.txt to binary c++, issue with int - text

I have a text file that I am converting to binary. Its a 7 digit no. followed by a name and then repeat for however many names is listed.
1234567 First Last
7654321 First Last
Because its a 7 digit int, I am having trouble outputting it to the binary using this method with the int struct. It gives me an awfully large .DAT (binary) file whenever I write to it even with say just 3 names. Is there a better way of outputting it so my binary .dat files look about 200kb and doesn't end up in the 20mb+ range?
const int MAX = 50;
struct StudentRegistration{
int studentID;
char name[MAX];
fstream afile;
ifstream infile;
afile.open (fileName2, ios::out | ios::binary);
infile.open (fileName1);
while (infile >> s.studentID)
infile.getline(&s.name, MAX);
afile.seekp((s.studentID-1)*sizeof(StudentRegistration), ios::beg);
afile.write(reinterpret_cast <const char *>(&s), sizeof(s));

I removed the seekp line and it seems to do what I want to it for now.


Printing Lines from Intel HEX Record File

I'm trying to send the contents of an Intel Hex file over a Serial connection to a microcontroller, which will process each line sent and program them into memory as needed. The processing code expects the lines to be sent as they appear in the Hex file, including the newline characters at the end of each line.
This code is being run in Visual Studio 2013 on a Windows 10 PC; for reference, the microcontroller is an ARM Cortex-M0+ model.
However, the following code doesn't seem to be processing the Intel Hex record file the way that I expected.
int count = 0;
char hexchar;
unsigned char Buffer[69]; // 69 is max ascii hex read length for microcontroller
ifstream hexfile("pdu.hex");
while (hexfile.get(hexchar))
Buffer[count] = hexchar;
if (hexchar == '\n')
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
printf("%c", Buffer[i]);
serial_tx_function(Buffer); // microcontroller requires unsigned char
count = 0;
Currently, the serial transmission call is commented out, and the for loop is there to verify that the file is being read properly. I expect to see each line of the hex file printed out to the terminal. Instead, I get nothing at all. Any ideas?
EDIT: After further investigation, I determined that the program isn't even entering the while loop because the file fails to open. I don't know why that would be the case, since the file exists and can be opened in other programs like Notepad. However, I'm not terribly experienced with file I/O, so I might be overlooking something.
*.hex files contain non-ascii data a lot of the times that can have issues being printed out on command-line terminals.
I would just say you should try to open the file as a binary and print the characters as hexadecimal numbers.
So make sure you open the file in binary mode with ifstream hexfile("pdu.hex", ifstream::binary); and if you want to print hex characters the printf specifier is %x or %hhx for char.
The whole program would look something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
int main()
using namespace std;
int count = 0;
char hexchar;
constexpr int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 69;
unsigned char Buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; // 69 is max ascii hex read length for microcontroller
ifstream hexfile("pdu.hex",ios::binary);
while (hexfile.get(hexchar))
assert(count < MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
Buffer[count] = hexchar;
if (hexchar == '\n')
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
printf("%hhx ", Buffer[i]);
//serial_tx_function(Buffer); // microcontroller requires unsigned char
count = 0;

