As for "back button"-like functionality, this can only be determined once you explain what you are trying to accomplish.
Additionally, keep in mind that while Worklight provides some API methods for controlling UI elements, it does so only to a certain degree and only for elements that are most common to all mobile environments (iOS, Android, ... for example, creating a tabbar); when you develop a web app for the Mobile Web environment, you cannot control via the app things like the Refresh button that the mobile browser supplies.
Lastly, you can and probably should opt to 3rd party frameworks such as jQuery Mobile and the like for the UI aspect in your Worklight application.

Video plugin in chat.

I'm developing a social networking application for browsers using PHP and I want to have a chat application feature that supports video chat features like in Gmail (Google provides a browser plugin for this). Where can I find such an application or is there something available for a starting point for me to develop one on my own?
You could try using a service like ToxBox. They provide an API;
