WooCommerce - Variable Attributes - attributes

I am looking into make a product that has what I would describe as variable attributes.
For example, if I am selling a t-shirt - the large size would be in blue, but the medium size would be in red.
Any hints/breadcrumbs would be appreciated.

Why not just specify the color of the shirt in the product variations? In other words, your variations could just be listed on the product details page as:
Large Shirt (Blue)
Medium Shirt (Red)

Try going under the actual product itself (from the menu on the right click products) then click the product you wish to edit (the t shirt for instance)
Below that you should see a list of tabs under Product Data
Variations should be one of them. You can define them to your hearts content.
Hope that helps!


Color Marks for different rows in TABLEAU

I am trying to color the price difference based on cluster
And the product IDs based on who pays for Logistics. But somehow I do not know how to apply two colour marks for two different rows. Can anyone help me with it? Screenshot is attached. enter image description here
As you want to colour a dimension column as well as a measure, the placeholder technique could be your best option. Create a dummy field
Put this to Columns 4 times. Use these to create 2 dual axis columns. This enables putting any dimension / measure into the column and also to colour those by a different value.
It's a long topic, please refer to this URL for full guidance: https://tarsolutions.co.uk/blog/using-the-placeholder-for-advanced-tableau-tables/

Solr faceting considering the availability of product at attribute combination level for e-commerce merchandise like Garment

We are using Apache Solr for powering our search & faceting for the e-commerce website.
We have a faceting filter that works fine except for the product that has the multiple combination for the attributes (variant options) that turns out to be different SKU, for example, a T-Shirt that has multiple colors & size options.
Currently, we have a facet that filters by Color as well as by Size, however, it does not consider the availability of product on combination level due to the fact that it is not indexed.
We want to have facet filter considers availability status of attribute combination, i.e.
Suppose we have T-Shirt in two colors, Red & Blue. In three sizes, S, M, L.
Red, S 1
Red, M 2
Red, L 2
Blue, S 0
Blue, M 5
Blue, L 1
When the large size goes out of stock for the Blue color, we want to disable the facet for that combination. i.e. Blue, L which has one qty available, goes out of stock, we want to disable L as facet option for Size when Blue color is selected.
Here is how it is being indexed, for the product.
The Color & Size are the attribute value, which has the possible options indexed for that field separated by comma and then we are applying a split by transformation.
What could be the best way to index it that would allow us to support faceting on attribute combination level considering it's availability.

Shade areas under the stacked area in Excel

I want to be able to shade certain areas of the graph, where the graph is based on this data enter link description here
Specifically, I want to be able to point out some interesting periods for certain sectors (e.g. 2000-2000 in Information Tech, 2008-2011 in Financials, 2011-2014 in Energy) by shading the areas and write little notes like (IT bubble, Financials Crisis, etc.) for each of them. How do I achieve this in excel?
The output should look something like this:

Which excel chart to use for score distribution per label?

I have a small table of 300 rows, 2 columns - score and label. The label is 0 or 1, the score is between 0 and 100. I want to see the difference in the distributions. I want to know if label 0 is more likely to get a low score. Which chart would do the best job here?
Ideally, I would want to see the dots of each label in a different color and hopefully see blue dots on one side and red dots on the other (if the data is fantastic)
Edit: This is an example of what I was hoping to get (taken from google images after googling "ggplot 2 groups")
You can really use any chart to show that data if you truly only want to see the distribution of label scores.

How to handle non-existent SKUs in Expresso Store

I'm using Expresso Store for a clothing retailer. Several of the products have color and size options, and generally I think Store does a good job of handling these. However, when I add multiple modifiers (such as colors black and red, and sizes small through large), store automatically creates individual items for each combination, and requires a unique SKU to be entered for each one. The retailer, however, stocks several items that they carry in all sizes for one color but limited sizes in another, and therefore doesn't have a SKU for the sizes they don't carry in that particular color. For example, they might carry the following in their inventory:
Red size 2
Red size 4
Red size 6
Black size 4
Black size 6
In this case, if I add "Red" and "Back" as options for the color modifier, and "2", "4", and "6" for the size modifier, Store automatically creates all possible combinations, including Black size 2, which they don't carry and don't have a unique SKU for. In this case my workaround has simply been to enter in a random sequence of numbers/letters and set the stock level to zero.
Is there a better way to handle this? Could there be a way to indicate in Store to indicate the retailer doesn't carry a certain combination?
I'm not sure that this is a common problem, as I'm guessing that larger retailers would carry the product in all size/color combinations and thus have unique identifiers in their system for each. But wanted to relay this as it may help a good product become even better.
There's currently no way to "disable" a certain SKU, or leave it out from the stock matrix. The best solution is probably what you are doing - simply make up a SKU, and set the stock level to 0 which will prevent it from selling (and allow you to display a message to customers when they select this combination).
Even if it were possible to disable a SKU, it would make front end templating tricky, because you would need to dynamically change which options were available in your select drop-downs (for example, hide the "Size 2" option when they chose "Black" in the first drop-down). This wouldn't be ideal from a UX perspective, because the customer might wonder why size 2 isn't an option, and not realize that size 2 is available for the Red version (so it's probably actually better to just leave it there as an option, but display an out of stock message when they select it).
The other option to overcome this is to just use a single modifier. This makes it clear the "Black Size 2" isn't an option. For example, just create a single modifier called "Style" with the following options:
Red (Size 2)
Red (Size 4)
Red (Size 6)
Black (Size 4)
Black (Size 6)
This way your customers will only see a single drop-down on the front end, and it won't be as confusing for them.