Returning string from a remote server using rpcgen

I am going through RPC tutorial and learn few techniques in rpcgen. I have the idea of adding, multiplying different data types using rpcgen.
But I have not found any clue that how could I declare a function in .x file which will return a string. Actually I am trying to build a procedure which will return a random string(rand string array is in server).
Can any one advise me how to proceed in this issue? It will be helpful if you advise me any tutorial regarding this returning string/pointer issue.
Thank you in advance.
Ok, answering to the original question (more than 2 years old), the first answer is correct but a little tricky.
In your .x file, you define your structure with the string inside, having defined previously the size of the string:
typedef string str_t<255>;
struct my_result {
str_t data;
Then you invoke rpcgen on your .x file to generate client and server stubs and .xdr file:
$rpcgen -N *file.x*
Now you can compile client and server in addition to any program where you pretend to use the remote functions. To do so, I followed the "repcgen Tutorial" in ORACLE's web page:
The tricky part is, although you defined a string of size m (array of m characters) what rpcgen and .xdr file create is a pointer to allocated memmory. Something like this:
.h file
typedef char *str_t;
struct my_result {
int res;
str_t data;
typedef struct my_result my_result;
.xdr file
bool_t xdr_str_t (XDR *xdrs, str_t *objp)
register int32_t *buf;
if (!xdr_string (xdrs, objp, 255))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
So just take into account when using this structure in your server side that it is not a string of size m, but a char pointer for which you'll have to reserve memory before using it or you'll be prompted the same error than me on execution:
Segmentation fault!
To use it on the server you can write:
static my_result response;
static char text[255];
memset(&response, '\0', sizeof(my_result));
memset(text, '\0', sizeof(text));
response.data = text;
And from there you are ready to use it wisely! :)
According to the XDR protocol specification you can define a string type where m is the length of the string in bytes:
The standard defines a string of n (numbered 0 to n -1) bytes to be the number n encoded as an unsigned integer (as described above), and followed by the n bytes of the string. Each byte must be regarded by the implementation as being 8-bit transparent data. This allows use of arbitrary character set encodings. Byte m of the string always precedes byte m +1 of the string, and byte 0 of the string always follows the string's length. If n is not a multiple of four, then the n bytes are followed by enough (0 to 3) residual zero bytes, r, to make the total byte count a multiple of four.
string object<m>;
You can then define a struct with the string type str_t as one of the variables:
typedef string str_t<255>;
struct my_result {
str_t data;
Then in your .x file you can define an RPC in your program which returns a struct of type my_result. Since rpcgen will give you a pointer to this struct (which I have called res) you can print the message with prinf("%s\n", res->data);.
program HELLO_PROG {
my_result abc() = 1;
} = 1;
} = 1000;

Parallel output using MPI IO to a single file

I have a very simple task to do, but somehow I am still stuck.
I have one BIG data file ("File_initial.dat"), which should be read by all nodes on the cluster (using MPI), each node will perform some manipulation on part of this BIG file (File_size / number_of_nodes) and finally each node will write its result to one shared BIG file ("File_final.dat"). The number of elements of files remain the same.
By googling I understood, that it is much better to write data file as a binary file (I have only decimal numbers in this file) and not as *.txt" file. Since no human will read this file, but only computers.
I tried to implement myself (but using formatted in/output and NOT binary file) this, but I get incorrect behavior.
My code so far follows:
#include <fstream>
#define NNN 30
int main(int argc, char **argv)
ifstream fin;
// setting MPI environment
int rank, nprocs;
MPI_File file;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
// reading the initial file
for (int i=0;i<NNN;i++)
fin >> res[i];
cout << res[i] << endl; // to see, what I have in the file
// starting position in the "res" array as a function of "rank" of process
int Pstart = (NNN / nprocs) * rank ;
// specifying Offset for writing to file
MPI_Offset offset = sizeof(double)*rank;
MPI_File file;
MPI_Status status;
// opening one shared file
MPI_INFO_NULL, &file);
// setting local for each node array
double * localArray;
localArray = new double [NNN/nprocs];
// Performing some basic manipulation (squaring each element of array)
for (int i=0;i<(NNN / nprocs);i++)
localArray[i] = res[Pstart+i]*res[Pstart+i];
// Writing the result of each local array to the shared final file:
MPI_File_seek(file, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET);
MPI_File_write(file, localArray, sizeof(double), MPI_DOUBLE, &status);
return 0;
I understand, that I do something wrong, while trying to write double as a text file.
How one should change the code in order to be able to save
as .txt file (format output)
as .dat file (binary file)
Your binary file output is almost right; but your calculations for your offset within the file and the amount of data to write is incorrect. You want your offset to be
MPI_Offset offset = sizeof(double)*Pstart;
MPI_Offset offset = sizeof(double)*rank;
otherwise you'll have each rank overwriting each others data as (say) rank 3 out of nprocs=5 starts writing at double number 3 in the file, not (30/5)*3 = 18.
Also, you want each rank to write NNN/nprocs doubles, not sizeof(double) doubles, meaning you want
MPI_File_write(file, localArray, NNN/nprocs, MPI_DOUBLE, &status);
How to write as a text file is a much bigger issue; you have to convert the data into string internally and then output those strings, making sure you know how many characters each line requires by careful formatting. That is described in this answer on this site.

Convert hex to int

I've seen lots of answers to this, but I cannot seem to get any to work. I think I'm getting confused between variable types. I have an input from NetworkStream that is put a hex code into a String^. I need to take part of this string, convert it to a number (presumably int) so I can add some arithemetic, then output the reult on the form. The code I have so far:
String^ msg; // gets filled later, e.g. with "A55A6B0550000000FFFBDE0030C8"
String^ test;
//I have selected the relevant part of the string, e.g. 5A
test = msg->Substring(2, 2);
//I have tried many different routes to extract the numverical value of the
//substring. Below are some of them:
std::stringstream ss;
hexInt = 0;
//Works if test is string, not String^ but then I can't output it later.
ss << sscanf(test.c_str(), "%x", &hexInt);
sprintf(&hexInt, "%d", test);
//And a few others that I've deleted after they don't work at all.
this->textBox1->AppendText("Display numerical value after a bit of math");
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Does this help?
String^ hex = L"5A";
int converted = System::Convert::ToInt32(hex, 16);
The documentation for the Convert static method used is on the MSDN.
You need to stop thinking about using the standard C++ library with managed types. The .Net BCL is really very good...
Hope this helps:
the method demonstrates converting hexadecimal values,
which are broken into low and high bytes.
int main(){
//character buffer
char buf[1];
buf[0]= 0x06; //buffer initialized to some hex value
buf[1]= 0xAE; //buffer initialized to some hex value
int number=0;
//number generated by binary shift of high byte and its OR with low byte
number = 0xFFFF&((buf[1]<<8)|buf[0]);
printf("%x",number); //this prints AE06
printf(ā€œ%dā€,number); //this prints the integer equivalent

vc++ 6.0 serial communicaton

In vc++ i am using MScomm for serial communication,
i received data in this format 02120812550006050.0,
i am not gettng how to read this ,in which format it is,
begning starting frame and at the end ending file, remaing i dont know.
it contains date time and data how i can seperate this one
The funny characters are markers indicating things like record start, record end, field separator and so on. Without knowing the actual protocol, it's a little hard to tell.
The data is a lot easier.
Between the 000f and 0002 markers you have a date/time field, 2nd of December 2008, 12:55:00.
Between 0002 and 0003 marker, it looks like a simple float which could be a dollar value or anytrhing really, it depends on what's at the other end of the link.
To separate it, I'm assuming you've read it into a variable character array of some sort. Just look for the markers and extract the fields in between them.
The date/time is fixed size and the value probably is as well (since it has a leading 0), so you could probably just use memcpy's to pull out the information you need from the buffer, null terminate them, convert the value to a float, and voila.
If it is fixed format, you can use something like:
static void extract (char *buff, char *date, char *time, float *val) {
// format is "\x01\x0fDDMMYYhhmmss\x02vvvvvvv\x03\x04"
char temp[8];
memcpy (date, buff + 2, 6); date[6] = '\0';
memcpy (time, buff + 8, 6); time[6] = '\0';
memcpy (temp, buff + 15, 7); temp[7] = '\0';
*val = atof (temp);
and call it with:
char buff[26]; // must be pre-filled before calling extract()
char dt[8];
char tm[8];
float val;
extract (buffer, dt, tm, &val);
If not fixed format, you just have to write code to detect the positions of the field separators and extract what's between them.
It is unlikely that you will figure it out unless you know what you are communicating with and how it communicates with you. (hint -- you can try telling us)
